Out Too Late Again Fellas

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Out Too Late Again Fellas
Date of Scene: 29 December 2023
Location: Outlander Club - Lower City - Coruscant
Synopsis: Volken walks into a bar and meets a Jedi...then gets into a fight.
Cast of Characters: Cayde Alexis, Volken Mons

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The lower levels of the Outlander Club are those filled with the less fortunate and more seedy of the Republic's capital world. The place is rife with gambling, drinking, illicit deals and well...what else would those sleeping compartments be for?

    At this hour of the night, the party is still going strong as usual, but there is one individual sitting alone at the bar who very much looks -far- too young to be here. Not right now, and not at any time, really.

Volken Mons has posed:
It's paradoxical...but in a place full of the likes of noisy trandoshan gamblers, scantily clad voluptous Twi'lek dancers, Gammorran bodyguards, a Rodian or three and who knows what else....that it's the most normal looking and non attention grabbing individual that seems to grab the wrong sort of attention.

This plays out as a massive shadow rolls over young figure at the bar like an approaching thundercloud. Bar patrons who were nearby, facing towards whatever is coming seem to visibly pale and begin to scatter and the faintest hint of the vibrations of something massive and heavy approaching seem to tremble up into the bar itself, rattling glasses and causing liquids to ripple as the silohuette of an absolutely enormous shape begins to creep up the walls and swallows the young man from sight.

The anticipation is finally brought to an end as a gigantic arm slams down onto the bar top adjacent the young figure, giving the impression of being as big around as the youths torso before the rest of the colossal possessing such a limb looms in and claims a seat - or two or three - right next to the young patron.

"Weeeeelllll..." rumbles out a heavy deep voice, distorted slightly by the sound of the speakers within it to aid with preventing it from being otherwise muffled. "...You're looking rather lonesome and bored. Mind if I join you?"

With that, the massive figure, more of a tank with a Mandalorian helmet glued atop it then a man, lifts his hand up and waves for the attention of the bartender, "Over here! Let's get this party started for my pal and i!"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The bartender stares at the gargantuan man. Especially that helmet. A Mandalorian...here? That wasn't a sight one would catch every day. But if it did happen, of course it was bound to be down here, where the Republic authorities tended to pay much less attention. That is, until he realizes that such staring could be considered rude, and he wouldn't want someone that huge to consider him rude. He quickly hurries over. "Right, of course sir--what would you two like?"

    As for the young human, he also stares up at the gargantuan size of the man. He's never seen a human that large...or at least, anything that resembles a human that much. He seems more...Devaronian sized, really. That's the first thing Cayde can think of, anyway.

Volken Mons has posed:
Dowutin, he would say if asked! At least a young one! Regardless of how ridiculous it all is, exagerration and going for the extreme seems to be part of this brutes character and certainly factors into his antics as he stretches his massive frame out and squeezes, as bes he can, into a better positioned seated besides the stunned young human. He looms overhead, inclining his head slightly as he peers down at the boy. His expression can't be seen for obvious reasons but one can almost hear the smile in his voice as his deep tone rumbles out a friendly and affable, "Well? What do you want t'drink? Name it."

His sinew creaks audibly, straiing at the straps of his armor and the seams of his tunic as he rests both of his arms onto the bar and brings his hands together, lacing his fingers to rest there casually and swamping over the bar as he does so. "My treat." he adds, still staring at the youmg man and also noticably not giving an order for himself yet.

If the fact of his obvious heritage being an odd sight on Coruscant is a potential issue, he gives no sign of that, and seems as comfortable as one could possibly be as if he's a long time patron and not some wild oddity.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The bartender glances around nervously, waiting for the hulking man to order something. He really doesn't seem to like having to wait there...but he doesn't dare complain.

    Cayde still doesn't give an answer, a distant expression suddenly coming across his face as he tries to enter the giant man's mind and discern if he wants something, or if he's just being randomly friendly for some reason...

    There is a long, awkward silence that the bartender finally breaks. "Sorry, uh...kid's a bit strange. I don't think he's ever actually ordered anything here."

