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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024-08-15 |Synopsis=A master and padawan sit down to eat and chat- end up booking an interview. |Cast of Characters=325, 143 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:325|Annelia Belask (325)}} has posed:'''<br>    It's a quiet, surprisingly relaxed afternoon. Ann seems... remarkably easygoing for supposedly being in this place to keep tabs on a criminal enterprise.<br><br>    By now though, Cayde has pr...")
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|Cast of Characters=325, 143
|Cast of Characters=325, 143
|Location=Skysitter Restaurant - Coruscant

Latest revision as of 06:22, 16 August 2024

Definitely A Work Trip
Date of Scene: 15 August 2024
Location: Skysitter Restaurant - Coruscant
Synopsis: A master and padawan sit down to eat and chat- end up booking an interview.
Cast of Characters: Annelia Belask, Cayde Alexis

Annelia Belask has posed:
    It's a quiet, surprisingly relaxed afternoon. Ann seems... remarkably easygoing for supposedly being in this place to keep tabs on a criminal enterprise.

    By now though, Cayde has probably caught a passing thought of hers to the effect of her quietly not mentioning to the Order's masters that the criminal elements were delayed and rescheduled and likely already having the net of the CSF tightening around them.

    So instead it's... a surprisingly calm day. It's a nice establishment, and conversations are hushed and demeanours are largely cheerful- people seem to just be having a good time. Ann sets the pair down at an especially quiet corner not far from the controlled chaos of the kitchen, seeming for all the world to be perfectly content to just while away an afternoon.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Skysitter's a fairly well-known name in these parts. And yet this is the first time Cayde has ever been here. In fact he doesn't even remember the last time he ate anywhere other than at the Temple. He sits down with Ann, his gaze turned toward the magnificent view out the floor-to-ceiling windows.

    A human waitress approaches them not long after they've sat down. She smiles politely at the both of them. "Well it's not often we get Jedi in here," she remarks amicably. "My name is Thellia, I'll be your server today. Could I start you off with anything to drink?"

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Water's fine for me," answers Ann, nodding to Cayde as if to release him to do as he pleases- as adventurous or not as he pleases. She, apparently, has her clean eating habits still.

    As she looks around the quiet space, she looks back to Cayde with one of those quiet eyebrow raises she uses to check in on how his tuning to the minds of others is doing in the subdued crowd.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    [Water] Cayde signs to Thellia.

    "Oh," the waitress pauses uncertainly for a moment, as if something had caught her a little off guard. "...uh--right, water for you as well then, I take it. I...will be right back!" She turns on her heel and takes her leave.

    Her padawan -seems- to be acclimating all right. He doesn't have that creepy vacant stare on his face at the moment, anyway.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "So, Cayde. Been quite a number of tense situations lately when we're not in the temple. Thought it might be nice to mix it up and take some time among regular folks having a normal time," she notes, leaning back in her chair for the moment.

    "And don't mind the waitress, she'll get used to it." Indeed, other than that one moment and a few odd glances at two jedi in a public place, the restaurant seems private enough that there's no more notice of any moment of oddity by the waitress.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods, starting to browse the menu, but he realizes that he doesn't know what most of the dishes are or what their descriptions mean. Ann may be able to feel a bit of confusion from him, as he frowns pensively at the various items listed.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Perhaps it's from her time out in the outer rim or running around with her own Master- but Ann seems much more at ease. She smiles faintly across the table a moment, pausing as one thought or another hits her. it's actually a bit hard to penetrate this one.

    Alright, so. That first one- think the protein is usually opt for in the temple, but with a glaze that's a little sweet and acidic. Second up, something much richer and juicier, very forward on the meat itself. Not as dried out as the temple usually manages. Side is like... soft, fluffy, dairy-like starches and fatty vegetables. Third up..." she continues on, going over the details of the unfamiliar menu softly and in mild tones.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde listens to each of the explanations, although he still doesn't seem to be attracted to anything in particular. At the end he just shrugs and points at the most basic thing on the menu, which actually isn't really an entree but a side consisting of bread with some kind of house special dressing and curds with vegetables that are very similar to the ones served at the Temple. Probably a bit better quality, though.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann does chuckle a little despite herself, tilting her head slightly as she considers the young man.

