Totally Temple Spies!

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Totally Temple Spies!
Date of Scene: 06 December 2023
Location: Jedi Temple - Atrium
Synopsis: Imoen, Zeraph, Cayde, and Navi meet and (some more reluctantly than others) wander past the Council chambers to eavesdrop... only to be totally busted by one of the Masters. Next time, Council... next time!
Cast of Characters: Imoen, Zeraph, Navi, Cayde Alexis

Imoen has posed:
    It was late into the afternoon, towards what one might even dare consider evening. The artificial weather system has forecast just a light drizzle of rain to help with the growth of vegetation in wealthy garden penthouses. Thankfully, Imoen chose to stick to the indoors today, though looking at her, one might not believe it. Her brown hair is matted to her brow and she's got a poofy yellow towel wrapped loosely around her shoulders like some evil villainess draping an elegant snake shawl. Garbed in somewhat tight-fitting exercise clothes consisting of a black top and leggings, with thin acrobat's shoes to match - all striped stylishly with a couple white lines - she's wandering through the halls of the Temple on the way to her humble little dorm. In one hand, she has a bottle of some greenish blended stuff, and her hair has been done up in a practical ponytail, her Padawan braid wrapped around the knot.

Zeraph has posed:
    Zeraph steps off the transport with a deep breath, settling his booted feet onto the ground as he lets it out slowly. His golden eyes take in the Jedi temple and all its familiarity with mixed emotions and he starts towards it slowly, reluctantly. His fingertips come together, his hands meeting together in nervous anticipation. Coming home was not easy and not all that pleasant, but he reminds himself as he moves forward that it was an opportunity to rewrite the disappointments of his youth and fulfill promises to himself that he intended to keep sooner rather than later. He takes another calming breath as he starts forward and reaches up to take the mask from his face. It detaches with a magnetic snap and he hooks it on his utility belt. He turns his eyes from the temple spires down towards the people ahead of him, refocusing on the present instead of the past.

Navi has posed:
Navi is also making her way through the corridors of the great Temple, but for different reasons; she has just finished delivering a relic from Jedha. In her long, hooded robe of tan synthfabric, edged and belted shut in golden yellow synthfabric, few would mistake her for a Jedi.

In her hand is a small, coded key for a small, nearly bare room barely large enough to hold a cot and a small shelf. It had only been allotted to her because of the late hour and the long journey behind her, with the potential of another long journey ahead of her. "I can hardly believe that I used to know where the guest rooms were..." she murmurs as she walks along another nearly identical corridor.

At least there looks to be someone ahead of her. "Maybe they know the way to the guest rooms," she observes softly, picking up her pace a little.

Imoen has posed:
    More than usual, Imoen's skin exudes a red hue rather than her standard tannish-gold, clearly suggesting some pretty intense workout recently occurred. Sipping from the spout of her bottle - its materal translucent enough to display the 'healthy' green hue - she winces from the flavor before extended it as far away from her taste buds as possible. "By the Z'gag, what I'd do for some seared bantha meat." If a Jedi passed by, she might rephrase that by instead asserting, "so healthy. Delish. Yum..." Her voice trails off as her blue eyes pinpoint the sight of a strange figure. Are those...pointy ears? Is that...someone Imoen doesn't know? Navi finds herself encountering the unknown someone much quicker than anticipated, as Imoen picks up her pace to meet in the middle. Before the other woman may speak, she pipes up, "hey! You're a Sephi!"

    If and when she notices the more familiar silhouette of a masked white-haired boy, she'd be eager to wave him over and share in her eagerness to meet this exciting new stranger.

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph looks towards Imoen and makes his way to the woman with a fairly direct approach. He looks from her to Navi curiously before closing the distance, noting the excitement there. He smirks briefly, before greeting the two of them. "Hello." He waves a hand in a single arcing motion both to Imoen and Navi. "I was hoping to find a few other padawans to talk to before heading inside," he says mostly to Imoen. "I was hoping to get acquainted with a few more people before settling in. My name is Zeraph." He smiles pleasantly to the two of them. "This is my first time back at the temple in years so everything is new to me. I'm not looking forward to having to learn it all over again." He smiles brightly and concedes, "Well, that's me. Who are you two, if you don't mind my asking so bluntly?" His gold eyes bounce back and forth between them and without his mask he isn't so imposing or cold, so he is happy he is decided to step out of his comfort zone and stash it on his hip.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    No doubt it has been some time since Navi last lived she may not be surprised to find quite a few new faces, many of them young.

