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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024-09-18 |Synopsis=Navi, Ann, and Cayde visit the undercover CSF again... |Cast of Characters=325, 143, 261 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:325|Annelia Belask (325)}} has posed:'''<br>    It's late evening a couple days after the speech regarding Vlaven's arrest, and Ann is... actually sitting still for once. She's still active and busy, mind, instead reading some kind of manual or another on a small datapad. Pre...")
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|Cast of Characters=325, 143, 261
|Cast of Characters=325, 143, 261
|Location=Federal District - Coruscant

Latest revision as of 02:27, 19 September 2024

A Quiet Chat
Date of Scene: 18 September 2024
Location: Federal District - Coruscant
Synopsis: Navi, Ann, and Cayde visit the undercover CSF again...
Cast of Characters: Annelia Belask, Cayde Alexis, Navi

Annelia Belask has posed:
    It's late evening a couple days after the speech regarding Vlaven's arrest, and Ann is... actually sitting still for once. She's still active and busy, mind, instead reading some kind of manual or another on a small datapad. Presumably something about historical lightsaber creation practices or something, knowing her.

    As she reads she sips at some drink- though it looks like just water, to be honest. She may not be moving, but it's still Ann, after all.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Following all of the day's usual studying and training routines, Cayde has gone to look for Anne. He tried the training grounds first, knowing her propensity for being physically active, then the refectory since it's nearby. And then the workshop. But not finding her at any of those locations, he'd started toward toward her quarters, crossing the atrium in doing so. That's when he found her sitting in a small lounge area and reading some book. Well that seemed...usual. Except then he realizes it's a book about saber smithing. Okay, never mind it wasn't that unusual.

    Anyway, he just sort of stands there, waiting for her to notice him and/or come to a good stopping place.

Navi has posed:
Navi had chanced to be in the atrium when Cayde had passed through, with an air of someone looking for something. Knowing Cayde, she'd fallen in a respectful distance behind him and followed him. Everywhere Cayde goes, something interesting happens. Or some kind of disaster happens. Either way, it won't be boring, and he might need help.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Something you need, Cayde? I can -feel- your force connectiong poking at mine," questions Ann suddenly, not even looking up from the datapad.

    "I take it you're all done with tasks for the day? If so, you're welcome to some spare time if you like."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde notices Navi following him, and pauses momentarily, then motions for her to join him and Ann. She may as well come.

    Then he reaches into his robes and pulls out the access card Black had given him. Both of them will immediately be aware that he's thinking of taking the CSF agent up on his offer and going to take a look at their files...

Navi has posed:
"Annelia, Cayde," Navi says softly in greeting, blushing slightly as she moves to join the pair, almost as if she'd been caught doing something sneaky. "Am I interrupting you?"

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "No, not particularly..." answers Ann of Navi, frowning a little as she looks at the card.

    "I thought I told you to transcribe the info and ditch the device, in case he put something on or in it?" she questions, eyebrow raised a little. "I'll be frank. I do not trust that man. But this -is- your decision. I'll just have one further request..."

    She sets her datapad and drink down, exhaling slowly a moment. "Check the archives- task and mission logs and debriefs specifically. Run searches for this man, some potential aliases, all that. As well as other agents like him. Don't go dealing with his kind without being thoroughly prepared."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde shakes his head. [I tried...nothing] he signs in response to the suggestion of searching the archives about them. [Copy does not work either] he continues. There was some kind of encryption on it apparently, that prevented the key from being reproduced. Well, it seemed like a natural precaution, especially for someone like Agent Black.

    However, he seems eager to check out the database. He glances at Navi, too. [Please...I will not be alone]

Navi has posed:
"I suddenly have the feeling you're about to do something that's going to get us both into trouble, at the very least," Navi observes softly, noticing Cayde looking at her. "When do you want to start?"

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Then perhaps hold it in something protective- moreso our devices from it than the inverse, but still," says Ann with a wry smile, shaking her head. "If you want to get into this spycraft type of work... I suggest stepping up your caution around strange electronics."

    "I take it you mean to go with him, Navi? I'd almost start to think you want to rejoin the Order or something."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde's brows go up slightly at Ann. [What] he signs, because honestly he is not sure what he could use to protect other devices from...whatever the key could potentially do?