Volken Mons has posed:
It's..strange.. Well obviously. Perhaps ..stranger..might be better.

He seems genuinely interested in the young man. He's seen everything else here before. The seedy under belly of a given place is nothing new. The seduction, the gaming, the gambling, the fighting and brawling..sure it's all of interest to him. But a young man, so out of place, and so clearly not belonging here...drew his eyes right to him. There was a story there and, possibly, information. Impulsive and without a filter, he decided to approach and now the behemoth is here, looming overhead. Sometimes being the most normal and unassuming person can attract the most outrageous of eyes unintentionally.

Thus there is no ill intent but there is, perhaps, the sense of ticking time bomb as well. The hint of chaos looming in the back of the giants mind that could send things any number of ways.

"Is that so?" remarks the behemoth, resting one hand on his hip and the other on the bar as he turns away from the bartender to look the boy over. "Kinda young to be here. I thought maybe he was bored or alone or needed some company! So wanted to make some conversation with him. Cheer 'im up. Make him feel better...."

There's a pause and then, with the vaguest hint of sarcasm in his voice but a hint of truth to it he rumbles, "It's The Way...."

The silence lingers and then the mammoth leans forward slightly, "Maybe he can't talk..." He lifts a hand up to rub his jaw, the gesture out of habit since there's no jaw to rub due to the helmet and he ends up simply resting those huger fingers against the bottom of it. "Would make sense. SHame..."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Well, that was...unusual. People here usually only approached Cayde if they wanted something from him, wanted to kick him out, or something like that.

    The bartender shrugs. "Never heard 'im say a word myself but hell if I know. You gonna order something or what?" he asks somewhat impatiently.

    Finally, the young human seems to snap out of whatever trance he'd been in, and he looks back up at the towering man. [Thank you sir] he says, in Basic sign.

Volken Mons has posed:
"When I'm ready to."

He didnt' like that. No. That impatient tone seemed to trigger something and whatever unsteadiness that was picked up telepathically would bubble to the surface in a brief display given exaggeration by the swell of the mans monstrous bicep as his arm tenses and his fingers twitch. His armor creaks., containing and restraining the vast bulk of the giant as turns his head to briefly eye the bartender in a quick glance. It's not a full on display. Perhaps the giant still distracted by the young man but there is the sense of him rearing up slightly. A faint warning.

But then he seems to reflect on that and rumbles, "Go on then..." to the man, urging him to deal with other patrons as his curiousity is still held by the young mute.

The Basic signing catches his attention and he inclines his head curiously once again. At first it seems as if he didn't understand its meaing. Then..

"Huh. Yuu're welcome? Huh. I haven't done anything yet, kid! You haven't ordered anything!"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The bartender doesn't seem to be any more fazed by the show of strength than he already was by the man's sheer size, so he just shrugs and wanders off to serve another patron.

    Cayde shrugs. [You are a friend] he signs. It was always better to be a friend than a stranger, or an enemy...

Volken Mons has posed:
It's enough to make a guy want to maybe try again. The behemoth doesn't like the thought that the bartender might walk away not feeling the need to treatd carefully with him.

But he's also not stupid. Brutish, overwhelming, but not an idiot. A second attempt for no reason could very well cascade into something else and he's been in enough places like this to know that bartenders, especially favorite ones, can wield considerable sway over their patrons and call in more trouble then he's here to deal with. Another time then. Perhaps a simple display before he leaves will be enough.

Indeed of more interest is this young mute. "I'm a little off my game tonight! Probably because I'm still recovering from a bad outing not long ago. Don't quite bot the bulk I used to but I'm working on it. I work out..."

The sardonic grin probably drips through his rough voice as he leans back, "..A friend eh? Yeah. Yeah sure why not. That's right. Especially in a palce like this. In case you didn't notice..I probably need to be on my best behavior right? Word is..my folk aren't well liked around these parts.."

