Built Like A Bantha

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Built Like A Bantha
Date of Scene: 05 January 2024
Location: Upper Uscru District - Coruscant
Synopsis: Volken makes a deal with Drinna and takes custody of Revara.
Cast of Characters: Volken Mons, Drinna Talstri, Annelia Belask, Cayde Alexis

Volken Mons has posed:
Well then. Two Mandalorian Super Soldiers tried to rescue the same Mandalorian captive and ended up in a heated blood feud duel, ironic considering one of them had deliberately helped the other one escape from his cell before the two just started fighting anyway. Now they're gone, having sent themselves out of a window and tumbling down to who knows where considering the tremendous scale of the structures in Coruscant.

Are they dead? Are they still fighting? Are they dead and still fighting? All of that is possible because....they're Mandalorians. Especially the last part. You can't expect them to die when they are killed....

This leaves two Mandalorians remaining. One is unconsicious and very much -not- rescued by the others. The final is a 'Bantha sized' brute of a man. Disgustingly huge and strong, per the opinion of one of the now gone Mando's, partially armored with a hastily recovered beskar breastplate half worn overtop a shredded prison-garb and a single upraised vambrace adorned arm that was pointing in the direction of the now long gone duo.

A fire is under way as well, papers, furniture and more having been set ablaze by a malfunctioning jetpack. The fire suppression systems of the cell block are working at least.

"So...." Volken rumbles, slowly at first before his mood suddenly changes and he cheerfully declares, ".....Whelp. I guess that takes care of that!"

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna had run to grab a fire supressant to put out the furniture that had been lit up by the jet pack, however the damage to the walls - that was going to need a few droids and a ton of paperwork. She ran a hand through her hair, "Well...that was a break from routine." She eyed the large man, "Thanks for not ...maiming..me. I guess."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    It sounds like running, from a distance- and then a settling to a simple (if brisk) walk as the mood changes in the room. Belated reinforcements, perhaps?

    Dressed in the telltale simple robes of the Order, a Jedi rounds the corner in the open doorway, stepping inside to silently look about the room at first. She's of a height with the SF officer, albeit with more fiery orange tone to her hair and with a few extra kilos in strong build and lean muscle.

    "Well..." she says, eyeing the size of the remaining Mandalorian for a moment. "I gather I've missed the actual conflict? Do you require another suppressor, officer?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    With fire suppression systems and Drinna's quick action in play, most of the fires are put out before anyone can really get hurt, fortunately.

    UNfortunately, however, there has been a significant amount of property damage done to the holding area of the station. A lot of paperwork on Drinna's part, yes.

    Cayde had been working on trying to get the injured Mandalorian woman away from the chaos when the two fighters had disappeared through a window, and he's still focused on that, carefully moving her into a different, undamaged cell and locking her inside. Hopefully, Republic medical personnel would arrive soon to take care of that stab wound...

Volken Mons has posed:
The Mandalorian helm does its job of hiding the behemoths expression though Drinna can likely imagine that full toothed grin on his visage considering she'd gotten a good look at him during all of the chaos as he was sans helmet. Still, one can probably hear the shark like grin in his voice as he answers her.

"Hey. The night is young."

A joke? Hopefully. Probably. There's certainly an element of chaos in the giants mood swings but he just sort of looms there as if waiting for her to laugh at whatever punchline was supposed to be there.

He then seems to remember that there was an annoyingly telepathic padawan nearby and turns his attention in search of him only to find him having used the distraction of the end of that nonsense to have moved Revara to another cell and locking it - without having been told to do so.

The tension returns to the giant as he considers that situation and he lifts an arm up to point towards Cayde, "Wait a minute boy. You need to start acting slower and thinking more. You're just going to bring those two back. Either together or one at a time as long as you keep her here. Open that door up. Why're you holding her anyway? We're not the only Mandalorians interested in her and they'll keep coming."

He makes a move to start to head towards Cayde and the cell but is forced to pause when Annelia arrives. to join her fellow Order member.

"Aw..come on. -Another- sorcerer?" he complains though there's a tinge of curious bemusement in his tone in addition to the implied aggravation.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
The arrival of a new Jedi caught Drinna by surprised, "Uh. No, thanks, though. Who are you?" She looked her over. Now they had two Jedi and two Mando's. And one little CSF officer. She watched as Cayde moved the unconsciious woman to a new cell and by the time he'd finished closing the door, Drinna had already called for a medical team to assess her. She had a new stab wound that had been slowly oozing.

  She eyedCayde and shook her head, [How did you get involved in all this?] She signed before looking at Volken, "It's not night and it's going to be any younger. Look, if you can tell me what the hell you were arrested for I can see about...making it go away in exchance for your help earlier."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Annelia Belask. It seems one of the staff here panicked and reached out to us, seeing a padawan involved," Ann explains, nodding at the comment of not needing anything further. "Though it seems they perhaps would have been better off contacting the maintenance teams," she adds, glancing over the various scorchmarks once again.

