
From Pax Republica
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Your skill at setting an example for people to follow or taking the initiative in an action.


  • 1 - 10: Poor leadership, barely inspiring or convincing
  • 11- 20: Moderate leadership, convince those of lower rank to follow enough to get the job done
  • 21 - 30: Excellent leadership, anyone witnessing your example admire you and are inspired to action

It should be noted that this skill may be subject to the consent of the targeted player or GM. See Consent and Combat & IC Conflict Resolution pages for more information.


  • +5 to the character’s roll if relationship to the target character(s) is friendly
  • +10 to the character’s roll if relationship to the target character(s) is intimate
  • +5 to the difficulty if relationship to the target character(s) is poor
  • +10 to the difficulty if relationship to the target character(s) is hated