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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023-12-07 |Synopsis=Navi's tour of Coruscant is interrupted when she and Imoen run into some trouble. |Cast of Characters=211, 261, 143 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:211|Imoen (211)}} has posed:'''<br>    Contrary to some of her more surreptitious forays out from the Jedi Temple, it's still only late morning when Imoen and Navi approach the Collective Commerce District. When the excitable Padawan saw Navi visit...")
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|Synopsis=Navi's tour of Coruscant is interrupted when she and Imoen run into some trouble.
|Synopsis=Navi's tour of Coruscant is interrupted when she and Imoen run into some trouble.
|Cast of Characters=211, 261, 143
|Cast of Characters=211, 261, 143
|Location=Collective Commerce District (CoCo Town) - Lower City - Coruscant

Latest revision as of 06:26, 8 December 2023

Go Home and Rethink Your Life Choices
Date of Scene: 07 December 2023
Location: Collective Commerce District (CoCo Town) - Lower City - Coruscant
Synopsis: Navi's tour of Coruscant is interrupted when she and Imoen run into some trouble.
Cast of Characters: Imoen, Navi, Cayde Alexis

Imoen has posed:
    Contrary to some of her more surreptitious forays out from the Jedi Temple, it's still only late morning when Imoen and Navi approach the Collective Commerce District. When the excitable Padawan saw Navi visit the Temple again, she rushed back to her dorm room to change into something marginally more casual-worthy and snagged her arm before the Sephi could depart. Under the pretext of showing their honored guest around the city, she decides the best place to check out first would be CoCo Town. Not as affluent a neighborhood as some, but also comparatively quite safe and appropriate for a pleasant tour.

    Pointing out all the sights and areas of interest, she spilled the beans on everything she possibly knew about the place - stopping and starting in her explanations as soon as a thought-train arrives in Imoen's mind-station. "A whole bunch of working folks come up here to relax away from the varous stressors of life. There's all sorts of things we could do, from check out clothing stores, to watch a performance at the world-renowned District Theatre, to visit some of the pets I've met in the stores - I wonder if Teeka the Tooka Cat is still waiting for an owner? - to even listen to some street music or explore the Galactic Museum." She purses her lips thoughtfully, considering their options. "Well, there's also cantinas and diners. Are you hungry?"

    Today, she's wearing just a small modification of her normal Padawan garb, consisting of a split khaki tabard over a white tunic, both tucked beneath a dark brown sash, black leggings, and some wrap-around knee-high brown boots vaguely reminiscent of bandages - her hair done up in a casual bun with the Padawan braid weaved within it.

Navi has posed:
Navi has been given quite a tour, or at least been dragged through a sizeable part of CoCo Town. She's beginning to worry that the sleeve Imoen is tugging her along by is in danger of stretching; she's being towed with such enthusiasm that her robe has been pulled off her shoulder and partway down her arm (baring part of a high-necked, sleeveless undershirt of undyed cor-cotton in the process), and the knot in the cloth belt holding her robe shut strains to stay tied.

"Um, maybe a little? I really would rather not be a burden to you, and I don't have much money," she replies meekly. "Are you sure you won't get in trouble, being away from the Temple like this?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    As Navi and Imoen are touring Coco town, either or both of them might hear a commotion out in front of one of the more run-down restaurants across the way. Angry shouting, for sure--and it definitely sounds like it's coming from someone rather large and dangerous...

Imoen has posed:
    After the first time Imoen risks halfway disrobing her guest, she instead attempts to take the other woman by her hand. Far fewer clothes to worry about, and easier to drag around where and when she wishes. Grinning at her companion in exploration, one canine peeking past her lips, she retorts, "you are as far from a burden as you possibly could be, Navi." She shrugs nonchalantly, "it's been much too long since I've been out and about. Think of it this way: a Jedi must understand the people she serves and protects, in order to find the best possible future for all involved. To wall ourselves away from the galaxy is to intentionally blind ourselves from the galaxy's truths. Besides, I'm famished. Come on, I know a great diner."