    A moment after, she looks back to Cayde with a moment's curiousity and appraisal. "I would guess he acquitted well in the situation, however?" she notes-slash-asks, smiling just faintly.

    "I'll have to ask about a review of what went on later. For now... it seems I maybe arrived unneeded, given the big one's aversion to 'sorcery'." She manages to avoid smiling any further- but there's just the barest hint of amusement in her tone. "Why is the woman such a prized target, if I might?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    A measure of relief washes over Cayde when Drinna appears to have called on medics to take care of Revara's injuries.

    When Volken starts chastising him, though, he just stares up at the larger man with an unreadable expression for a moment, giving him no reply.

    He looks toward Drinna when she asks how he'd gotten involved in this. The padawan glances back over at Volken, pointing at him briefly. [Help with him] he signs.

    When Annelia approaches, Cayde bows slightly in polite greeting to her. She might know that -this- particular padawan had a habit of getting himself into trouble for unknown reasons that are probably related to a lack of control over his unusually strong telepathy.

Volken Mons has posed:
"Exactly!" answers Volken to Drinna's glib response to him on the matter of time periods and aging. Seems she got 'the joke' and passed whatever test that macabre bit of humor was..

"What she said. Why are you holding Revara? She's causing quite a bit of stir among our folk. You want peace and safety you should heal her up and let her go...."

He considers the situation a bit more, pondering what he himself might do concerning this odd circumstance and then seems to remember her question and asks, "Who me? Oh....I was just hanging out with my pal here!" He gestures to Cayde with his enormous arms, "....And then some gangsta's decided to try and use me as a way to get some clout and fired at me in a club. So I swung at them and when that didn't work, I broke the club. Must have been some senators favorite spot because now -I'm- the bad guy and getting arrested..."

He lifts a hand up to rub his jaw in a reflexive action given that his helmet is on so there's no real 'jaw' to rub so to speak. "I got a theory about how I got arrested to begin with but that particular 'theory' isn't here. I'll test that theory when I see 'her' again.."

He notes Caydes sign work and he falls silent. As Cayde is unreadable, Volken is perhaps just as much given that helm but he is holding the padawan in his gaze before he says, "I oughta be real mad at you boy. You dug up some images that aren't yours to dig out. You could have set me off. Learn to stay out of folks head. Use your 'hands' more and your sorcery less."

Drinna Talstri has posed:
"Drinna laughed at Annelia's comment about the maintenance teams, "Given the kinds of folks these cells hold, the maintenance teams are here more often than the public can imagine. I'm not sure your aid would have caused much of a difference for the two who went out the window. They were quite...determined."

When Cayde mentioned helping Volken, it put some extra weight behind his story, "Well," She said with a shrug, "If that's all you got arrested for, I can make that disappear easily enough. Especially if Jedi, even a tiny one, will speak on your behalf. " Drinna walked over to Volken's bag and picked it up, "You look ridiculous though. So please, fix that."

Her attention turned to the unconscious girl, "As curious as I am about what her story is, I'm also not interested in getting involved in something that could get me shot."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "I take it you do not know if there are currently ongoing negotiations regarding her? If she is an important figure, I expect *some* manner of communication is ongoing regarding her status..." muses Ann, resting a hand on her hip as she walks over to the padawan and the unconscious mandalorian.

    "I would not blame the boy over-much, Mandalorian. 'Sorcery' is difficult to master, and he has certain rarefied talents that get past him from time to time. Much like I am certain you accidentally knocked things over or broke things in your youth, becoming that large." She studies the prisoner for a few moments, considering.

    "I am no professional expert but this injury does not seem overly difficult to tend to. If your medical staff will be a while yet, I can offer to cover for them."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde doesn't really react one way or another to Volken's story about the club the other night. But his gaze falls when the Mandalorian man starts chastising him again.

    Easier said than done...but of course Volken doesn't understand. Few did, even among other Jedi.

    He sighs and stares at the floor. It was always like this...[Sorry]

Volken Mons has posed:
The 'Bantha sized' Mandalorian starts forward slightly and lifts a hand and finger up in protest to Ann's words ...but then is forced to stop as a string of images assaults his memory and this time it's his own doing and not telepathy. A long line of memories of broken furniture, shredded clothes, busted up foundlings, broken bones of adult handlers and much more besides and a good portion of them accidental. Then adding in just the ones from his loss of temper and he'd be there until it was actually evening going over it all.

