She's Your Responsibility, Now

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She's Your Responsibility, Now
Date of Scene: 14 August 2024
Synopsis: Jorn recruits Revara to his limmie ball team. Not everyone approves.
Cast of Characters: 159, 418, Ellari Zin

Athena (159) has posed:
The Mandalorian named Jorn would likely eventually find himself at the accommodations the Duke had arranged for him in Sundari, near the Bastille of Thyssel. He might be about to get ready go on the prowl again, for a third team member, or winding down for the evening, about to enjoy a honey mead from the cantina on the first floor of the inn. Either way, regardless of what he's doing, he'll be interrupted by the untimely approach of the red armored female he'd recruited at the Mythosaur's Gett'se.

She's limping towards the inn -- either drunk, bruised, or both.

"Jorn!" she calls out unmistakably, "That is what they call you, yes?"

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn has a mug of honey mead in hand, it's rapidly approaching his face. The face, while not completely revealed, Jorn does lift it enough to drink. Then there's a pause and the helm sinks into place. He'll tap on a few things near it. A hiss comes from the helmet and then his voice rumbles forward.

"Yes. Are you injured?" he figures that might be the reason she's limping. There could be other reasons. Regardless, that mead will have to wait.

Setting the mug down a nearby table, he waits for for the response. It is not lost on them that they're sort of like life day colors between his understuit and her armor.

Athena (159) has posed:
She doesn't reply to his inquiry about her injuries. Instead, she stumbles into a chair across from him, breathing heavily.

There's an uncomfortable pause. "... what have the others said about me," she finally says, "other than what I already heard at Mythosaur's Gett'se."

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn will look her up, and down, just to assess for injuries. "That you're the opposite of a prodigal child. The implications are either wild, reckless, something akin to uncontrollable rage, a wild animal or something utterly worthless," he responds honestly with the little bits he's heard. Some of it is presumptions, or logical jumps of conclusion given what he's heard. "It's a bit, but meaning the same thing."

Athena (159) has posed:
She doesn't respond right away. "What makes you say I'm the opposite," she asks.

"I haven't been back to Sundari for ..." she pauses again. "Five years." Her fists suddenly close into a fist, and her tone takes on an edge. "Did you choose me simply because you had a point to prove? About yourself, and your own success?"

Jorn (418) has posed:
"Because a lot of people have said the same about me. I am not a lot of what they say. They've horribly mislabeled, and misjudged me, but that is their fault," he looks back toward his counterpart.

"Anyone can be a monster, or an animal, but hearing the same language tossed at both of us...Call it kinship, call it faith, call it a gamble, but I'm willing to be you're being seriously mislabeled," he looks toward her. The visor of his mask going toward her own. "I think they're undestimating you, much like they're undestimating me. Why do you ask?"

Athena (159) has posed:
She only seems partly satisfied. Folding her arms, she leans back in her chair. "So you are out to prove a point," she says sourly.

"And why should I believe that you aren't any of those things?" she muses. "How do you know whether what people say about me is truth, or lies?"

She looks away when he asks her why she's asked. There's another pregnant pause, and then she sharply addresses him with, "I want to see your face."

Jorn (418) has posed:
"I am out to win. I'm just using their arrogance to my advantage," he says firmly there.

"Because I've spent time hunting, learning how to survive in wild territories. They treat me like a country bumpkin, when I spent years honing my crafts. There is always more to learn, but they see me as a bumbling fool under this armor," and he gestures to the armor on his person.

"Because I aided you during the gun fight. Rather than turn you in, turn on you, I stood by," he points out that little factoid.

"Because I recognize the same tone they use to address me used on you. I do not know of your range, but I do know when I hear arrogance. The same arrogance being used on me. It's a gamble I'm willing to take," he admits honestly.

"This is good enough," he gestures to the armor. "For all intensive purposes, this is my face. I am no one from your past. I am someone from your present and possibly your future. Depends on what happens after these competitions," she may find him interesting to stay around. She might be repulsed by him. Jorn doesn't know and banks that both are possible.

