Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: Forbidden History

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Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: Forbidden History
Date of Scene: 16 March 2024
Synopsis: Caius, Cayde, Hal and Navi learn more about the mysterious deaths during the Battle of Jedha.
Cast of Characters: 159, 334, Cayde Alexis, 269, Navi

Athena (159) has posed:
Despite their many unanswered questions, the small group of Jedi investigating Tomi's unshakeable comatose state would face evasion and ambiguity from Volk, Convocation Representatives, and even the Temple staff. Volk's sudden and notable absence would be explained away by the other Temple staff as simply being busy investigating the relics lost during the Temple raid.

Consequently, Tomi's dark side relics and sinister journals are swiftly taken and submitted to the Bogan Collection before further inquiries can be made. And that life-sized stone figure of Tomi's brother -- it would disappear as if it had never existed.

But finally, late one evening, the group will discover Volk near the Temple of the Kyber's public archives. He is conversing in hushed tones with Akiren, the Lonto woman they'd met previously.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
As the Jedi who first initiated this whole effort....that they are being so stymied is a point of particular frustration for Caius. He wears it well of course, as he was trained to. Honestly, it's a touch ironic. His master was also a Kel Dor and so some of Volk's mannerisms aren't unknown to him. That helps.

So Master Volk is treated with respect but the Kel Dor is given a wide berth at the moment to allow him to do his business as Caius himself moves to take a look at some of the public archives while removing from the depths of his robes that paper he took. The fact that Volk did indeed see him take the paper but didn't snatch it away from him..is something to consider as well.

Perhaps the Master is trying to say things without openly saying things. This would certainly be a method.

After a glance at the grotesque drawings he folds them up and returns them to his robe while beginning to search for anything in the archives concerning strange, monstrous creatures.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde is here as well, if he got any rest it's not really apparent because he still looks equally as exhausted as earlier. He noticed that the statue is nowhere to be seen, and assumes that Volk had indeed disposed of it as he'd said before. Perhaps he really did have good reason for not wanting them to investigate that further, but on the other hand, how else were they to help Tomi?

Hal (269) has posed:
Hal has finally gotten some good sleep. He stands quietly in his robes, having joined the others, seeing Volk near the temple. The one-eyed knight gives a nod of salutation, but stays with the others, taking in the sights, trying to pick up on cues where he can, looking through the room silently.

Navi has posed:
Navi had heard that Cayde was seen around the Temple of the Kyber. Knowing his predeliction for getting into trouble and his desire to help Tomi, she had decided she'd best find him.

What she /didn't/ expect to find is two more Jedi with the look of business about them. "Good evening, Master Jedi," she says softly in greeting, bowing from the waist formally. "Sorry if I've intruded. May I be of any assistance to you?"

Athena (159) has posed:
Volk notices the small group and a pained look crosses his expression as he glances over at them before he turns back to Akiren and continues speaking with her.

As the three Jedi begin wandering about the archives, they're approached by the archives keeper, a wizened, bespectacled old Ithorian. She nods politely at them before asking. "Is there anything I can help you find?" she asks.

When she sees Navi, she beams. "Navi," she says. "Good to see you. The little Chadra Fans were here yesterday. They couldn't stop telling stories about you..."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:

Caius seems uncertain at first. Given the actions of Master Volk and the obvious nervousnes..showing the image would probably overplay matters abit.

He glances towards Hal, seeking the attention of the slightly older Jedi Knight in search of some solidarity there...and then returns his attention to the archivist. "I'm looking for...any information on...dangerous and legendary creatures that the temple may be aware of or have...encountered in the past. I'm trying to...catalog ...these old legends and see if we can glean anything from them...." He keeps the paper hidden.

It's then that he sees Navi and he gives her a smile, "Hello again. It's nice to see you." He glances towards Cayde as well, noting the Padawan's condition as he studies him closely.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods and bows politely in greeting toward Navi when she arrives, and Hal as well. When the Ithorian keeper approaches, he lets Caius do the talking.