That grin seeps through his voice again but then turns more serious and curious as he asks, "Aren't you a little young for this place? What're you up to down here?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    A brow goes up slightly at that question. [How old am I] he signs. A question for a question, it seems. He'd really meant 'how old do you think I am' but Cayde's way of phrasing things is often overly simplified. He also doesn't answer the question of what he's doing down here. The kid -looks- like he can't be more than thirteen or fourteen...but that didn't quite seem right.

    Speaking of not being 'well-liked' though, a group of bulky (though not as bulky as the giant Mando) and well-armed individuals suddenly burst in, and the one who appears to be the leader approaches Volken. "Well, well, what have we got here? A Mandalorian, here on Coruscant? They must -really- hate you back home, if you came crawlin' down here." he taunts.

Volken Mons has posed:
The confusing nature of the question does get the mammoth man to recoil slightly in confusion.. But he holds his tongue and just looks at the young man in thought.

"Clearly older then ya look.." he acknowledges after some consideration and unravelling of what the question must have truly meant.

However, it would seem this conversation wasn't meant to continue without interruption and Volken half turns his head while leaning one arm more onto the bar to eye those who have so brazenly stalked up to him.

"You're joking. Right?" he rumbles, drumming his hands on the counter top. "So...you clearly know what I am and you're still going to walk up on me like this? What're you all lookin for, a medal for some sort of dare you're undertaking because you can't be that stupid.. Whole damn planet is a city and you pick this place and mee to puff your chest out at.."

He glances back to Cayde and apolllegitcally rumbles, "Pardon me for a moment..."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods, seemingly pleased by the observation. People usually assumed he was twelve or something, and he found that very annoying.

    The other man doesn't seem intimidated by Volken's posturing. "I'm pretty kriffin' sure you're the only Mandalorian for a while, and we don't want no trouble, as in we don't want no CSF proddin' around. So get yourself off of our turf, or we're just gonna have to turn ya in for the creds. Got it?"

    As tensions escalate, Volken can feel an...aura? A notion? No...it's hard put a finger on it, as it's not quite like anything he's likely felt before. There is a thought that maybe he shouldn't engage these people. Maybe, he should let his new friend handle it. But that didn't make any sense. These guys are definitely much stronger than the kid. Now why would he think anything like that anyway?

Volken Mons has posed:
Such a notion is very much ounter to the behemoths very nature. He's impulsive. He's got a temper. He's chaotic. He loves to fight and he's overconfident. He's already brewing in his mind how he's approach taking these fools down and as they continue to push and prod against him he begins to rise slowly towering up and up and up from his seat and spreading his arms wide. His huge hands slip towards his knuckle dusters, casually slipping his fingers into their grip as a low rumble begins...

But then he pauses.. Seemingly considering the feeling he's getting. He has moments of being shrewd and cunning and perhaps that's what this feeling is.

So he says nothing just yet but neither does he move. Instead he glances to his side, looking down at young man besides him.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The group seems to brace themselves for the fight they anticipate is about to go down as Volken rises to his full, incredible size and reaches for his weapons. Some of the other patrons scatter, making a hasty exit from the bar or just going to another floor of the club. The bartender hurries into the back...he's got some organizing to do, anyway.

    However, when he doesn't move or say anything, they just stare at him, waiting for a punch that has not yet come. And still hasn't...and still hasn't. "You gonna beat it or wha...." the leader starts to say, but doesn't quite finish as he suddenly yawns and his eyelids flutter before he promptly collapses to the floor, fast asleep. After a few seconds, he even begins to snore. The other goons stare at him, baffled at what had just happened. "What the..." one of them mutters.

Volken Mons has posed:
There are times when the helmet comes in handy. It helps hide the confusion that is writ starkly on the face of the goliath.

Some degree of self awareness and concentration helps him keep his body language from adjusting -too- much to make it clear he's just as surprised as the rest of them but..well..

That wasn't exactly what he was expecting.

"Looks like he's out too late again, fellas. Maybe you oughta get him home so that his usual bedtime can be kept. Of course, if you want, I can just break him in half while he's lying there are all pretty like..."

