A New Acquaintance

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A New Acquaintance
Date of Scene: 26 February 2024
Location: Upper Uscru District - Coruscant
Synopsis: Shiren and Cayde meet in the Uscru district.
Cast of Characters: Cayde Alexis, Shiren

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Night to day, and day to night, Coruscant's Uscru district is filled with the hustle and bustle of people from all around the galaxy out for a good time on the town.

    On this particular morning, there is some kind of street carnival happening on one of the upper levels. Games of chance and skill are available to pay and play for fun and potential prizes. Various merchants are selling cutesy trinkets, toys, and candies. There is a large mechanized playground of sorts for the children...and perhaps some adults who fancy such things.

    It's not terribly crowded, but the place isn't lacking for business, either.

Shiren has posed:
Shiren has settled himself within the street carnival, using one of the available benches. His weapon peacebound as always, he makes use of a cane when within Coruscant as well. After all, the people here aren't as familiar with the Miralukans, so it makes this easier. Leaning his both hands on the top of the cane, head tilted slightly down, listening to the people around him. Merchants selling things, games of chance being won - lost - and cheated at.

It's not as crowded as he'd like it to be, but he's actually using this opportunity to train himself and his senses. Tilting his head from time to time, following the sounds of people.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    There is the general background chatter of people going about enjoying themselves, some of the more prominent noises come from the excited children enjoying the playground. But there is also a bit of a commotion around a closed off portion of it, where a giant swing of sorts seems to have fallen off of its hinges. Worried parents are fussing over their kids, although fortunately it doesn't seem that any of them have been severely injured or anything. The carnival workers are complaining about the breakdown but doing their best to get things back in order.

    Speaking of which, there's something else. Shiren may be able to feel another Force user with them, a boy not much older than the other kids. But he doesn't have any parents to fuss over him, instead he is using the Force to hold the swing in the air while one of the ride mechanics stands on a repulsorlift and performs repairs.

Shiren has posed:
The Force stands out amongst all others. Miralukan's senses into the force are rather keen. So when he sees that mote burning bright, and they way they manipulate it to aid the mechanics, a small smile appears on his face. They are bursting with life still, very young. Yet this kind of skill already. He wonders, for a moment, if this youngster may get yelled at by others.

The man slowly rises up, approaching the small youth. His cane doesn't actually get used, and ends up more like an accessory than an actual functional tool, until he steps besides the youth and extends his hand, aiding the younger one by reaching out as well. To draw some of the 'weight' from him. Not speaking in words, but instead letting his actions speak for him.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    "A little bit more to the left, kid..." The mechanic is saying when Shiren approaches and lends his aid. It may then become apparent, and probably isn't much a surprise that this is clearly a padawan of the Jedi Order as it becomes obvious he's in possession of a lightsaber. Kyber crystals tended to burn just as bright in the Force, anyway.

    "...right! Just right, hold it right there!" The worker exclaims just as Shiren begins to take on some of that weight, allowing Cayde to focus more on maneuvering. The young Jedi finds it a welcome measure of repose, as he was struggling to get the thing lined up in just the right position. Those well-attuned to the Force as Shiren is may be able to feel his relief as the worker finally gets out a multitool and starts installing the necessary new parts.

Shiren has posed:
"Good job." Shiren remarks to Cayde as he uses Shiren's lift to maneuver closer to the left and the right. Working with him and letting the force entwine. Of course, Shiren is no Jedi, but he knows enough of their order to be surprised at the Padawan being here without his teacher.

Shiren has posed:
Shiren is a man of rather few words. But he still finds it is at least right to encourage the Padawan for aiding these people here.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    As Shiren encourages the young padawan, the worker quickly gets the new parts bolted in. He looks over at the two of them and nods. "All good guys. Hey, thanks for lending us a hand." he says with a smile. "We'll handle the recalibration and stuff."

    Cayde exhales heavily and finally lets go of the swing. [Thank you sir] he signs, turning to the stranger who had unexpectedly assisted him, regarding him curiously. He'd read about Miraluka in his studies at the Temple, but never seen one in person.

    Shiren may be able to feel the boy's genuine curiosity about him. The kid's mental presence in the Force seems to be particularly distinct. Although his face is not all that expressive, to those well-attuned to the Force, it's like he's wearing his heart on his sleeve.

Shiren has posed:
Shiren bows his head when the Workers have it in hand, and follows along with letting go of the swing. He then steps back ever so slightly, before noticing the youth motioning his hands. It takes him a moment to realize what is happening.

"You will have to move your hands slower. I fear my understanding of hand-speak is limited to finger-signs at best. And my sight..." He motions in front of his face, as if to indicate 'I am blind'.

Except of course, he is not.

He then remarks; "I am Shiren."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde hesitates a moment. Oh...he supposed it made sense that they wouldn't know sign language. So he tries something else, which is to reach into his mind with the Force. Shiren would feel the boy's presence come even nearer, and thoughts that don't belong to him enter his mind.

    <I'm Cayde. Thanks for the help>

    <...are you Miraluka?>

Shiren has posed:
There's a slow nod from Shiren as that sudden telepathic pressure comes to his mind. There's an instinctive resistance at first, until he recognizes it, and then lets it through.

