An Impromptu Engagement

From Pax Republica
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An Impromptu Engagement
Date of Scene: 17 October 2024
Synopsis: Revara asks Jorn to marry her, then attacks Volken.
Cast of Characters: 159, Volken Mons, 418, Ellari Zin

Athena (159) has posed:
It's evening at the Bastille of Thyssel, and those who were part of the bridal party would have been invited to another dinner gathering of sorts. This time, its made knowing the event is informal and merely so that those who had been chosen as members of the bridal party could meet the bride's extended family. They'd apparently traveled from Concordia, and hadn't been in touch with Sanza much over the years, but she'd felt it was necessary to invite them out of obligation.

So tonight would likely find everyone in attendance in the courtyard, where a catered minibar and appetizer spread has been set up for the guests to enjoy before the dinner started.

Volken Mons has posed:
Volken is likely last to arrive, or at least one of the last. He's bothered to clean his armor and gear up at the very least which, for him, is saying quite abit. It still has all the hallmarks of its brutish design, accenting his physique just as much as it offers the added protection it offers but...there are some things likely to never change.

His helmet is off at the moment so his usually messy hair can be seen pulled back into a series of braids close to his scalp and a thick bit of a tail at the back of his monstrously thick neck. Beard is trimmer then usual as well so...yes it's best to just take what he gives. He doens't smell of alchohol either. Baby steps.

But if this can turly be taken in as him doing a complete total buy into the political manuevers and him staying perpetually on still up in the air. For now he just folds his arms and takes up a position near the back of the event to watch with a glowring expression, searching the crowd for familiar faces.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn is probably early, too early. By the time others show up he's just deep in thought. Fingers going over a gun, some old thing. He holds holds his head in a hand. Well, technically the gun is between head and hand. A finger idly goes over the firing mechanism. "Click!" Some time goes by, "Click!" Maybe this is a nervous habbit? Maybe he's just doing this to help himself think? Who knows.

Jorn's green gaze goes to others that come in. He may nod, or wave, but no real verbal. All the while that ocassional, "Click!"

A lot weighs on Jorn's mind.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari arrives after Jorn but probably before Volken. Like him though, she's armored up but not in her helmet, either. She nods toward Jorn as she passes him by...and Volken too, then heads for the minibar and appetizers.

Athena (159) has posed:
Most of the people here, Volken probably won't like. Caine, his maverick twin brother, Kasseady. Some pretentious looking bureaucrat types, who look like they haven't seen a battlefield in years. But before he can decide this party is a dud, he'll find himself approached by the groom, Thaelin. "Volken!" he says cheerfully, "Glad to see you. Perhaps you'd like a drink?"

The Duke will find Jorn immediately. "I hear you've been speaking ill of the tournament I decided to host," he says immediately, but without any malice.

Ellari will likely notice that Er'gi and Jon'as are here, working the minibar.

Volken Mons has posed:
Thaelin's timing is good because Volken was indeed ready to turn and leave - only pausing when he saw Jorn.

He turns slightly, beginning to step in that direction, uncaring of the presence of The Duke - only to pause as Thaelin steps into his path. The groom's cheer seems to distract the colossus and he halts his advances towards Jorn and cranes his attention down towards the other Mandalorian.

"Thaelin...." he rumbles gruffly...and then he glances around the area and finally nods his head.

"Alright...a drink then." he gesturs for him to lead on thoguh he does look back towards Jorn and then beyond him in search of a certain lady mandalorian by the name of Revara...

Jorn (418) has posed:
A nod goes to Ellari as she passes by. "Don't enjoy yourself too much," he says in greeting as she passes.

Jorn watches the brothers pass, looking like they stand out amongst the company yet not amongst the decor. It's an odd juxtaposition.

"I have," Jorn doesn't stray from this and admits it with a simple tone. No eagerness, bitterness or happiness in the voice. "That mentality would explain why your daughter is so explosive," he looks at Duke. "Click!" Another moment passes, "Click!" "And I'm not sure I can diffuse that bomb. I think it could, but it may take more time than can be spared."

His gaze slips to Thaelin watching everything moving about. The attention drifts back to Duke. "Why pit us against each other?"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari notices the Duke making that comment to Jorn, and shakes her head. She also...does her best to ignore Caine and Kass. But she continues on to the minibar and sits down, glancing over toward Er'gi and Jo'nas.

    "So," she remarks in their general direction, although her gaze lands on Er'gi. "You make up your mind yet?"

Athena (159) has posed:
"Excellent," Thaelin says, and escorts Volken to the minibar, where Jon'as and Er'gi are tending to the dinner party's patrons. "You ought to meet Sanza's extended family," Thaelin says. "She speaks well of them." Volken might also notice the boy looks especially minted today.