He llifts his huge arms up but then lets them drop and then..slowly and deliberately, sits back down again and rests one massive arm on a knee as he leans forward.

"Your call!"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Unfortunately, Volken's remarks only serve to infuriate the others. Maybe they think he pulled some kind of drug trick, or whatever. They don't know how else to explain what just happened.

    Immediately, even before he can finish talking, they draw their blasters and open fire on him. The barrage is so fierce that a few of the bolts manage to land on part of his body -not- covered in beskar and sear his flesh.

    The sudden burst of violence has Cayde rooted to the spot for a split second, looking stunned.

Volken Mons has posed:
Luck it would seem is not on his side. The behemoth just isn't on his game. Who knows what the reasons could be. Perhaps it is the idle kindness and curiousity shown to the strange mute boy. Perhaps it was him listening to that urging and not going with his more battle hardened and bloodlust driven instincts to just drive those mens head into the bar shortly after they approached him. Perhaps it's just simply bad luck. His failure to intimidate the bartender when he that should have been as easy as breathing should have warned him but hey. One wants to give luck a 'chance'.

Sadly it's cost him as the searing pain of the blaster bolt scoring against the side of his massive arm knocks him back into the here and now. It's fortunante it didn't puncture him in any sort of vital way and that he's tough enough to manage that impact and still keep coming but the sloppiness causes him to mentally chastise himself.

Which comes out as a rumbling, "Well! You all want a party after all!" This, isntead of a bellow of pain. He instead seems..happy!

He lunges up from his seat, bringing his massive fist around towards the torso of the first attacker. His knuckle dusters blaze with electrical energy, burning through a fist big enough to palm the largest of their heads like a childs ball. Hit or miss, his attack is followed up by a lunging upper cut as he attempts to send that attacker sprawling into the body of his peers to disrupt any potential follow up shots.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Volken must really be off his game tonight...the gangsters are faster than he perhaps anticipated. Maybe it's the pain from those first shots. The first guy in his line of sight manages to side step away from the first punch, giving him the opportunity to unsheath a vibroblade from his wrist gauntlet that he uses to go straight for the large Mando's bare shoulder blades, hoping to get a stab him before he tries to put more distance between himself and the towering man. However, he doesn't get a chance to finish his offense, as a mug full of ale suddenly flies off of the bar and strikes him in the arm. Not really enough to do any real damage, but it knocks him off balance and distracts him, giving Volken a chance to retaliate.

    There is one thing working for him, though. Getting into melee range with this guy has caused the other two with him to hold off their blaster fire, as they don't want to get in trouble for wounding or accidentally killing an ally. But, they also are not really sure if they want to get into a brawl with someone that huge...

Volken Mons has posed:
"Now that was embaressing."

This string of bad luck is just infuriating him even more. It rolls off his tongue in a glib fashion but on the inside he's a cauldron of seething anger. He was just miding his business and these people have made a clear and unprovoked attempt to end his life. -Now- that tamped down anger is boiling up in him and is seethes out as he attempts to bring his colossal fist right into the face of the first attacker, sparing none of his enhanced strength and vast bulk in the process and electrical energy crackling and seething off of his dusters as he swings.

A successful hit would see him brutally then grab for the mans head in the aftermath with his other hand going for the arm with the vibroblade on it fully intending to crack bones as he presses forward.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    With the man thrown off by the mug that struck him, Volken finally manges to land that punch to the face, which definitely cracks a nose and sends him to the floor. However, that does put some distance between him and his opponent, and the others start again with the blaster fire barrage. However, a strange thing happens, as some of the bolts seem to just...stop in midair for a split second before suddenly changing direction and veering off into the walls instead. The rest of them that do land, merely ping harmlessly into the hulking Mandalorian's armor.

    The man he'd originally intended to grab tries to scramble away, his face now bloodied, aiming to put more distance between himself and Volken before he gets back up...

