Unsatisfactory Answers
Unsatisfactory Answers | |
Date of Scene: | 10 November 2024 |
Location: | |
Synopsis: | Volken is allowed to stay for a private discussion between Jorn, Duke, and Reeve. |
Cast of Characters: | 159, Volken Mons, 418, Ellari Zin |
- Athena (159) has posed:
"I know," the Duke says in a clipped fashion to Jorn.
But then his attention is diverted as soon as Ellari is knocked out onto the floor. The Duke then lets go of Revara, but nods at Thaelin, who immediately steps in to grip his sister's upper forearm in a watchful manner.
The Duke then reaches into his cloak and taking out some bandages, begins dressing Ellari's wounds quietly. Sanza approaches quietly, on her way out to the courtyard. "Please," she says softly to him, her gaze flicking over to Volken momentarily. "He deserves answers." Then she exits.
The Duke grunts quietly. "Hm. Very well then," He says to Volken. "You may stay. But we will only have words this time. No violence. Am I understood?" he says.
- Volken Mons has posed:
"I'm not going to be spoken to as if I"m one of your servants." snaps Volken at the Duke, "-You- invited -me- here. I didn't ask for this. It's time I reminded you all...-all of you-....of my reputation. I've restrained myself and attempted to work within the confines of what you've all begun thinking to attempt a different path but I'm tired of games."
Volken points at Revara, '-She- attacked me. Not the other way around. Repeatedly she's made attempts -- even -after- discovering that I attempted to aid her and give her the benefit of the doubt hen off world. Not only -may- I say.. I -will- stay and get answers or I will -leave- you to this disaster you've got under way!"
Volken glares furiously at the Duke, approaching him and then leaning down to try and inspect Ellari. He spares Thaelin a quick glance as well but refocuses his boiling anger back to The Duke.
- Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn smirks under his helmet when Volken speaks up. "He's got a point about the invitation," he looks between the pair. The direction of the conversation isn't one Jorn likes. Yes, it absolutely makes sense. However, there's a shinning light to Voken's words. "I'm tired of games," those are the words.
"We can agree about the games, Volken," because Jorn has questioned them himself. Other factors tie him to the world at the moment. He refrains from adding to Volken's words. It takes a little bit.
Despite how things may go, Jorn respects Volken more. It's nice to see someone else with similar questions to his own. Or at least similar frustrations.
Jorn will look back around taking a headcount. Also, making sure the very inebriated...fiance(?) hasn't vanished. She's good at that.
- Athena (159) has posed:
"I didn't ask for this either," the Duke reminds both Jorn and Volken sharply, "I did not invite her to this event, and she is not obedient to me, or anyone, it seems you're forgetting. And I've only asked for no violence because you will -not- get what you want by beating the living daylight out of her, you'll only increase her desire to -not- give you any. If you want answers, then answers you will get, but only if -everyone- behaves." He glances sharply at Thaelin and Revara, then adds, to Volken, "She will not be allowed to attack you, either. Put your weapons away, all of you. We -will- get to the bottom of this, and we will not be waging wars just to obtain some simple explanations."
Meanwhile, a couple of droids take Ellari away to an adjacent room and lay her on a couch, while administering her some pain medication. "She'll be just fine," the Duke reassures Volken. "I examined her, the wound is relatively superficial."
- Athena (159) has posed:
As for Revara, she has not disappeared, thankfully. She is quiet, for once, and seems to be mostly coherent. Mostly.
- Volken Mons has posed:
"Don't over-analyze me checking on her. I may put her in worse condition myself later." remarks Volken absently though he does watch as Ellari is taken away.
He glances to Jorn now and nods, "I didn't just mean those games, I mean the overall confusion that's been sitting over this entire affair but yes , that as well."
He looks back to th Duke now, frowning, "She's -your- daughter. You can't contorl her? HOw're you supposed to make these sweeping insirational changes through your efforts when your own House isn't evne in order! I'm tired of excuses! I have the -right- to take action. It just so happened that I was tough enough to take her attack but if circumstances were different I could be bleeding out on the ground or being carted off! no more excuses or padding this out. -Somebody- start talking."