"I am subject to the desires of my relatives, and those who will attend the wedding," the duke replies evenly. "Meshgeroya is competitive, but not inherently violent. It is a very beloved sport here, and Thaelin loves it so. He insisted upon it." He pauses. "My daughter will make trouble whether there is competition or not. I have seen her vandalize an art exhibition beyond recognition over a piece that evoked too much feeling in her." Another pause. "However, if you wish to change the event type, feel free to suggest it to Thaelin and my extended family. He gestures broadly. "They're all here. If they find it agreeable, I am more than happy to host something instead of a limme ball tournament."

"One more thing. Revara is likely somewhere in the Bastille. I have heard, that she got into a fight on the outskirts of Sundari and the constabulary is after her. However, I know them and they won't look for her on my property while we are having a dinner party." He then turns to rejoin the others near the appetizer spread.

Er'gi grunts, shaking a tumbler full of ice. "Not yet," he says, "but I'll decide in the next couple of days. You'll know."

Volken Mons has posed:
"Er'gi!" says Volken, full of sincere cheer upon his arrival to the mini bar, both of his massive arms lift up to his sides and then rest firmly upon the bar. "Did you end up adopting a new friend after I left?"

His heavy limbs shake the bar as he rests them down upon it and then he looks towards Ellari and says, somewhat teasingly, "Well I guess I'll say hello to you too and continue to put on hold that thrashing I owe you."

Jon'as, he's never spoke to before so he gets a studious look and a full toothed grin before he turns back towards Thaelin. "Extended family?" he asks curiously, "Hmm...if you wish me to... Should I be on the look out for your sister to attempt to jump me or catch me in some sort of net in the meantime?"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari nods. "I see." She was about to ask about the pups too, but Volken beats her to it. "Indeed, did you select a most loyal companion, and if so how are the two of you getting along?"

    A slight scoff is given toward Volken about that thrashing. "You are more than welcome to -attempt- to give it to me...but not here." she remarks, gesturing generally at the party. If it was a fight he wanted, she was never one to shy away, as no Mandalorian ever should be.

Jorn (418) has posed:
"A lot of it seems because she was taught certain outbursts were acceptable. Some of her actions, are a daughter trying to get a father's attention," he looks to The Duke then back to the others. "And you give me an impossible task for two reasons. One, most of the people here hold the game in a high regard, maybe because of you. Two, no on ever wants to be a situation that forces them to work together. It's always thrown upon them and bonds start because they -have- to," Jorn points out a bit. His gaze goes back to the Duke. "Like I said, an impossible task." Jorn pauses, "No one asks for war, or that situation. They just simply roll with it because it beats the alternatives."

Athena (159) has posed:
Er'gi seems happy to see Volken. "I did!" he says in reply to Ellari and the massive other Mandalorian. "We're getting along just fine. She's a strong one. She'll make a fine hunting companion and friend for life," he says cheerfully.

Thaelin winces slightly when Volken mentions Revara. "I don't think so," he says, his gaze wandering for a moment. "And I'd really like if you did. This is my first time to meet them."

The duke frowns. "I never taught her these outbursts were acceptable. She has her mother's personality. And there were many times I asked for her to return to me, and have always told her she is welcome here, no matter the circumstances."

"I cannot please everyone," the duke says, "and I accepted that long ago. If you do not wish to convince them, well, I do not blame you." But after he answers Jorn, he leaves him to be alone with his thoughts once more. However, a droid will then approach Jorn. "The duke must attend to his guests, but he tasked me with showing you to Revara's old bedroom and around the Bastille. He said you wished to see some relics of her past?"

Volken Mons has posed:
"I said we'd save it for another time!" says Volken towards Ellari, waving a massive hand dismissively, "Do you think me barbaric enough to ruin these festivities for good Thaelin?"

He gives her a full toothed grin that seems to say 'Don't answer that'.

He takes a drink and then nods towards Er'gi, "Good!" He then turns away to look towards Thaelin in consideration of his words and then...he gulps down the drink as if in preperation for this.

"Alright.." he grunts, setting the empty glass down and nodding to Thaelin to lead the way. He'd wanted to have a word with Jorn but seems..will have to wait.

Jorn (418) has posed:
"Ain't that the truth," the irony is not lost him. Being the minority in the current scenario yet understanding there would be a different minority in his own counterpoint. "And not the outbursts. However, the mentality about how Mandalorians needing conflict, plus any lessons that mirror the contest. The one that wins the game gets the biggest bounty. Some of her actions are to tip the scales to make her noticed." Then he nods to the Duke as the man passes.

The droid comes up to him. "Yes. Show to her room and what can you tell me about Revara, the Duke and any siblings of Revara. What were they all like?" he asks knowing the droid may not be completely netrul due to its owner.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "That's why I said 'not here'." Ellari repeats to Volken.

    Then she turns back to Er'gi. "I'm glad to hear it." she says, regarding the strill pup.