Hal (269) has posed:
Hal bows in salutation to the archives keeper. Navi and Cayde are both given nods of greeting, and Caius gets one of support from Hal. Hearing Caius speak, Hal nods again, "Indeed, stories of ferocious beasts or monsters are often unique and worth studying, because usually a kernel of truth is buried deep in them."

Athena (159) has posed:
The Ithorian female studies Caius a bit inquisitively, having noticed his tense but wordless exchange with Volk.


She also observes the hesitancy in his speech. "Is... everything alright, Master Jedi?" she asks. "That's a very broad request, I'm afraid. How far back are you looking to investigate? Hundreds of years? Thousands? After all, during the Great Sith Wars, why, there were a great many of Sith warbeasts. They would terrorize the battlefields, leaving trails of destruction and death in their wake. Where the Sith found such carnivores, and how they trained them can be found in aisle 4000. The most fascinating thing," the Ithorian rambles, "is that most of these warbeasts weren't terribly special, other than being monstrously strong and bloodthirsty. In my opinion, they weren't exactly what one would call legendary, at least from what I can recall. Although, I suppose it depends on what your definition of legendary is."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Perhaps something around the time of the Battle of Jedha...?" suggests Caius. "Something that might have inspired ...local storytelling or even rhymes or urban legend? Or perhaps even something told among the keepers of the temple?"

Caius words grow more steady and firmer as he speaks now. No longer halting as he seems to be focusing in on something in specific. "Unless you have a suggestion, Hal?" He turns towards the other Knight.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    As Caius talks with the archivist, Cayde starts randomly browsing through the various books and articles, wandering down the aisle as he does.

Hal (269) has posed:
Hal listens quietly as the Ithorian speaks, nodding along quietly, and follows up after Caius, "No, something local, something we would not find in our own library. Something... special." He pauses and awaits a response.

Navi has posed:
"Thank you, Knight Astras. It is good to see you again, as well," Navi replies softly, repeating her bow, then pausing to gently hug the aged Ithorian. "It's good to see you, Dalin... and I hope the stories weren't too scandalous. I really need to visit them sometime soon."

She listens thoughtfully to the questions of the two Jedi Knights, keeping a wary eye on Cayde as he slips away to browse randomly. "I hope he doesn't end up in any trouble..." she murmurs.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Well of course they were," Dalin replies, "They said you got into a fight with a Devaronian at a dive bar, but then later both he and his sister ended up dead. Said it was karma, ha! Oh, and then there was bit about you getting arrested, and bewitching an offworld criminal to fall in love with you. Kids!"

Dalin then blinks. "Local? And the Battle of--" she begins, glancing briefly over at Hal and then abruptly cutting off. "Sir -- I mean, Master Jedi," she says, suddenly a bit flustered. "Ahem. We.. we don't have very much on the Battle of Jedha, regarding... regarding that," she says, her gaze flicking back towards Volk's direction. "Most of it is oral history. You could ask the locals. Some of them may have been alive during that... that time." she says.

The aisle Cayde has wandered down actually does seem to have some history on the Battle of Jedha, and events during that time. But if he pulls one of the history databooks off the shelf, he'll find that most of the entries about the peace talks about E'ronoh and Eiram. There's mention of many dying in a mysterious manner and a cult called the Path of the Open hand, but that topic gets a single sentence. There seems to be woefully small amount of information on the matter...

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Perhaps you're right." concedes Caius and also nodding as her words line up with Hal's as well.

"Something local would...indeed be helpful. Maybe a walk in the city might end up doing us all some good as... I'm sure the locals have the time and would be...willing to share infomration."

Code for: They'll talk when you won't.

"Thank you for your assistance..."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The Path of the Open Hand? Huh. That seems to be the only connection here, to the Battle of Jedha and these mysterious deaths that might be very similar to the way in which Tomi's brother died.

    He turns around, noticing Dalin beginning to sound uncomfortable, stammering and such. Was she hiding something? He was loathe to dig around in the mind of a Master Jedi, but a librarian...