Volken Mons has posed:
HIis arms may be bared but in truth that would be mostly covered by tunic anyway and much of his body remains protected with the armor of a heavy infantry Mandalorian. As such, when the blaster fire happens again, the huge man turns towards it, disappointed that the one sought for with his fists has escaped from close contact and the others are now free to do as they wish.

The deflection of the blaster bolts doesn't escape his notice either and he stares at the effect of the energy gripped in the air by some invisible force....and then he turns and brings his massive arm up and around, lifting up and pointing towards the attackers to quckly take advantage of the confusion that is no doubt lurking through them as well.

In truth, there's a part of him that would have just unloaded on everything with his pair of massive rotary blasters but he'd have likely not been allowed entry wit those and had he had them, far more damage to the entire place would have occurred which...while on the one hand ..something much more up close and personal is more fun for a sitaution like this."Alright, alright. We'll do this the boring way boys..." he muses before the armored vambrace hums with and the armament on their suddenly springs to life. A huge pulse of energy ripples out from it. A repulsor burst of raw table flipping and body hurtling force blasts out in a bubble of widening force from the unleashed power of the blast wave. His other arm swings up, the load out of his flame thrower beginning to spark to life as he stalks forward.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The repulsor weapon sends the group sprawling into some card tables, knocking them over violently. And as if that wasn't enough, the flamethrower begins to set furniture on fire. The three goons desperately scramble for cover behind a large holotable with a game that was abandoned in a hurry before the fight even broke out....but it probably won't help them much, at least not for long...

Volken Mons has posed:
"Well I gues our little party is just about over boys! Sorry kid!" yells the mammoth man over his shoulder back to Cayde.

"Just wanted to talk but I suppose a little violence in everybody's best interest!

The flame thrower roars over the area by the holonet game before the giant cuts it out and then reaches down with that arm to pick up the body of the first of the hooligans. He curls his massive limb around his neck, practically swallowing that burly figure up from sight by the immensity of his limb and swelling bicep.

Holding him like a rag doll, he turns his other arm towards the trio while stalking forward. The arsenal at the command of THe Mandalorians is as legendary as their fighting capabiltiies but it is not without its limits and while there might be a number of ways to end the lives of these fools, wasting ammo that might force him to have to return home sooner then he wishes or seek other means to replenish them when they could be best used for an actual paying job seems..like a waste. Even for fun. Even when wanting to see broken bodies and people pay for the insult of this attack on him.

"Let's keep it going for just a little while longer though!" he bellows before turning his repulsor gauntlets up towards the ceiling above the holo table, targeting the fixtures, support beams and lighting there in. A massive blast ripples forth from the giant as he braces his huge body against the charged force, attempting to bring what part of the ceiling that will give way from the assault, a rapid fire one if necessary, down onto the trapped thugs.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The blast slams into the ceiling fixtures--breaking several support rafters that groan and then begin to fall. Even some of the ceiling itself cracks and chunks of it fall to the floor below. However, the support beams only seem to make it three quarters of the way down before they stop in midair and hang there for a fraction of a second before being flung away from the holotable where the offending parties are hiding and landing on top of the pile of toppled card tables with a crash.

    Furthermore, that odd feeling returns, the one that he'd felt earlier right before the leader had fallen asleep. Except this time, it's not quite as clear, only containing a series of jumbled emotions and impressions. It's...somewhat overwhelming. Suddenly, the large Mandalorian may become aware that the projections are coming from his new friend somehow.

Volken Mons has posed:
There's a pause. Another look of astonishment and then it all begins to make some sort of wild sense.

It's a big galaxy and while he looks bestial, enormous, huge and experienced...the reality is that he's just a young Mandalorian with a big wide universe of experience out there that goes beyond dives, brawls, fight clubs and mercenary work. He's never encountered this before in person.

But he has heard of it. Been taught about it. Had it explained to him. He knows it's real and he -is- here on Coruscant after all, the legendary home of the Jedi...and while he doesn't immediately conflate this young one with -being- one...well...it isn't hard to put two and two together given what he's seen, heard and felt.

