Template:Log Header

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This is the "RP Log Template" template. It should be called in the following format:

{{Log Dossier
| Synopsis           = What was the scene about? 
| Tinyplot           = In the case there is a Tinyplot page you wish to associate with this log.
| Tinyplot2          = If there's a second TP the scene was part of.
| Cast of Characters = Characters who were in the scene, seperated by commas.
| Thanks             = In case you wish to thank People who NPCed... etc - Optional
| Location           = Where did it ICly take place?
| Date of Scene      = When did this OOCly take place?
| pretty             = If you have your log formatted according to the guidelines, use 'yes' to get it to look 'pretty' 

This template defines the table "Logs". View table.

Edit the page to see the template text.