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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024-02-17 |Synopsis=A brief discussion at a cafe in the Temple District leads to a Knight and Padawan's resolve to move forward. |Cast of Characters=334, 143 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:334|Caius Astras (334)}} has posed:'''<br>Since returning to Coruscant from the furthest edges of The Mid Rim, Caius has spent much of his time in the Jedi Archives with occasional appearences in communal areas to mingle, eat and otherwise get fam...")
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|Cast of Characters=334, 143
|Cast of Characters=334, 143
|Location=Temple Precinct - Coruscant

Latest revision as of 05:46, 18 February 2024

A Much Needed Break
Date of Scene: 17 February 2024
Location: Temple Precinct - Coruscant
Synopsis: A brief discussion at a cafe in the Temple District leads to a Knight and Padawan's resolve to move forward.
Cast of Characters: 334, Cayde Alexis

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
Since returning to Coruscant from the furthest edges of The Mid Rim, Caius has spent much of his time in the Jedi Archives with occasional appearences in communal areas to mingle, eat and otherwise get familiar with the current selection of Knights, Masters and Padawans who have been lingering on Coruscant in recent weeks.

A singular focus dogs him and pushes at him though when asked about it or details of his time in the Mid Rim facing pirates and marauders....the details he gives are vague. He does seem to be searching for...something..with much of his attention on the events on Jedha both recent past and distant past. It is enough, however, to drain even him and he eventually just needs a break and so makes his way out of the temple into the district in search of familiar sights. A cafe, The Brew Haven, draws his attention towards it and as he makes his way along the streets he turns and begins to head for it's outdoor terrace.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The terrace has a warm, welcoming feel, with plenty of furniture to lounge about on. It's not exactly fancy, but it's comfortable and well-maintained.

    As Caius approaches, he might notice a middle-aged looking male Zabraki employee talking to someone familiar. Yes, it's that one padawan he'd met earlier, Cayde. The man is frowning and seems a bit annoyed, though, and maybe a touch frustrated.

    "Sorry kid, I'm still not sure what you mean..." he can be heard saying, as the older Jedi enters the terrace.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
Upon seeing Cayde, the older Knight raises an eyebrow. His steps remain unhurried, however, though he does overhear the words of the Zabraki attending to Cayde. His eyes drift between the two, looking for any signs of what the exchange could be about but he doesn't move to intervene and seems obliged to allow this to play out and to see how Cayde manages communicating under such circumstances.

He pulls a seat out at a table, within eye and ear sight of the conversation, and claims a datapad showing the available selection of food and drink. "Mmm...Annelia sure wasn't kidding..." he does muse to himself, quietly.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    There is a silence between the two for a few moments, as Cayde seems to be signing something although it's not quite clear from the distance and angle Caius is sitting at.

    A heavy sigh comes from the employee. "...listen uh...you're gonna have to be a lot more specific than that."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
It seems Caius is going to have to intervene as from his perspective there doesn't seem to be much by way of progress here and perhaps this has been going on awhile. On the one hand...Cayde needs to be able to fight his own battles and communicate with others.

On the other, the frustration of the employee can have other effects on others not involved in this exchange...so perahps a little nudging may be in order.

"Perhaps I can assist." he calls out, attempting to get the mans attention, "What seems to be the trouble?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The employee looks over at Caius, appearing a bit relieved that someone has finally decided to intervene. "I'm not sure, to be honest," he begins, glancing over at Cayde. "You know this kid?" he asks.

    Just then, another employee--this one a female Mirialan in more formal looking business attire--steps onto the terrace and starts giving some other workers instructions. The young padawan's gaze suddenly moves toward her and he points in her direction before signing, [Stealing credits]

    The Zabraki man arches a brow at him. "Okay first that's the manager, and second, doesn't look like stealing to me..."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Yes. He's a student of our order. The robes certainly count for something, do they not? Likwise a Jedi's word should hold some value to it." notes Caius as he stands and begins to approach the server and the padawan, "And obviously we would not accuse in haste but we also must have evidence in accordance to our laws, correct?"