He'll press on a few buttons upon his wrist, "My chain code. Follow it. You can look up files on me. My face when I was much younger is there if you want further proof," he knows there'a few holostills of himself before the armor out there. Those stills, and the code, are good enough for Jorn. He expects the same of others.

Athena (159) has posed:
She stands up suddenly, pure aggression radiating off of her as she presses her fists into the table. "Then let's see that you're not a bumbling fool under that armor."

She leans closer to him. "You want me," she whispers fiercely, "You want me to play by your side, to fight for you, to be your ally..." she trails off. "Then know this. Be warned."

"I do not trust easily, and I'm certain you're aware why I have good reason to. You want my loyalty, I will see your face. Not when you were young, and a stranger on a planet no one cares for." And then, without further hesitation, she reaches to take his helmet off for him...

Jorn (418) has posed:
"Why do you need it? Do people not see each other face to face. They only see each other in extreme moments of passion, or moments that originated from those spots," he will jerk the head back. If necessary, he'll lean back and attempt to roll backwards out of range.

"I'm aware you have a chip your shoulder about the world and I know it's well earned," then he looks back at her for a moment. "You either let me take it off in private, or you don't see it at all," Jorn says knowing this might cause a fight. He doesn't want to do it openly, publically.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Why do you have to hide!?" she rages. "Are you scarred beyond recognition? A wanted man on the run? One of those conservative, pious cultists who think they'll be damned if they take their helmets off? If you want me to trust you, then I -deserve- to see your face! Only a coward hides permanently behind his mask!"

Jorn will be able to tell she's about bullrush him, but when he offers to take it off in private, her boiling anger subsides to a simmer.

"Then let us go to your quarters," she says.

Jorn (418) has posed:
"And if I was scarred? If I was a zealot? I've been in too remote of al ocation to have a bounty," Dad might have one. However, Dad is one of those zealots. However, a lack of resources prevented a proper teaching to Jorn. Dad did what he could, but there were compromises.

"Why is it important to see? If I was a zealot, I would only reveal to a life partner. If that," he looks toward her curiously as he raises the mask a little bit to take a drink. She would see the shadow of some dirty blonde stuble. Bringing the mug to his lips,he takes a good long drink. Afterwards he starts to head up to his quarters, letting the helm drop.

Athena (159) has posed:
"..." She doesn't say anything. She's trembling with anger and aggression, fists tightly clenched. The aura she gives off is like one of a buried mine - at any moment, anyone or anything might set her off.

She follows him to his quarters, watching him carefully as he lets his helm drop.

Once inside his quarters, she strolls in boldly, as if she owns the place. She looks around, then scoffs. "So this is where the Duke would have you stay?" She heads for the balcony, pressing herself against the railing and staring out at the picturesque scene before her, the sun setting on the outskirts of Sundari...

Jorn (418) has posed:
Feeling that anger, Jorn just notes it. He does nothing to either ignite it, nor anything to snuff the flames. His gaze just remains forward until they're in the room.

Noting how she moves about the place. "Are you saying I'm unworthy of it?" Jorn asks as he she looks to the sun setting. "It is a beautiful room," Jorn admits. It's been a bit since he's had time to take in the splendor of nature. Either nature tries to eat him, or is an obstacle. When it is neither, nature can be rather beautiful.

Athena (159) has posed:
Above, below, and around, are the balconies of the other guests staying in the inn. He may notice that some of the other members of the bridal party are lounging on their balconies, and he might recognize a few of them. Emmaen, wearing only a bathrobe and gazing out at the sunset, on the balcony above. Below, Ril'ere takes a holocall, speaking in an urgent, hushed tone.

Revara turns sharply and abruptly to face him. Her scarlet red and black helmet gleams in the fading daylight - the irony is that though she'd requested that Jorn take his off, she herself is still wearing hers."Why do you jump to conclusions," she hisses.

"It's too beautiful," she scoffs, "for the occasion. I thought my father was above spending piles of credits on such things."

A pause. "So then," she says, her fingers curling around the railing. "What now? Don't you need one more?"

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn takes in the sights of others. His gaze looking over everything for a moment. He looks away back toward the setting sun. "Call me nervous. Someone's asking me to remove my helmet without offering to remove their own in return," he admits.

