Tit For Tat

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Tit For Tat
Date of Scene: 12 December 2023
Location: Lower City - Coruscant
Synopsis: Drinna follows Kalregar, and ends up striking a deal with him.
Cast of Characters: Baelin Kalregar, Drinna Talstri

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Deep in the Coruscanti underworld, a notorious outlaw escapes justice once again, while those who sought to bring it to him are preoccupied with other more pressing matters. The spice payload was a total loss...but considering what the Marksmen no doubt had planned previously, Kalregar was happy to call that merely a minor setback, in spite of the minor blaster burn he'd sustained on his left shoulder.

    He quickly slinks away off of the barge and away into the night, heading down Vine street toward a hangar where he knows his ship is docked.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
As much as her finger had hovered over her blaster, Drinna couldn't risk being caught up in someone else's fight. If she was going to get into trouble, it was going to be something worth the trouble. She wished the unknowns fighting luck silently as she maneuvered around them to follow Kalregar.

What did she hope could come of such a choice? Something. Anything. Drinna pulled her hood lower, hoping to blend in while hanging back enough not to be noticed.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Thus far, Kalregar does not seem to have noticed he's being followed. Maybe he's getting sloppy, or he just didn't expect to have been followed from such a chaotic scene. He continues down the street, across several walkways, and down a couple of flights of stairs to a hangar nestled below some buildings with large overhangs.

    There's a green-skinned Twi'lek woman waiting for him out front. She arches a brow at him. "That didn't go well, did it?"
    He waves a hand dismissively. "Eh, they tried to double cross me, didn't exactly pan out for them either. Minor setback, overall."
    "Rinder and Vargas?"
    "Not coming back."
    He holds up a finger. "Injured, not dead, the Jedi got her. Firrereo girl named Imoen or some such, and a Kage kid. Dunno what the other one was. Said they were taking her to a hospital. Find out which one, keep an eye on her. Bring her back when she's ready, yeah?"
    "Give me a couple of hours, we'll see what I can turn up." The Twi'lek nods and turns to head into the hangar, though Kalregar lingers outside a moment longer. There's no one else out here, and doesn't look like there are any cameras either...however, the balcony in front of the hangar is rather wide open.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Whoever Melina was, Drinna got the feeling it would be wise to see if they could get to her before Kalregar did. Doing so might put a wrench in his plans. Or, it could do nothing. The girl could be nothing. Still, it was more than what she had before following him.Eyeing the road back, Drinna pondered her next move. If she left now she could find a way to slip that information to someone who could have boots looking within no time. But did she want to leave? What if she missed something useful?

The area was open, if she chose to come out of her hiding spot it might put her in an awkward place to explain what she was doing. If Kalregar went into the hangar she might be able to find a way in. The Twi'lek had said a few hours, so he wasn't leaving anytime soon. A mute sigh left her resigned to staying put.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    After a few minutes, Kalregar heads into the hangar, entering through a side door. Through a blue-tinted energy shield, she can see a moderately-sized freighter with a railgun mounted on it inside. There are others in there as well, presumably his crew, about a dozen or so. It doesn't look like there's much automated security, but it's not that large either. On the other hand, there are crates she could hide behind in there. She could also just...knock, and pretend she has a warrant...

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna looks down at her clothes, chewing her lip as she contemplates her choices. If this went south, she was outnumbered. Probably dead. But if it didn't, she'd be one step closer to making her own name matter. Pulling back her hood, she removed the goggles and tucked them into her back pocket. Her fingers quickly ran threw her hair before throwing it into a semi-respectable braid. If she could get on Kalregar's good side, maybe it might just set her up for something down the road.

Finalizing her choice Drinna stepped out into the street, away from the safety of her spot, and walked towards the hangar. Spine not too straight, gait not too much like a trained officer. In this isntance, she was her regular lower level persona.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Drinna's footsteps are immediately heard as Kalregar is entering the hangar. He stops in the doorway and turns around, brows arched at her.

    "Uhm. Can I....help you? You lost, kid?" he asks.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
She wasn't expecting him to turn so fast. It caused her to freeze and blurt out, "Not lost." Drinna pulled herself together, "Just curious."

She controlled her tongue aboutthe kid comment. Arguing about her age wouldn't help.

"Can't help being curious." She half laughed, "It's my downfall."

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "Oh yeah?" Kalregar asks, looking interested suddenly. He comes back out toward her. "About what? Whatcha lookin' for?"

Drinna Talstri has posed:
"Nothing specific per say," Drinna says as he approaches, "I managed to catch the tail end of your little meeting. Impressive mess left behind."

Her arms cross in front, a move to showcase her hands were empty plus that she wasn't too worried about his presence, "Can't blame a person for wanting to fill a few gaps in the story. Rumors will be flying by tomorrow but I prefer to circumvent those channels. Get it straight from the one who didn't seem to worried about the loss of ...whatever it was you were playing with.."

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "Is that so?" Kalregar arches a brow at her, looking somewhat suspicious. "And who are you, exactly?" he asks. "Reporter, all the way down here, in this particular corner of the underworld? Unlikely. You follow me here?"