Cayde's look of actual remorse pushes it over the edge and the giant drops his arm and wordlessly turns and starts to approach the bag containing the remnant of his beskar. As he walks he reaches up and pulls off the tattered pieces of the torso of his prison jumpsuit, revealing that ridiculously oversized physique and the tattoos upon it and he drops the rags to the ground and begins to busy himself recollecting his armor and weapons.

"Yeah, yeah.." he finally grouses out as he slips his gear on and begins to tighten the straps. "Practice makes perfect. Anyway - you should let me take her off your hands unless you want those two coming back in here playing ball with a thermal detonator. Call it another favor you'd owe me."

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna walks over to Cayde and places a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly before letting go, [You did good. Don't be so hard on yourself.]

"The medical staff will be here shortly, but thank you for the offer. I don't know about her but given the damage that was caused /because/ of her, I'm sure more will be known soon. I can share whatever I learn with you."

"Are you going to let me not let you take her?" Drinna asks playfully, "Or am I going to regret giving you that armor back?" Somehow he was managing to dress himself in a far less clunky manner than she'd imagined, "If those two come back, I guarantee you she's going to be well hidden and safe. However, if us keeping her means you're going to cause an issue, I may have to re-think this."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann stands again, nodding her acceptance of Drinna's comment about the medical attention. "Very well," she says simply.

    She turns, considering the exchange between the officer and the armouring giant- before shaking her head and lettingit pass her by for the time being.

    A slow exhalation as she takes the time to scan the room again, taking a few moments to look for some sense of pattern or such and idea of how swiftly this escalated- though the chaos seems to stymie her efforts.

    Instead, she looks over to Cayde- she doesn't speak or sign, simply gives a raised brow and questioniong cast to her eyes that silently ask for the brief on his state of mind.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods at Drinna's encouragement. [Thank you] he signs, although his spirits don't seem to have been lifted much. He'll probably be beating himself up internally about this for weeks, at least.

    He doesn't seem to have anything to offer with regard to the negotiation of sorts happening between Drinna and Volken. Of course, he'll be ready to defend anyone against any unwarranted aggression, but that hasn't happened yet.

    When Annelia looks over at him with inquisitive eyes, she'll find it's hard to read him exactly without reaching into the Force, but she might be able guess from what she already knows about him that he's probably just trying to hide the fact that he's still upset with himself.

Volken Mons has posed:
Indeed, the balance of the situation has changed slightly. Now, re-armored in his beskar with who-knows-what sorts of armaments tucked away into the vambraces, pauldrons, belts, buckles, pouches or other decorative elements...even the presence of the additional jedi may call into question what could happen if violence resulted. Perhaps a lack of certainty at the very least. With just himself against two of these ;sorcerers', Drinna and the rest of the CSF here, certainly the gigantic Mandalorian would ultimately fall if he just stood his ground to fight for the sake of fighting. It's just...how many might he take with him before that happened?

It's certainly a gamble Drinna made there and as the colossus straightens back up and squares his shoulders he seems to loom even larger then before, perhaps calling into question the wisdom of her deal making. The straps holding his armor upon him creaks as he takes a breath and the beskar itself seems to give the impression of visibly straining as it settles about his body, customized to fit him as it is.

"You kept your word." he finally rumbles and then he reaches up and removes his helmet again, letting his messy dark hair fall in thick strands about the front and sides of his head and waist thick neck. "I'll keep mine... It's The Way.."

His voice, clearer now that the helmet has been removed, trails off abit at the end there. He can practically hear Khalo Fett screaming in his ear through a commlink to just kick their asses and take Revara but he restrains himself.

"Listen, I'm trying to do -you- a favor. It does you no good to keep her in the long run and stay between feuding Mandalorians." he cuts his eyes towards the Jedi and CSF officer. "You let me take her.. I"ll arrange for them to meet up with me in the Lower City and let them resolve their issues without coming back in here for her. It's simple. Win win. Why would you refuse that?"

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna contemplated the situation and then gave a reisgned sigh, "Alright." She said, looking to the group. As if on cue, the medics arrived skittering around the Jedi and Mandalorian with a confused look to Drinna. This wasn't the oddest thing the Medics had seen probably even that week but it was the strangest they'd seen Drinna involved in. They were done in moments and left.

"Take her, but because of the way my ass is going to get handed to me - you all each owe me a drink. Which I will cash in, at some point in future."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    A slight nod from Ann to Cayde before she returns her attention to the conversation at hand. A slight frown with that as she considers.

    "This is a fairly remarkable amount of activity from Mandalorians on Coruscant, as we happen to be on the subject of those relations. Is there anything I should know, and be bringing back to the Temple?" she questions curiously, head tilting slightly.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    As the other three seem quite preoccupied with their conversation about Revara's fate, Cayde just sort of stands there for a few moments, then turns away and starts busying himself trying to at least get started cleaning up the mess. Such as righting furniture that might still be saved, and collecting the things that can't be into an empty box for the waste compactor.