"I think he wants his plan to work. You gain more allies, or targets, by offering sweets," he says just looking off toward the sun.

"We do. I'm not sure where I can find someone that would trust two Pariahs like us," that's going to be the hard sell for his group now. They're both pariahs for different reasons.

Athena (159) has posed:
She scoffs again. "My father is an idealist," she says. "We are Mandalorian. War is sacred to us, and weapons are our religion."

She then turns to him, reaching to grab him by the collar of his shirt. "Promise me this : you will not take me to a hospital. Nor will you call a medic." She grunts, her knees giving a little. "Swear it to me, now..."

At this proximity, she's close enough for a small trickle of blood leaking from under her helmet will fall onto Jorn's shirt...

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari is standing on an adjacent balcony, speaking with Jo'nas about selecting the next member of the meshergoya team. She notices Jorn and Revara while the larger bartender is speaking to her, her gaze appraising them for a moment. They seemed to be having a serious conversation about something...and she wonders at what kind of strategy they may be planning...

Jorn (418) has posed:
"I will not call for amedic nor send you to one. I may apply healing solution to your ijuries, but that's not anything near exposing you to others." In short he says, "You're going to need some attneiont for any injury and this keeps your secrets safe."

Athena (159) has posed:
"..." She then collapses into his arms, no longer able to stand upright. If he removes her helmet, he'll discover that she has a pretty awful looking head wound, which is likely the reason for the blood that had trickled out of her helmet.

Jo'nas sips whiskey from a wooden cup. "So, got anyone else in mind?" he asks Ellari, only looking over briefly upon noticing Jorn and Revara on a nearby balcony.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Not yet," Ellari replies, shaking her head. "Any ideas yourself?" she asks, noticing Revara apparently falling into Jorn's arms. Hm. Intimacy already? Perhaps it didn't come as a surprise.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn will go to his own effects. He has the equivilant to a field medic kit. It might allow him to dress any injury, if it's too serious the kit may be mostly worthless agaisnt any injuries. He'll try to do whateve rpossible to get it all to stop.

Athena (159) has posed:
"I've a few tentative candidates in my mind," Jo'nas says, stroking his beard. "Of course, you'll have to be the one to vet them."

Thankfully, her head wound isn't terrible, but it is going to need stitches. While he's tending to Revara, he may hear the sound of jetpack thrusters behind him. A blue armored Mandalorian is approaching his balcony - it's one of the Von'egel twins, but since he's wearing his helmet, it's impossible to know which one.

"Are you mad," he says dryly as he comes to land on the balcony, "conscripting the Duke's own daughter to play on your team?"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Excellent," Ellari replies, nodding. "That I will. So tell me about them." she requests of Jo'nas. "Who do you have in mind, exactly?"

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn looks toward the one in blue. "If anything offends me, it's currently the color blue. Do you have anything important to add to the conversation?" he asks while making sure his counterpart is well. He'll try to put the helmet back on her to protect any modesty. The last thing Jorn wants is to deal with that anger thanks to bad timing and the arrival of something bothersome.

Athena (159) has posed:
"There's a lass who works downtown in armor-smithing," he says. "Rumor has it she'd visited the Forges, once. Got a strong arm, and a honest spirit. The other verd is offworld right now. I'll have to send him a text transmission. Hopefully he'll respond."

"I saw her wound," He says, coming to kneel next to Revara. "She'll need to be seen by a medic." He starts to scoop her up.

"Listen, Jorn. I have no beskar blades to pick with you. But Reeve can't be controlled. Nor will giving her the opportunity to publicly display her aggression help her. Trust me, I -know-."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Hmm...sounds promising. What's her name? Perhaps we could search for her tomorrow." Ellari answers.

    Then she notices blue-clad baron suddenly appearing on the other balcony. "Von'egel," she scoffs, raising her voice a bit so as to be heard on the other platform. "Might I suggest that you keep to your own business for once?" If Revara wanted to humiliate herself again, so be it. Maybe she'd finally learn her lesson...

Jorn (418) has posed:
That's when Jorn will draw his gun, "I presumed, but I did make them a promise. She's in my care here. No more, no less. Not my doing, but I did give my word. And if I canont hold my word, I don't have much to give the galaxy."