    "You know, Cayde- things have been turbulent and odd. I know you feel a little weird. But would you be surprised if I said you're acting a lot like I did the first time I left the temple when I was picked up by a Master? I was thrown off, the only thing in my head was nutrition for fitness, and at one point mistook a decorative item for the food even. It's alright, really."

    She chuckles faintly, eyes distant for a moment as she glances over her shoulder out the picturesque window. "I can be intense, over-focused, and I might roll my eyes a little at the ostentatious outfits some of our fellow Jedi are wearing these days... but I can enjoy the simple things too. Well, now. Back then, I was as confused and thrown by the outside world as you are now. Now? I don't really feel ashamed that sometimes I enjoy things that aren't 'productive'. I'm rambling again, but. I'm sure you've figured out by now there's no real work to be done here after all. And I didn't really come here to lecture, either. I just thought- with all the insanity of the past few weeks and months, and having made progress in solving things on the senatorial front to where I'm fairly confident we're seeing light nearing the end of this proverbial tunnel- it might be nice to enjoy a nice, quiet part of coruscant with a remarkable view of the city in the company of my padawan."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Even if Ann is rambling, Cayde seems to take in all of it, watching her intently as she talks. People tended to do that, whenever they were around him without anyone else about...just to fill the empty space. Some people didn't like it because it made them feel awkward. Well a lot of people, really. But Ann doesn't seem to mind, and he definitely appreciates that. This is evidenced by the fact that when she tells him about mistakenly eating decorative pieces, an amused smile actually crosses his face--something that she's likely noticed isn't all that common with him.

    [Thank you master] he signs, nodding as his gaze follows hers out the window toward the picturesque view of the Federal District below.

    Just then, Thellia returns with two tall glasses of water. She sets them down in front of them, and gets out a datapad, ready to take orders. "If you two are ready to order, I can take them now." she says with another polite smile.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann answers the orders in brief- she's opted for that second item she described- which admittedly sounded like a sizable plate of food, and no Jedi has ever accused Ann of lacking an appetite, that's for sure. She also handles Cayde's choice of food, just to simplify that process. And... some other dish, 'for the table', some kind of grain-based material with a rich and creamy sauce, by description.

    As the waitress leaves, she turns her attention back to the young man, smiling faintly. "You did well, by the way. Getting the information we needed from the woman back at the compound. Vlaven may have been... nigh-psychotic about it, but that's soon to be very much -his- problem, I wager."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    "Ooh, excellent choice! One of my favorites." Thellia remarks warmly when Ann orders that shared dish. She seems a little puzzled by the random a la carte item which she's presuming is for him. "Not a big eater, eh?" she remarks, glancing briefly at Cayde. "Ah well--typical of some kids, isn't it? My own nephews definitely have their moments, too." The waitress laughs softly at that. "Anyway, everything should be out shortly." With that, she takes her leave.

    Cayde nods at the compliment, appreciating that, too. [Thank you master] he signs again. She'd then begin to bear witness to a scene at Vlaven's office. There had been...droids that showed up when Heydan started slicing the man's workstation. Of the illegal sort. Cayde's lightsaber work against them hadn't been half bad, either.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Decent work there too then," says Ann once the waitress leaves and Cayde begins to share, a half-smirk on her face. "A little surprised Seegil was so quick to assist given his early brushes with this issue. Or was this before that?"

    She pauses a moment, considering. "Don't suppose you took any recordings or parts from those dark-market droids? Or had the CSF do so? Would be decent to have handy in evidence to corroborate that photo I took."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods, taking out his commlink and showing her a message that he'd received from an 'unknown sender' asking him to meet them at the Treasurer's office, the time stamp is late at night long past the regular curfew at the Temple. So, it seemed Seegil had actually been the one ask for assistance himself, not the other way around.

    And then the memory continues, showing her that yes, he'd decapitated the black market droids and taken their heads which are now sitting in his room somewhere. Yes, those probably ought to go to the CSF, although they don't seem to have a very good opinion of him...

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann chuckles, shrugging. "We'll figure something out. Have Master Windu bring them over. Just try to wear gloves when handling them- the less direct skin contact the easier further analysis of their origins and handlers will be."

