The Serenity Gala

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The Serenity Gala
Date of Scene: 16 May 2024
Location: Alisandre Hotel - Coruscant
Synopsis: Senator Burkenn's gala goes awry when the impromptu auctioneer finds himself drugged.
Cast of Characters: 159, Heydan Seegil, Pike Windu, Cayde Alexis

Athena (159) has posed:
Tonight, the Alisandre Hotel is aglow, a glittering spectacle that can be seen from blocks away. String lights zig zag in graceful lines across the hotel's courtyard, illuminating the lavish fountain situated in the center of the circular mosaic tile pattern laid on the ground around it. A large buffet table sports a variety of offworld delicacies - curried nuna rolls, roasted tip yip, steamed buns, hand pies, and seared krayt dragon skewers from the sands of Tatooine. And then next to the buffet is an open bar, for anyone who might fancy a drink.

Coruscanti elite mingle quietly around the fountain and on the steps leading up to the ballroom with doors flung wide open - inside, there's velvet seating around tables lined with white tablecloths, along with a massive dais where a hired musician is soon to be playing, providing entertainment for the gala goers.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegilis standing off to the side near the bar wailing on the double viol and singing a song about freedom.

Pike Windu has posed:
    Master Pike Windu is at the bar having a drink, After recent events, he needs it. He tosses back a whiskey while his foot taps to the beat of the music.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil taps a switch with there foot and their double viol starts to loop a sick bass line. Playing the instrument backwards he layers in the subharmonic frequency on the instrument he is known for discovering. This new layer of rhythm isn't readily heard by most sentients but it is felt nonetheless somewhere deep inside them driving them to a subdivided pulse while those with full spectrum hearing are greeted to a joyful cacophony of bass. Once satisfied the musician loops this second layer and begins to add a melody on flute which is both rich as well as bold and daring.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde really isn't one for parties...but he'd been 'encouraged' to attend as the Jedi were to have a presence here. While most of everyone else is socializing or otherwise enjoying the party's various indulgences, he's doing his best to avoid it by keeping his hood up and his eyes down.

Athena (159) has posed:
While Heydan is entertaining the guests with music, he might notice that the gala's hosts, Gianka Alexis-Burkenn and Senator Burkenn himself, are approaching. Gianka looks rather upset, for some reason. She waves to the musician, signaling for him to stop. "Mr. Seegil," she says urgently, glancing around for a brief moment. "A word, please? I have.. an urgent favor to ask of you," she says.

Meanwhile, Senator Burkenn espies Windu at the bar, and while his stepdaughter engages in private conversation with Seegil, he wanders over and orders a Corellian ale. "Have we formally met?" the Senator asks. "You look rather familiar, and I believe I must have at least seen you at the Convention."

Pike Windu has posed:
    Pike frowns as the musician really lays it on. The Jedi scans the room and spots Cayde. The frown deepens and he gulps his whiskey before ordering a double.

    Pike bows to the senator. "I do not believe we met. But I was at the convention."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil lets the double viol drive the song as he pulls away from the flute, "A golden dawn, so long ago.", the lyric dances in beat and continues, "Beholden to whats gone. It builds an ego.", completes the limerick. Placing his lips to the flute once more he recites the melody as the looped double viol drives a rhythm worth dancing to. "A shifting dune, the present.", he sings as he pulls away from the flute tracing the same melody with his voice as he continues, "Nothing happening soon, bored then contempt.", the lyric concludes as he once again returns the melody to the flute. Hearing his name he wraps up the song with a last lyric, "Strength in view, looking to the past.", he pauses the lyrics and returns to the double viol ending and recovering the rhythm from the loop flawlessly like a pro as he sings the final line, "A old rhetoric nothing new, just like now and like last."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil leaves the stage after announcing that he was going to take a fifteen minute break and takes a side bar with Gianka off stage.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde notices Gianka approaching the musician, and he remembers how much she resembles him. No...he's not supposed to go searching for family, is he? But he can't help being curious about her. Where was she from...?