    Wandering through the streets of CoCo town, Imoen spots some kind of trouble by a usually well-to-do restaurant - at least from what she can remember of the place. Her enthusiasm dimishes only slightly, though she slows at the angry tones and loud voices. There's actual concern knitting her brow. In a quiet voice, she leans over to her Sephi friend and murmurs, "something seems awfully amuck..." Slinking closer to the danger rather than farther away, she tries to assess the situation in a way that doesn't bring them notice.

Navi has posed:
Navi's hand has been enveloped by her sleeve, but after she takes a moment to straighten her robe it is easily reached, and claimed. "That might be the wisest thing I've ever heard a Jedi say," she murmurs. "How are you not a Knight yet? Or did I just answer my own... hey. What's all that noise up there?" she asks, pointing toward the restaurant in question.

Her eyes turn a little distant, and she slows her pace. "Maybe we should keep out of this..." she protests softly.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Upon coming closer to the source of the commotion, which is some hole-in-the-wall diner at the end of the street, they'd both spot a rather hulking Dowutin man holding Padawan Alexis--one of the boys who had been with them earlier--by his robes against an outside wall.

    "You're gonna pay for that, you little punk..." he's growling ominously, looking ready to give the teen a Dowutin-sized beating.

Imoen has posed:
    Imoen beams enough that her cheeks briefly pulse pink. "Because I'm terrible with the Force..." In any case, she considers their options, before suggesting softly back, "we should at least see what the trouble is. If there's something we can do about it, even finding local security, I think we should make the effort..." She trails off though, to notice a woefully familiar sight. Her face contorts in alarm, "A-alexis?" She says this a bit louder than she had any intention to, momentarily fearing the Dowutin might notice them. Deciding to approach before the stranger might capitalize on her surprise, she slips her fingers from Navi's grasp and slides her hands into opposite sleeves. "Might I ask what is the problem, Mister...?" She hunches her shoulders and makes herself look both humble, though her blue eyes peer up at the mountain of an individual with as much certainty as she can muster.

Navi has posed:
"I know how you feel. I can do a a few useful tricks with it, but some are harder than others," Navi adds softly, trailing after Imoen in spite of her doubts.

And then she sees the towering Dowutin, and who he's got in his formidable grasp. "Oh... dear..." she murmurs, adding, "Does this happen a lot..?" off of Imoen's pronouncement of Cayde's name as she releases the Padawan's hand, slipping her own hands into her own sleeves as her friend attempts to sort out the situation.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    From her studies of the many cultures of the galaxy, Imoen might remember that Dowutin are extremely tough and strong. And...had a reputation for being aggressive and brutish. They're not very common around here, but if there were any it'd sure be down here in the Lower City.

    There is nothing immediately apparent regarding the potential cause of the commotion. As for Navi's question of whether this happens often, Imoen might be aware that Cayde at times has a habit of getting himself into trouble for reasons few understand. In spite of the situation though, he wears no emotion on his face...although she probably knows that's also typical of him.

    When the young Firrerreo approaches and tries to talk to the towering alien, he turns and glares at her, still holding Cayde against the wall. "None of your business!" he snaps.

Imoen has posed:
    Imoen hesitates to answer Navi's question, lest she move her attention away from the very threatening ton-sized Dowutin. Her head twitches to the left, but then her focus returns to the present predicament. She attempts to exude the very model of serenity, though her feet shift uncertainly on the ground and her breathing sometimes catches in her throat.

    Bowing her head in acknowledgement of the Dowutin's snapped words, she replies, "of...it might not be any of my business, sir, but is whatever it is really worth the trouble? He's so much smaller and weaker than you. Best case scenario, you'll end up with a sore fist for the rest of the day and disturb everyone around you. Worst case, some passing cop spots you beating up children and you end up locked away for who knows how long. Do you really want that?"

Navi has posed:
The towering alien seems disinclined to be persuaded to end things peacefully, much to Navi's regret, and likely also Cayde's and Imoen's. As Imoen attempts to appeal to the Dorutin's doubts and fears, Navi gets a sudden idea. Waving one arm above her head and looking past the Dorutin, she starts calling, "Officer? Officer! Could you come over here, please? And bring your partner?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    "A sore fist?" The Dowutin scoffs. "Ha!" But then the idea of a police confrontation and potentially getting in trouble with the law gives him pause. And she definitely looks like a Jedi. He doesn't seem convinced that there is an officer nearby currently, as Navi might want him to be, but he tosses Cayde aside anyway. "Hmph, fine. But you better get him out of here, before I change my mind." he threatens, then storms off back into the dilapidated diner.