    A pause, and Ann makes a cursory glance around the room for listeners before adding: "Oh, and in cases like that? Feel free to wake me to come help. I don't mind bending a few rules to get done what needs done."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde arches a brow at her, but nods. Well, that was...good to know.

    A moment later, a young man about the same age as Ann wanders into the restaurant. Upon noticing them, he suddenly hurries over. Great...he has a cam droid with him, but isn't dressed formally. Everything about him just screams tabloid reporter or some HoloNet rumor board.

    "E-excuse me," he blurts, his gaze fixed on Cayde. "You're that kid who messed with the Chancellor, right?" he immediately holds up his hands placatingly. "Now now, don't worry, I'm not here to make you feel bad any more than you probably already do, in fact I'd say I'm on your side." Then he offers a hand for a shake. "Dane Tollier, The Daily Star. I get it you're probably annoyed at the moment but hear me out at least once, yeah?"

    Cayde takes the offered handshake, although he doesn't otherwise respond, his eyes searching Dane's expression.
    "So got a name? Erm...hello?" the reporter asks, shifting awkwardly.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Sounds a little like you might not be as informed as you think. The padawan doesn't speak. Turn the camera off," says Ann fairly bluntly, just scarcely manging to hold back the roll of her eyes at the supposed reporter.

    She pulls a small datapad from her belt and lays it on the table before tapping a few times- a timer starts. "You have two minutes to make this seem worthwhile before I put an end to it."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Dane turns to Ann as she tells him about Cayde's disability. "Oooh, I--I'm terribly sorry! I--well, we can certainly use alternative methods..." And then she's already started a timer. Well then. "Alright, alright." he turns the cam droid off. "Ahem. Well...unlike some others, I don't believe any Jedi, especially not one so young, would ever intentionally try to do harm to the Chancellor, and I think that the public just needs to know your some of the rumors out there..."

    Cayde watches the man intently, his expression neutral but he at doesn't seem to be against the idea.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    ...The only problem is, that he hasn't been able to fully explain what happened even to those closest to him...

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "And you intend to disseminate it how? Via the Star? Not known for its... sterling repute, last I heard. Should we have any concerns that the story would be dismissed by source?" she questions intently, leaning in towards the young stranger.

    "And it may need more translation than you think. These kinds of incidents can be difficult to describe even among our own, let alone to lay folk through a didactic medium. What confidence do you have that you can make it make sense?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    "I...well..." Dane shifts uncomfortably again. "Yes, and I know we aren't exactly the most well known outlet, but I was hoping this might...change things. People are looking for answers. They -want- to believe there is a legitimate explanation that exonerates you from guilt. At least, most of it. And I can't be sure, since I have no idea on the true nature of the incident. But I have to try."

    Cayde nods very slightly, and Ann will get the sense that he can tell Mr. Tollier seems...determined to the tell the truth, at least. And he does sincerely believe the Jedi wouldn't intentionally cause harm and that there was a good explanation for it. The bad rumors about the Jedi that had surfaced as a result of the incident had disturbed him.

    He takes out a datapad, since the cam droid has been put away. "Let's start with this, I take it you're the kid's master?" he asks, looking over at Cayde, then back at Ann.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "That would be accurate," Ann says simply, arms crossing as she considers a moment, looking across to Cayde.

    "That being said, perhaps it might be best if we finished here, let Cayde gather his thoughts, and then discussed it later?" she suggests, eyebrow raised as she looks at the padawan to confirm his consideration and thoughts on the suggestion.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    "But I've only--" Tollier starts to protest, then sighs. "Ah, of course. Thank you for being willing to meet with me, truly. And for hearing me out. Allow me to at least get your names?" he asks.

    Ann will get the idea that Cayde is...well, he knows this won't be the easiest thing for him, but he recognizes that it might be good for him. Especially in light of what they'd been discussing about becoming more acquainted with regular folks. Relating to them, and connecting with them other than just invading their minds.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Annelia Belask, Jedi Knight- and Cayde Alexis, padawan. I can be surly, but don't get me wrong- Cayde seems interested in this engagement. So you'll get your meeting, sooner or later. But like I said- these things can be difficult to communicate. Give him some time to put it into words- we'll be in touch," she explains, face softening... a little. The timer was shut off at some point in the middle of that.