Athena (159) has posed:
When Heydan just continues to perform, Gianka tries tugging on the sleeve of his shirt urgently. "Mr. Seegil, please...!" But finally, the musician relents and steps off the stage to join her for a private word.

"Something's happened," she says, "The emcee who was supposed to host the silent auction later tonight isn't going to make it. Something's happened to his cruiser, and if he takes public transit he'll end up having to be nearly an hour and half late for the auction. I was wondering, perhaps you'd like to host the auction instead? I know this is a very last minute change, but my father can pay you a little extra, and really, it would mean the world to us..."

Senator Burkenn smiles and offers a hand to the Master. "Gios Burkenn," he says to Pike. "Ah. I thought so. Whom do I have the pleasure of meeting tonight?" he asks.

What Cayde finds won't surprise him. She, like her stepfather, is from Nakadia, and had spend most of her life in Quarrow. Her mother is divorced, and the young padawan won't quite be able to discern why. What he will be to discern, though, is that she is very close with Chancellor Rie and often referred to him fondly as 'Uncle.'

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil frowning as he thinks on it he emanates a slight 'hrm' before finally agreeing with conditions, "Sure, but understand I have never hosted an auction or anything of the like before. Also...", he leans in closer to Gianka and whispers something discrete. "There is a creepy guy in the audience with a hood up. You might want to alert security.", he winks at her as he pulls away. "So, what are these things I am selling to people?"

Pike Windu has posed:
    Windu takes the offered hand. "Master Pike Windu, a Healer of the Jedi Order. It is an honor to meet you, Senator Burkenn. What can I do for you?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Nakadia...that was where Dr. Cassias was from, wasn't it? Was she related to him? he really shouldn't. Great, Master Pike was here too. He'd best not dig further. In fact, he should probably steer clear of the older Master. The padawan turns and starts to leave the ballroom, heading out into the courtyard.

Athena (159) has posed:
The girl's eyes light up. "That's perfectly fine," Gianka says, "I think you'll do well. The gala goers are already enjoying your music quite a bit, I'm certainly they'd be delighted to have you emcee," she tells Heydan, nodding eagerly. When he points out the hooded young Jedi, her gaze wanders over to where the musician is pointing. Her expression suddenly grows distant as she makes brief eye contact with Cayde. Then she suddenly snaps out of it, and smiles. "If anything happens, we have hired security. They'll take care of any problem individuals," she says warmly. "And about the items," she continues, "they're mostly items donated by those who have agreed to endorse my father's petition. Tickets to Squid Lake at the Opera House, a painting created by the esteemed artist Glib Monol, even a luxury speeder from the Cyclor Shipyards." She hands Heydan a datapad that contains the full list of the items for auction, and their starting bid prices. "The auction will start in about forty five minutes. Will that be enough time for you to finish your last set and ready yourself?"

Senator Burkenn chuckles, "Why, just enjoy the party!" he says. "I'm glad the Jedi decided to make an appearance at our gala."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil nods as he fingers the datapad absently, shrugs and then looks up to Gianka saying, "Sure, okay. I'll do a couple more numbers and then we can begin the auction.", before returning to the stage knowing he was going to have to wing this. Back in his element, "Once again I am Heydan Seegil and I hope you enjoy the music.", he recites as he begins to play a sweeping melodic peace which slowly picks up pace easing the crowd back into the groove.

Pike Windu has posed:
    Windu smiles and nods. "Thank you, Senator. Rest assured, it will take far more than a little bad press for the Jedi to run for the shadows."

    The Jedi frowns as the music starts up again. "Someone needs to tell him even a masterpiece can have too many notes."

Athena (159) has posed:
Gianka nods. "Thank you so much, Mr. Seegil," she says. "This means a lot to me and my father," she says as she steps away from the musician and melts into the crowd.