Drinna Talstri has posed:
"Of course," Drinna responded while motioning to the way they'd both come, "You weren't exactly hard to follow either. "

"As for that insult," a sneer followed, "Please. As if reporters would leave behind the ones making the mess and have enough guts to follow you. Let alone approach you honestly about it." Her hand extended, "Names Rin. Mildly invasive, always curious and sometimes troublesome. I like to know things. Which is handy, depending on who knows me."

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "Kalregar." Baelin reciprocates the introduction, but doesn't take the offered handshake. It's quite clear, that he is suspicious of her. "Okay Rin. But who are you -really-? What do you want a good story for, hm? You an informant?"

Drinna Talstri has posed:
"I just want it for myself." She retracts her hand, gently shrugging, "Lock it away for a rainy day. But, if you're not up for sharing than I can happily fill in my own blanks."

Drinna doesn't want to push her luck. Things had already gone better than she'd thought. No point in making a mess of it. Especially as it made sense that he'd be suspicious. She would be too if standing in his shoes. Taking a step back she held up her hands, "Immediately jumping from reporter to informant. I'm not sure which is worse. Ask around, I'm just nosy. Got a bit of a rep for it too."

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "So, you follow people around, looking for good stories, just so you can write in your own little journal about it or something?" Kalregar laughs. "I don't buy it. Not down here, and not unarmed."

    More, and more, he's becoming convinced that she's after the price on his head, or after intel, one way or another. Or both. "Look, why don't you just tell me what you're -really- after? Maybe we can...work something out."

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna looked him over slowly before responding, "The great Kalegar doesn't believe there's worth in knowing what goes on around here?" She shook her head, "I don't believe it. "

She takes another step back, "I like the idea of working something out, but I don't think right now is the time. I feel as if proving a point might be a little more fun." Drinna tilts her head, "So, let's just leave this as a first encounter. I'll see you again, and maybe then you'll be a little less afraid of a kid."

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "Afraid of you?" Kalregar laughs. "You're the one taking steps away from me, -Rin-." As she steps away, he steps toward her. "But you're right. Of course there's worth, in knowing the word on the street. So what do you have to offer, then? If it's a good story you're after, well I've got plenty of those." he smirks. "So we trade stories, how about it, then? Tit for tat."

    He motions toward the door to the hangar with his head, and starts walking toward it. "But let's find somewhere more comfortable to settle in, hm?"

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Internally Drinna tensed, a knot forming in her stomach. His offer was a full 180 from the direction she'd assumed this was going. Thankfully on the outside she merely shrugged and followed him.

If her father knew where she was, she'd be dead. Drinna pushed that thought aside and instead focused on the hangar. How many bodies inside. Weapons. Escape routes. Her saving grace was that she'd stuck to the first rule of having a persona - don't stray far from the truth- and the truth was that Drinna WAS curious and observant.

"Comfortable...with a beverage?" Drinna asked as she caught up to him.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    As she may have noticed from outside, there's quite a few crates strewn about, full of weapons, munitions, spice, some medical supplies. Other than the door she'd just come through, there is the shielded opening clearly meant for the ship's entry and egress, and another pair of double doors on the far side of the hangar.

    Kalregar leads her into a small office area inside of the hangar, where the hangar controls and a couple of workstations can be found. "Sure, why not?" he glances to a small astromech on the way in. "TK why don't you grab her some caf?" The little droid beeps and hurries away to fetch the drink.

    He enters the office and sits down at the desk, pulling up a second chair for her as well. Taking out a holo, he flips it on, showing her an image of a blond-haired, blue-eyed human boy who looks to be in his early teens. "See this kid? It's my son..." he sighs. "My parents abandoned me on Nar Shadaa, you know that? I know I haven't exactly been the ideal father, but...you think it's too late to make it up to 'im?"

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Taking the seat Drinna looks at the holo. Her eyes briefly flick between Kalregar's features and the kids. Was it really his or was this some kind of a trick? Her brow lifted, "I'm the wrong person to ask that question to." Drinna leans back in the chair, "I hate my father. "

"Don't tell me that you do all this because you have abandonment issues?" She chuckled, "All you need is for someone to love you just right and it'll make everything better?"

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Is it a lie? Maybe, but he isn't giving any of the tells for lying.

    "Hah, as if it were that simple." Kalregar scoffs, shutting off the holoprojector. He shakes his head. "But no, it's not about me. You see, kid's disabled and it's kinda my fault. I mean...it is my fault. But I can't just, you know waltz up to him. You can probably guess why."

    He leans forward, clasping his hands together. "Look, I don't know what you're after, but if you can convince him to meet with me, just once...give me a chance. I'll owe you a favor. Whatever you want, and whatever is in my power to give."

Drinna Talstri has posed:
"Two things. One, where is he located? And two,if I get him to agree am I on the hook for him to show up?" Drinna asked,intrigued by his proposition, "I'm not going to agree to something with a loophole that puts my ass on the line."