Holding the gun, he will fire off a shot -if- they do not put Revara. "Put her down. She has her reasons," and that may be a mystery to him. However, that's part of something he hopes to hear about at a later day.

Waiting for the response, Jorn will wait to take a shot. His gaze just sharp on the would be target.

Athena (159) has posed:
Jo'nas is about to reply, but then Ellari starts to involve herself in other matters.

"Speak for yourself," the baron says pointedly, "I'll keep to mine, if you can keep to yours," he scoffs slightly.

The baron grumbles in frustration. "She doesn't know what's good for her," he says. "I don't want to fight you, Jorn," he says, "she won't refuse seeing her own father. He's a medic, and will be able to treat her properly. Besides, don't you think she owes him a visit? They haven't spoken in over five years."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Ha." Ellari scoffs once more. "You first." she answers, folding her arms.

Jorn (418) has posed:
  Jorn takes a shot at Baron's shoulder and it misses. Jorn looks at her, "And she can make her decisions upon waking up. She's an adult, and everything like that. I feel like I shouldn't be talking about free will, consent and all that," Jorn explains and he looks at her. "Now put my teammate down. I won't ask again," and he'll pull out the second blaster. "As Captain, I can't force a teammate do something they don't want to do. Problem with adults and free wills, but" he levels both blasters. "Such is life..." Whether he takes a hit, or not, Jorn will shoot again to make sure Revara's wishes met...even at his own expense.

Athena (159) has posed:
The baron dodges the first shot, but the second takes him to the gut and he drops Revara on the ground. Her wrist catches the balcony table, and a scarlet cut will blossom on her partially exposed skin. Jorn might not have noticed it before, but she'd been missing her beskar vambrace. The baron is now knocked backwards, but doesn't fall off the balcony, at least. "You -madman-!" he cries. "Look at what you've done!" He does not draw a weapon, though, and thoroughly ignores Ellari's comment.

The reason being, that there's a third Mandalorian approaching - it's the Duke himself.

"Jorn," he says sternly. "Caine... Ellari... What is the meaning of this?" He lands serenely on the balcony. "I was passing by and heard shots being fired. If you thirst for conflict ... please, save it for the games, later."

He turns to Jorn fully, this time. "Will you allow me to medically examine my daughter?"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari sighs and rolls her eyes, turning back to Jo'nas. "You were saying? The woman's name...?" she says, returning to the topic at hand.

Jorn (418) has posed:
"Because people don't listen to my words. And rudeness forces one's hand," he says firmly, not with a firmness in his voice without coming off like a steel edge. To him, this is facts.

"I gave her my--" and that's when Duke speaks. "I was merely keeping my word to someone. And when one does not listen to a rejection, escalation is sometimes warranted," Jorn holsters one of the blasters. "Now, will you leave my partner alone and respect their wishes?" and he will not lower that blaster until he sees the Duke's daughter get what they want. "I did give her my word," and that's a serious contract to him. Being a stranger in this strange land, all he has is his word. He aims to keep that.

Athena (159) has posed:
The baron takes out pistol. "I'll kill you," he snarls. "And then throw your corpse to the strills --" He does not shoot, however, or make any move to attack Jorn.

The Duke ignores both of them. Instead, he quickly moves over to Revara, despite Jorn's request. He removes her beskar chest plate, and takes out a portable medical scanner, running it up and down the length of her torso quickly. Then he puts her armor back on and stands up. "She's sustained some internal bleeding," he says calmly. "If she's not given medical attention, she will not recover in time for scrimmages, or the tournament itself."

"However," he says to Jorn. "You may do as you please," he says with a shrug, "though your choices are few. Forfeit her as a teammate, or convince her to seek medical attention. You know the easy move, but the what is the measure of a man, except that which he does under the most difficult circumstances?" He turns to leave.

"Ryze," Jo'nas tells Ellari. "I'll see if I can contact her tonight."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari nods. "Thanks. Sorry about the distraction...the Von'egel twins are a disgrace to their House and family."

    Moving on, now. "Are there any other prospects?"