    As for Cayde, he starts to pick himself up off of the ground where he'd been dumped rather roughly. They'll notice then that he looks a bit worse for wear. And...are those bloodstains on his robes?

Imoen has posed:
    "Thank you, Mister." Imoen bows her head again, only to wince as she sees how thoughtlessly the boy was dumped down. She hurries to his side, setting a hand on his shoulder while the other attempts to encourage him back to his feet. "Are you ok?" Then she notices the stains. "Alexis." Her tone converts into something potentially reminiscent of a sternly scolding mother. "What are those?" There's a pained expression on her face, "please don't tell me you got into a fight?" She looks around worriedly, "what do you think the Temple will say when they see that?"

Navi has posed:
Navi watches the Dowutin depart, wary of the being's threat to change his mind. Only when he is across the street and still moving away does she kneel beside Imoen and Cayde. "What happened to you?" she asks Cayde worriedly. "And I hope that's soup or sauce or something... it looks a lot like blood." She shivers at the word 'blood'.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde shakes his head quickly, pulling other non-stained parts of his robe over the bloodied parts, and also over where he knows he's been injured. Really, he's fine. Imoen can feel it, she just knows it. It must just be soup, or something. ...Or is it? Could she really be thinking that herself?

    However, she might also be aware that Padawan Alexis is quite skilled in the Powers of the Mind and particularly Force telepathy--something she may not have experienced before but certainly has studied it. It's an odd feeling, but perhaps she's previously imagined it'd feel like this.

    Navi, on the other hand, will be able to tell that's definitely not soup. It's blood all right, and not only that, it's his blood. Even as she feels his presence attempting to plant false notions in her mind, she can see that the Dowutin man had actually roughed him up before they'd seen him outside the diner...

Imoen has posed:
    Imoen mumbles something like, "why would you have soup on your robe..." Once he's successfully risen to his feet, she looks back at Navi and says, "sorry to put you in the vicinity of such danger. When I saw who it was though, I didn't want him hurt." Her attention centers back on the other Padawan, "I guess you're not the only one that finds reasons to come outside the Temple walls, but you should really be more careful." She frowns thoughtfully, "are you sure you're ok? The Jedi would be furious - or about as furious as Jedi could get - if you fell into harm. Come on, maybe we should postpone Miss Navi's city tour and bring you back?"

Navi has posed:
"That's not soup," Navi points out softly. "We didn't see nearly all of that confrontation. And I don't have a problem with cutting the tour short, since we really need to get him back to the Temple. A healer really needs to look at these injuries. I know a little about medicine, but this is hardly the place to be checking wounds."

She moves to assist Cayde, should he need it. "Can you walk? Or should we flag down a hack?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Well it was a restaurant, perhaps there'd just been a spill--

    Okay, it was too late for that, since Navi has already seen through his attempts to manipulate her thoughts.

    However, he steps away from Navi when she tries to help him. [No need...] he signs. [I am fine]

    They'll both get the sense that he doesn't want to go back to the Temple right now.

    Suddenly, the door to the diner opens again, and a spindly looking server droid pokes its head out. "Hey! Boss said to get lost, before he changes his mind about beatin' ya all to pulp! So get lost!" it shouts, making a shooing motion at them.

Imoen has posed:
    "Oh." Imoen blinks, "wait, what? But I thought..." She lifts a hand to her temple, then scowls at the bow, "did you just...mind trick me?" She breathes out a heavy sigh, "here I am, trying to help you. Maybe I should've just let the Dowuti turn you into Alexis-custard..." She releases the boy to cross her arms about her chest and stare at him with a severe expression. Hearing Navi's suggestion to bring him back to the Temple, her brow knits in consideration. "Getting into a fight is a pretty bad thing for a Padawan..." She seems a bit conflicted, and so she turns to Navi to say, "I might have a place we could go to wash his robes and maybe clean his wounds..." She trails off at this, implicitly allowing the Sephi to decide the best course of action.