    "You wish for all of us to meet them, or just Volken?" she asks Thaelin.

Athena (159) has posed:
Thaelin swirls his drink indecisively for a moment then gets up. "Glad to have you along, Volken. I suppose you can come too, Ellari, if you wish. Perhaps some of them will be inclined to join your meshgeroya team." He smiles wanly and starts heading towards the appetizer table, where a tall blonde woman who looks to be in her forties stands among several others. Volken may recognize her, she had been at the other event with the scrimmage.

"Ah. yes," the droid says. "I never met any of Revara's siblings, but the Duke formally separated from Revara's mother a couple years ago. Her siblings did not take kindly to that," the droid reports, "but the duke reports that her mother had been quite abusive to her when she was younger."

"This way, please," the droid says, motioning for Jorn to follow it into the lift.

Volken Mons has posed:
"Yes, yes, yes.." says Volken to Ellari as she explains herself further. The joke's passed as far as he's concerned. He was never serious about the threat. AT least in that moment. He tnds to change his mind often.

ONce Thaelin makes his mind up, Volken nods his head and falls in line behind him as a looming eight foot plus tower of mass. It's a deliberate shadowing so to speak. Almost sentinel like in its own way as he looks towards the party they approach.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari arches a brow at Thaelin. "You sound reluctant. Well in that case then, perhaps I won't. After all it is your special day."

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn nods a bit just taking in the details. "What else can you tell me about Revara," he's just following the droid around. Any info is good and he wants to try and find a chink in the armor. Figure out a way to get Revara, not necessarily tame just less chaotic. Basically, modify the dangerous weapons omehow. That's how he simple sees it. Somehow focusing that energy into something precise.

Athena (159) has posed:
Once they arrive at the appetizer table, the blonde woman and the two men she's standing near look up (literally) at Volken. "Ah," the woman says, "Volken Mons. I recognize you. You were at the scrimmage, yes? I'm glad you're feeling better. My name is Delyhla," she says, smiling kindly and extending a hand towards Volken. She then glances over at the other two men. "These two are Tyrin and Gelbis." The two men frown slightly at Volken, but nod. "Well met, Mons."

Er'gi turns to Ellari. "You aren't still trying to recruit me, are you?" Before she can answer, one of the Von'egel twins, Caine comes over to the bar and orders a drink, diverting Er'gi's attention.

The droid takes him down to a lower level, to a small modest bedroom that looks like no one has stayed in for... years. There's a wardrobe there, a storage chest, and several thick blankets on the bed. "What would you like to know about her, specifically?" the droid asks.

Volken Mons has posed:
"Feeling better?" asks Volken as he accepts the hand and looks curiously at her.

He then purses his lips in thought and finally gies her a smile.

"Ahh..the mine! Yes.. Just a minor bit of disorientation, stepping on a surprise mine. Nothing to be concerned about..." as if stepping on a live mine was about as troublesome as stubbing a toe. Or perhaps even less so.

His grin remains as he turns his attention towards the men, noting their frowns but actually holding his temper in check. Indeed, he seems pleased at their discomfort and he simply arcs both of his eyebrows up in a questioning manner before relaxing them and then narrowing his eyes abit, smile remaining.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "I would happily have you, of course. But it seems you need some space to make your decision." Ellari replies, whether Er'gi is listening or not. She makes a face when Caine arrives, and decides to follow Volken and Thaelin.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn thinks on it as he goes to the small bedroom. "What was the first time she truly got in trouble with her father. When there was an outburst or escalation. Let's start there," Jorn knows this droid may be a somewhat unreliable narrator. However, it's a start.

He'll look about the room. Slow, careful gazes as he tries to just learn about young Revara. Figure out how she thinks, anything that she could still be holding onto. That's another start. He just wants to know why Rev lashes out like she does. Also, how to quell it, or focus that rage elsewhere.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Well, yes, last I saw you'd stepped on a mine." She pauses. "Nothing to be concerned about...?" she asks.

They all seem to want to know why Volken is so... large. But none of them dare ask. They greet and shake hands with Thaelin instead, and congratulate him on his engagement to Sanze. Then, Gelbis finally says, "So. What house are you from?"

When Ellari gets up and leaves, Caine does not follow, but he does watch her, eyes narrowed.

The droid pauses. "When she tried to kill one of her sisters?" the droid says after a moment. "He actually didn't reprimand her. He asked her why she did it," the droid says, "And the rest of the details I do not know." But before Jorn can ask anymore questions, there's a crashing sound from what sounds like the room down the hall.

Volken Mons has posed:
"Yes." says Volken towards the woman. "I'm usually not concerned about the effects of a gentle breeze..."

Volken drifts his gaze towards the others, noting their hesitation and just listening to them as they converse with Thaelin..and then finally turn his attention towards him.

"As a foundling, I was taken in by House Mons." he explains simply and directly. "We are few in number..but strong..."

