
From Pax Republica
Revision as of 01:18, 17 July 2021 by Andromeda (talk | contribs)
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Your skill at setting an example for people to follow or taking the initiative in an action.


  • 1 - 10: Poor leadership, barely inspiring or convincing
  • 11- 20: Moderate leadership, convince those of lower rank to follow enough to get the job done
  • 21 - 30: Excellent leadership, anyone witnessing your example admire you and are inspired to action


  • +5 to the character’s roll if relationship to the target character(s) is friendly
  • +10 to the character’s roll if relationship to the target character(s) is intimate
  • +5 to the difficulty if relationship to the target character(s) is poor
  • +10 to the difficulty if relationship to the target character(s) is hated