    She frowns at Alexis' hand signs, "no. No, you're not fine. That -was- blood." When the diner door opens for the droid to poke out and wave them away, she lets out a heavy breath and mutters, "oh, dosh it." She moves to take the boy's hand, whether he wants her to or not, and tug him away from the CoCo town streets, assuming Navi trails just behind them.

Navi has posed:
"Yes. Someplace private is best," Navi agrees. "Someplace where I can take a look at those injuries and see how hurt you are," she adds, to Cayde.

Just then the droid pokes its head out and yells at them, and she cringes away from it at first. "Oh, go do something useful, like washing plates with your rusty face!" she snaps, her patience gone. "We're /going/!" With that, she turns to follow Imoen and Cayde.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    When Imoen grabs his hand, Cayde frowns and tries to twist away from her. She will be able to very distinctly feel his displeasure at being grabbed, like a baby. He really hates it, and even moreso because people often did that to him just to shut him up. The feeling is so palpable that it almost puts her own emotions on edge. But still, her grip is like an iron fist, and he can't pull away.

    "Hmph! Rude." The droid accuses, then turns around and storms back inside, its rusty joints creaking noisily as it does so.

Imoen has posed:
    "Navi!" Imoen says, aghast at the raised voice, though she soon thereafter giggles under her breath. She begins to pull Alexis away from the diner, away from CoCo town entirely, and further towards some of the poorer and poorer communities on the surface. About a quarter of the way to her mysterious destination, she looks to him with some concern. "If I let you go, will you follow me? Please?" So long as he agrees, she does as indicated, releasing him as they continue onwards across the planet's surface.

    They have to take a couple trains, but it's less than an hour later that they arrive where she intended to lead them. It's a pretty poor housing block, more fit for the many laborers and their families on the Coruscanti surface. It still beats life at the lower levels, but it's certainly nothing like the bustle of CoCo town or the majesty of the Temple. There's a small group of kids there playing around. One of them waves and calls Imoen's name, before running off elsewhere. She stops at a three-story building squeezed between numerous others of a kind. Typing a code into a panel at the front, she leads them through the sliding door, to another door inside, types a different code on a different panel, and finally enters an apartment.

    It's got a few rooms, and a lot of personality. She points towards the end of the hall diverting from the living room, "there's a bathroom over there. I think there's some bandages too. Nothing too fancy, but..." Evidence of life is everywhere in here, from clearly multiple different people. There's also a handful of pictures framed near plants or other decoration - in them can be seen a much younger Imoen surrounded by similar-faced Firrerreo, two of which are significantly older. There's some of Imoen, however, that look curiously similar to how she is now, even down to the outfit she's currently wearing.

Navi has posed:
"Sorry..." Navi says, blushing. "But that droid barking at us to leave while we were helping Cayde... it just... well... I lost my temper. Sorry for making a scene." She hurries after Imoen. Aside from checking on Cayde occasionally, she's quiet and subdued throughout the trip.

The neighborhood they enter has her staring around like a tourist, which she technically is, but the apartment Imoen eventually leads them into interests her even more. "Does your family live here, Imoen?" she asks, studying the pictures on the walls. "Cayde, can you take your shirt and tunic off and find someplace to lie down? I really should look at those injuries."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    As they enter the apartment, Cayde frowns at the pictures on the walls. Imoen will be able to 'hear' his thought projections in her own mind. Was that her family? But, they weren't supposed to visit their families, the Order forbade it. And some of these looked quite recent, even. There is a flash of memories from earlier when she'd been trying to eavesdrop on the Council, and suddenly it's quite clear -he- was the reason why Master Karina had just...known. It hadn't been intentional, but sometimes he had difficulty controlling his projections.

    When Navi asks Cayde to take off his shirt so she can tend to his injuries though, he shakes his head and hurries down toward the end of the hallway where the refresher is. He can take care of himself, thank you.

Imoen has posed:
    Imoen shook her head, still giggling after the Sephi's exchange with the droid, "it's not that. I just didn't expect that out of you."