<"I am indeed.> He answers Cayde. He then takes a moment to fingerspell his name. He's not part of the deaf community, so he doesn't really have a sign-name yet. <"And to feed that curiousity I sense from you, I am Matukai."> Answering an unspoken question.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    There is a slight swell of intrigue and excitement from Cayde, when Shiren confirms his suspicions. He finds the idea of seeing with the Force a pretty neat thing.

    <Matukai...another Force religion right?> he asks. <I have read about Miraluka, but not met a real one before>

Shiren has posed:
There's a slow nod from Shiren. That excitement is infectuous in a way, so it has him smile. "That is correct." He answers the youth. "The Matukai are focused on refining their bodies and physical abilities as much as they can." He explains further. He then puts the cane to the ground, and leans his hands on it.

"It sounds like you have questions." He then remarks.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde glances at the cane, watching Shiren lean on it. The Miraluka may already be able to sense that the teen is wondering what he needed a cane for if he wasn't -really- blind. He didn't seem to be crippled, either.

    And yes, questions...so many questions. Other than that one, anyway. Like what brought him to Coruscant specifically? Did he live here? How was Force sight different from normal vision? Are they just born with the ability and mastery over it? But he struggles with putting these questions into words.

    <So you must fight well> he surmises. <But you don't need that> he remarks, referring to the cane.

Shiren has posed:
Indeed, such curiousity he can sense. Particularly through small adjustments within Cayde's posture and whence he focuses - even before Cayde starts to ask the question in earnest. "Most people are not familiar with the Miraluka. So it makes them more comfortable when they seem someone with a blindfold using a cane."

Of course, the other questions are no so easily guessed at. He can read bodylanguage, not minds!

"And I believe I could put up a pretty decent fight." He then adds. "Though I believe that I would have a hard time against a well seasoned Jedi. Their union with their Lightsabers would give particular trouble for someone trained in my arts."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde pauses, thinking about that answer. True, most people weren't as well attuned to the Force as he was, or well-studied in Force-sensitive species. So maybe to some, it would make them uncomfortable. And certainly it was one way of not drawing unwanted attention.

    <Oh...why> he asks, regarding having a hard time against lightsabers. <How does it work? ...seeing with the Force>

Shiren has posed:
"I am... undertain." Shiren remarks. "It's just something I've witnessed in my years. There's something about the way they become one with their weaponry, permitting them their fluidity in halting a strike or a blaster. It is something we have yet to achieve with the Wan-Shen." Shiren answers Cayde Alexis.

"As for how it works... I suppose it's something I grew up with. But I suppose if I have to describe it..." He looks towards the device they'd lifted. "You know how you reached out into the force, and touched that object from afar? Guiding the force to lift it? It's like that. The Force is all around us. The Miraluka just... 'see' the Force within things."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods, listening with interest. <What is the 'Wan-Shen'> he asks. <Is that your fighting style>

    He tries to imagine 'seeing' the Force, but has a hard time with that. He could detect the presence of something or someone, but not really see it the same he could see it with eyes. <So you are born a master of it>

Shiren has posed:
"I would not say we are born a Master of it. But we are quite skilled doing so." He remarks, downplaying that matter. "There are things we pick up on slower than a normal person might, and others we see better." He isn't going to go into the details of the matter, and leaving some of it to Cayde's imagination.

"And the Wan-Shen is the blade we all wield." He touches his hand to the cloth-wrapped cylinder attached to his back. "Which I will not be taking out here in public. For it is a weapon."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Huh...perhaps it was quite different from normal vision, but he supposed Shiren wouldn't know so there probably wouldn't be much point in asking that.

    The teen's gaze darts over toward the cylinder at his back when he mentions it's the name of the signature weapon, although he seems a little disappointed that there won't be a show and tell. <So do you live here> he asks.

Shiren has posed:
Shiren closes his eyes for a moment, taking in a breath, then releases it again. Adjusting his posture a bit. Never truly 'relaxing'.

"I do not. I live in the stars." He answers Cayde. "Do you live here?" He then immediately asks back. "I believe the Jedi Temple is rarely a Jedi's final home."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde arches a brow at him for a moment. Surely, he didn't mean literally--oh.

    <So you travel> he guesses. <Where have you been?>

    He nods when Shiren asks if he lives here. <It is for the time. Maybe I will go somewhere else later...only the Force knows.>

Shiren has posed:
"Perhaps consider what you wish to do. Where you wish to go." Shiren answers Cayde. "The force can guide you, but it's still your feet, and your will to go places." He remarks to Cayde, keeping to the more physical kind of grounding that the Matukai are known for.

"As for where I've been - places too numerous to mention." He takes a step away from Cayde. "And many more places to go to."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde thinks about that, but doesn't seem to have a clear idea yet. <I don't know...I have been here for my whole life.> For the most part, anyway.

    <What was the best?> he asks. <And where will you go next?>

Shiren has posed:
"I will not answer you that." Shiren answers Cayde, with a slight smile on his face. "For if I tell you, you'll end up trying to walk my path, visit the places I visited, seek the things I saw while wondering what it was I came there for. You should make that decision yourself. Find your own path." Shiren answers him, and steps away, raising a hand in farewell over his shoulder.