    When Navi asks when he wants to start, he nods and simply starts toward the door, expecting her and Ann to follow him.

Navi has posed:
"He'll need help, and I'm not busy at the moment," Navi replies simply to Ann, following Cayde. "I mean, this is probably a bad idea from the get-go, but I wouldn't be much of a friend if I let him do this alone. It's not like I can talk him out of it; we both know that. And sadly, that's the other thing friends can do, so I really don't have much of a choice."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Sounproofing, in case it's recording audio. Signal blockage, in case it's scanning devices around it. But I suppose you'd know that if you'd broken that datapad the way I asked you to," says Annelia archly, smirking at Cayde as she stands up.

    "I do genuinely suggest you learn these things properly- coasting on your telepathy will only get you so far."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    [I have nothing to hide] Cayde points out, shrugging at Ann. But yes, if he ever did go into any undercover situations he would probably need to think of ways to do that. [But another time yes]

    He starts making his way to the CSF Federal District precinct, and accesses a side door that leads directly into the basement where Vlaven's interrogation had taken place.

Navi has posed:
"Do be careful, Cayde," Navi whispers, following Cayde and trying to keep a low profile in general. "There's something about Agent Black that troubles me, and it's not just his name, or his uncanny ability to be where he is needed."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann stops dead for a moment, putting a hand on Cayde's shoulder. "You're a teenager, so I'll let it pass this time. But do the people around you have nothing to hide, Cayde? Does the jedi order at large? If that device started cloning and transmitting our databases next time you entered the archives, what then? For someone who spends so much time in others' minds... you need to think more about these things' impact on those around you."

    With that she lets the group keep walking, for now.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde considers this. [I did not take it...to Archives] he tells her. Hopefully that would ease her concerns.

    The sublevel seems to be just as empty and quiet as before, as the three of them make their way to a room full of terminals that he has to use the key several times to access. He then uses it to unlock three of them. They seem to be full of files on everything and everyone. Perhaps one can't help the curiosity on what the government knows about certain people...

Navi has posed:
Navi shudders. "That is /scary/ to think about," she murmurs, in the wake of Ann's comments. "Remind me to change the passcode on my datapad when I get back." She takes a seat at one of the terminals, studying the layout for a moment before beginning to look up information.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "The point is more for you to start thinking about that kind of thing- mistakes like that can get people killed in the spying trade," says Ann firmly, head shaking a little. As they settle into the space, she starts reading... her datapad again. No discernible interest in the files on display.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods and sits down in front of one of the terminals as well, starting to browse through the database.

    If Navi looks up her own name, she'd find that there are reports about her being in possession of a device that unlocks some kind of booby trapped trove hidden in the Works somewhere. However, there's no active retrieval attempt in progress, and the disposition is to monitor the situation for any evidence that other parties with less noble intentions may have gotten wind of this.

    After a bit of time though, Cayde will tap Ann on the shoulder. It seems he has found something of interest.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "What'cha got, kid?" asks Ann before looking up, locking the datapad once more before turning and looking at the screen.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    There have been a series of reports about a...girl. She is the daughter of Kel Danfer, a high ranking member of a prominent criminal syndicate on Coruscant known as the Marksmen. That name might ring familiar to Navi, should she care to take a look as well.

    Anyway, she had been kidnapped by an Exchange cell as part of an attempt to steal Marksmen territory and use it to establish a presence on Coruscant. However, everywhere she went, chaos and destruction followed. Collapsed buildings, destroyed factories and warehouses. There were reports of sudden disaster at these various sites, of a caliber only someone with a strong connection to the Force could have caused...

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Sounds potentially worth looking into- any word on why it wasn't on the Jedi radar already?" Ann questions, perhaps... a little skeptical, all told. "Seems pretty high profile to have not crossed some Master's feeds."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    [Perhaps it has] Cayde suggests, shrugging. He hadn't really checked into anything like that with any of the elder Masters recently, to be honest. [We can ask]

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Probably the best next step- well, if Black is going to give you full access, make a copy and let's get out of here and check, hm?" suggests Ann mildly, nodding to the door.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods, copying the data onto his own device and heading out.