    Now that they're in the apartment, she replies by saying enigmatically, "the Jedi are our family. We are brought to the Force while young so we're less likely to form close attachments with our parents or siblings..." Nevertheless, the smile that slips free betrays the truth of the matter - if the family pictures did not do so already. Face warming at the suggestion of the other Padawan disrobing in the apartment, she looks away and mumbles, "I think we-they-there's some towels around her somewhere. Just uhh...try not to bleed too much on them." She sighs and wanders in the direction of the kitchen - which only has an island to separate it from the living room. "Luna's going to kill me..."

    There's certainly a couch there, and all the standard accoutrements of a family domicile - from a kitchen table and chairs to a very modest holovid projector. She watches the other Padawan head over to the refresher anyway, and decides it's a good time to release another sigh. "Well, it's still pretty early." She looks a little dejected at a glance from Navi, "but I guess we should reschedule our tour..."

Navi has posed:
"Suit yourself. But if you need me to treat any of your injuries, please let me know?" Navi calls meekly after Cayde. Seating herself at the kitchen table, she smiles faintly at Imoen. "It's fine. Maybe we can continue the tour tomorrow," she suggests. "I'm more worried about Cayde being hurt, and whether he can get the blood out of his clothes, so the Masters won't notice. It kind of seems like you're both on thin ice with them. Not judging. But it's what I think I see. Please forgive me if I'm wrong, or sticking my nose where it doesn't belong," she adds, blushing again. "By the way, who is Luna?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde shuts himself in the refreshers. It really seems that he doesn't want anyone else to take care of him...

Imoen has posed:
    Imoen nods her head reluctantly, only to frown, "what was he doing, getting into fights? And to the point of injuring himself and ruining his robes?" She winces, but shakes her head and admits, "no, you're right. This is not what Master Karina would say is proper Jedi behavior..." Gesturing vaguely, she notes, "Luna's my si-...my sister." She hesitates a moment, but follows through nonetheless. "Oldest of the batch. She likes to think that makes her the most responsible. Too bad she wasn't force-sensitive too. She'd make a way better Jedi than me." Another headshake. "I found my family after I was brought to the Temple. It wasn't hard. I already had some familiarity with Coruscant when I was taken. Not exactly a leap of luck to find my way back here. It...did take me a few tries though." She waves at the refresher and the boy ostensibly cleaning his wounds with her towels right now. "But getting into a fight..." She winces again, "if you have to tell the Temple, I'll understand." She runs a hand over the kitchen island, one of her nails picking at a piece of dried food stuck there. "I won't expect you to lie for me."

Navi has posed:
"Unless they ask me directly, I won't tell them anything. The Order and I don't exactly see eye to eye, so I have no reason to say anything to them, except what concerns my delivery," Navi replies softly. "And we don't know that he was getting into any fights deliberately. We just know he got into /one/ fight, probably with that big jerk back at that diner, and we didn't see all of that. Though it does worry me that he was bleeding on his clothes. Facial wounds bleed a lot, and it would make sense if it dripped onto his robes, but if he was bleeding from below the neck anywhere... well, that could be severe. He seems to be getting around well enough, though, so I doubt he's more than lightly hurt."

She smiles faintly at the mention of Imoen's sister. "You're lucky. I can't even remember my family... I was taken away from them when I was too young to remember them. I'm happy you found yours again."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    No...he hadn't been injured on the face, that much had been clear, so the blood must have been coming from elsewhere. They'll probably hear the water running for a bit, before he eventually emerges at least with his robes clean, if a bit wet. He comes into the living room while they are talking about him, watching them both intently.

    And then about Imoen's family...so she had been seeing her biological family, in spite of the Order's wishes. But doesn't she trust the Council? However, these thoughts are kept to himself, instead of projected this time.

