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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024-02-09 |Synopsis=New faces are made acquainted with one another as casual socializing and discussion about the events on Jedha occur. |Cast of Characters=143, 269, 334, 325 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:143|Cayde Alexis (143)}} has posed:'''<br>    It's the latter part of the day at the Temple, a time when many residents of the place are coming and going from the refectory for their usual evening meal. The su...")
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|Cast of Characters=143, 269, 334, 325
|Cast of Characters=143, 269, 334, 325
|Location=Temple Refectory - Jedi Temple - Coruscant

Latest revision as of 04:18, 10 February 2024

A Chat in the Refectory
Date of Scene: 09 February 2024
Location: Temple Refectory - Jedi Temple - Coruscant
Synopsis: New faces are made acquainted with one another as casual socializing and discussion about the events on Jedha occur.
Cast of Characters: Cayde Alexis, 269, 334, Annelia Belask

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    It's the latter part of the day at the Temple, a time when many residents of the place are coming and going from the refectory for their usual evening meal. The sun is just over the horizon, painting the sky a deep orange color as seen throughout the windows that look out into the Arboretum.

    Various groups are seated and making casual conversation throughout the dining hall, often those with similar interests or of similar age such as many of the padawans.

    Not Cayde, though. He's just sitting alone at a table near the windows. As per usual.

Hal (269) has posed:
Hal has since entered and acquired a modest meal for himself, and takes a moment to scan the room, though it takes a moment before he finds a relatively quiet area, also near the windows, at a table near Cayde. The one-eyed Jedi affords a nod to Cayde in greeting as he takes a seat and stretches his neck.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
Caius makes his way through the large chamber with a datapad in hand and brow furrowed in concentration as he studies the contents upon it. His other hand absently tosses small melon up and down, catching it easily as he manuevers here and there and makes his way through social groups scattered here and there. A light frown creases his features and he eventually comes to a stop and sighs with mild frustration before turning to study the room and those gathered.

The various social groups of the padawans get his attention and his eyes linger here and there as he takes stock of those present...only to find his gaze settling on the lone padawan sitting by the large windows away from everyone else. He watches him for a few seconds, tucking the datapad under an arm as he does so and then he begins a steady approach, taking a bite from the melon as he does so.

Hal catches his eye at this point as well and he gives the other Jedi Knight a nod and a slight smile as he draws closer and then sets the datapad down onto one of the empty tables near the older Jedi Knight and the Padawan.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    It seems that good Jedi come in threes- because it's not long after that Ann starts ambling into the vicinity of these three separate folks, eyes out the window for a longish moment.

    Perhaps showing some of their longstanding familiarity, the curious fruit or something from some distant planet that *had* been in her hand... bounces lightly off Caius's head from the side. The rebound is assisted slightly by Ann's hard-earned yet still modest telekinetic penchant to land it directly back in her hand.

    Assuming she draws the attention, she tilts her head to Cayde's table, smirking amusedly.

    "Caius? Meet Cayde. Cayde, Caius. Cayde is one of the padawans I had mentioned the other day in the archives, Caius is similar in age to me and we spent many an hour in our spare time sparring to practice together."

    As she sits rather unbidden at Cayde's table, she offers a nod and a wave of her free hand to Hal, nearby as he is.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde looks over at Hal and smiles amicably toward him when that nod in greeting is directed toward him. He also seems to notice Caius watching him immediately, suddenly looking up at him and meeting his gaze with curiosity.

    In spite of Ann's uninvited presence, Cayde actually seems happy at the idea that she has chosen to join him. The boy's expression lights up as he looks over at her, and nods when she introduces Caius. [Hello nice to meet you] he signs.

Hal (269) has posed:
Hal takes a sip of his drink upon noticing that the area has become a bit busier. He sets the cup down and nods to the new arrivals. "Good to meet you," he remarks, albeit not yet introduced, "I am Hal Theron," he notes kindly, and gives another nod, "What have you all been studying?" the knight asks, positioning himself at the table to have his good eye face the others.

The elder Jedi pops a piece of food in his mouth as he thinks for a few moments after spotting Ann bounce the fruit off of Caius' head, causing Hal to raise a brow, "Up to mischief, eh?" he asks with curiosity.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"So it would seem." responds Caius to Hal as he rubs the back of his head but gives a friendly and easy going smile despite that bit of fruit tossing.

"So much for my gift of foresight. You should be careful Ann. I don't think the two of these ones want to get caught up in any sort of telekinetic augmented food fight due to bring the Masters storming in here..."