- Jorn (418) has posed:
"So was I," Jorn says back to Volken. "At least one thing hasn't been too confusing," his head turns back to Revara. Jorn's afraid his words may make her run. The last thing this situation needs. So, that addendum is meant to assuage any ego. Yes, some parts of what she does confuses him. However, he's trying to convey the choice to have her on his team, or anything else, isn't so confusing.
And then Volken demands answers. Jorn remains silent, giving The Duke a moment to speak. Whatever the Duke does will determine Jorn's next action.
- Ellari Zin has posed:
Ellari eventually wakes up and finds herself lying on the couch with a serious headache. Ugh, how could she have lost a fight to that sniveling brat? Jorn was such a fool...
- Athena (159) has posed:
"And Jorn is now her betrothed, would you say that he is doing a better job?" Revara has now somehow managed to wrest herself away from Thaelin, but she can barely walk, and is now on her hands and knees, trying to crawl to the lift. With no luck, unfortunately, seems she's unaware of the fact that she's about to plow into a column. "She is not someone who can be controlled, anymore than you can force yourself to like politicking. My House was in order, until she unexpectedly arrived back on Mandalore, after promising to never return."
"I did not say you did not have the right to take action," the Duke continues. "But like I said before, we will not get answers while waging war on one another."
He grabs Revara by the back collar of her armor and hoisting her up, makes her sit on a futon across from Volken. "Why are you here?" he asks bluntly, "attacking my guests?" She moves to perhaps try to attack Volken again but the Duke stops her. "You're not leaving here until you explain yourself."
Finally, she speaks. "It's ... not fair!" she blurts. "Jorn... you... you understand! Explain ..."
- Volken Mons has posed:
Volken begins to see red again. The tell tale signs of his fury returning should be obvious to all that have seen him in action as his physique seems to swell and his armor constricts and nearly contorts as it tightens upon his body. His fists ball up as he glares at both Duke and Revara but something seems to click on the inside and he suddenly forces restraint and calm upon himself.
"What...what are you -talking- about? What do you mean she promised never to return? There was a bounty placed on her head and she---" he jerks his thumb in the direction of where Ellari was taken, "And Caine Von'egel went to war with Khalo Fett -explicitly- to bring her back here to you! She -begged- to not be brought back to you and they fought incessantly over her! I stepped in to help Khalo because I felt, like myself, that if she wanted to seek a life away from Mandalore she had the right but they wanted to return her! In fact, I seem to recall Caine imlying that they were lovers!"
He looks to Jorn now. Her new 'fiances' and then back to the Duke.
"This is clearly more then it seems... Someone is still not being truthful about her purpose here."
- Jorn (418) has posed:
"To be fair that literally just happened. Prior actions would fall on you for this definition. Not to mention a history of either bad teachings or absenteeism on your part. Either case further bringing questions Volken, and I, have about your leadership skills," Jorn is very quick to point this out.
While they may have a puncher to punching bag relationship, Jorn does want to point out that some of Volken's thoughts are shared. They may not be friends, but Jorn does want Volken to know he's not alone seeing that particular line of questioning. Plus, it reinforces his own position. Bringing a sense of comfort. For a while Jorn felt very out of place with that thinking.
Then Revara is sat down. "Your teachings is why she's here, Duke. You were always strict about how Mandos work, so, she has tried to abide by those teachings." He looks at Revara then back to Duke, "The attacks happen to give the others the advantage in these competitions. I told her, -repeatedly-, Volken is someone I'd prefer to have as an ally than an enemy. She did listen to it, but not until the very tail end of things," he will give a nod of respect to Revara. He does appreciate the gesture. Jorn just made his position known long -before- things escalated this far.
"Because Mandos must be allies, but there must be conflict, too. Right? Your words to me earlier? Her actions, allies -and- conflict."
Jorn's quiet for a bit. "I don't care about -why- she's here. I may the only one happy she's here," again, more words to assuage her. Even Jorn's not sure why he's going this far. He'll exam that later. "But what I do care about is your reasons, Duke. Volken pointed out the lengths to bring her here. When she was injured, people -insisted- it was your facility to take care of her. It was only when I was able to -finally- express her wishes, and they were heard, did people back off." He looks back to Duke, "You have personal motivation."
