Traits Overhaul 12/8/2023

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Traits Overhaul!
Absolute Direction: This now gives a permanent +2 bonus to Track and Astrogation.
Animal Affinity: Now gives a permanent +3 bonus to Animal Handling.
Artistry: Now costs 2, up from 0, and gives a permanent +2 bonus to Perform.
Blind: Now incurs a -6 penalty to Shoot, Pilot, and Drive. Force Sight rolls may be added to the penalized skills if trained. Added "Miraluka are not required to take this trait, due to their innate connection to the Force."
Brawl: Now gives a +2 bonus to Brawl rolls, down from 3.
Callous: Now incurs a permanent -1 penalty to Con, Lead, and Persuade. Cost is -3, down from -1.
Clumsy: Now incurs a permanent -2 penalty to Acrobatics, Sneak, Hide, Steal, Pick Lock, and Surgery. Cost adjusted to -6, down from -3.
Commanding Presence: Now gives a permanent +2 bonus to Lead.
Deaf: Now incurs a permanent -4 penalty to Awareness. Cost adjusted down to -5 from -4.
Directionally Challenged: Now incurs a permanent penalty of -2 to Track and Astrogation. Cost adjusted to -3, down from -1.
Eidetic Memory: Now gives a permanent +2 bonus to Knowledge.
Financial Wizard: Now gives a permanent +3 bonus to Value and Bargain skills.
Gullible: Now incurs a permanent -2 penalty to Willpower.
Gunslinger: Now gives a permanent +3 to Shoot
Habitual Liar: Now gives a permanent +3 bonus to Con. Cost adjusted to 3, up from 2.
High Pain Threshold: Now gives a permanent +1 bonus to Toughness and Stamina.
Honest to a Fault: Now incurs a -2 penalty to Con, in addition to situational requirement to pass a Willpower roll. Cost adjusted to -2, down from -1.
Iron Will: Now gives a permanent +2 bonus to Willpower.
Kleptomaniac: Now gives a permanent +1 bonus to Steal. Adjusted cost to 1, up from 0.
Learning Disability: Now incurs a permanent -1 penalty to Academics.
Lightfooted: Now gives a permanent +2 bonus to Sneak, and +1 to Acrobatics, Dodge, or Jump, as selected by the player during character creation. Updated OPTIONS to Acrobatics|Dodge|Jump, where "Jump" was previouisly "Leap" (incorrect skill name).
Linguist: Now gives a permanent +2 bonus to Language.
Missing Eye: Now incurs a permanent -1 penalty to Shoot, Pilot, and Drive. Cost adjusted to -2, down from -1.
Missing Leg: Now incurs a permanent -3 penalty to Run, Dodge, Brawl, Acrobatics, Climb and Melee.
Missing Arm: Now incurs a permanent -2 penalty to Coordination. Cost adjusted to -3, down from -2.
Motion Sickness: Now incurs a permanent -1 penalty to Pilot and Drive.
Mute: Updated description to specify characters with this trait cannot learn Singing or Public Speaking.
Natural Charisma: Now gives a permanent +2 bonus to Bargain, Con, Persuade, Lead, and Perform. Cost adjusted to 5, up from 3.
Open Book: Now incurs a permanent -3 penalty to Con. Cost adjusted to -3, down from -1.
Social Chameleon: Now gives a permanent +2 bonus to Disguise, Con, Persuade, and Perform. Cost adjusted to 4, up from 3.
Stick Jockey: Now gives a permanent +3 bonus to Pilot and Gunnery.
Supreme Confidence: Now gives a permanent +2 bonus to Persuade, Lead, and Willpower. Cost adjusted to 4, up from 3.
Unattractive: Now incurs a permanent -2 penalty to Charm, Lead, Con, and Perform, and gives +2 bonus to Intimidate.
Unpleasant Odor: Now incurs a permanent -1 penalty to Charm and Perform.
Weak Willed: Now incurs a permanent -2 penalty to Willpower and Lead. Cost adjusted to -2, down from -1.
Weapon Master: Now gives a permanent +3 bonus to Melee.
Well Balanced: Now gives a permanent +2 to Acrobatics, Climb, Jump, and Ride. Cost adjusted to 4, up from 3.
Xenophobic: Updated description to include specifics about what kinds of Presence rolls should be impacted.

For those who already have approved characters, please submit a +request/adv <Traits Update>=<text>  if you want to change your traits based on the update, as long as you keep within the 10 point limit.