    One of them approaches her and taps her on the shoulder in an effort to get her attention, then points off down a north hallway, one that leads past the Arboretum.

    The young Padawan is of very fair complexion, and his height seems to belie his apparent age.

Imoen has posed:
"Zeraph! Just in time." Imoen beams at her peer and even tugs at his sleeve. "You'll never believe it, but we have an important guest in our halls this evening. A local of Isobe itself!" She gestures dramatically at the hooded woman in question, only to realize after the fact that they have yet to officially get introduced. So, she's forced to stand there awkwardly and register that fact, before coming up with an alternate path that doesn't make her seem quite so lame. Gingerly, she moves to pull down the hood, though she hesitates just long enough to let Navi stop her, and then proclaims with only slightly less gusto, one pronounced canine glinting in the light with a grin, "a Sephi!" Again, she stands there awkwardly, only to back up a step or two, bow, and apologize. "Sorry, sorry. I forget myself, Master Jedi. I only have not met many of your peoples."

    Hearing Zeraph's idle introduction, she blink-blinks at him, then chuckles in a somewhat feral and intimidating kind of way. "I'm Imoen. Don't you remember me? I'm sure we've eaten lunch together at least once..." She gestures off-handedly to Cayde, "and this is Cayde. He's saved the world once or twice."

Navi has posed:
Navi takes a surprised step back as the slightly sweaty woman with the water bottle greets her so effusively, too surprised to stop Imoen from pulling back her hood. "Um, yes? Yes... yes, I am," she asserts, recovering a little from her surprise. "Are you... um... actually, I'm not sure what you are? Sorry if it should be clear..." she adds uncertainly.

And then someone taps her on the shoulder and points down a northward-running hallway. "Oh... thank you," she says gratefully. "Is that where the guest rooms are? I have been looking for them."

"Um, hello... my name is Navi, and I am a Novice of the Shining Brotherhood," she adds to Zeraph. "May I ask all of your names as well? It's been a long time since I've been to the Temple."

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph raises his eyebrows and looks from Imoen to Navi and back. He didn't find it nearly as exciting, but he had just spent years seeing a variety of different races. He turns slowly to Navi and nods to her. "Good to meet you. I'm sure you're as important as advertised... I just am not very familiar with the details of importance." He gives a quick shrug and offers, "Apologies, I haven't been around for a while, so I'm not up to date."

He looks back at Imoen and tries to recall the details. "Oh, Imoen. You look different. A lot can change in three years. Yes, I remember you. Good to see you again." He was good with faces and names, but better when he could put them together without having to age the face up. He nods a bit deeper to Cayde and acknowledges, "Good to meet you, Master. Light and life. I hope all is well."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods when Navi asks if that was the way to the guest rooms. [After the Arboretum] he signs in Basic, hoping she knows it. But even if she doesn't, surely the other Padawans do. At least, they should, if they've been studying.

    A nod is given toward Zeraph. [Welcome back Z] The other padawans may recall that it's often common for Cayde to address others by the first letter or so of their name, instead of having to spell it out in letter signs every time. However, the Kage boy will get a confused look from him. The last he checked, he was still younger than Zeraph by two whole years.

    He arches a brow at her when she asks their names. Hadn't they all either said their names, or had their names said just now, in one way or another?

Navi has posed:
"Not very, then... I'm only a Novice. Not even a Padawan, by Jedi terms," Navi explains softly, bowing from her shoulders to Zeraph. "We are based on Jedha, but there has been a move to reopen our chapterhouse on Coruscant." Looking to Cayde, she nods. "Thank you again."

Imoen has posed:
    Glancing between all the faces like an excited tooka-cat, Imoen gestures vaguely and expectantly before prompting, "so? What's everyone's business here in the Jedi Temple? Must be -something- happening I'm unaware of, because things have just got a whole lot more busy here..." Unconsciously, she lifts her bottle to her lips again to take a sip - have to do something to keep her voicebox at tip-top shape. "For Arcan's sake, this shake tastes like bantha poodoo." An appalled shake of her head, "I'm going to have to sneak honey into it the next time. Maybe a few extra dollops of sugar?" She grins another canine-displaying grin.

