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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024-03-18 |Synopsis=Ann and Cayde plan their next move in their attempts to retrieve a missing relic. |Cast of Characters=325, 143 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:325|Annelia Belask (325)}} has posed:'''<br>    It's hardly a minute after the chat with the informant that Ann is out the door with Cayde in tow- but rather than making her way down the road, it's barely two minutes later when she pulls the younger jedi...")
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|Cast of Characters=325, 143
|Cast of Characters=325, 143
|Location=Yarrum Spaceport

Latest revision as of 02:21, 19 March 2024

A Quick Review
Date of Scene: 18 March 2024
Location: Yarrum Spaceport
Synopsis: Ann and Cayde plan their next move in their attempts to retrieve a missing relic.
Cast of Characters: Annelia Belask, Cayde Alexis

Annelia Belask has posed:
    It's hardly a minute after the chat with the informant that Ann is out the door with Cayde in tow- but rather than making her way down the road, it's barely two minutes later when she pulls the younger jedi into an alleyway- away from some of the bustle and noise of the main road and in the shade from the intense sun.

    "Alright, easier to converse here. Less distractions," she asserts, pulling a small comms device from her belt and sending a rather minimalist ping to relay confirmation of contact.

    "So, Cayde. Let's give you another more specific thing to think about. That woman clearly did not think much of us, but did have some worthwhile information. In your mind, how would you approach this problem? Tower full of pirates, unidentified relic to retrieve from the most influential group of them. A knight who can find things and turn a scuffle on its head, padawan with a gift for telepathy and still a pretty young, innocent face which can be an asset. Take me through your thought process."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde is eager to follow her away from the crowds and the hot sun, into the shade of a quieter alleyway.

    He's a bit surprised when she seems to ask him what his opinion is first instead of just coming up with her own plan for him to follow.

    The padawan frowns pensively, thinking about this. Ann would begin to see his projections. The first thought was if they could find some local clothing that they could use to obscure their identities and try to blend in as merchants or collectors looking for a rare find or something, maybe they could avoid the entire place getting after them while they search for information about who might have the relic.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Our lack of large quantities of credits may prove a hurdle, but it's a solid start," Ann says, nodding slightly. "I would suggest that with your talents, if that worked we could engage in a relic viewing and... suggest that it has been bought and paid for and we are free to go with it. Naturally, putting it in a pack or such on the way out to minimize questions."

    She takes a step back, looking upwards a moment with arms crossed. "If we can, it may not hurt to seek out local architects and builders in the area. See if we can work our way to a floorplan of the tower, plan out some exit routes should it go wrong on us."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods. Someone had to own that building too, anyway. Surely they would have blueprints. Or...

    [We could scout] he offers.

    The clothes were the first step, though. Although he isn't exactly rearing to go back out into that crowded marketplace. His gaze moves over toward the street, then tears away from it, dreading going back out there.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "My concern is in the midst of the ruse there might be little time to scout- something I learned in tactical training, always best to get your information as early as possible. That said, the builders are a longshot, so to speak, so scouting might be the best option unless you happen to know any friendly droids on-planet that could record what they see when posing as a messenger or such. Joke, by the way. We'll be out on a limb for this one to be sure. You're alright going through with all this? Could get dangerous, fast. Don't leave your saber behind."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde glances down at his belt where his saber is securely clipped when she mentions it could get dangerous, nodding again. Right...pirates. Of course it could get dangerous. He doesn't appear to be nervous, at least not outwardly.

    He glances toward the street again. [...clothes first] he questions, looking back over at her.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Of course- shouldn't be too difficult. Just let me know if you sense we're being watched, don't want to arrive in the same outfits two jedi were seen buying," Ann affirms, nodding slightly as she glances back to the entrance of the alley. "Oh, and... let me know if things start to get bad with the people around you. We'll need to stay on task in there."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods again, and starts heading toward the street, but then stops about halfway there when he notices a door in the back of one of the buildings that seems to lead into some kind of sundry shop containing various second-hand items including clothing. [Try here] he asks, pointing toward the door and glancing over at her for confirmation.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann doesn't answer at first, walking over to the door in question and pressing an ear to it for a moment. She then nods her agreement, having apparently not heard anything too egregious.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Inside, the shop is fairly small but does have a good variety of clothing to pick from. Used, but not in terrible shape, which works for their purposes as they wouldn't want to look fresh but also wouldn't want to look poor, either.