- Ellari Zin has posed:
Ellari gets up off of the couch and marches back out to the party area. Or what used to be a party, anyway.
She glares at Revara, and Duke Thyssel too for that matter. "How can you not see that this child in a woman's body belongs nowhere but an institution, until -someone- can find a way to teach her self-control?"
- Athena (159) has posed:
"I did not place that bounty on her head," the Duke replies swiftly, "That was solely Caine's initiative, and if he told you otherwise, then he lied to you. I agree, she deserved to have a life away from Mandalore if that was what she wanted, but Von'egel did not agree. As for her begging to not be brought back here..." he shrugs, and a great portion of his energy seems to drain away from him suddenly.
"You are wrong," he says softly. "Of course I have personal motivation! She is my daughter. I am happy she's here. But no one else is. I have only ever wanted the best for her. I let her do as she pleased, perhaps too often..."
Thaelin suddenly seems to grow angry at Jorn's accusations. He shakes his head. "You don't know anything about her childhood, about our lives!" he says, pointing an accusing finger at Jorn. "We were raised together, and he has only ever been good to her. And if he was such a terrible Buir, then you accuse me as well, of dishonor, and immorality." He glances at Revara, seeming emotional. "Is this how you thank him? After everything he's done for you? Is this how you'd treat me? After all the holo transmissions I sent you, hoping you'd respond? You never said a word, and then you suddenly turn up finally, and start causing a mess at my -wedding-?"
Revara remains silent, but averts her gaze in a guilty fashion. It may occur to Jorn and Volken, that perhaps Revara is a bit more than meets the eye, and can't actually deny any of Thaelin's accusations.
The Duke sighs when Ellari suggests she should be put in an institution. "I will not make her go against her own will," he says.
- Volken Mons has posed:
Volken has long picke dup on that but has stayed silent, instead allowin his fury and rage to boil up and down and putting most of his mental efforts into restraining matters. However as Ellari speaks, his eyes narrow slightly and he looks over towards her in thought and then back to Revera and then to Thaelin and then to The Duke once again.
Finally, he rumbles, "Is she your biological daughter or is she a foundling? It's possible that her...mood swings could be tied to someting else all together. Have you considered that? Think about her reactions to simply wanting me to not be in these games.... Her actions swing wildly into an extreme that cause her to act out in ways that'd get most people killed."
- Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn looks at Ellari. He speaks very plainly, flatly yet firmly, "Don't insult my betrothed like that," and then he turns his head away from her dismissively. Again, more actions he'll think about later. That's going to be one long introspective about tonight. Possibly a long holo transmission to friends and family, too.
"Ah," Jorn says looking at Thaelin then his gaze turns back to Duke. The gesture similar to the one given to Ellari. "And I see we have a golden child in the mix, too." Does Jorn know this for sure? Nope! It just fits nicely. Plus, it may get reactions. In those reactions, Jorn will get answers to clues, and questions, he has.
Jorn will start to walk toward Revara. He'll place a hand on her shoulder, because he knows Thaelin's words sting. The why's, how's, and everything else to those wounds are a mystery. He just knows they sting and Jorn's trying to comfort her without words.
Everyone has damage from times where too many things were out of their hands. And so, Jorn just does what he can.
He waits to see where Volken's line of thoughts go. They play off of Ellari's by the sound of it.
- Ellari Zin has posed:
"Her 'own will' lost all credibility a long time ago!" Ellari insists. "The reason why you're in this mess is not because you can't control her, it's because you -won't-! Because you keep letting her run around, causing whatever chaos she pleases, including attempting to kill anyone who happens to offend her!"
"You think you can unite the Houses when you can't even set boundaries on your own daughter?"
She arches a brow at Jorn when he...actually confirms the engagement that Revara had been ranting so wildly about. Then perhaps he's just as insane as she is, having agreed to such a thing.
- Athena (159) has posed:
"She's neither," The Duke says softly. "She was my ex-wife's child, through another man whose name I do not know, and probably will never know."