Caius turns to study the woman and then says towards the man, "..The manager but not the owner. Perhaps it would be a good idea for you to follow up on this 'hunch' and have your books investigated? Some 'theft' isn't as obvious as pick pocketing or holding someon up at blaster point and instead may be more deeply rooted in the finances of the business."

He glances to Cayde as he speaks.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods eagerly when Caius explains precisely what he was thinking. Yes, yes exactly what he said!

    The man frowns, following Caius' gaze over to the manager and then looks back to him. "True. I suppose I haven't ever heard of any of you being flat-out wrong about anything." he nods. "And couldn't hurt to have a look at the books a little more closely, anyway. I'll talk to our accountant."

    After a moment, he exhales a bit and moves on. "Well, in the meantime, is there anything I can get for either of you?" he asks, a polite smile returning.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"It's been awhile since I've been here but I had a bit of a sweet tooth and so was going to order some of your pastries to go along with some coffee. You all had some Corellian themed strudels if I'm not mistaken. I'll take a few of those and the drink."

Caius pulls up a chair and invites himself to sit adjacent from Cayde as he addresses the man and then he turns to look towards Cayde and nods his head towards him, not only to indicate that he should order as well if he will but in some approva for how he managed the situation.

"Go ahead Cayde."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    "Of course!" The worker says, nodding. "One order of Corellian strudels and a cup of our Classic Haven Caf." he reiterates, taking note of the order on a datapad.

    He then looks toward Cayde, who points at the menu projection at the center of the table. The waiter leans toward it slightly, trying to discern what he's indicating exactly, then chuckles. "That's it? You're sure...? All right, then. I'll be just a moment!" With that, he's off to fetch the ordered items.

    Cayde looks over at Caius then. [Thanks for the help] he signs.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"All I did was reinforce what you'd already begun." answres Caius simply, "...But..you're welcome." He gives Cayde a slight grin and then leans back into his seat as he studies the padawan thoughtfully, "I'm sure thi sis alle xtremely frustrating for you...but I have to ask.. Have you..ever considered simply carrying somethign around with you that you can write on? If nothing else it might help with situations like this when they don't understand the hand signs and are slower to give you the benefit of the doubt."

He gestures absently, "Might be worth considering. A small pad of some sort."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde sighs, looking around the terrace briefly before turning back toward Caius. That...wasn't quite the issue. But how to explain it?

    [He did know the signs] he finally begins to attempt to explain. There is another pause as he frowns pensively. [It is my fault...I am no good at words...but the Force can be dangerous]

    At that moment, the Zabraki waiter returns, bringing the strudels, caf, and it seems Cayde had ordered some form of toast smothered in a white cheese. "Here you go, and here you go!" the man says cheerfully. "Anything else for either of you?" he asks.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"No, thank you." says Caius, friendly and pleased at the arrival of the food but also eager to have the man move on so he can return his attention to Cayde.

That wasn't the issue? It seems to be the issue. Exactly the issue.

"Communication, Cayde." Caius presses, "Even in knowing the signs..having a means to help you focus when clarity may elude you due to the mystery of The Force is never a bad thing. It's about having enough tools available to you so that you can aid in the lack of clarity. An image drawn. Words written. Different ways to express yourself. That's all I'm saying. It might help."

He pauses and then adds, "Remember what we've been taught. The Force is an 'ally'. See it as an ally, not as the burden of a something dangerous. Isn't that what the masters urge us to do?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    "Very well then. Enjoy!" The waiter says, then quickly takes his leave to give the two of them some privacy.

    Cayde nods, sincerely considering what Caius has to say. Huh, well he had never thought about drawing before. When he was younger, he used to draw...but these days there wasn't much time between all the studying and training he had to do. [I will ask then] he signs.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"I can't imagine them refusing. It's not as if we don't have varied talents and interests after all. Music. Dance. Yes our responsbilities and training as Jedi is what we do and who we are but our uniqueness as individuals is part of that strength. I think it'll help you."

Caius grins as he picks the pastry up and looks it over, eyes lighting up a bit in anticipation of taking a bite.