He holds them in his gaze for a few lengthy seconds after he speaks before glancing away to look back to Thaelin more directly and then to Ellari as she nears.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari approaches Volken and Thaelin as Gelbis asks which House Volken is from. Huh, one of the minor Houses, it would seem.

    "You must be Sanza's extended family?" she asks, turning her gaze toward them.

Jorn (418) has posed:
More questions hit his skull, but a crashing noise cathces his attention. "Damn it," Jorn curses and pulls out a blaster then starts to move toward the room down the hall. He tries to sneak toward the area. Trying not to alert the attention of anything dangerous. At least the night hasn't been slow.

Athena (159) has posed:
"...ah, right," she says, and the elephant in the room regarding Volken's size remains.

"I've never heard of it," Tyrin interjects. But then Gelbis moves on with, "A ... foundling, you say. Do you know anything about your biological parents?"

"Yes," Gelbis says in response to Ellari, turning to Tyrin, "We're Sanza's cousins on her mother's side. And you are...?"

When Jorn heads towards the room down the hall, the droid pauses, but then follows. If he peers into the room at the far end of the hall, he'll see that it's a cellar. There's another crash, and Revara stumbles out from behind a shelf, an uncorked bottle of wine in her hand.

Volken Mons has posed:
Contrary to the way he behaves, Volken is no fool. Quite the contrary. He just prefers the illusion of his brutishness and cavorting but he knows where this line of questioning is leading.

Yet he continues to play along. "Never heard of it? I'm not surprised. There's much that people here have never heard of or seen...".

His tone is flat but lacks any menace as he looks down at Tyrin.

He is silent for a few seconds and then finally answers Gelbis, No I don't. I was rescued from a ship along with other children bound for slavery and other acts deemed illegal in most civilized places. My father took me into his care and that was that."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Ellari Zin." she answers when Gelbis asks. "The Duke...invited me to the bridal party although I am not a relative or close friend of Sanza."

    She listens to Volken's story, interested herself in why he's so large.

Jorn (418) has posed:
"And why are you here inebriated?"" Jorn says knowing it may make him sound like The Duke. Some authority figure. Just for someone that acts like they hate their family, they're around said family an awfully large part. That makes him wonder about his teammate's mindset.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Of course," Gelbis says. "The Duke made a point not to include too many who were directly related to the bride or groom. He's no fan of nepotism," he says. "Heh! You're House Vizsla, aren't you?"

Jorn's presence seems to shock her, for whatever reason. "J-Jorn?!" she slurs. "Wh...what are you doing here...!"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Yes, he told me as much." Ellari replies, nodding when he asks about her House. "That would be correct. And I am looking for one more individual to join myself and Jo'nas in the meshergoya tournament...if you were interested."

Jorn (418) has posed:
"I'm where I need to be," Jorn doesn't believe in coincidences that feel too coincidental. "Again, why are you inebriated?" He just looks to see the damage Revara has done. "And why are we here?" he asks, using a Royal "we" to address her.

He will patiently wait. More questions are held back, but he needs to judge how Rev will act while tipsy, at minimum. It may help hone questions.

Athena (159) has posed:
Gelbis seems amused by her forwardness. He chuckles. "How forward of you to ask already, you hardly know me! Very well then. You shall have me. I always did like a good meshergoya match..."

She doesn't answer the question, but upon looking into the uncorked wine bottle, finds it empty. With a groan, she sinks to the ground. "You ... you came looking for me," she mumbles. "Why did you do that..."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "I figured I have been putting it off for long enough." Ellari remarks. "Time always passes faster than we imagined it would."

Jorn (418) has posed:
"Because someone has to watch out for you and you're on my team, even if I disagree with your methods," Jorn's honest there. It's part of the bed he made, right now, he's just lying in it.

"So, I'll ask again, why are you drunk?" Jorn decides to try a new lexicon.

Athena (159) has posed:
Gelbis smirks. "And how do you know I'll be a good addition to your team? You haven't seen me play, nor are you well acquainted with Sanza. Why, Sanza is hardly acquainted with me, even!"

"I... I don't believe you!" she cries, sounding emotionally distraught. "You came looking for me ... because... because you want to interrogate me!"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "I haven't seen many play at all, and those I have are mostly already accounted for, or I am not interested in them for one reason or another." Ellari tells him. She arches a brow at him. "Why, are you not confident that you are a good player?"

Volken Mons has posed:
The conversation seems to be moving away from the question of Volkens' house and his past which...he seems fine with. However as it turns towards recruitment for the games he gives a slightly bullish grunt and turns to look towards Thaelin.

"Are you good, vod?"