Jorn (418) has posed:
"You bring up civility, I have not threatened you. On the other hand, you've threatened and insulted me," he keeps his gaze on The Baron for a moment. "And you call me the uncivilized one."

His gaze goes to Duke, "She has her reasons. She does not want help from your facilities. Have I heard what you said? Yes. If she says otherwise, then it can be otherwise. I can only go by what she said," and Jorn knows he's being loyal to a fault. That is not lost on him.

And his gaze slips to Ellari as he's finally able to drop the guard enough. Plus, it helps him fend off the tension.

Athena (159) has posed:
"You've endangered her," the baron says, "and for what? To breed her loyalty to you? Ha! She is loyal to no one, not even her own family or those who care for her." His jetpack thrusters ignite, and he leaps off the balcony, flying away into the sunset.

The Duke hesitates at the edge of the balcony's railing. "She will not receive help, period," he says, quietly. "Good luck, Jorn," he says, his tone becoming steely. "Remember - I will not take kindly to it if you become responsible for my daughter's death or permanent maiming. She is under your leadership now. Whatever happens to her, I shall hold you accountable for, as any honorable Mandalorian must."

Jo'nas shrugs. "Nothing to apologize for, and none for the moment. Hey, shouldn't you be doing some looking yourself?"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "I have." Ellari replies, but she shakes her head. "Unfortunately my search has not yielded anything useful as of yet. But let's speak to this Ryze when it suits her. -If- it suits her, anyway."

    She glances over at Jorn when he makes eye contact with her. "He's right, you know. She doesn't want medical attention, period. And she will insist upon it until her dying breath." A roll of the eyes, and she shakes her head. "You should not give a word you know is not wise to keep."

Jorn (418) has posed:
"Uncivilized folk do not know the value, and depth, of one's word," Jorn says firmly and that's the last thing he says before the thrusters kick in. He may not wish for the Baron's downfall. However, he would not mourn if there's a mishap between drinking and thruster flying.

And then Jorn realizes the metaphorical sword he's holding has a double edge. Now that edge nears his own throat. Gulp. "I will do my best."

"Actually. This is a gamble. And that's the thing about them. No one knows if it's a good gamble until the game is done." Oh, but it's going to be a long and tiring game. Jorn tries not to sigh. He definitely bit off more than expected. Hopefully he can chew it.

Athena (159) has posed:
"You gamble much," the Duke says. "Perhaps... too much."

Then his thrusters engage, and he's off, back towards the Bastille.

Jo'nas takes a sip of drink and raises it towards Jorn. "Wise words from a wise woman," he scoffs slightly. "You should listen to her," he warns. "You're playing with fire, Jorn. Making the twins your enemies and recruiting Revara...the Duke is right. You'll need all the luck you can get."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari moves over to the railing facing the balcony where Jorn is standing, leaning over and resting her arms on it. "Gambles can be good or bad, true...however one thing is certain--this one is dangerous."

    She chuckles at Jo'nas' remarks. "Wisdom or common sense?" she shrugs. "I detest the Von'egel twins, but intentionally drawing their ire isn't the most shrewd maneuver. But what's done is done, I suppose. You'll just have to figure out how to deal with the consequences."

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn is quiet when people talk about gambling much. that's something he cannot ignore.

"They already hated me after the first meeting. Now, i'ts just official," Jorn says honestly and shakes his head. "I know for the immediate future, it's a bad thing," he hopes this is just a bump along the journey, nothing more. His gaze goes back to the Duke's daughter. "I'll have to figure it out," he looks back to Ellari. He nods and moves to help his partner up. Jorn will have to get her taken care of.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Same thing!" Jo'nas says with a chuckle. "Most with common sense have at least /some/ wisdom."

"It's going to be a bad thing permanently, vod," Jon'as says. "The Duke might not show partiality much, but they /are/ his godsons."

"Heh! Taking her in, anyway, aren't you. Well, smart move but have fun explaining to her why you broke your word..."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari scoffs slightly, shaking her head as Jorn picks up his new teammate and heads off to try to figure out what to do with this precarious situation. She turns to Jo'nas. "Well, I suppose that means a little less competition for us."