"She was always a difficult child. Different from the other eight daughters we raised, and my ex-wife hated her for it. I tried to be both parents to her, and admittedly, took too long to leave her mother because I knew if I left, our family would be destroyed."
"When we finally separated, she still craved her mother's approval. When she became of age, she changed her clan name back to that of her mother's and sought re-entry to her clan. They rejected her, but she tried, time and time again and was rejected every time. Eventually, frustrated by her failed efforts she left Mandalore and vowed to never return."
"You don't know anything about me," Thaelin says, scowling at Jorn.
"It is not my responsibility to lock her up! If the local security put her away, I would not bail her out," The Duke says. "What are your ideas, then, hm? Her return was unexpected, and what would have me do? Bar her from seeing her own brother? I will not do that. I will not allow her back on my real estate anymore, but beyond that, I am not responsible for what she does. She does not even share a clan name with me."
- Volken Mons has posed:
"Small wonder she acts out. You speak in one breath of trying to do your best to raise her and offer her a good life and then in another breath that her actions aren't your problem or responsiblity. Her mother's clan rejects her and you don't even know the name of her father. It's clear to a child that this goes back to original pairing and her lack of finding a place to belong or feel wanted." says Volken, voice dripping with acid now.
"She bounces around, dseperate for approval, and has impulses she hasn't been taught how to handle. Are you certain that the husband himself is even from Mandalore? She may have traits inherited that she's simply lacking the ability to manage because nobdoy is bothering to do anything positive with her or even investigate matters. Typical."
Volken shakes his head and frowns as he looks at Revara. Pity mixes in with his anger but - there's no mistaking his anger at her still.
"Has anybody even -asked- her what -she- wants to do?" he finally says, "-That- was why I ended up sticking my nose in. What does -she- want?"
He glares at Revara, "Well? What is it -you- want?"
- Jorn (418) has posed:
And this is what Jorn wanted: information. He's quiet, the hand still on her shoulder.
"I know you didn't deny my previous words," Jorn retorts to Thaelin. "Interesting." he'll add. Again, Jorn's probing by poking the metaphorical beast a little bit.
When talks of responsibility comes up Jorn will squeeze her shoulder. A gentle one. And another squeeze comes with Volken's questions. Jorn's just silent. Silent and possibly insane, according to some present.
- Ellari Zin has posed:
Ellari nods at Volken's words. He wasn't wrong. If he wasn't responsible for her, then why did he even try to take care of her at all?
"This attempt to unite the Houses under your influence will be fruitless. That is," she adds, now turning to Revara herself and jabbing a finger in her direction. "Unless you somehow miraculously decide to listen to the people you -claim- to care about, and start exercising some self-restraint."
- Athena (159) has posed:
"She is no longer a child, so there is only so much I can do," The Duke says. "I have tried on numerous occasions to control her behavior. I have tried letting her do as she pleases. Neither have worked."
Revara starts, suddenly, attempting to attack Volken again, but she's so inebriated that she just collapses onto the floor. "Take back what you just said," she hisses. "Take everything you just said about my father back!"
"We never knew my real father's name because I didn't want to know it. He was aruetii, and if I knew where he was, I'd kill him." She barely seems to notice Jorn's hand on her shoulder. "My father is the only good thing to have ever happened to me. He took care of me and looked after me when no one else would. He supported me when I needed it most and punished me it was necessary. When I was alone and felt lost, he made it known to me that I'd always have a place to belong. A place where I was wanted, despite what everyone else thought. He has done nothing wrong, and he is ten times the man and Mandalorian you'll ever be! Insult him again and I will make it my life's mission to lay you in your grave--!"
"Revara, that's enough," The Duke says quietly but sharply. "I am not the perfect parent nor am I claiming to be. I did what I could, with what I had. And will continue to do so, even if my attempts will fail it is better than enabling disunity from the beginning and seeding a civil war."
- Volken Mons has posed:
"Let her go the next time she attemtps to lunge at me. If the duke takes no responsiblity for her as he just said then fine, allow her to face the consequences of the actions of her clearly attacking a superior opponent." says Volken, tone even, as he looks at Revara.