    "All life is of great importance, young Padawan." She says this in a wise and aged voice to Zeraph, only to revert to her own voice to say, "especially when they're not just more boring humans." She beams when Zeraph seems to remember her, lifting her arm, "a lot less skinny than I was, right?" She gives a half-turn, tossing her ponytail, "I've also grown my hair longer. It was a bob only a short year or so ago." She titters at the respectful bow leveled Cayde's way, covering it with a hand. "Indeed, Master Cayde. We all glory in your venerable wisdom..." To Navi, she gasps and nods at the prospect of a new group of force-sensitives inhabiting the Inner Rim. "You should! So, like, I heard Sephi ears twitch? Can you move them around at will?" Blue eyes stare eagerly at said ears, expectant to see the wiggle.

Zeraph has posed:
    Zeraph smiles amusedly to Cayde at the look he gets. He called everyone Master. It never hurt to be excessively complimentary, so Zeraph did it constantly. It seemed like everyone remembered Zeraph, but he didn't remember them nearly as well. That was an unexpected situation. He didn't think he was all that notable to be remembered, especially after three years, but then he only really focused on the attentions of the instructors during training. Maybe he made a stronger impression on his peers than he had realized. Or maybe he stood out because everyone was just really surprised someone actually took him as a padawan.

    He shakes away his thoughts and turns to Navi. "Is that a force tradition?" He gives a slight shake of his head. "I don't think I've heard of them... you. What's going on with Jedha? I've been hearing whispers about it lately. Is something happening there?" He glances to Imoen's excited questions about her biology, but doesn't add much to it. He's seen a hundred different species over the last couple of years, not that he learned anything specific about any of them. What he knew was that there were a lot of them and all of them had differences. So he wasn't shocked much by any one feature and finds the interest just that much more amusing. He does answer her question with, "For the first time in a long time, I've got no business. I can't tell yet if that's a good thing or not."

Navi has posed:
"Actually, they kind of move on their own. Mine don't move much, to be honest," Navi replies, blushing faintly at being examined by the exciteable Padawan. Her ears twitch back slightly, lying closer to the side of her head, as she speaks.

"Well... I suppose so. Most people would probably just call us a cult. But we've been around for centuries, dedicating ourselves to seeking inner peace and doing good works in the name of the Force. Not to mention several charity pancake breakfasts per standard year. We keep pretty busy. I was sent here to deliver a relic to the Order."

Imoen has posed:
    "Oh." Imoen seems to deflate a bit upon hearing Zeraph -lacks- business of note. Then she realizes the Sephi is from Jedha, and her enthusiasm swiftly returns. "You're from Jedha? You must tell us all about the Pilgrim Moon." The very instant those ears wiggle, she makes ooh's and ahh's, and follows their movements like she was tracing the path of a really interesting fish in a fishtank. "They move more than mine do! Although..." She turns her face to the side to show off her ear, brushing aside some stray brown locks. With some measure of pride...she manages to briefly twitch her ear. "See?" Setting a hand gently on Navi's arm, she assures, "trust me. With deep-fried bantha strips and a whole lotta syrup, any organization is worth its weight in gold if it gives out free pancake breakfasts." If her eyes were bright and enthusiastic before, they practically gleam upon hearing about Navi's business. "A relic? Do tell."

Zeraph has posed:
    Zeraph shrugs briefly at Imoen with an apologetic expression. "But I'm as curious as anyone as to what's going on. I've been on constant assignment for three years, then suddenly we're back to Coruscant. I'm curious as to why. My Master won't say." He glances to the tower and looks away pointedly. "I don't think I'm important enough to know what's going on, but I do think something is going on." He quiets at that, not sure he wants to expound anymore on what is essentially paranoia.

    He focuses on Navi and offers, "I think the more force traditions for good that exist in the world, the better off we all are. AAs good as the Jedi are, I don't think we hold all the answers. Other options are good for the galaxy, so long as we're all pulling in the same basic direction." He doesn't push on the relic issue, thinking that to also be something that isn't his business. But he's happy enough to be around while Imoen pulls details out.

Navi has posed:
"It was in a sealed case, and for the eyes and ears of the Council only, or so my superiors told me. I only know that I felt it pulse slightly with the Force. When I tried to time it, I realized that it would pulse in sympathy with my own heartbeat. And when I let go of the handle of the case, the pulse grew much fainter," Navi explains, blushing a little more. She can't help a soft chuckle as Imoen makes her ear twitch. "I can't do that... my ears twitch for their own reasons, it seems. And for what it's worth, the breakfasts aren't free... there is a low price per plate, with half of the proceeds going to fund the Brotherhood and the other half to one of several large charitable organizations we support."