"Wha.." he rumbles, staggering abit at the ceiling holding itself aloft and then wavering for half a moment. But there's another problem here and that problem is: Volken. His blood has been boiled. His aggression stoked and few are those that can simply talk him down.

"This..isn't over until I -say- it's over." He eschews another attempt at destroying the ceiling and instead roughly drops the likely rag dolled body of the first unconscious figure to the ground. He lunges forward for the holonet table and reaches under it, attempting to literally lift it up from the ground and push it over and against the cowering hooligans. His body seems to swell, muscles creaking as they pile on sinew after sinew, now seeming to truly engorge themselves with a taste of how massive and strong his Mandalorian truly is. If successful - he's literally attempting to crush these man or at least pin and trap them.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Even as Volken starts to heft the massive holotable up and over on top of the hapless gangsters, Cayde suddenly rushes forward and ignites the Jedi's signature blade with a loud crackling noise. If the Mandalorian wasn't certain about it before, it's now quite obvious. He slashes the table clean down the middle, causing the two pieces to instead fall sideways away from the giant man's would-be victims, who scurry quickly out of the way and start trying to make a run for it. However, they aren't very fast given how bruised and battered they are...

Volken Mons has posed:
They're running. That counts as a 'victory'. He'd much rather see their bodies broken on the ground before him or twisted in his grasp or riddled with the fury of the onslaught of his twin heavy assault weapons.

But they're running and so that gives him pause enough to breathe in, take in the scene and more importantly ..take into account the intervention of that iconic burning beam of contained light that is the weapon of the Jedi.

An ancient enemy of the Mandalorians even as much as the source of one of their most sacred treasures.

His orthodox training rears up in him. This shoudl be an enemy. His bloodlust should still be raging. But...he also aided him, several times over and that should not be casually tossed aside. It wouldn't be The Way ..and..even for a Mandalorian that doesn't consider himself 'traditional' by any means.

It doesn't stop him from thundering furiously, "What're you -doing-?! They shot -me-!" At that point the pain from his injury does start to make itself known to him without the rush of the battle to distract him and he reaches a hand up for his bloodied shoulder where the blaster beam scarred and burned him. "Uuugh.. great. Such much for the good time I was looking for. Now I gotta get this looked at....."

He's more calm ow by the second and so now, head clearing he offers an honest, "...Thanks! Not for that." he nods to the table, "But everything else..."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde stands there, his lightsaber held in at the ready for a few seconds while the gangsters who still remained conscious made their escape. He finally retracts the blade of light, once they are fully out of sight. When Volken shouts at him, he doesn't look fazed, but just fixes the large man with an unreadable expression as he waits for the Mandalorian to calm down. Right, during his upbringing, Volken probably learned that the Jedi were known to be very...stoic.

    [I am sorry] he finally signs, once Volken's rage has dissipated. After a beat, he signs again: [You should leave...CSF coming]

    That had come a bit too late. Already, he can hear the sound of CSF sirens approaching the club. He could run...maybe fight them...or he could surrender to them.

Volken Mons has posed:
To be fair, he was attacked first...and there probably is footage of that. Plus, potentially, a Jedi..of some sort...to vouch for him...

But then there's that whole 'Mandalorian' thing.. And te news on the holonet, the reason he got curious and decided to poke his head into matters to begin with..

His eyes drift to the door the bartender disappeared into. The likelyhood of there being more then one entrance or exit is quite high and while he can -hear- the sirens, they aren't here yet.

"Time to bounce." he decides. "Just easier this way. See ya around, pal!"

A moment later and he's hopped over the bar, landing with a solid thud and then he's ducking his head to move towards the back, reasonign there is an exit back there towards loading and storage facilities and from there streets to twist his way into. His size may pose an issue but if he can make it to the crowds and towards the seedier parts then even his epic bulk will be no match for the swell of citizenry...and the CSF might be distracted enough by both Jedi and the remaining body that was the gansters leader to come looking right away.