His tone of voice well suggests that yes..he would probably like that and be quite amused by it. Somethings could be worth a severe scolding.

"And nice to meet you Hal Theron..and you as well Cayde."

He bows to them both and then takes a seat across from Annelisa, "I was looking into information on something known as a hibernation trance in preperation for requesting permission to access information on a particularly interesting artifact on Jedha... There's an individual in a certain state that I'm hoping to help but I'd like to be prepared before I present any sort of findings..."

His gaze drifts to Cayde as he speaks, "In fact I was goign to ask our young padawan here if he might be interested in assisting.. With permission from his masters, of course.."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Yes- saw Caius the other day, turns out he was already touching on some things you're familiar with, Cayde," Ann confirms, nodding as she begins pulling the peel off... whatever this thing is. She doesn't seem entirely sure herself.

    "Just a little bother between old friends, is all," she answers to Hal, smiling faintly. "At the moment, no studies, but of late it's been brushing up on maintenance and repair."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods and smiles politely toward Hal when he introduces himself. [Nice to meet you Master Theron] he signs. Although his expression falls slightly when Caius mentions the hibernation trance. There is a certain heaviness about him, really. And upon closer examination, he looks rather exhausted as if he hasn't slept soundly for many days.

    However, a nod is given toward Caius' suggestion. As long as the Council agreed, of course.

Hal (269) has posed:
"I see," Hal says and gives a brief chuckle at the prankery. "Indeed, it is the last thing we need, though I am not sure who would be more surprised, the padawans seeing the masters arrive or the masters upon realizing what they were called for," he takes a sip. The knight nods to Cayde upon catching the signing, "And you as well," he says in response.

When Caius brings up the hibernation trance, Hal nods in approval, "It seems like a certainly interesting venture. No doubt the two of you, should permission be granted, shall be successful. What sort of trouble are you expecting on your journey?" he asks.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
As if sensing that last part, Caius simply smiles at Cayde.

"Don't worry about that part padawan. That is not your burden or issue to bear but that of your knights. I'll see to it that you won't get into any trouble. The effort is well worth it, both for yourself and for the one that we seek to help...and for others in the future. I think, perhaps, you will sleep better for it?"

He sits back and then looks over to Hal, "I don't believe we'll encounter too much trouble. It may require a journey to Jedha at some point but there's an individual that is...trapped in a force induced trance. Bringing him out of that perdicament is warrented but furthermore there are some questions that must be asked of him. I believe several minds working together may be able to make this happen and I understand that our young padawan here is especially gifted in such areas. I think the focus and the act of helping another will benefit him and put his mind at ease."

Caius chuckles again and then lifts his own piece of fruit up, pausing before he takes a bite, "Hopefully it should be fairly straight forward but....you never know.."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann leans back in her chair for the moment, crossing one leg over the other absently as she considers the words of the other three.

    "It's probably worth noting, Cayde- Caius here's fairly talented at the mental side of the Force himself. May be worth having some discussions on that type of thing with him even absent these present issues."

    She turns her attention Hal a moment, brow raising a little. "Oh, well. The journey should be fine, but... not sure you've heard, there was a raid on the vault of relics in the temple on Jedha."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    [I hope so] Cayde signs in response to the idea that this would hopefully help him sleep better. Although he doesn't look that confident. Maybe, but honestly it wasn't the only thing keeping him awake at night these days.

    He nods at Ann, but sighs a little when Caius says that bit about the endeavor being straightforward. It would be anything but...however he doesn't mention this. They'd probably ask him why he thinks that and it's just...too hard to explain it all.

Hal (269) has posed:
"He is correct," Hal says and nods to Caius, "It is the role of a knight to shoulder this, you need only learn from it," he grimly smiles and listens to Caius, "That is good, at least. But if you can benefit him and what we know, it would be a boon to all involved, as you state. Though you raise a valid point on if it will be straight forward or not, but our path is not easy."

As Hal does not know any of the three well, the knight keeps a bit quiet, though Ann's comment gets a nod, "Indeed, have faith, and it shall all go well." But the news of the raid causes Hal to frown and after a sip he looks to Ann, "Do we know what was taken?" His stern tone betraying his frustration.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"A path being straight forward does ot mean it's easy." notes Caius, "When I say straight forward I mean to say that it is clear to me what we must make the attempt to do but there will be obstacles and challenges and perhaps our first efforts may not yield the results we wants. But the direction we must move in, forward, is clear."