In other words, if he's fine...Volken is about ot be on his way back to the bar unless questioned further.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn sighs deeply for a moment, "I asked one question. I'll have two ready to go, but if I was interrogating you," he offers a hand. "I wouldn't offer a hand. Nor would I be somewhat worried about you, and for you," Jorn admits. The helmet's attention on Revara, "You may not think anyone in the galaxy has your side, but I do. I'll defend you for as long as can, but your methods may make a day where I can't. That's what I'm trying to stop, even if you don't agree," he looks back toward where he came. "I don't know these people. I don't have their warbonds. And I question their methods, some more than others."

"Also, you need to somehow straighten things out with Volken. He's one of the good ones out there. I'd prefer him as an alley than a enemy. That strength alone makes him intimidating," he admits.

Then the gaze goes back toward the way he came. "I was willing to take a punch, or beating, from that walking upright speeder. I wouldn't do that if I was going to interrogate you, or treat you like that," he just wants to point out the obvious to a lot of things Revara may have missed in her rage.

Athena (159) has posed:
"I'm fine," he says. "I think it's time for us to exit this conversation," he continues, probably voicing exactly what Volken is thinking. "Are you hungry?" He seems disappointed, but not because of Volken.

Tyrin, by now, has wandered off to socialize elsewhere, and Gelbis seems thoroughly engaged with Ellari. Perhaps -too- engaged. "And those reasons would be..?" he asks her, avoiding the other question.

Revara doesn't say anything for a moment. Her gaze becomes distant. "...offer me a hand..." she mumbles, her eyes glazing over. Suddenly, out of nowhere, she blurts drunkenly. "Will you marry me? By the gods...! I'm so lonely...!"

Volken Mons has posed:
"lead on." says Volken,picking up on Thaelin's displeasure at the track of the conversation as well.

He flickers his gaze in the direction of Ellari once more and then does a final futile search for Jorn and Revera before looking back to Thaelin and nodding. "Yes. That are or just more drinking is fine."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Well, who else is there? Er'gi seemed much more interested in Volken's team. And the twins are cowardly children." Ellari answers. "I figured that if you weren't good enough at the game, you would be the best judge of that and would have declined. I wouldn't exactly call myself a limmie ball expert."

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn pauses not expecting that. His brain slows a little bit. Then he figures this is all some drunken state that won't be remembered. Or a regret that will be undone once clarity hits. "Yes. Now, let's get you up, but yes, I will," because he doesn't know what else to say. Plus, he's amused at what the Duke would do with such information. Still, the hand stays out as he tries to help her up.

Athena (159) has posed:
"I don't get why Sanza has to invite them," he says. "They hardly care about being here," Thaelin grumbles, making his way over to the appetizer table. "They're just here to mooch off of our food and wine." He frowns.

"Mandalore is a big planet, my dear. The twins? Oh! Well I heard they were already conscripted by the groom. Not that you'd want them on your team anyway..."

She clings to his arms, allowing him to hoist her up. At this proximity, Jorn will be able to tell just how much she's drank, and it's... too much. "Take.. take off your helmet, at least! So I ... I can kiss you!" she rambles drunkenly.

Volken Mons has posed:
"They're here for the same reason that so many others are... Appearences." remarks Volken with a dismissive gesture. "They can make a showing, get something out of it, and attempt to gain some clout in the process. Manuevering and feuding. Quarreling and allegiance and alliance making. It's the bread and butter of these type of events. If they didn't come it'd have put them into a bad position and a bad light.... So small wonder they show to make the minimal effort..."

From a distance, Volken watches Ellari as she continues conversing and then shrugs to Thaelin finally.

"Don't worry about it.." he offers. "..Soon..this will all be just a memory, eh?"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Oh, is that so?" Ellari asks when Gelbin mentions that they were on Thaelin's team. "Well good then, perhaps that means we will get a chance to put them in their proper place. I would very much look forward to that." she tells him, her cheeks flushing slightly when he refers to her as 'my dear'.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Pause. Jorn blinks for a second under the helmet. Then he thinks that this will just be something she -really- regrets tomorrow. Or maybe that's what he hopes? The line is really starting to blur now. Still, he'll take a chance and humor her. Jorn pulls up the helmet to show himself to her, the second time Revara has seen his face. He wonders if the sight will somehow jolt reality into her. Or maybe that's hope. Again, the line blurs.

"We need to get you something to help sober you up. But I'm glad you're no longer lonely," and he just waits for a moment. He figures that much alcohol, blackout drunk or a really regretful morning.

Athena (159) has posed:
"You're right, unfortunately, but if she'd never invited them in the first place, they'd never have felt obligated to come," he says. "But at the same time, they might have wondered if she hadn't. How I do despise politicking," he says. "Indeed." He finds the largest piece of roast on the appetizer table and hands it to Volken. "Nothing a good cut of flank can't solve, though, I suppose."

Gelbis laughs again. "I've only heard gossip, you know. But if they're as bad as you say they are, I'm sure it will be good fun." He grins and winks. "Another round? I'll buy this time."