"That's certainly encouraging to hear," Senator Burkenn says. Then he chuckles when Pike mentions the music is a bit too much for his tastes. "Not to your liking, eh? Perhaps I'll hire someone a bit more traditional next time." He says. Just then, the man Pike will recognize as Emissarius Vlaven will appear, frowning slightly. "You are aware," he huffs a bit to the Master, "That the young padawan who sent the Chancellor to the hospital during the convention is here, wandering around -unsupervised-? I'd assumed that your role in coming here while he's present is to ensure that we do not have another political calamity on our hands."

Meanwhile, Gianka is heading to the courtyard, hoping to find the hooded Jedi Heydan had pointed out to her earlier, while her father is preoccupied speaking to Master Windu.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil's next song once again is a layer of two frequencies targeting different ranges of hearing on the double viol but this time in humans the effect of synesthesia so that the sounds taste like colors. The effect is temporary and harmless as the enhancement to his performance is brought on by how the subhuman hearing frequencies interact with the inner ear drum whereas in other species it causes them to giggle lightly.

Pike Windu has posed:
    The Jedi laughs. "Senator, that would be too much. Choose whatever music you prefer and this old Jedi will just have to take it!"    

    Windu recognizes the man. "Master Pike Windu. I do not know your name, sir."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde is sitting by the fountain, staring into the gently rippling water instead of looking at anyone. But when he gets a vague sense of someone approaching, looking for him, he gets up and starts trying to slip away through the crowd and hide among the hedges surrounding the courtyard. However, Gianka may end up spotting him trying to move away toward an area no one else is heading for...

Athena (159) has posed:
"Emissarius, please," Senator Burkenn says with a frown, "He is our guest...we ought to treat him accordingly." Vlaven turns to Pike and frowns. "You'd do well to remember my name," he says, "and go looking for that young padawan who's just wandered off. He really shouldn't be allowed in public alone, or even out in public at all." He then sweeps past Pike, towards the ballroom.

Senator Burkenn sighs, shaking his head. "Sorry about that," he apologizes to Pike. "Emissarius can be a bit... blunt at times," he says. "Perhaps we could go look for the boy together?"

As Heydan finishes his last two songs, the gala goers applaud politely, pleased with his performance. And as the musician may start heading towards the ballroom where the auction would soon be held, he is approached by a waitressing droid. "Care for a drink?" it asks him.

Gianka glances around, and then starts to follow Cayde rather discreetly. She'll only call out to him once they're a good distance away from the crowds. "...wait!"

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil switches to a slow ballad about sung from the frame of reference of a dying man who gave it all in their life sometimes crossing people, at other times being crossed, being helped or helping others as they made their way through life. The chorus repeats, "Burn my candle twice - I've done my life justice - Against random dice.", then the song ends; or does it? The very next number is the same song but without words - longer and trailing until it too ends. After packing up his gear he leaves the stage nearly bumbling into the droid before asking "Sure, make me a Tatooine ranchwater. Its just tequila, lemon and club soda." He makes to leave in order to host the auction in the ballroom before returning his attention to the droid to add, "Oh, and please bring it to me in the ballroom. Thank you."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde slows down when Gianka calls out to him, although he doesn't fully stop until he reaches the other side of the hedges, slipping through a small gap in the carefully trimmed bushes. Some of the leaves and branches snag and get caught in his robes, giving off an audible brushing and snapping noise.

Pike Windu has posed:
    Windu nods. "No harm done. And I am at your service, Senator."

    "By the way, you could have hired a worse musician."

Athena (159) has posed:
"Of course," the droid intones as Heydan requests a Tatooine ranchwater. Strangely, it does not retreat to the bar to make Heydan's drink, instead, it disappears into the kitchen...

Several minutes later, about ten minutes before the auction is supposed to start, the droid reappears with his drink. "Mr. Seegil," the droid once again addresses him. "Please enjoy this before the auction starts. Without it, I'm sure the task will leave you feeling thirsty," it says before rolling away again.