He onds to Hal and Ann both and then turns back to Cayde "So be at ease Cayde. ALready I can sense that you are letting burdens weigh down your resolve. Instead, I suggest, you take these burdens into the resolve needed to move forward and make the choices necessary to account for past actions. That is how you will find the rest you clearly sorely need."

His smile remains but grows more reflective as he considers more, "..And yes...the raid. If I'm not mistaken they prevented anything from being stolen but...I have reasons to be concerned that the same individuals or others may try again. I wish I could get a better read on what they may be after but...that will take some time."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "I get that you made Knight before I did, but this is quite the 'wise old master' air you have right now, Caius," says Ann with an amused chuckle, head shaking. "It's a fine seeming for you."

    She looks back at the other two, pondering a moment. "Well, I did not have eyes on every element of the situation- as far as I could tell, the only thieves to make it into the vault are either comatose, or were forced to drop their potential takings and flee with an injured stinger."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods again. [Thank you...I will do my best] he signs when Caius gives him some 'wise old master' advice, although he is not all that old yet. The padawan just listens to the conversation as the others discuss the raid on Jedha, as he's typically prone to do in these group social settings.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:

Caius looks embaressed as Ann points that out and he seems to shrink back into himself slightly.

"I...experienced some things out in the Mid Rim that forced me to...re evaluate my way of thinking. I'm just trying to pass on what I learned. What I'm still learning."

He seems to grow more positive at that and says simply, "IF age alone was a factor in passing on advice from experience and wise things shared by others then none of us would learn anything from one another now would we?"

Hal (269) has posed:
"This is true," Hal says as Cais clarifies on straightforwardness. The talk of the relics being protected makes the knight nod in approval, "Good. But yes, redouble efforts because others will try and learn from the failures of this attempt." When Caius mentions the Mid Rim, Hal listens quietly, "Indeed, the youth can often teach as often as the elders, just depends on how."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Ah, don't be sorry, it's certainly not as strange as this one calling -me- wise one time," Ann notes, chuckling again and shrugging it off.

    "I think the festival in particular was a big part of the raid, to be honest, where the vault was to be opened at a known time anyways. Being so often locked since, likely not -as- much risk right this moment."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Indeed, such wisdom is on full display when launching fruit at peoples heads from across food courts while managing to avoid starting a full on food fight." remarks Caius with amusement.

"As to the vault, yes. It all seems well timed. I think my own investigations may be adjacent and not exactly related but it all can't be ignored. Hopefully if we are successful in drawing back the culprit currently trapped in a force trance we will get some answers and be able to better prepare..."

He then turns towards Hal, "What about yourself, Master Hal. Have you recently returned to Coruscant as well?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    As they others continued conversing, Cayde had begun fiddling with his empty plate, using the Force to stand it up on the table and spin it around and around.

    But his gaze goes over to Ann when she makes light of someone else calling her wise previously. [You are wise] he signs, his expression sincere.

Hal (269) has posed:
Hal eats quietly as the others speak, though the mention of avoiding a food fight gets a rare laugh out of him. When he is addressed, he looks up, "Indeed. I have been away for a while, but it was high time for me to return." He slides his tray a bit away from him, relaxing his posture, "But I will admit it has been far too long since I was last here."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "'Across the court' he says, I was maybe a meter behind you and it was barely more than a light tap," says Ann with a snort, shaking her head.

    "All argument over who has what wisdom can happen another time. Maybe once we've both gone gray and tired."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"I'm teasing, I'm teasing." Caius says with a laugh though he does stand and retrieve his datapad, "It was nice meeting you two and seeing you again, Ann, but I better get this back to the archives before they come looking for me and we really -do- have a food fight on our hands."

He gives them a smile and a wink and then turns and starts making his way for the exit of the room.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    [There is no argument] Cayde signs, shaking his head when Ann relegates that discussion to another distant time. He seems to be pretty confident in his earlier assertion about her being wise.

    [Good to meet you] he signs when Caius begins to take his leave, then waves goodbye politely.

Hal (269) has posed:
"Indeed, there will always be time for such discussions," Hal shakes his head and gives a brief wave to those departing, "Until we meet again," he states and finishes the remaining portions of his food before rising, giving Cayde a nod, "It was good to meet you both," he also notes to Cayde and Ann

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Wasn't being literal about the argument," Ann notes to Cayde, shrugging. "Just keeping light-hearted and all as we're here for a rest moment." She glances down at one of her gadgets at her waist, frowning.

    "That being said, sounds like mine is done, so do be well both of you. Certain I'll see you about the temple sooner than later."

    With that, she springs to her feet, offering each a nod before turning on a heel and heading... somewhere? One supposes?