It doesn't. She makes good on her word, perhaps the first time she ever has in the time Jorn has known her. It's not pleasant - she reeks of liquor and has to pull away after a few seconds to vomit on the floor. "I know what will," she says. "I'm.. I'm going to find Volken. He's here, isn't.. isn't he? I'm .. I'm going to make sure he never sets foot on Mandalore again...!" And she starts for the lift.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn expects the kiss, so he pauses here and there. And he's really not shocked about that vomit. Oh, she tastes a lot like liquor. Then there's a pause, "No." Now, he will try to stop her. "Ally. We want him as an ally, remember? That sounds like the utter opposite," and this is a situation he hopes to avoid. Also, he will try to slip the helmet back on. "Volken is someone I'm starting to respect." A few ticks go by, "Kiss me again. Like you mean it," he figures this could be a good distraction. However, in his haste he does temporarily forget about what just happened. So, he will try to add, "After one more sip," he just hopes that somehow helps.

Volken Mons has posed:
Volken just looks at Thaelin...listening and pondering, taking his words in. He then finally offers a slight smile. Probably one of hte few times that a sincere smile has appeared without the hint of either distant menace or annoyance at something happening hidden behind it.

"Yeah.." he answers. "..So do I....."

He accepts the hunk of meat and then nods his head in appreciation to Thaelin and then turns as he takes a massive hunk of it and shreds it from the bone to begin noisly chewing.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Oh, you are too generous." Ellari replies, chuckling as she nods and starts back over toward the bar for that drink. "But who am I to decline an offer like that?"

Athena (159) has posed:
"You haven't gotten to meet Sanza yet, have you?" he asks Volken, chuckling as the massive Mandalorian starts to chow down. "She's been so busy with all the planning, I've hardly gotten to see her," he says. "You should speak with her -- she was a foundling too, you know."

"Ah-h-h! You're clever, aren't you? Of course. I wouldn't, if I were you." He waves at Er'gi, who has been watching their interactions, brows furrowed. "Two shots of whiskey, please!" he says.

She barely seems to hear what Jorn is saying. However, when he requests that she kiss him again, she doesn't hesitate. However, he has his helmet halfway on, so her forehead and nose end up knocking into the beskar. "...!" she stumbles backwards, falling into a sitting position on the floor.

Volken Mons has posed:
That....catches Volken's interst and he looks rather surprised to hear that.

"She....she was?" he asks, curiously and then he nods his head, "I suppose meeting her would be a good idea, considering everything going on..."

He has finished that meat off rather rapidly and so lets the large bone clatter to the an empty plate now. His mind seems distracted now and he rumbles, "That is...unexpected. Unexpected that she's a foundling.. I have to admit I wouldn't have guessed that."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari sits down at the bar as the two shots are ordered. Well it seemed Gelbin wasn't the light sort. She notices Er'gi briefly, wondering what he's been soured about but doesn't pay him much mind. "So, Gelbin...tell me more about yourself. What house are you from? And how much experience do you have with the game?"

Athena (159) has posed:
"Yes," Thaelin says. "Her and her sister are both foundlings. We have no idea what happened to her parents. She too, had gotten enslaved by some Zygerrians when her father rescued and adopted the two of them. She doesn't remember what happened prior to coming into the hands of the slavers -- too traumatic, I suppose." He leads Volken towards the far end of the room, where a beautiful young Kiffar girl with platinum dreads can be seen conversing with the Von'egel twins mother, Delyhla.

Thaelin seems to notice that Volken appears distracted. "Why is that unexpected?" he asks. "Is everything alright?"

"I suppose I could call myself a liberal House Kast member," he says, "though everyone else in my family is House Kryze. I used to play all the time as a child. Nowadays, I only play when I have time, which is not terribly often."

Volken Mons has posed:
"I have had dealings with ones that would see foundlings as second class citizens if they could." says Volken, rather simply, "I suppose with all of ther wealth and pomp and circumstance...I hadn't considered that your father would be supportive of a marriage to someone who is not originally from Mandalore. I was wrong. Don't pay me any attention. I'm things."

He falls silent and just continues on with Thaelin. Onward to meet the bride.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "I see. Well, it's not easy to forget what you've grown up with. I'm sure you will be a valuable asset on the field. But most importantly, I'm sure you will enjoy yourself." Ellari tells him. "If we're lucky, we might even get something out of this."

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn winces and he feels bad for that. He thought she would toss off the helm, but that's something Jorn miscalculated. "My fault," he admits and goes to kneel to Revara. "You okay?" and he would have removed the helmet by now just in case. There's genuine concern for her well being at the moment.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Mandalorian is not determined by blood, vod," he says. "It's a way of life, an identity anyone can take on or off. I myself am adopted." As soon as they approach, Sanza turns, smiling. She's clearly happy to see Thaelin, but she doesn't ignore Volken. "Mons," she says politely. "I'm glad you came. The Duke says you dislike social gatherings for bureaucrats."