    "Just hard to do these things on the spot over dinner, no? In fact, I'll tell you what..."

    She taps at the datapad again a few times, displaying contact information. Hers, even. Text-based, for the time being, but it's something for the reporter.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    "Right, right!" Tollier takes the contact info eagerly. He suddenly looks...almost elated, that he got this meeting. It was more than he could've ever hoped for. But he tries to go back to being professional. "Ahem. Of course, Master Jedi. Er--Master Belask. Padawan Alexis. It's a pleasure to meet you both. Ah...if I may, just one question for that I can better prepare for the interview later. You mentioned he doesn't speak, what is the reason for that? Is it psychological? Is he deaf? Communicative disorder...?"

    The journalist glances over at Cayde, who seems to have gotten distracted with Force-levitating a fist-sized globe of water slightly above the rim of the tall glass Thellia had served him earlier.
    "Well, that is...very neat." Dane remarks. "You are sure he's interested?"

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "It's how he thinks, sometimes, busying his hands or similar with frivolities- and cause is not quite fully known. He can communicate, and make himself known, and I think that suffices. No shortage of people who know sign in the galaxy, after all," says Ann, shrugging a little, with an air that might come across as dismissive, but mostly because it doesn't register as much of a 'thing' to her by this point.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Dane seems surprised. "You're his master and you don't know?" he asks, arching a brow. "I-I mean, I'm sorry. I don't mean to disrespect. Perhaps we can explore that topic then, and we can both learn something new. It may be relevant to the matter at hand, after all." he says with a smile.

    Just then, Thellia returns with the food. "Hello there, were you wanting to order something as well?" she asks Tollier.
    "Ah--no. Just visiting, that's all. I was just about to head off, anyway." he nods gratefully toward Ann. "Thank you again, Master Belask. I truly appreciate your time." Then he signs, [And you too Cayde] Can't go wrong with sign language, right? Dane Tollier then takes his leave, as the waitress begins setting the food on the table.

    Cayde drops the water back into the glass, starting to examine the dish he's been served. There is some kind of dressing on the bread that he isn't sure about...

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Does it matter that much? If it's related to things we're working on, we'll deal with it. There may be things that need addressing, but Cayde doesn't need 'fixing'," says Ann to the reporter, shrugging a little.

    "Just try it, worst that happens is you don't particularly enjoy the meal- and that's basically the everyday occurrence in the Temple," says Ann with a wry smirk as the waitress walks off. "But on the other hand, if you like it, new world of food just opened up. Twenty bad minutes versus a lifetime of options and enjoyment- math on that gamble seems easy to me."

    She seems to hold no such reservations for the seared red meat and such on her plate- happy to dig in.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    "Oh, of course not!" Dane replies over his shoulder when Ann tells him Cayde doesn't need to be 'fixed'. "Just figured the reason might be relevant to his overall story, which will be an important part of debunking many of the bad rumors that have surfaced about him." Then he's off, disappearing from sight around a corner.

    Cayde arches a brow at Ann. He didn't think the food at the Temple was all that bad. But then again, he hasn't really had much of anything else all his life. He pokes experimentally at some of the vegetables, gingerly pulling a piece off and sampling it very carefully...

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann shrugs- perhaps she's just been 'corrupted' by her time in the outer rim when it comes to food. Or maybe the temple just makes pragmatic-but-bland food. Would certainly fit the Jedi's lingering remnants of monasticism.

    But hey, maybe Cayde prefers the simpler and straightforward- Ann will be plenty content that he tried. And there's always that steaming shared plate of... something creamy and dairy-smelling. Real crowd-pleaser.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Really, it's probably the latter. But her padawan doesn't really know anything different. It's what he grew up on and what he's used to.

    Cayde frowns pensively at the taste of it. He's...not sure what he thinks about it yet, to be honest. He tries some of the shared plate as well, but in the end he has only eaten a few bites of each type of thing and there is still about 75% of the side dish he ordered. Well, actually, if anything he has eaten more of those creamy grains...