Imoen has posed:
    Imoen seems concerned, staring distantly, "I don't know. It seems unusual that even I was out of the Temple. And what got him involved in that fight to begin with?" A look to the refresher door, "I wonder if he found his family too?" Then her attention swings back to Navi, offering her a small smile, "thanks." After a brief pause, she grudgingly adds, "if they do ask...you can tell them the truth. I don't want a lie on your conscience." She smiles again, warm and yet slightly sad as she leans idly against the side of the kitchen island, "they're the best. I know I have to maintain a certain level of detachment. It'll crush me if any of them get hurt, and I know I may have to prepare myself if something terrible comes to pass. But it'll crush me even more if I can never see them again. Perhaps that's exactly why Master Yoda frowns upon connections like this, but well, I love them. Nobody can change that, and I don't want it any other way." She looks up to see the other Padawan come out from her refresher. "Much better. Ready to go back to the Temple?"

Navi has posed:
"If they ask me. I don't really expect them to. Hopefully it will be a non-issue," Navi observes, looking up as Cayde returns. "Well, you look better. I don't see any blood now. I really do think you should have let me check those injuries, since there was bleeding involved, but I really don't feel like forcing the issue. We can go back to the Temple whenever you're ready, I suppose."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde is naturally of very fair complexion, but having seen him earlier, Navi will notice that he actually looks paler than before--indicative of a significant amount of blood loss. How he's just walking around as normal...well, in her studies of the Force, she has probably come across the idea that the Force can be used to resist extreme pain, exhaustion, or discomfort...which could be what's happening.

    When asked if he wants to go back to the Temple now, though, Cayde shakes his head. He approaches Imoen and starts signing to her. [Outside...the children...] He looks...distressed about something.

Imoen has posed:
    Imoen rises from her lean against the kitchen island, readying herself to depart for the Temple and the hour or so journey ahead. She nods gratefully towards Navi, but then looks perplexed at the hand signs. "The children? What about them?" She shakes her head, feeling a strange sense of foreboding circle around her gut. "Is there something wrong? They're just some of the local kids. Probably playing pranks or pretend or something..." She trails off, glancing with some worry at Navi in case she might unpack what the other Padawan might be trying to convey a bit better.

Navi has posed:
Navi's expression turns concerned. "Your clothes look better, but /you/ look like warmed-over heck," she observes. "You're way too pale not to have lost a lot of blood, and the Force isn't going to keep you on your feet forever. You need a healer. A real one. We need to get you back to the Temple."

She looks to Imoen, blinking as she studies the hand-signs Cayde sends to Imoen. "Are the children in danger?" she asks softly. "Or is something else wrong?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde ignores Navi's fussing over his health. Indeed, Imoen will feel a sense of foreboding. Nothing world-shatteringly terrible, but just one of those unsettling feelings.

    The two of them will then bear witness to a series of mental images not unlike the visions Imoen often has, of the kids they'd just seen playing outside a few moments ago.

    At first, it seems nothing is amiss, but a subsequent flash of imagery reveals an unsavory looking individual approaching them with...yep, that's definitely spice of the illegal kind.

Imoen has posed:
    "Yeah, I think you should worry about yourself before you worry about the kids. Do you need to sit down? Maybe have some water?" The mention of danger has Imoen quickly on alert, and she registers that bad gut feeling as more than just a gut feeling - it's the Force telling her what she needs to know. "Oh, karabast. That's not ideal." She gestures as if to take Alexis' hand, hesitates, and starts for the door instead. "Before we go out there, no talk of Jedi or the Temple. I'd sooner there not be some strange rumors to get my family into trouble. So no lightsabers either." Then, she's opening the door and stepping out to the interior hallway, expecting her friends to follow after. "Alexis, do you know where they may have gone?"

Navi has posed:
"Okay, but /at least/ do something about the blood loss. Imoen, he needs something with sugar, to help replenish the lost blood," Navi declares softly, registering the image of the dodgy-looking man with the dodgier illegal spice. "My staff won't give anyone away as a Jedi. If we have to fight, let me do it," she suggests. "Just maybe I can drive him off without hurting him too much."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde follows the two women as they start outside. In response to Imoen's question, there is an immediate notion in her mind that they have not yet gone anywhere...they are still outside, and hopefully they haven't already exposed anyone to the addictive drug. Perhaps, Imoen will be able to send him away before it's too late.