    The young Jedi tries reaching into her psyche. What is it that she's so uncomfortable about? Ithorians live much longer than humans, and it's quite possible she was alive during that time.

Hal (269) has posed:
"I am surprised it has not been so written down," Hal says, "Perhaps that could be a project one could pursue?" he inquires. "But yes, we shall speak with the locals. Thank you again for your assistance," Hal notes and offers a bow, picking up on the same cue as Caius.

Navi has posed:
"Some of that's exaggerated, but it's mostly true," Navi admits, blushing a little. "I didn't bewitch anyone into falling in love with me, but I did encounter an offworld criminal. It was pretty scary, and confusing. I'm pretty sure he was the one who killed the Devaronians. I was put in jail for that, but it was a misunderstanding. They let me out later, thanks to a private investigator's work on the matter."

She doesn't miss Dalin's hesitance, but can only look around at the Ithorian and the assembled Jedi in confusion. If it's one thing her recent experiences have taught her, it's that strange things can happen anywhere, even among the most familiar faces. "Dalin? Are you all right?" she asks, just a bit worriedly.

Athena (159) has posed:
"..." Dalin stares at Caius seeming to be at a loss for words. She then glances over at Hal. "Nooo... we--we can't, we don't know enough," she says. "And...its.. it's too dangerous," she whispers.

And that is what Cayde will glean from her. She's too afraid to speak out, and there's nothing tangible or written she can offer anyone. She remembers the events alright, just not with any clarity. There had been so many rumors. Of mysterious deaths, and strange petrified people in seemingly random places around Jedha. And of all those who had been found turned to stone, none had been non-Force sensitive.

Dalin blinks when Navi starts talking to her. "Oh... oh ah. Yes. I'm just fine. Have... have a nice day all of you. Be careful." She then turns to go back into the archives.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"We should find Cayde...."

Caius turns and gestures for the others to follow him.

Hopefully out of earshot of Master Volk.

"That sounds liked quite the adventure, Navi.. I'm glad you're not sitting in a cell somewhere still." He adds, having indeed heard a little bit of her adventure. "Hopefully Hal and myself won't end up in a similar situation though I think they'd think twice before trying. At least one would hope."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde frowns. Petrified people? Perhaps that statue really was Tomi's brother. He'd been turned to stone, like the others Dalin remembered. Or at least, the rumors. He's never heard of that before, but maybe there are other records of things capable of using the Force to turn living beings into dead rocks.

    He makes his way over to a directory and starts attempting to search for records of something like that.

Navi has posed:
"So am I. It was a pretty scary time all around," Navi replies, unable to suppress a shudder. Looking after Dalin, she waves to her. "You too, Dalin. May the Force be with you."

She winces faintly at the thought of the Jedi being confronted by the Law. "I hope not. And I'm hoping I don't wind up on these people's bad sides, either. Twice was enough for one lifetime." She looks toward the stacks. "I think I saw Cayde looking through the shelves. Maybe he was looking for something on the creatures you were asking about?"

Athena (159) has posed:
Cayde won't find anything in detail in the records about such things. There's a few snippets here and there, that mention bodies of people who had seemed to be turned into some kind of petrified ash, but nothing about what had caused it.

As Caius, Hal, and Navi start to exit the archives, they'll find Volk hurrying towards them suddenly.

The Kel Dor nods in greeting to Navi briefly, but then gestures for Caius to speak with him privately in a nearby alcove.

"Astras..." he says quietly. "I know what you are doing..."

"And it is dangerous, and you must know that the Council does not approve of anyone investigating these things. Others have tried and ..." he shakes his head. "We will discuss that another time." He pauses. "But if this is what you believe the Force is leading you to do to, then you must heed it's calling." Another pause. "You are a Jedi, of rank higher than Padawan. If you wish to see the Bogan Collection..." he lowers his voice. "Gethun will not refuse your request."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Where in the world did Cayde wander--"

Caius pauses, surprised by Volk's arrival and request to speak to him. Oh boy.