    He even removes the damaged cell door to make way for the new one that he figures would have to be installed. Eventually though, he starts wandering out of the cell block and into the office area...

Volken Mons has posed:
"I'm about to have two berserk Mandalorians crawlin' all over me while a snooty air headed one screams at me about how dishonorable I am all while I'm tryin' to keep from dyin'....to save you some trouble and you worried about gettin' chewed out."

Volken chuckles softly as he crouches over the large bag to look over Khalo's armor pieces. He then ties the bag up and stands slowly. "Yeah sure why not. I'll buy you all some drinks."

He effortlessly slings the large bag over his shoulders .

"Keep 'er bound and give me something to keep her docile for awhile. I don't want to be having to chase after her. You got my twin repeator rotary cannons, right? Don't send them to the front. I'll collect them out back.." He pauses and then adds, " In fact, if ya can, arrange for some transport for us to get to the Lower City so nobody gets a look at us up here. You get us dropped off, I'll take care of the rest." He shakes the bag containing Khalo's beskar, "He's gonna want these...""

The behemoth turns finally, looking at the two Jedi and the CSF agent and he gives them a big, full toothed, shark like grin.

"....Trust me..."

The giant then turns to face Annelia. With his helmet gone his contemplative and ponderous expression is rather clear as he looks long at her as if preparing to consider if he should reveal some great secret to her.

"...You know, that's a good question. I dunno! Strange isn't it!" His bass voice rumbles out, cheerfully ignorant.

He does, however, add, "Well, -I- didn't come here for any reason other then some personal matters and I got wrapped up in this. Revara looks like she ran away from home and a father she don't want anything to do with. I do know that much. There -some- who want to return her to her father, no matter what and don't think much of her and others that have a different perspective. So...frankly... Coruscant just wandered into the middle of an escalating family feud."

A sudden memory strikes him though and he frowns slowly, "Though...did I overhear Khalo right...about someone trying to sell off the Darksaber...? Huh.."

Drinna Talstri has posed:
"You haven't met our Chief. He makes you seem like a fairy princess," Drinna muttered as she left the room briefly to organize his transport and weapons. It took a little smooth talking and a tiny bit of bribery but it was arrange. When she re-enterede the room, Drinna caught the tail end of his comment about the girl. What a mess. The kind of mess that might end up requiring more police aid but, not just yet.

"I hope what he told you helps," Drinna said to Annelia, "He knows more than we do."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Coruscant is a rather... significant planet to 'wander into' a feud," notes the Jedi Knight with a slight frown, arms crossing before her as she considers. "But... potentially interesting..." she adds, trailing off as her mind wanders elsewhere.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    As Cayde makes his way into the office area, he gets a few odd looks from Drinna's colleagues. Eventually though, he finds her office cubicle and sits down in it, beginning to rifle through her things out of curiosity. She'd never really told him why she hated her father so much. Of course, he tries not to make too much of a mess of everything.

Volken Mons has posed:
No doubt Drinna is correct! Volken is just one giant huggable Mandalorian now isn't he. Granted he snapped their manacles into pieces and then ripped a cell door off and crushed it and flipped a holonet table over and lit a club on fire -- but they were for all good reasons!

Turning to the senior Jedi present he eyes her and then finally answers, "Coruscant's got parts of it that the CSF and Republic don't deal with. Whole levels unexplored or left unpoliced. Pretty much unlivable for the average citizen and bein' prowled by who knows what. Seems like hidin' in the parts of the jewel of th'Republic that don't shine so bright....is a great place to 'wander into' if yer running from something that is outside of The Republic. She just didn't run deep enough, clearly. Or fast enough..'

With that, he returns his helmet to his head and turns, searching for Cayde. The helmet hides his growing frown upon not seeing the padawan and he sighs softly before shaking his head as if clearing cobwebs from it.

"You comin'?" he asks Annelia as he begins walking down the hall in the direction Drinna went. No need to wait here with Revara as he presumes they'll prep her and deliver her to him when their transport is ready.

"Tell th'boy I'll see 'im around." he adds, figuring Cayde has seperated himself from the entire matter.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna practically walks into Volken after coming round a corner. He'd turned a few heads just wandering around freely and she looked up at him, "Uh - your rides ready and so on." She cleared her throat, "You bringing the Jedi along? The medical team is about to load the girl into the transport."

Annelia Belask has posed:
     Ann has indeed followed along with Volken, eyes largely averted as she focuses on hearing the goings-on around her.

    "I am able to make my way- however I appreciate the assistance. I have no more reason to keep anyone than you do. So, if you and the CSF are content, so am I."