"The council is fine with me taking a look at that sorcerer on JEdha, by the way. I thought you should know..."

He pauses and looks back to Cayde, "..Are you intersted in coming along? I'd like to talk with some of the others who were at the raid before I go but if time doesn't permit it...It is what it is. What do you think?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde looks down at the dish he had ordered, and pulls a small corner off, eating it as he listens to Caius inform him that he'd been given permission to at least take a look at Tomi.

    He nods, eager at the idea of maybe, possibly, being able to 'fix' the problem he'd created. Or at least help with it, somehow. Maybe then, he'd feel somewhat vindicated...

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"I take it this means you do want to join me and take a hand in this?" asks Caius, looking Cayde over carefully, studying the Padawan to attempt to judge what he may be thinking regarding it all. He smiles slightly and nods, "Good. I think it'll be good for you. I'm...not a slouch in regards to my telepathic abilities but I don't think this will be very simple. It may even take multkple attempts but I think with help and preperation we stand a chance of...doing something for this man. It'll also serve a larger goal as well in protecting the temple from future attacks.."

HIs voice grows more serious at that point as well as if there is indeed something looming in his mind.

"The more you can tell me about what exactly happened...the easier of a time we may have. I understnad he was...struck by an artifact that induces a Force Hibernation Trance..?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods at Caius' question. [Blade of Hibernation] he signs. Or so Master Trassa had said. But it seems there is something on the older Jedi's mind.

    [You are troubled...will they attack again] he asks, frowning. Tomi had wanted to access forbidden artifacts...

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Another attack is possible." says Caius, honestly, "But who 'they' are is still nebulous. There might very well be competing factions involved or multipel artifacts and knowledge within the temple on Jedha that is drawing attention here. I'd like to determine just who exactly is interested in The Vault and what they may be seeking. We may be dealing with multiple threats but even if it was just one I think being better prepared can't hurt."

He nods his head again and then says simply, "The Hibernation Trance is a Force Skill I'm aware of. I'm trying to learn more about it to see if there is any connection to this blade. It might be our way to undo whatever's happened to this man. Either way the in the long term it'll serve us to be better prepared against other raids."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    [He wanted to open it...the Bogan Collection...] Cayde tells him. [Imoen knows more] he signs. The other padawan seemed to have a more...personal relationship with Tomi.

    He starts pulling at the cheese on the toast he'd ordered, peeling it off like a piece of adhesive flimsi. Sort of. It's far more stringy than that.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Do you think Imoen might be willing to assist as well? It might be worth including her."

Caius pauses and then says with a slight smile, "Just so we're clear, this isn't just about TOmi. It's about you as well Cayde, and Imoen, and any of the other Padawans that seem to be....thrown into things as..chaotically as you all have been. I think this will give you some dedicated goals in regards to your talents and will help you in the long run. We help ourselves as we help others."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde shrugs, pulling the last bits of the toppings on the toast off. [She might]

    He nods as Caius notes that this was just as much to help Tomi as to help him and possibly Imoen. [That is true...goals are important]

    Even as grim as Tomi's situation seemed, if they worked together, maybe, just maybe, they could accomplish something useful. Even if it wasn't restoring him fully back to himself.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
That would be Caius' goal. He is optomistic but he's also not niaeve nor foolish. More powerful Jedi then both of them exist with great telepathic skill but if if they are to progress they have to take on teh challenges and not simply wait for their scattered and far busier elders to take action.

"I'm gald you agree. I'll send you a message when ti's time to head to Jedha. I'll want to talk with Anne as well. I'm sure she wants to go. Possibly Hal as well. We'll see."

With that he stands up bows to Cayde.

"It was good to see you again Cayde. I didn't expect to run into you but I'm glad that i did. I'll let you know when it's time to leave."

With that, he claims his pastry and drink, preparing to take his leave.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde stands up and bows toward Caius as well. [Thanks for your...counsel] he signs.

    [Working together...we will succeed] If they could join their minds together in the Force, well it just might work!