She looks to Zeraph. "A major festival has recently passed on Jedha. There was a little trouble at the time, but my superiors instructed me not to talk about it," she explains politely.

Imoen has posed:
    "Oh. Ok." There's a glint in Imoen's sapphire eyes. "So in other words, it's a mystery." She sips again at her mystery drink, swallows, makes a horrific face, and extends the accursed drink from her face. "Can someone please take this 'drink' away from me?" Smirking mischievously to hear Zeraph hesitate at a glance in the general direction of the Council towers. "That's no way to think, Zee. We're all of equal importance within the workings of the Force." With a snicker, she glances around warily, "don't let the Council hear you say that. Of course the Jedi are the only right and correct path." She lifts a hand in mock secrecy, "any others are an uncontrollable danger, don'tcha know."

    Listening thoughtfully to Navi's experience with this enticing relic, she steps closer and her eyes widen. "Huh. It's like it was trying to synchronize with you." She moves to boldly take Navi's hand, "come on, maybe we can steal a glimpse of it before they lock it up in some dusty archive. Let's go stakeout the council chambers..."

Zeraph has posed:
    Zeraph nods to Navi with a knowing bit of familiarity. "Yeah, that sounds like the same song I'm familiar with. Something happened, but no one is supposed to know what." He shakes his head at that bit of news and assesses, "That must mean it is pretty bad. The only reason to hide information is to keep people from acting on it. And if they don't want anyone acting on it... yeah, it must be pretty bad." He sighs heavily then supposes, "I'm sure we'll find out what it is eventually. News like that always gets out one way or another."

    He glances to Imoen, then to the Grandmaster Tower, then back. He nods placatingly. "Sure. Sure. The Masters know best, I suppose. We will see if their wisdom bears out. I will do my duty and follow orders of course, but they've been wrong before. It happens." He looks a bit cold about that, obviously speaking of something personal. At the mention of staking out the council chambers he arches a surprised eyebrow, but doesn't argue, looking instead at Navi for her opinion on what to do.

Navi has posed:
Navi winces at Imoen's comments on the Council, but doesn't elaborate. "It may have simply been reacting to the closest living Force. I have heard of relics that do that," she suggests. "And I'm not sure the Council would approve of anyone spying on them. Two of the Knights had a hard enough time convincing them to allow me to stay here tonight rather than pushing me back off to Jedha as soon as I'd delivered the relic into their custody. The last thing I want to do is upset them."

Nevertheless, she doesn't stop Imoen from grabbing her hand, or at least her sleeve. "Are you sure that is a good idea?" is all she says.

Imoen has posed:
    Imoen shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know. Bad, good, or in between. All I know is the council likes its secrecy, especially from me. And when it comes to the relic, if we don't get the chance to learn about it now, we might never." She tilts her head in a very devious and willful way, blue eyes glimmering with something pretty common to her gaze. "Well, did the Masters tell you not to ask questions and be curious? If you're going to be a Jedi Knight, you're going to have to learn to put on our detective hat. I hear there's all sorts of mysteries some Jedi and unfairly lucky Padawans get to uncover. Why not start here? They might even thank you after."

    To Navi, she argues, "yeah, but does the Force pulse like your heart? I bet you have some deep mystical connection to that relic." She grins as Navi begins to follow despite her protestations. "It's not spying. It's standing behind a wall until they walk out. Maybe following after? I dunno, may play it by ear. What's the worst that can happen?" She glances back at the boys, "you too, Zeraph, Cayde. We can just have our chat coincidentally close to the council chamber doors."

Zeraph has posed:
    Zeraph gives a quick, short sarcastic laugh and shakes his head to Imoen. "Regardless of the outcome, I think the last thing the Masters are going to do is thank you. They'll focus on what you did wrong and barely mention what you did right." He crosses his arms over his chest looking between the two. "I'm not opposed to putting ourselves in a position to hear information, though. That's a long way from spying. Once we start to cross the line into being in areas we're not supposed to be, that's where things change. What's the worst that can happen?" He pauses a moment to stop from answering and just says, "If you're asking, I don't think you really want to know..."