He does liten, however, and arcs an eyebrow before saying, "You didn't answer my question. What do -you- want? For that matter why are you back on Mandalore then? Why not leave and seek your freedom and your own path and -why- are you so bent on attacking me? Is this over the scrimmage? That's just a game. Is there more to it then that?"
- Ellari Zin has posed:
"If you care so much about him, then why don't you listen to him, and honor his wishes?" Ellari demands. "Why don't you respect your brother's wedding? If he wishes to let Volken compete in the tournament, then why take things into your own hands as if you don't trust his judgment? If you respect him, then respect his wishes."
- Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn looks down to Revara. He has his own questions, but the ones tossed her way seem heavy enough. He'll simply try to help the woman up. Some his questions are among those already asked, or close to them.
- Athena (159) has posed:
As per Volken's wishes, the Duke doesn't move to restrain Revara. She's in no shape to fight Volken, obviously, and she seems aware of the fact.
"..." she doesn't respond right away, but the muffled sounds of her sobs can be heard from underneath her helmet. She didn't know what she wanted. "Take back what you said. Take back what you said about my father," she rambles. "It's unfair... It's all so unfair..." She takes Jorn's hand as he helps her up.
- Volken Mons has posed:
Volken is not wearing his helmet so his expressions of confusion, anger, disgust and finally just utter dismissal can be seen rather clearly.
"We're not getting anywhere. So I will simply say this. If she makes an attempt on me again then I will -deal- with her and any who come to her defense!" He makes a broad sweeping gesture. "We've tried to get to the bottom of this and the only answers we're getting is effectively that she's unhinged SHe may be drunk now but she wans't drunk when she set that mine and she wans't drunk when she attacked us in the pub. She's in her right enough mind to make those decisions so if she's unwilling to come clean now and make this simple then so be it. I'm finished. ..and if I feel unsafe or threatened then I will make the first move to ensure my security!"
He puts his helmet on at this point and begins to turn.
- Ellari Zin has posed:
Ellari shakes her head at the sobbing mess of Revara. "Life isn't fair." she states. "Grow up and get used to it. If you're afraid to face Volken in the tournament, then pull out yourself, adika."
- Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn helps her up and lets Revara speak her peace. Although he'll have more to say. Right now it's between him and Volken.
Then as Volken turns he'll speak to Revara, "This is a leap of faith. He may apologize after you answer the question. What do you want?" he asks knowing the apology is important. And he does agree with Ellari. Jorn just knows the inebration requires a gentler hand.
- Athena (159) has posed:
"A fair decision," The Duke says softly in response to Volken's reply.
He turns to the droids, who have conveniently appeared. "Send a transmission to all the bridal party members and wedding guests," he says. "We will call off the tournament for now. Revara and Volken cannot compete against one another without violence, at the moment."
Thaelin stares in shock. "What do you mean, call it off? Are you cancelling it, permanently?"
The Duke shrugs. "We will either sort this, or we won't, and I shall find something else to host in lieu of the tournament."
"But we've made our teams, already!" Thaelin cries. "I thought..." he sighs, then turns away. "Are you happy now?" he says to Revara. "You've ruined my wedding."
He sweeps past the others, falling into stride next to Volken as he starts to leave. The hulking Mandalorian may notice that there are tears in his eyes. He'd really wanted the tournament, hadn't he? Somehow, though he'd not been faulted for any of this mess, he was getting the short end of the stick.
At Ellari's comment, Revara draws a knife, but finding herself unsteady on her feet, makes no move to stab the other Mandalorian female. "He won't," she says bitterly in response to Jorn. "Perhaps if he did, he wouldn't be so bad to compete against. But Mandalorians don't apologize. So I can't forgive him for that." She then turns away and starts to stumble off, still drunk.
- Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn looks at Thaelin, "She did no such thing Golden one. You still get to celebrate spending a life with another. A lack of tournament does not change how your life will expand and evolve." Jorn watches the man go. There's a comment on the tip of his tongue, but it's held back.
Looking at Revara, whens he pulls the blade, Jorn's grip will tighten and try to stop her. "These reactions need to be tempered. Do not strike against them for small things like that," Jorn says not in a chiding way, but a correcting one.
"And forgive Volken. For me," Jorn says and then he looks to her. "Do you need assistance?" he'll ask Revara as she begins to move away.