Burkenn nods, and starts walking. "Well, of course. But is that not what is always said during times of great duress? Pardon me if I am being nosy, but I couldn't help but notice you were no stranger to the drinks tonight. Is there something on your mind you'd care to share? Perhaps about the ... boy? The Order must be aware of the headline he apparently made."

Gia gasps quietly and quickly hurries over to the young padawan, attempting to grab his sleeve and still him. "What are you doing?" she whispers. "... please, for both our sakes, don't make so much noise."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil begins the auction after taking a drink of his ranchwater with an exciting booming voice, "Good evening one and all! Take those credit sticks out and get ready to compete in a match of esteemed wills. All that time of shrewd and careful budgeting has paid of for tonight.", He pauses for dramatic effect. "Yes, tonight you can finally peacefully prove to your corporate rivals that you are the big dog. You have that fek you money and are ready to prove it." Clapping his hands together he excitedly says, "Alright, this first item up is private box tickets to Squid Lake at the Opera House! Oh yes, these I personally would treasure if I already did not have a place in the orchestra pit for the performance. Now what is even more extra ordinary about this performance is the Ithorian Librettist can literally bellow out chords. It is truly a crazy event to see and hear. Just be aware you might want to bring a rain coat as things due tend to get, well, inky during the third act. So, lets start the bidding at 7 million credits?", he auctions with a smirk.

Pike Windu has posed:
    Windu follows the senator, walking in step with him. "You have a keen eye, Senator. I drink for many reasons, the padawan one of them. That matter will be discussed."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    When Gia tries to grab Cayde's sleeve, he cringes away from her. The motion causes his hood to fall down, and she will now get to see just how much he truly does have an uncanny resemblance to her.

    However, he doesn't rush off, simply standing there leaning against the inward-facing wall of the hotel that surrounds the courtyard hedges. There is a curiosity in his eyes, but she will get the sense that even though she may be asking what he's doing, he knows full well what -she's- doing already. His gaze meets hers, and he just stares expectantly at her, waiting for her to ask him the questions he already knows are on her mind.

Athena (159) has posed:
The audience immediately begins to gather in the ballroom as soon as the auction starts, drawn to the sound of Heydan's booming voice. As soon as he begins auctioning off the first item, someone raises their bid card. And then a second card goes up, indicating they're willing to raise the bid. However, before a third person can raise their bid card, Heydan will suddenly start to feel very... woozy. The ballroom and surrounding environment will start to swim, and his knees will suddenly feel -quite- weak. So weak, that perhaps he might not even be able to stand up anymore...

Burkenn chuckles. "Well, navigating politicks does often require that," the Senator says. "... is that so? Do you mind me asking, what is your opinion of the boy, really?"

Gia actually doesn't say anything. She just stares at him for several seconds, speechless at the uncanny resemblance.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil bangs the gavel down on the stand to announce the sale of the tickets, "SOLD TO THE JAWA IN THE THIRD ROW! At 29.4 billion credits to box seats to see yours truly perform Squid Lake. Thank you very much. Next up we have a painting created by the esteemed artist Glib Monol! Let's begin the bidding at 50 million credits.", and almost before he can finish speaking a large Hutt along with a pack of Jawas restart their bidding war refusing anyone else any opportunity to place a bid as they one up each other with out being prompted allowing Heydan to enjoy more of his drink. Something about it taste different yet enjoyably familiar.

Pike Windu has posed:
    "The boy is just that...a boy. If anyone has been derelict, it is not him. That is all I will say on the matter."

    Windu begins silently reciting a mantra. Perhaps a Jedi would recognize the words he's mouthing.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde just keeps staring at Gianka, waiting for her to react or do something for several awkward seconds.

    [You look for family...and hide from your father] he signs to her in Basic.

Athena (159) has posed:
But the more Heydan sips his drink, the woozier he will start to feel. The sounds of the crowd will dim to a monotone murmur, and he will suddenly have a very hard time recalling what he's doing here, or why. Heydan might also become vaguely aware that someone is talking to him, but their words sound far away and incomprehensible. His knees begin to feel increasingly weak...