    For now they seem to be the only shoppers, and the owner, a rotund Trandoshan woman greets them warmly. "Well hello there dearies, how can I help you today?" At least she's more friendly than that Shani woman earlier.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Closing her robes over her less-normal equipment and especially her lightsaber before she's properly in view, Ann offers a pleasant nod to the trandoshan and a faint smile.

    "Hello. The young lad and I have a sort of ceremony to go to in a few days' time, and it seems our more ceremonial wear is back home. Now... Alex here does seem to favour things with a little character and history to them, so I thought your shop might be a good fit. Not looking for anything high society mind, just something in the realm of business wear."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The woman smiles toothily at them, glancing at Cayde when she mentions him. "Ohh my stars...he is -so- adorable!" she exclaims, chuckling and turning toward the padawan. "How old are ya, hon?"
    Cayde tries not to roll his eyes at her, telling her his age in Basic sign.
    But she doesn't seem to understand him, shaking her head.
    "Oh, I'm so sorry, I don't--ahem." The shopkeeper looks back over to Ann. "Ah, I'm sorry! I tend to get distracted sometimes." she chuckles. "Business attire. I can help with that. Right this way." And she starts toward a particular rack closer to the front of the store. "So this your first time to Yarrum? Younger brother, I take it?"

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Something like that- no blood, but grew up in the same place from youth," explains Ann in a not-technically-a-lie.

    "And I can translate if need be. I get so used to it I sometimes forget not everyone picks up sign, should have mentioned something."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    "Ah, who needs blood to be family, right?" The woman chuckles as she stops in front of a rack full of semi-formal business outfits. "Well, this is what I've got, I think you'll probably find most of the stuff that'd fit you both on this end." she says, gesturing toward the items closest to them.

    Cayde nods and has already started looking through them.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann... hesitates. Fashion? In her jedi temple? Perish the thought. Nevermind all those increasingly lax guidelines on proper Jedi attire. She hasn't worn anything remotely normal since she was four.

    She's also not much for dresses, which she has also not worn since four, so that limits options some.

    Somehow, the things she does eventually end up looking at all manage to be in tans and grays. Go figure.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde has the same issue, really. Fashion and Jedi just don't really mesh, do they? He just picks out random items that he thinks look sort of similar to what everyone else is wearing on the streets.

    The Trandoshan shopkeeper chuckles at their choices. "All right...you sure about these? Not that I don't think you two would look cute in just about anything."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann looks over, shrugging helplessly. "I'm boring. Most of my clothing is more of the active-wear variety. I'm told grey is easy to mix with too? I don't know, most fashion is not... sized for my body type." You know, the one where she could probably throw this Trandoshan clean over the counter in a pinch.

    "Content, Alex?" she asks of Cayde, brow raising a little.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods, having picked out a dark brown leather jacket and black slacks.

    "Fair enough." The woman says. "Hey, I'll give you a discount, for being adorable." She winks. "And friendly. Well, at least -you're- friendly, can't say either way for him but good enough." A chuckle. "50 credits for both outfits, how about it?" she offers.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Shy, maybe, but not unfriendly," says Ann with a chuckle, shrugging and- carefully- pulling a small credit chip from her hip without exposing her saber or such to handle the transaction. Grey quasi-formal wear seems to be her order of the day, for now. Whether these clothes make it off Yarrum when they leave is another question.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The Trandoshan takes the cred chip and nods. "Well, I believe ya. Poor kid. Well they're all yours, hope you enjoy the rest of your stay here on Yarrum." she says politely.

    As the transaction is completed, Cayde starts rolling the selected outfit up to make it easier to carry and heads back toward the door they'd originally come through.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann nods, following along to start the look for a place to stage the approach from.