    He considers the proposition then adds, "Look, I think trying to spy on the Jedi Council is a losing proposition to begin with. At least, I would hope it is. If we can spy on them, then security around here leaves a lot to be desired and we should all be worried. I might think they're harsh, but they definitely aren't unskilled. If there's anything we can overhear, be assured it is because they let us. Maybe they'll appreciate our curious nature and give us that gift." He glances towards Navi and adds, "But if this thing has anything to do with what happened on Jedha, I doubt they'll let us hear anything of note."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    As the other padawans converse, Cayde seems to be listening to their dialogue but as per usual in these group conversations, doesn't have much opportunity to participate himself. He follows them as Imoen encourages he and Zeraph along, but his expression is quite unreadable.

Navi has posed:
Navi follows Imoen, not least since the Padawan has a firm hold of her sleeve, making her gait more suggestive of being taken in tow than merely following. Still, Imoen is sure to notice that she offers no resistance beyond arguing meekly. "I don't know why it would... and even if it was pulsing along with my heartbeat, who's to say that's unusual? Relics are strange and unknowable things," she suggests softly, nodding to Zeraph. "I'd really rather not be any closer to the Council anyway. I never really know what they're thinking."

Imoen has posed:
    Imoen fervently nods her head to Zeraph's laugh, "which is so totally unfair." Blue eyes turn aside and she grudgingly admits, "though I suppose they have our best interests in mind..." She seems ready with some kind of answer to what worst thing might happen, but the quick remark has her closing her mouth and putting on a bit of a pout. "Come on. You don't have to be so logical and boring. I'm just saying if we earn any information at all, it'd be well worth it. Where's your Pathfinder spirit?"

    Tugging Navi along, she looks over her shoulder every so often to confirm the guys are following after them. There's a point where she may or may not have stopped a wandering droid and asked it to dispose of her drink. "See? It's green because it's all moldy and inedible now. Yes, I know how plants work. No, I simply must insist it be removed from my presence. Thank you." To Navi, she counters, "Relics are strange and unknowable things exactly because they're unusual. The important point is the Council thinks it's valuable enough to examine personally, rather than toss in the back of some archive storage closet. They wouldn't interrupt their day to assemble just to examine a relic that can vibrate. So it's clearly worthwhile enough to interrupt our -own- day. Besides, it's raining outside. Would you really rather go out in the rain than come investigate this mysterious relic with me?"

Zeraph has posed:
    Zeraph follows along casually, stalking along behind Imoen to allow her to take the lead. He says as a reply to Navi, "Then you are wise. The Jedi Masters have a way of pulling out your flaws and amplifying them to make sure you know your limitations. Whether I like it or not, it is a valid way to train and keep one humbled under the Light, but it definitely isn't pleasant." He adds belatedly, "Nor is it meant to be." He nods to Imoen's comments with a smirk. "Of course, I do. That's how good decisions are made. Weigh out all the factors and proceed accordingly. But what do I know? I'm not that bright, as I was often reminded." He thinks on her words a bit and waffles a hand, giving a different interpretation on the Council's concerns. "They have the best interests of the galaxy in mind, for sure. Our interests... are less of a priority. We're instruments, tools... to serve the Light. Our well being is a luxury. But we live a life of sacrifice physically, putting ourselves in danger for others. But we don't often acknowledge that self-sacrifice is sometimes also mental and emotional as well."

Navi has posed:
"I must agree, Padawan Zeraph," Navi says softly, and perhaps a bit gratefully, to Zeraph. "Those are things worth remembering." The mention of self-sacrifice brings a profound shudder from the blonde Sephi, but she continues to trail after Imoen, as long as the exciteable Padawan has her attention, or at the very least her sleeve.

"Rain is a powerful persuasive tool, I'll admit," she murmurs meekly. "It's a poor night to be outside. But could you at least slow down a bit? You're about to pull my robe off."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde continues to trail behind them, and still does not try to insert himself into the conversation.

    As Navi and the three young padawans near the Council Chambers where the Order's leaders are discussing matters, they'll begin to hear the Masters' muffled voices through the walls. There are some guards about, but they don't seem to pay the young ones much mind. If they could get a little closer, they might be able to make out some of the conversation...