He gives Navi and Hal a quick glance and then is pulled away from them. Volk being a Kel Dor indeed does cause some bit of being uncomfortable for a moment. This reminds him a little too much of being pulled aside by his Master now.

But when Volks peaks, Caius inclines his head and frowns mildly and then finally nods his head.

"Master.... We came here because we felt it was our just duty to help Master Tomi. For Cayde it was an opportuity to do some good in the aftermath of the terrible accident he caused. We've discovered something in the process that speaks to the potential of a more dangerous matter occuring that's...certainly not a finished matter. What are you suggesting we do? We can't help Master Tomi without learning more and you yourself said were on a timeline. He will die soon if we do nothing and...we won't learn anything more about what could be going on here."

He gestures to indicate the others, standing some ways away, "Cayde, Hal, Navi.. I believe we can do some good if our hands will stop being tied."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde gathers the snippets anyway, even if they are sparse. It's better than nothing, right? He wonders if there are other libraries that could be searched and might have more details...

    But for now, he may as well investigate the articles that do mention it in more depth. So he takes the references and starts over toward the indicate aisles.

Hal (269) has posed:
Hal stands quietly as the others speak, though the Kel Dor master's remark gives him pause. The one-eyed knight is no scholar, so he defers to Caius on this and nods, "Our path is seldom easy, or safe, but it is why we do it."

Navi has posed:
"I'll be just a moment, Master Jedi," Navi says to Hal, in the wake of Caius's departure with Master Volk. "I can't see Cayde anymore, and I'm beginning to worry a little." She hurries into the stacks, looking around for any sign of the blonde Padawan. "Cayde? Are you back here?" she calls in an almost stage whisper.

Athena (159) has posed:
The Kel Dor sighs, and glances at Hal, shaking his head. "The fact that neither of you are giving much pause despite the Council forbidding it..."

But then he continues with, "I cannot advise you. Nor do I necessarily condone what you are doing, but... I cannot stop you. But I will tell you this - Tomi's journals and relics are in the Bogan Collection. Along with the journals of another once-Jedi who bitterly pursued this matter with utter obsession. His name was Azlin Rell." He pauses. "Do what you must, but please... be careful. This is not a matter than the Council forbid for no reason..." He then bows gravely and turns to leave.

Cayde won't find much in the indicated aisles, though. It seems that Dalin had been right - there seems to be very little written about it...

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Master Volk...our compassion for Master Tomi is what is driving us, not a desire to just...buck the authority and rules of the council. We came here to help him and were encouraged to do so. Now if the decision is to just let him die and allow that deatht o sit on our conscience when perhaps something could have been done...or something even greater and more dangerous may be looming - well...."

His words trail off there. There's not much more he can say without, perhaps, starting to drift to much into territory that might be seen as dangerous for personal reasons and not just because the council wishes to forbid this.

"..I mean no disrespect of course but I think it should be stated..." he adds quickly, "We'll take your advice." He bows to Volk and takes a few steps away and then turns towards Hal.

"Thank you. I suppose we better wrangle Cayde...There's no telling where Anne's gotten off to so I guess we need to do some joint Padawan Corralling.."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde just picks out the books that had been referenced in his search just now, intending to peruse them later. It could be useful to at least read the context of the reference, even if it was only a small mention.

    He glances over at Navi when she whispers loudly at him, approaching her with the tablets under his arm and an inquisitive look on his face. Did she need something?

Hal (269) has posed:
Hal nods to Navi and then thinks deeply upon the Council's order, "If the Council forbids it..." he then shakes his head, "Then I cannot endorse it, as much as it pains me." The knight grimaces at it and looks to the Kel Dor, "I must beg your forgiveness, master." He looks to Caius, "Perhaps there may be another way, one within the confines of our restrictions?" He asks Caius.

Navi has posed:
"/There/ you are... I couldn't see you anymore, and it looks like the Knights are getting ready to leave," Navi says, with some relief, hurrying to meet Cayde. "Were you looking for something? It looks like you found some things," she adds, noting the tablets he's carrying.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
Caius frowns now.