- Volken Mons has posed:
He was alreadyd angry but seeing Thaelin so upset seems to add to a brief burst of irrational anger at the absurdity of the situation, the disappointment of Thaelin and his own frustrations....all working together to cause the next outburst.
"I don't want her FORGIVENESS." he booms, thunderously as he turns back to face the others.
"She's in -NO- position to demand -ANYTHING- from me. SHe should be on her -knees- grateful that I'm not twisting her in half right now where she stands! If she can't be bothered to give a simple baisc explanation for her behavior beyond being stark raving mad then I'm not going to apologize for hurting her precoius little feelings! Call the tournament off then because the next time I see her make an aggressive move towards me she will need a months time in a bacta tank to walk again!"
With that, he turns and starts heavily storming off. His footfalls now cracking the pavement under him and trembling the furniture as he ceases any attempt at restraining his strength.
- Ellari Zin has posed:
Ellari scoffs slightly. "Do you care about your family, Revara? You say you respect your father. And what about your brother? What have you done to show them your appreciation for taking care of you other than -lip service-? You can't even let them have an occasion like this in peace now can you?"
- Athena (159) has posed:
Revara jerks her arm away from Jorn. "Stop telling me what to do!" she snaps angrily. "All my life, that's all anyone has ever tried to do whenever I was around! Control me! I'm sick of it!" she growls.
She glares in Volken's direction as he shouts angrily that he doesn't want her forgiveness and that she's in no position to demand anything. Her grip on her dagger tightens, but she doesn't attack Volken, thankfully. "You ask the impossible," she says to Jorn, her tone tremulous with anger. "Don't -touch- me," she hisses, when he asks if she needs assistance. "And you," she says to Ellari, "what would you know about -caring-? You only care about yourself, and elevating your own House affairs." Then she stumbles into the lift.
At the door as Volken is heading out, Thaelin taps his shoulder gently. "Will you be alright?" he asks softly.
The young groom seemed so sad, but at least he was looking out for Volken.
- Ellari Zin has posed:
"Maybe other people would stop trying to control you, if you could actually learn to control -yourself-!" Ellari shoots back. "And -I'm- the one who doesn't care? -You're- the one who seems to do nothing but cause suffering for the ones you -claim- to care about, but if you truly did, I don't think your brother would be sulking right now."
- Volken Mons has posed:
"-I'm- fine." remarks Volken, "I don't like being attacked and I don't like the restraints of this entire situation. If we were elsewhere she'd be in the ground already and I'd be moving on but because I'm -trying- to be .....balanced...the way -I- would deal with this situation isn't available to me. It's a waste of my time and energy to have to constantly deal with this. I could be earning scores of credits and spending it in luxury on Canto Bight right now and not dealing with the antics of a spoiled Duke's dauighter."
So not fine.
"I won't continue to deal with this situation. I won't continue to deal with this when I could be living in luxury working for some of the richest peopel in the galaxy. It's bordering on insulting now, as if my value isn't understood by these ones who wish to see me as just a freak. So she her chances are up. I -will- deal with Revara or simply leave."
He pauses, after that outburst...frowning abit and then looking briefly ashamed before adding, "I'm sorry vod. You are a good man from what I can tell."
He turns, to begin moving in another direction from Thaelin now, looking to head of on his own now.
- Jorn (418) has posed:
For some reason that stings. Jorn just pauses in place. His gaze rests on Revara. There's a bit he wants to say, but that's held back. For a moment, he just stays there. Quietly, Jorn tries to leave to head back to his little hole in the wall. The eyes shut, as he pushes aside a lot of things right now.
- Athena (159) has posed:
"We used to be really close, all three of us," Thaelin says mournfully. "And it's not so much about the match. It's just that back when we were young, that was how we would bond. By playing mesh'geroya on the grass in front of our house. Buir, Reeve, and me. Buir was good to us... and the game means a lot to me."
As Volken leaves, Thaelin doesn't follow him, but he calls to the other. "Don't go, please. Stay, for me, vod. Think about it, at least?" Then he wipes his eyes and heads back into the Bastille of Thyssel.