As she outweighed the pros and cons of the situation she was in, one thing became glaringly obvious - if she didn't say yes, it would be trouble. Drinna just had to make sure she minimized the consequences as much as possible.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "Heh." Kalregar leans back in his chair again. "He's a Jedi. Lives at the Temple in the Federal District. Why else do you think I'm holed up here?"

    He shakes his head. "You're not on the hook for anything, unless you want to be. If it works out--he shows up, I owe you a favor. If not?" he shrugs. "You don't get a favor, that's it. No harm, no foul."

Drinna Talstri has posed:
"No harm, no foul?" Drina repeated as if unsure but without any reason to believe otherwise, "Sounds like an easy thing to manage. But..." She motioned back out to where his crew was, "How come you haven't sent one of your many hands out there? Upper levels scare them?" She leaned forward in her chair, "What makes you think I can get to your kid?"

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Kalregar sighs deeply. "You think I haven't tried? It just doesn't work. Anyone from among my crew or any of my contacts--no matter how well disguised they are, he just somehow -knows- they're outlaws." He waves a hand. "I don't know much about the Jedi, but I guess even the kids sometimes have some kind of weird magic tricks or something I dunno. I need someone who doesn't have to lie." So -that- had been the reason for his sudden candor....or at least, apparent candor.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
That actually made sense, "Jedi's creep me out, but ya know what..." Drinna nodded, "And where am I supposed to get him to meet you?"

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "Wherever you can manage." Kalregar answers. He picks up the small holo again that he'd showed her the picture on earlier on, and hands it to her. "If you can't get an appointment at the Temple, there's bar he sometimes shows up to down here--The Atomica. Dead of night usually, at least a few times a week. Probably the best place to find him. You know, away from the other Jedi and all."

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Accepting the holo, Drina put it in one of the many zippers of her jacket. Such a handy jacket, "A Jedi in a bar at the dead of night." She smirked,"Sounds shady."

It occurred to her that she'd need a timeline to work with. Her life on the surface often left her with gaps when visiting the lower levels. Something that had never been an issue but might cause one if she just disappeared on Kalregar,"Any expectations on when I get this done?" She asked curiously,"I need to know where this ranks on my list of priorities."

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Kalregar scoffs. "Heh, yeah well you know teenagers--they're troublemakers. Always getting into kriff they shouldn't." At that moment, the droid from earlier enters with two cups of caf, setting them down on the desk near her before hurrying out.

    "How about a week? Get it done in a week, and the favor's yours." he tells her, taking a swig and setting the cup back down. "...so. Now that I've opened up to you--you wanna go ahead and tell me what it is that you're -really- after, Rin?"

Drinna Talstri has posed:
"I can do a week."Reaching over to pick up her cup, Drinna took a slow sip, "You still think I've got an angle." She lifted her brow at him,"Well, we're both red heads so I shouldn't be surprised."

"I saw an opportunity to meet the man whispered about. You're a bit of a legend and I want to know you do it. I'm pretty good at being invisible and flying under the radar, but sometimes that gets a little tiresome." She took another sip of coffee, "And, for the record, unlike your assumption previously - I'm not a kid."

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "Ha...you flatter me." Kalregar remarks, although he chuckles, and she can tell he liked hearing that. "But I feel good about this. I'm glad we got to meet."

    He stands up. "Oh--one more thing...how are you with sign language?"

Drinna Talstri has posed:
"I feel good about it too." That wasn't a lie, which surprised her. Drinna hadn't a clue what to expect from Kalregar, but this conversation and cup of coffee hadn't made the list of scenarios when planning the possibilities.

"Sign language?" Drinna looks at him, "Don't tell me, he's deaf. Is that the disability he has?"

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Kalregar finishes his caf, and tosses the disposable cup into a trash receptacle. "Honestly, I'm not sure. I know he doesn't talk. I've -heard- that some Jedi have weird mind powers." he frowns. "Right...so...about that. Try not to piss him off."

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna laughed, hard.

"This just keeps getting better and better."She downed the drink and stood up, tossing it in the same trash that he had, "Since we're new friends, I'm going to let you know that if you think that dropping that bit of info, after I agreed to it might make me sweat a little or panic." She sighed, "You're wrong. I'm actually looking forward to this."

This time she extended her hand again,"You gonna be rude a second time or do I get a proper handshake, like one would give a new acquaintance"

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "Pff, I wasn't trying to freak you out." Kalregar tells her. "It's probably not too much of a concern...as you might already know, not that easy to actually piss off a Jedi -that- much." A pause. "Usually, anyway. So if you somehow manage to, maybe you actually deserve what's coming to you."

    "Not rude. Careful." he corrects, finally taking her hand for a shake.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna broke into a wide smile at the handshake acceptance,"Nice to know you're not rude. I can handle careful." Feeling as if this was the end of their conversation she motioned to the door, "I'll leave you be but will be in touch. I assume I don't need to worry about being maimed for popping by next?"

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "Nope." Kalregar shakes his head. "You know where to find me."