"What exactly is the Council 'forbidding'?" He turns towards Hal, "Helping Tomi? They gave their blesing to pursue aiding him. Searching for knowledge about his past? How can we assist him when the very thing keeping him locked into his comatose state is the thing that we seem to be unable to ask any questions about? It makes no sense. Master Volk has given us the means to do something that will let us draw our own conclusion. The council would not forbid something that we conclude based on simple observation would it? We take a look and see if it can help us and if it doesn't then it doesnt. That should be within limitations shouldn't it?"

Athena (159) has posed:
The Kel Dor briefly glances back at Caius and Hal as he leaves, looking tired. "Just between the three of us... I do not think what you are doing is wrong..." Caius and Hal will be able to sense conflict within the Master. "May the Force be with you all... " he says as he exits the archives.

The two Jedi may be deep in a rather intense conversation, and Cayde and Navi preoccupied with the tablets the young padawan will have found when all of a sudden, a girl around Cayde's age will come around the corner of one of the shelves. If Cayde and Navi aren't quick, they might run into her!

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods when Navi observes that he'd found something at least. He intends to take them back to his lodgings and examine them more in depth.

    The padawan is able to detect someone else coming around the corner. She isn't paying attention...her mind is distracted. So he quickly steps out of the way.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
Cayde has been gone for too long for Caius' tastes though his attention is on his debate wit Hal. He attempts to reach out with The Force to alert the Padawan to come to the entrance though his conversation with Master Volk and Hal continues.

"Yes Master. May the Force be with you."

Navi has posed:
Navi, more focused on Cayde, doesn't sense the oncoming girl. She notices a movement out of the corner of her eye just in time to start to turn, and suddenly she and another body collide! She squeaks in surprise, staggering back a step.

"Miss, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you," she confesses, moving to assist the other girl if she seems to need help.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Oh...!" The girl yelps, stumbling into Navi.

The first thing that Navi and Cayde will notice about her is that she seems pretty distressed, scared, and anxious. In fact, she looks like she might be about to cry. She doesn't seem to even notice that Navi is offering her help.

The second thing to notice about her is that she's Dathomirian, and quite pretty. But her being Dathomirian could really only mean one thing -- she's a Nightsister. Her maroon colored attire and facial markings are telling, as well. But what is she doing here on Jedha? The Nightsisters were known to rarely, if ever, leave Dathomir.

Neither Cayde nor Navi will have likely ever met a Nightsister before, but at least perhaps might have heard of their dark magick. And yet, she does not seem to be ill intentioned or malicious - just afraid and sad.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde stares at the girl. He's...heard of the Nightsisters of Dathomir, and recognizes her not necessarily from the way she looks or the markings on her face, but the taint of the dark side magic in her mind is unmistakeable. As such, he recoils some. Why is she even here? They rarely ever left their homes.

    After a few moments, he just shrugs and starts to leave, having felt Caius' mental prodding to meet them at door. [Good seeing you] he signs to Navi, then bows slightly before heading back toward where the others are.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
Cayde would find an impatient and mildly aggravated looking Caius when he reaches the entrance. The annoyance isn't for the padawan though but it's hard to not see that he's frustrated and bothered. Hal has already left.

"Cayde.." he says, offering the padawan a wane smile and then he frowns, "Where is Navi?" He expected her to be staying with the padawan given prior conversations but...

"Nevermind... I'm going to be taking a look at the Collection once I've arranged the opportunity. Hopefully Ann will have returned from her errands and Hal will also participate. You're welcome to join me."

He turns to leave but then pauses and says, "...Don't do -anything- without hearing from either myself, Annelia or Hal. There's something odd afoot and The Council isn't...happy with some of the questions we're asking. So I'm treading carefully and we don't want to acidentally stumble into something that would upset them or Master Volk any further. You're going to have to temper yourself awhile longer. Alright?"

