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:'''{{#var:287|Drinna (287)}} has posed:'''<br>Drinna shrugged, [He offers me an opportunity to prove my father wrong.] She looked around the bar. There were so many different people all looking for something to prove and here she was right alongside them. [I don't expect you to understand. Kalregar asked me to get you to meet him. If I succeed, he owes me a favor. If I fail - then I fail] <br><br> It was a risk to tell him that part but she had a feeling more information was better than none, [I figured he has a reason though to want to see you so badly. You might know something nobody else does already.]<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:287|Drinna (287)}} has posed:'''<br>Drinna shrugged, [He offers me an opportunity to prove my father wrong.] She looked around the bar. There were so many different people all looking for something to prove and here she was right alongside them. [I don't expect you to understand. Kalregar asked me to get you to meet him. If I succeed, he owes me a favor. If I fail - then I fail] <br><br> It was a risk to tell him that part but she had a feeling more information was better than none, [I figured he has a reason though to want to see you so badly. You might know something nobody else does already.]<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:143|Cayde Alexis (143)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cayde arches a brow at her. [What is your father wrong about] he asks.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Howhevher, he shakes his head. [I cannot...too dangerous] Although he doesn't elaborate on for whom it is dangerous, or why it's dangerous.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;But then his interest seems piqued. [You know where he is]<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:143|Cayde Alexis (143)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cayde arches a brow at her. [What is your father wrong about] he asks.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;However, he shakes his head. [I cannot...too dangerous] Although he doesn't elaborate on for whom it is dangerous, or why it's dangerous.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;But then his interest seems piqued. [You know where he is]<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:287|Drinna (287)}} has posed:'''<br>Drinna shrugged.[I know where he was when I met him. Where he 'is' can vary I'm sure. Otherwise he'd have been caught already.]<br><br> His comment about her father was purposely avoided. The last thing she needed was to go down that dark tunnel.[If you can't help me, than I understand. Thanks for your time though.] She finished up her ale.<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:287|Drinna (287)}} has posed:'''<br>Drinna shrugged.[I know where he was when I met him. Where he 'is' can vary I'm sure. Otherwise he'd have been caught already.]<br><br> His comment about her father was purposely avoided. The last thing she needed was to go down that dark tunnel.[If you can't help me, than I understand. Thanks for your time though.] She finished up her ale.<br> <br>

Latest revision as of 03:17, 14 December 2023

On Fatherhood
Date of Scene: 13 December 2023
Location: Outlander Club - Lower City - Coruscant
Synopsis: Cayde and Drinna both seem to have Daddy Issues (tm)
Cast of Characters: Cayde Alexis, Drinna Talstri

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    As Drinna may spend the next few days poking around the lower districts at night in her spare time, she won't find her quarry at the Atomica but with a little bit of sleuthing she'd eventually spot someone entering the Outlander Club on whom she may have seen something that looked suspiciously like a lightsaber...

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna nodded to a known face as she followed quietly behind Cayde. She had no clue how the introduction would be made, but once it was, she had to find a way to keep his attention and gain that first foothold of trust. For now, she just watched.

What was the kid doing in a place where he obviously didn't belong? Drinna was intrigued.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Indeed, he really, really doesn't belong here. It's filled with scum, villainy, and lowlifes. And certainly no one else is that young, either--if this really is the kid she's looking for.

    As she steps inside, he starts making his way toward the bar. However, he suddenly stops about halfway there and turns around, his gaze directly meeting hers. Well, he certainly matched the profile and the image she'd been given...

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Once again someone had turned and caught her off guard. Once again she was in unfamiliar territory. This time, it wasn't an imposing man like Kalregar had been. No, this time it was an imposing kid. Maybe his kid? She didn't see much of a resemblance.

Now he was looking at her and she had to do something. In true, Drinna fashion she gave a slight nod, smiled and continued towards the bar.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde watches her pass by and head to the bar, expecting her to say something. He doesn't follow her exactly, but he simply continues to watch her. It's as if he already knows she's looking for him.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna looks back at Cayde and tilts her head gently. She could feel his gaze as she'd walked past and from what she knew of Jedi's, he would be one step ahead of her in most areas. This was her turn to set the playing field. That, and she needed a drink.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde eventually follows her up to the bar, and sits himself down right next to her, still watching her intently. He doesn't really look suspicious, or ill-intentioned in any way. Just curious, almost anticipating whatever it is she has to say. But he waits patiently for her to speak up, all the same.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
After ordering an ale, Drinna signs a simple greeting and her name. Generally he was too young to drink but in establishments like this, some of the regular rules were ignored. However, being a Jedi, Drinna was curious where his moral code was on the matter. He was, after all, sitting at the bar with her.

Grateful for having brushed up on her sign language skills, she asked him if he wanted a drink.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    A somewhat rusty looking server droid takes her order, and quickly goes about filling a mug with the ale she requested.

    Cayde watches as the droid serves it up to Drinna. When she asks him if he wants a drink, he nods but doesn't specify what kind.

    [Cayde Alexis] he signs, spelling out each letter of his name, although she probably already knows the name from the holo Kalregar gave her. He arches a brow slightly at her. [That is not your name] he points out. In spite of that, he still doesn't seem suspicious of ill intent.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna nods and thinks to herself what a smart ass comment tha was. Although he wasn't wrong.