"Such flattery," Gelbis says. "I'm unused to it~ And what pray tell, do you think we could get out of this?"

The slight blow to her head seems to have dazed her, slightly. "Yes," she says after a moment. But then she immediately starts crying.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "The Duke has promised land and fiefs to the winners, at least." Ellari informs him. "And I plan to share that wealth with my team in some way, should we be victorious."

Volken Mons has posed:
"What is said is nto often what is followed. I've had both the importance of my house and my fact that I'm a foundling questoined many times." says Volken, quietly to Thaelin. "...Mere moments ago for that matter, remember?"

But now they're in earshot of the bride to be and that, plus the note that Thaelin himself is adopted, turns his attention more to the matter at hand. As she speaks, he offers her a smile and then bows slightly, tilting his massive frame forward abit in a gesture of respect.

"Ah.. I am honored to be able to meet the bride.." he rumbles with a small grin.

Jorn (418) has posed:
"Why are you crying?" he will try to hold Revara thinking she's hurt. However, Jorn can surmise that maybe it's the booze making her emotional. "I'm here," he says just being there for Revara. He knows not many people are, not without good reason.

Still, Jorn will be there for Revara as long as he can. The explosions make it hard.

Athena (159) has posed:
"I suppose," Thaelin says, "but I don't know that they'd questioned your authenticity as a Mandalorian. They were, however, too curious."

Sanza's expression softens. "No need for formality," she says. "And I remember you. But we didn't really get to speak. A shame. But planning for our wedding has been quite the ordeal."

"Is that so?" Gelbis says. "How much do you plan to share?" he asks. "A third...?"

She doesn't say anything, but she meets his gaze sincerely and cups his face with both her hands. It seems like she might be about to say something genuine, or perhaps kiss him again, but then she suddenly gets up and bolts into the lift...

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "I'm not sure yet." Ellari admits. "We'll have to see, as I am not yet certain how valuable it is or how much it is. The Duke hasn't provided those details as of this moment."

Volken Mons has posed:
"Perhaps they were simply trying to find a reason to invalidate my presence. You're very kind Thaelin but perhaps you're too trusting or maybe I'm just too suspicous due to past interactions." responds Volken towards Thaelin.

He then shakes his head, "t's fine. don't mind me. Enjoy this all..." He looks back down to Sanza and nods, "I understand... There's much you both have to do. It's a massive event for you both. I'm glad to have had a chance to meet you."

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn tries to expect anything, everything, but he doesn't expect Revara to leave toward the lift. Putting the helm back on, he looks toward the lift. "In for a credit, in for a pound," Jorn knows lines are blurring. And to make it worse, Jorn still isn't sure what to expect. Revara leaving is the last thing he suspects. So, heading to the lift, Jorn is expecting anything.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Me? Too trusting?" Thaelin says. He laughs. "I'm just trying not say anything awful about my potential in laws. This party is for them." Sanza gives Thaelin a scolding look, but moves to take his hand. "Well, I don't think I'd be a very good host if I busied myself entirely with the planning." she says. "Tell me about yourself, Mons. I hear you're not like the rest, but in a good way."

"I'm sorry," Gelbis says with a chuckle, elbowing her playfully. "Was a third too ambitious to propose?"

Unfortunately for Jorn, Reeve gets to where the party is being hosted before he does. And when he gets out of the lift, he will come upon the sight of her standing on the table with the appetizer spread. "I've just become engaged," she announces loudly and drunkenly. "To that bastard from Bakura! And to celebrate it, I'm going ... to..." she trails off, but draws a dagger and throws it at Volken.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari laughs genuinely this time. "Ah, I didn't say that! Perhaps it will be a third. Like I said, we sh--" But she doesn't get to finish, as Revara suddenly jumps up on to the appetizer table and announces that she's become engaged, then starts drawing a dagger.

    Oh, -no- she doesn't. "--dank farrik!" she curses under her breath, and doesn't hesitate to fire her grappling line at the out of control woman in an attempt to yank her off of the table.

Volken Mons has posed:
"I'm....not like the others but in a good way? That's....a fairly loaded comment." Volken seems surprised and mildly taken aback but also amused. Very amused.

Then there's a knife sticking out of an enormous shoulder. The sheer size of Volken is perhaps, not immediately undrestood when you haven't been around him long enough. Even compared to other Mandalorians like Er'gi. So to see the knife sticking out of his shoulder, is rather absurd, the blade lost to the landscape of the tattooed flesh. Blood is drawn but the behemoth just stares wide eyed at it and then towards Revara.

He sees red. Ellari may go for the grappling hook but Volken goes for something more extreme as he lifts his pillar sized arm up, clenches his fist and sends a blast of concussive force blasting out from it to try and knock Revara from the table whether or not she's tied up by the whipcoard.