The Senator is about to comment, when he notices that Heydan looks... rather unwell. The musician isn't even on the dais anymore, and his speech sounds like utter nonsense, despite the fact that Heydan himself probably thinks he's speaking clearly. The audience looks perturbed, and they begin to back away from Heydan. "By the light...!" He hurries to Heydan's side. "Mr. Seegil, are you alright...? Mr. Seegil?"

Gianka pauses. "Well, yes, my stepfather doesn't want me to--" But then she gasps quietly. "The silent auction...!" And then she starts to hurry away, back towards the ballroom, clearly distressed.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde watches her rush off just as soon as she'd barely started talking to him. He just shrugs, and stays where he is. It's quieter here, anyway.

    Gianka will find that she'll have to run through the narrow gap in the hedges again, the one she'd followed the padawan through, resulting in yet more leaves and branches getting caught in her clothes and hair.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil giggles as he runs through the Senator raving in Binary, "Going once, Going twice, SOLD! For 98 trillion credits to the man with a beard.", as he walks over to Pike Windu pointing at him. Switching in Basic Heydan intones, "I have a mission for you should you choose to take it.", before dancing all the while flawlessly holding his drink without spilling what remains like a pro. He then leans in towards Pike Windu offering him the drink as he trys to say there is something wrong here but instead he just keeps repeating, "The Ubese put the smash in the melon mouth." in Bith as he pushes the drink into the man.

Pike Windu has posed:
    Windu is right beside the senator. Taking Heydan's arm in hand, he feels for a pulse before looking at the musicians eyes. "Senator, he's been drugged. He needs to get to a med center."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil responds to the allegation that he has been drugged by saying, "Drugs are fun mmmmkay!" in basic.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Ahh!" Gianka cries as her sheer cowl gets caught in the hedges. "D-Dammit! The auction... they'll be wondering where I am..." Unfortunately she is not able to free herself from the branches.

The crowd stares at Heydan, incredulous. "He's out of his mind," one of the gala goers murmurs.

"Excuse me!" another woman cries. "-I- bought the Monol painting, and most certainly not for 98 trillion credits!" But to Heydan it will just sound like she's saying, "I put the space in space waffle, that's why I like jogan fruit on happabore tongue."

Senator Burkenn frowns when Pike mentions he's been drugged. "I see that," he says, and immediately starts calling for a medevac. "Mr Seegil, you're not well, please don't go anywhere..."

"Master Windu, will you supervise him?" the senator says. "I must find my daughter."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil yells back at Senator Burkeen, "Of course I am wearing underwear!"

Pike Windu has posed:
    Windu nods at the senator. "Go."

    The Jedi looks at Hayden and begins a more thorough examination. Respirations. Pulse. Pupil dilation. Skin color. "Relax, the medics will be here soon."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde notices that his hood had fallen down, and he quickly puts it back up. Maybe he should find a way to simply slip away from the party entirely and go back to the Temple. No one's watching out here, anyway.

    But then there is a distinctive cry from Gia as her cowl is caught on a stray branch that juts out from the hedges. Perhaps the landscaping contractors had missed that while trimming. Besides that, her distress is quite palpable to him.

    The padawan approaches and examines the entanglement.

    There is a...presence then, in Gia's mind, like a voice not heard but simply known...

    <Hold still.>

    He then tries to remove the cowl, as it seems that's what has ensnared her.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil dances towards the medics as they arrive after quickly collecting his instruments. Even as messed up as he is a keen eye would have noticed that he always was aware of his belongings. Whomever Heydan Seegil is their talent is undisputable and they obviously have been around the block.

Athena (159) has posed:
Burkenn cringes as Seegil affirms to him that he is, in fact, wearing underwear. "Thank you, Master Windu..."

Moments later, the medics arrive to tend to Heydan.