[Nickname] She adds, which was the truth and he'd probably know it. Taking a sip of the ale her nose wrinkles slightly. As bad as she knew it would be, she always keeps ordering it. [You're pretty invasive.] A grin follows and she adds, [It's refreshing. Most Jedi pretend like they aren't listening in all the time.]

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde suddenly gives her an apologetic look, and she'll get a strange feeling. Like an intuition, except more distinct, more assured. He hadn't meant to insult her or seem snarky.

    He shakes his head at the comment most other Jedi. [They are not it is just me] he signs. Well, mostly. Telepathy, especially on this level, wasn't that common. But his brows go up at her again when she seems to imply that she likes the invasiveness.

    [You want something]

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna nods, [No, I want a few things actually] her signs are playful and accompanied by a thumbs up. She wasn't sure how his readings of her worked, but if there was a chance he could see past her surface level intentions, Drinna had to be careful.

   [I have some questions and was told to ask you]She pauses and then continues [Kalregar. What do you know of him?]

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    His gaze is lowered when she mentions Kalregar, and he takes out his commlink and shows her the advertisements she's probably already seen...the ones broadcasting about the fact that he has a large price on his head and is wanted for a lot of criminal activities.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
[Everyone knows that. I meant you, personally.] Drinna fixes her gaze on him, curious if Kalregar sent her here for other reasons. Maybe the kid was no relation and this was a trap.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde looks back up at her, and she can tell this might be a sore spot for him. [Why] he signs, although even as he asks the question, he's already trying to reach into her mind, searching for the reason she's asking about Baelin Kalregar.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
[Because] She falters slightly. Her motions pausing. [I need him to owe me a favor.]

Drinna tilts her head. She forgot how signing could convey so much without words, [I'm gathering information and he won't talk to me, unless I talk to you.]

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde frowns. [What do you want from him] he signs. He already has a feeling about what it might be...

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna shrugged, [He offers me an opportunity to prove my father wrong.] She looked around the bar. There were so many different people all looking for something to prove and here she was right alongside them. [I don't expect you to understand. Kalregar asked me to get you to meet him. If I succeed, he owes me a favor. If I fail - then I fail]

It was a risk to tell him that part but she had a feeling more information was better than none, [I figured he has a reason though to want to see you so badly. You might know something nobody else does already.]

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde arches a brow at her. [What is your father wrong about] he asks.

    However, he shakes his head. [I cannot...too dangerous] Although he doesn't elaborate on for whom it is dangerous, or why it's dangerous.

    But then his interest seems piqued. [You know where he is]

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna shrugged.[I know where he was when I met him. Where he 'is' can vary I'm sure. Otherwise he'd have been caught already.]

His comment about her father was purposely avoided. The last thing she needed was to go down that dark tunnel.[If you can't help me, than I understand. Thanks for your time though.] She finished up her ale.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    [Where] Cayde signs quickly, suddenly appearing -very- interested, perhaps even a bit desperate. He'd noticed her deliberate disregard for the question about her father...seemed like a sore spot, so he doesn't press further.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
[Why should I tell you? You said it's too dangerous to talk to me.] Drinna tilts her head, [I trade information, I don't give it for free.]

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde sighs, rubbing his forehead in frustration. No, no, no...

    [No...not you...him] he signs. Then pauses, struggling with how to phrase what he's trying to convey. [Dangerous if I go to him] he finally tells her.

    [He has a key...credits trapped...explosion] The padawan nods. [Navi Valrennann...Sephi woman] She knew about the key. 'Rin' could help her. Then, if they could prove to Kalregar that the cache was booby trapped, perhaps he'd consider it a favor owed. However, his explanation of everything is...severely lacking.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
[How do you know about the key] Drinna's face doesn't hide the surprise, nor the obvious fact she knows about the key he's talking about. All of this is weaving together and is obviously not a coincidence [Why would it be dangerous if you went. What does he want with you.]

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    [I saw it] Cayde tells her, although he doesn't specify when or where. Perhaps it has something to do with those mind powers Kalregar had mentioned. [Same way I knew you look for me] is all he has to offered on the 'how'.

    He sighs when she asks why it would be dangerous for him to meet with Kalregar. [He is my father] he finally admits, although no further explanation is given.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
So it was true. Drinna blinks at him, [I know] She signs, [He told me]

How much was she to tell him? Hedging her bets she continued, [It's why he wanted me to find you.If you really want to know where he is, I can set up a meeting.]

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde shakes his head quickly. No, no he couldn't do that...it was too dangerous.

    [Navi Valrennann...] he signs again, spelling out her full name once more. [Find her and help her] he insists. [Shining Brotherhood]

Drinna Talstri has posed:
[Alright, alright] She agrees, [I'll find her and help her.] This was not the direction that she'd expected to be heading in but, it was a road she was already heading down, [Anything else] She questions as she gets off the stool and stretches.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods, looking grateful. He also slides off of the stool, and pats her lightly on the shoulder.

    [Thank you for patience] he signs. When he touches her, she will feel a strange calm wash over her, as if all her worries had been swept away. [What is your name] And this time, he's asking for her real name.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
She hesitates and then gives in, [Drinna. My name is Drinna.] A wry smile follows, [But that's a secret]

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde smiles slightly, nodding. She'll get the notion that he's grateful for her openness. [Thank you...happy to meet you] he signs, and offers a handshake.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna shakes his hand. She's genuinely impressed by the kid. [I look forward to seeing you again] She smiles back and nods as she takes her leave.