Imoen has posed:
    Imoen winces, "yeah, well, they only reveal our weaknesses so that we might strengthen them and become better people in the process." She stops briefly in the halls, her march to the chambers slowing until she arrives at a complete halt, then turns around. "Zeraph, we're not tools. Tools are unthinking, unfeeling objects. We're people. And as people, we serve and sacrifice for the betterment of the galaxy and our shared futures. Our personal interests should always be taken into consideration for any choice the council makes, whether that be to place us in danger or find us a purpose. We're part of a web of life and hope and justice, and if we don't do our part, the web will weaken. But we should never see ourselves as some object that can be disposed of at other's whims. The last I checked, you're not green and moldy like my gross 'health' blend." She looks between the other three, before grinning and continuing onwards. She once more has Navi's sleeve, though she lets out a put-upon sigh to hear the suggestion they slow down. "But we might not get to the chambers in time before they finish..."

    At last, she arrives at the halls before the Council Chambers with the rest of her crew. Beaming at her good luck that she could actually hear muffled conversation even while outside, she tugs again at Navi's sleeve. In a polite and conversational tour-guide tone, she states, "so like I was saying, this is the Council Chambers. They've been in existence for long before the rise of the Galactic Republic. Before even the Jedi-Sith War and probably the Great Hyperspace War."

Zeraph has posed:
    "Should?" Zeraph nods to Imoen. "I agree, they should. But I don't know that they do. Not unless circumstances allow for it. But again, I understand their decision as a necessity. If not us, then who. This is why they push us so hard in training. We must be up to what they will put us to."

    He comes to a stop before the chambers and gives the place a quickly glance before turning his back to it and the guards. He would remember what was behind him well enough. He says quietly, "The secrecy of the Jedi Masters is one of those things that we'll never be able to understand without knowing the secret itself. A bit of a paradox. All we can do is trust that the secret is being kept for a good reason. Even hoping to be proven right after the fact is a luxury we should not expect." He strides along with the others, staying just as unobtrusive as he can. His hand instinctively goes towards his mask before he remembers he is not on a mission. His hand instead goes into the folds of his robes, taking a neutral stance as he follows Imoen's lead.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    As Imoen draws closer, almost right against the walls, she'll catch a few words about Jedha, and Dalna, but then suddenly there is a pause and the conversation seems to shift focus to planning for the Order's presence at some kind of charity function at the Senate Building. Unfortunately, due to Imoen's attempts at trying to sound like a tour guide, Navi won't really be able to make out anything coherent.

    After a few minutes, a tall Twi'lek woman the Padwans will know as Master Karina will come out into the hallway. She smiles gently toward the group. "Ah, Navi. I see that no one has yet shown you to your accommodations. I am deeply sorry for that." Her gaze goes to Imoen. "Imoen, why don't you show her to the guest rooms?"

Imoen has posed:
    Imoen looks back searchingly into Zeraph's eyes, some of her energy slowing down a bit and a thoughtful crease of concern entering her brow. Eventually, she relents and nods, though the concern remains. "Maybe. We train to be ready for anything. I agree with that. But I think at least someone has to consider our hopes and fears, or else we might be sent into something where we're fated to fail. That's not something I believe the Force wills of us. If anything, our sacrifice should be recognized, even moreso for relinquishing our own reservations."

    Arriving near the chambers, she murmurs softly to Zeraph, "obedience is great and all, but I think independent thinking is also important. The Jedi Masters are people too, not all-knowing, even if they have a better understanding of the Force and the ways it weaves through us all." At last, she quiets down enough to listen in on the conversation beyond the chamber doors. If she had ears like Navi did, they'd be practically straining above her head at this point. The light of delight shines in her sapphire gaze, eating up all the words she might possibly catch. But then Master Karina appears, and it's visibly obvious she knows that Karina knows that she was doing a little 'light observation' again. She sighs through her nose, releases Navi's sleeve, and bows her head with exemplary respect. "Yes, Master Karina." She turns to the Sephi and bows again. "If you will follow me, Miss Navi, it is just past the Arboretum."

Navi has posed:
"I must admit, I like my mind the way it is," Navi murmurs. "I'm not sure the Masters consider us tools or instruments, but perhaps they could pay a little more attention to our well-being sometimes." Another shudder.

As Imoen begins her tour guide spiel, she obediently lets herself be towed along. "It's hard to imagine /anything/ that old. I can't even picture the galaxy without a Republic, let alone a Jedi Order," she says, in her best tourist voice, with a slightly nervous glance back at Zeraph and Cayde. She startles when the tall Twi'lek Jedi Master exits and speaks her name. "Oh..! Um, no Master, not yet," she says softly. "I would be grateful for any assistance."