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This skill refers to the art of trickery, usually involving clever words such as convincing lies and half-truths (not including use of the Force via Telepathy or Influence). It is typically used to get someone to believe a fallacy in order to gain some kind of advantage or advancement of an agenda.


  • 1 - 10: Unconvincing or obvious attempt at trickery
  • 11 - 20: Moderately convincing attempt
  • 21 - 30: Highly convincing attempt

It should be noted that the effectiveness of this skill may be subject to the consent of the targeted player or GM, regardless of roll results. See Consent and Combat & IC Conflict Resolution pages for more information.


  • +5 to the character’s roll if relationship to the target character(s) is friendly
  • +10 to the character’s roll if relationship to the target character(s) is intimate
  • +5 to the difficulty if relationship to the target character(s) is poor
  • +10 to the difficulty if relationship to the target character(s) is hated