Imoen has posed:
    Glancing back over her shoulder, Imoen calls out, "there's probably some nectrose pops in the freezer." That's about as much as she can eke out before wandering through the hall and out the building's exit proper. Trying to mentally place where the images that flashed through her head might exist out on her housing block - was that graffiti near old man Silver's place? - she carefully makes her way onto the exterior streets. "Very well. But yeah, if we can get him to leave without a fight, all the better. In fact, if we had to fight, I'd worry he'd just come back angrier the next time..." The kids couldn't have gone far in the time they were at her family's place, right?

Navi has posed:
Navi follows Imoen, hanging back a little to keep half an eye on Cayde, just in case his injuries catch up to him all at once. "Just hope there aren't too many bystanders or nosy neighbors around... between your Jedi robes and my cult robe, we're going to stand out some. With any luck we'll be finished with this guy before anybody notices anything's going on." Spying the kids not too far ahead, she adds, "At least it was a short trip."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Indeed, they're just outside the door for the most part. The vision had been somewhat vague, but now that they are actually out here, they can see that the perpetrator is a human who can't be much older than Imoen or Cayde. The kids are standing around him, curious about what he's showing them...

Imoen has posed:
    Imoen nods her head slowly, though she glances down at herself skeptically, "I suppose I do look pretty clean in this..." She pulls at one hem of her tabard, until she remembers the more pressing issue at the moment. Arriving at the spot in her visions, she notes the guy chatting with the younger children and frowns at him. "You're selling poison again? How could you justify stealing their hard-earned credits and making them sick?" She looks to the kids, "if you want to turn into a poodoo-making machine, then you're welcome to give this loser your money." She looks to the dealer again, "and you. You should really go home and rethink your life choices."

Navi has posed:
"Do go home, please," Navi adds to the would-be slythmonger. "There are children present. Besides, I doubt they have the kind of money you're interested in. Have you tried CoCo Town? There's a rather shady diner on the corner of Consolidated Communications Road and Commerce Way that could use a well-placed slythmonger. Just look for a skinny, rusty droid, and you'll know you have the right place," she suggests.

She looks at the children, nodding. "She's right, you know. Most of what this man's selling will make you very sick. You might even die. Trust me, it's not worth the risk."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The other teen doesn't take much convincing. As soon as he sees them, he quickly shoves the spice back into a knapsack he's carrying and steps back away from the kids. "R-right, yeah, yeah I was just about to leave anyway. Just uh....just was looking for an old friend of mine, that's all."

    But as the young man starts to leave, Navi and Imoen will get a strange yet perhaps familiar feeling. Yes...a telepathic Force projection, except this time it's more clear and distinguished words, as opposed to emotions or impressions.

    <He'll be back.>

Imoen has posed:
    Imoen can't help it. She snorts. A hand comes up to cover her mouth and she titters behind it before containing her mirth and simply side-eye-smirking at Navi. She's relieved to see the teen is easily dealt with, nodding her head victoriously over the stranger as he collects his drugs and stumbles away. The telepathic conveyance helps to evaporate any spare light-heartedness from Navi's earlier remarks, and she says, "if he ever comes back and sells anything to you, I can promise you're going to hate trying it, and end up regretting it. The worst poison ever."

    Once the kids disperse, she gestures to her friends and says, "one moment, and then we can finally return to the Temple." Soon, she's knocking on a door and hugging a green-skinned Twi'lek woman that comes out. She explains what happened - in Twi'leki no less - and what the guy looks like to the best of her ability, then quickly says her farewells and returns to Navi and Alexis. Hopefully that curbs the risk if she's not around for the next time. "Ok. I'm ready when you are."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde frowns, watching the other teen leave even as Imoen does what she can to make sure it doesn't happen again.

    <He is with a syndicate...the Marksmen> is projected to the both of them. <They are ruthless>

    But he nods at the mention of going back to the Temple. He supposed, he'd have to get back soon, anyway.

Imoen has posed:
    Imoen gives Alexis a look as his telepathic thoughts enter her mind. The Marksmen? That doesn't sound ideal. She will certainly have to grill him about it later, when they're not standing out here in the streets and the boy isn't weak from blood loss. So, with one last look at where the teen went, she leads them back on the trail towards the nearest train station, and eventually towards the Jedi Temple itself.