Jorn (418) has posed:
And Jorn walks into surprise. One, he sort of expects the anouncement. The chaos after is not. Jorn just sighs. It's like Revara hasn't understood a word he's said when it comes to Volken. Time, and Time, and Time again, he says "Volken is an ally." And so, Jorn is trying to avoid what just happens before his eyes.

All he can say is one word, "STOP!" Jorn looks to Revara and everyone, knowing descalation needs to happen. And that Revara has made things all the more harder.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Yes," Sanza says kindly. "I like fresh perspectives, actually," she continues. Volken is about to tell her more, but then suddenly, a knife is sticking out of his shoulder.

"By the gods," Thaelin comments. "Did Jorn just ask my sister to -marry- him--!" But he doesn't get to say anymore, before Volken starts barreling towards Reeve.

And then she's knocked off the table by Ellari's grapple hook. However, she manages wriggle out of it, seconds before Volken opens fire with concussive force. She ignites her jetpack thrusters at the last second, just barely escaping being shot by his repulsors. When Jorn walks onto the scene and tells her to stop, she hesitates for a split second. Then she turns around, apparently deciding NOT to attack Volken, shockingly. Instead, she plows full force ahead towards Ellari, attempting to slam her to the ground.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari gets tackled to the ground, although it doesn't surprise her. It's almost as if that's what she -wanted-. If this is what would take to force the Duke to recognize just how bad Revara was, maybe he'd take more extreme measures to get her under control. To be perfectly honest, the girl belonged in an institution, -not- at a meshergoya tournament...

    "You useless shu'shuk...find something better to be good at besides being a disgrace to your House and family, and ruining everything for everyone you ever cared about!" she hisses, drawing a short blade herself and attempting to stab the other woman in the shoulder joints between her armor plates.

Jorn (418) has posed:
"STOP!" Jorn says and then moves closer to the mess that just continues. He doesn't understand this. And the drunken Revara did distract him from finding out details about her past. Although, this is not intentional.

"Revara, Stop!" he says firmly looking at Revara for a moment. Then he looks to Ellari, that has every right to be pissed at the moment.

Jorn wants to blame the Duke. Call it absentness when a presence was needed, call it not going far enough, cal it going too far, however this is packaged, he blames the Duke. And Jorn really wonders, if he couldn't raise his child right then just how effective of a leader is the Duke? A very poor one by the sounds of it.

Volken Mons has posed:
Moving with all the will and force of an approaching tank, Volken starts thundering heavily towards the two grappling women, eyes like pinpricks and nostils flaring like an enraged bantha. The fact that the knife is stuck in his shoulder doesn't even seem to be of concern now as he crushes forward, clearing the distnace towards the massive table with the spread of food on it.

His face is red, his muscles swelling with the rush of adrenaline and strength, nearly bursting the straps containing his beskar armor. Reaching down, he grasps for the table with one hand, attempting to then haul it up - ripiping it from it's moorings if necessary, and then with that same movement, to send the table tumbling in the direction of Revara and - well - Ellari does just -happen- to be there but it's clear the goliath isn't seeing straight right now! So much so that Jorn's shouts are going in one ear and out the other.

Athena (159) has posed:
Revara doesn't reply. When Ellari stabs her, she cries out in pain and attempts punch Ellari in the face with her beskar inlaid gauntlets. Jorn's cries for her to stop go unheard -- or ignored.

The table Volken has ripped up goes flying, but Reeve manages to roll out of the way in the nick of time.

She's about to try to bull rush Volken but by now, the Duke has appeared. He doesn't look happy.

"Enough!" he bellows. He grabs Revara by the wrist and pulls her back. Upon seeing who it is, she sinks to her knees and starts crying. "Buir, Buir... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

"Everyone, please leave. You may linger in the courtyard, but not here." he says sharply. "Except for Jorn, and Thaelin. We will speak."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari rolls out of the way, but the edge of the table clips her in the shoulder. She winces, only to get sucker punched in the face with beskar-lined knuckles. At this point, she passes out, blood dripping down the side of her head.

Volken Mons has posed:
"I'm not going -anywhere-." booms Volken as he points a finger at Duke and the crying Revara, "I want -answers-! I won't be your daughter's pin cusion! If you can't control her, -I will!-"

He makes movements to begin approaching The Duke and Revera now, grabbingn the thrown table and sending it sliding away with a single swipe of his arm.

He does stop his approach before he gets in close enough as if he's about to attack, however, but it seems he could change his mind in an instant.

The sight of Ellari passing out just further enrages him and he glares between all presenet as if daring someone to make the wrong move. Simply demanding order isn't going to cut it.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn just stares, "I wasn't involved with the combat." He's pretty shocked by it, too. Both in what actually happened, and to somehow not being at the center of it. Still, he will wait behind.