Navi has posed:
Navi registers the unusual maroon facial markings and clothes at about the same time that she registers that the girl they're attached to is upset nearly to the point of tears. The fact that she's quite pretty and that Cayde is leaving her company will need a little longer to fully register.

"Are you all right?" she asks gently, resting her hands on the young woman's shoulders. "You seem awfully upset. Can I help at all?"

Athena (159) has posed:
She watches Cayde go, looking confused. "I'm fine ... I--I need to get home," she says, wringing her trembling hands, over which Navi may notice she is wearing gloves. Then she pushes past Navi.

She looks around nervously, appearing troubled and lost, and then hastily follows Cayde towards the exit of the archives.

Caius and Cayde will sense her troubled mind as soon as she's within sight of the two Jedi, her fear and anxiety palpable...

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods solemnly at Caius' instructions. Yes, of course...he wouldn't want to go against the Council's wishes. As much as Tomi's condition plagued him day and night. Among other things.

    Then the Nightsister appears again. Is she following him? No...she's just leaving. Well they are leaving, too. But he'd rather not be stuck walking out with her, either. So he hurries out the door.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
Caius attention is pulled towards the Nightsister and his eyes narrow slightly. Whether by his own distractions or just not paying attention to that during lessons back in the temple...he's no idea what she is ... but he does know she is in distress.

"..SHe needs help." he says, firmly. "We shouldn't let her leave. Cayde, can you stay with her until Navi arrives?"

He glances around in search of a temple aide in the archives to explain what he just sensed.

"She may be disorientated and in need of rest but she should be looked after so she doesn't hurt herself or get lost. She's no memory of she got here."

Navi has posed:
As the girl pushes past her, Navi feels a sudden telepathic flash of insight. She gasps softly, freezing for a moment as the information roars through her mind like a speeding hovertrain.

And then she turns and jogs after the young woman and, by chance, Cayde and Caius. "Master Astras! That girl!" she cries softly, remembering almost too late that they're all in a /library/. "She's lost, and I think she needs help!"

Athena (159) has posed:
Unfortunately, the girl is in within hearing range when Caius firmly says that they shouldn't let her leave.

Her eyes widen, and she suddenly seems on a verge of a meltdown. "No... no! No don't trap me here," she says desperately, sinking to her knees, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I have to get home, I have to.. I have to leave this place...I..."

She stares down floor, blinking away tears. "This place..." she says calmly, suddenly seeming to have found a measure of peace as she takes off one of her gloves and runs a hand over the cool stone tiles. "So many bad things have happened here. So many people died..." She seems lost in thought, and it may suddenly occur to the three of them that she may have become disoriented because of her gifting in psychometry.

"Can't you feel it," she whispers, to no one in particular. "Jedha... Oh Jedha, you are so haunted, you have been violated..."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde is already in the hallway outside by the time Caius asks if he can stay with the Dathomiran girl. So if he heard it, he doesn't respond.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Cayde..." begins Caius but then just gives up. He's not -actually- his padawan and if he's going to seek rest - hopefully - then so be it.

However, as the girl begins speaking..he turns and stares at her. His eyes narrow slightly and then open up slightly wider as he, almost as if on impulse, begins to dip into The Force himself and he levels his eyes upon the same ground that the girl herself is focusing on.

Navi has posed:
"Please... please don't cry, sweetie." Navi sinks to her knees beside the distressed girl. Watching her remove her glove and caress the cold stone of the flooring, she suddenly realizes what she's seeing. "I don't know the right word for this... but you can touch something, and sense what has happened to it?" she asks softly.

She gently touches the girl's bare hand, if she's allowed, and raises it to her shoulder, lightly pressing the young woman's palm against her sleeve. "Touch my robe, then... please," she whispers gently.

Athena (159) has posed:
The Dathomirian girl is not wrong. Jedha -is- haunted, in ways that he cannot sense, since he does not have the innate talent of psychometry like this girl did. During the Battle of Jedha, the Temple of the Kyber had been bombed, and many had died.