Gia gasps quietly and looks around. "Who...who said that?!" she cries, confused. "I must get back to the auction...!"

Pike Windu has posed:
    Windu watches as the medics take the musician away. Once they are gone, he holds up his arms. "Everyone, calm down. I am Jedi Master Pike Windu. The auction is null and void. You have my word."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde manages to remove the cowl and free Gianka from the hedges. He steps in front of her and holds the cowl out to her, waiting for her to take it.

Athena (159) has posed:
"It had better be!" one of the gala goers scoffs loudly. "What a mess...! This was a waste of time, and an embarrassment to attend!" Several others mutter in agreement, and begin to exit the premises. Soon enough, there's a mass exodus as everyone who had attended the party begins to take their leave.

Gianka takes the cowl from Cayde, smiling faintly at him. "Thank you..." she says, but then notices that everyone is leaving. Her eyes widen, and she tries to approach a few of them and ask them what happened, as well as persuade them to stay. She's unsuccessful.

On the verge of tears, she rushes back into the ballroom where Pike is. "What happened?" she cries. "The gala was supposed to run for four hours, not one and half..."

Burkenn reappears in the entrance to the ballroom, frowning. "Gianka, where have you been? Did you administer a drug screening test for Seegil...?"

Pike Windu has posed:
    "Miss, the musician was on something, I'm afraid. Senator, the med center will take a blood sample. I'll check in at the lab for an analysis. We'll know what he was drugged on."

    The Jedi starts to depart, but turns back. "I need a drink. By your leave, sir?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    It seems everyone is leaving the gala quite suddenly, and Cayde wonders exactly what happened. He skims the minds of a few of the attendees who are exiting, and manages to glean that the auction hadn't gone as planned somehow.

    However, what's even more distinct is Gianka's increasing distress. He follows her back to the ballroom, still trying to stay out of Pike's line of sight, but attempts to comfort her with soothing visions of Nakadia that he remembered from Kuv's early childhood memories.

Athena (159) has posed:
"He... he seemed clearheaded and rational," Gianka says, wiping tears away desperately. "I forgot to run a drug screening test, he was only supposed to perform for the first hour of the event, anyway." She sinks into a velvet futon near the entrance of the ballroom, looking forlorn. The images Cayde is projecting to Gia only seem to make her more emotional. She bursts into tears, sobbing uncontrollably.

"...Of course," Senator Burkenn says to Pike, while going over to his stepdaughter and stroking her hair, attempting to soothe her. "... thank you, Master Windu. Your presence and assistance during this entire debacle has been most reassuring." He hands the old Master the entire bottle of whiskey he'd ordered a couple shots from earlier. "Heh, you and I both, my friend..."

Pike Windu has posed:
    Pike cradles the bottle in his arms. After a long look at the emotional girl, he scans the room for a familiar face. Seeing nothing, he departs.

    "May the Force be with you both."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde sighs, unsure of how to comfort her when the vision only seem to make her even more upset. Once Pike is gone, he approaches and pats her on the back awkwardly. Perhaps he should also leave, but wasn't that what she'd been upset about to begin with? The padawan hovers there, glancing apprehensively between Burkenn and Gianka.

Athena (159) has posed:
Gianka barely seems to be aware that Cayde is hovering over her, patting her on the shoulder.

Senator Burkenn sighs. "You should probably go home," he tells the young padawan. "This event, for all intents and purposes, is over." He takes Gianka's hand and pulling her to her feet, begins to lead her away to the lot where the speeders are parked.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde fixes the senator with a melancholy stare, but nods. [I am sorry senator] he signs.

    As they are leaving however, they'll suddenly be stricken by a strong feeling that Vlaven was somehow responsible for this in some way.

Athena (159) has posed:
"It's alright," the Senator replies as they leave. "There was nothing you could have done to prevent it."

The notion is completely lost on Gianka, but the Senator frowns slightly as they depart. The fact that Vlaven isn't even here to support Gianka in her hour of greatest emotional need does not impress him...