But that's not all. The girl does not remember why, but she'd visited a variety of locations in Jedha, and experienced the past of the walls and bricks in those places.

And in some of the visions, Caius will feel that familiar chill run down his spine. The same one he'd experienced while probing the depths of Tomi's slumbering conscious...

The girl does not respond to Navi. She has a distant look in her eyes, and she seems completely lost in whatever vision she's experiencing. "You can see it, too, now," she says quietly, "can't you..." she says faintly to Caius.

Finally, she shifts her gaze to Navi and touches her sleeve softly. "..." Then she smiles. "Thank you."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
Caius doesn't answer the girl but he does put a hand to his forhead, slightly covering his face, as he makes an effort to compose himself. His eyes are wide and he trembles slightly.

But gradually, slowly, he comes back to himself.

"Navi..." he says, hoarse at first, "...I need to go. I'm sorry to leave her to you like this but you're more familiar with the temple then I and can get her help. Maybe find a room for her.. I'll...send along any help I find..."

Not waiting for an answer, he turns and begins stepping away to walk down the hallway in the same direction Cayde wandered off.

Navi has posed:
"Master..!" Navi whispers, deeply troubled at the alteration in Caius just before the girl speaks to him. "Please take care, Master Astras. May the Force be with you," she says softly. "I may take her to the Brotherhood chapterhouse instead. Considering what's happened in the Temple recently, it might be safer for her peace of mind."

She looks to the girl thoughtfully. "Perhaps you should wear my robe... then you might not feel this place so much," she suggests gently. "I don't know how to find your home right now, but you can stay in the Temple if you like, or stay with my order. At least until we can get you home. Would you like that?"

Athena (159) has posed:
The Dathomirian girl's gaze follows Caius as he leaves, her brow furrowing slightly. She does not go after him, though. Finally, she stands. "I don't know you," she says slowly, and cautiously. "My sister says not to trust strangers..."

But then Dalin, the archivist suddenly appears from around a corner. The Ithorian female huffs, clearly displeased to see the Dathomirian girl in such a state.

"Mal," she scolds, "You came here alone? Where's your sister?" Then she sighs, and turns to Navi. "Thank you," she says, "Mal is a bit of amnesiac. She can't really go anywhere without losing herself entirely! But don't worry about her. I'll make sure she gets home safely. " Mal looks confused, but seems to accept that Dalin knows her.

However, just before Dalin leads her away, Mal says to Navi. "That man," she says, regarding Caius. "I want to see him again."

Navi has posed:
Navi stands, untying her sash and slipping out of her robe. "Tell her to wear this. It seems to calm her," she says softly, offering the robe and sash to Mal and Dalin. "I'll try to catch up to Master Astras as soon as I can, and let him know you want to see him."

She blushes faintly, glancing after Caius and Cayde. "Sorry to be a pest, but may I trouble you for something to wear home? These nights get rather chilly."

Athena (159) has posed:
Mal seems confused when Navi hands the robe to her, but doesn't comment. She seems overwhelmed, but calmer than previously.

Dalin frowns, and places her hands on her hips. "So maybe those little Chadra Fans weren't just mouthing off after all! They said you had a habit of exposing yourself, and suggested your underwear had everything to do with bewitching rogue men! Hmph..."

She goes over to a closet behind the librarian's counter and pulls out a janitor's uniform. It's not very sightly and doesn't smell too great, but at least it will keep Navi from freezing. "Sorry darling, that's all I got. Now run along, before it gets dark. We all know what happened last time you stayed out too late!"

Navi has posed:
Navi blushes more. "But that's not even remotely what happened," she protests softly. "Maybe I need to talk to them sometime soon. That's just... I have no words. I just don't. Maybe they saw things that way because they're so young..."

She accepts the uniform. "Thank you, Dalin," she replies, beginning to struggle into the garment. "I'll bring it back tomorrow. And I may need to make a habit of checking in on Mal and her family. If she has a habit of getting lost whenever she leaves home, she may need more direct help. But the robe should help to keep her calm."