It Is The Way

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It Is The Way
Date of Scene: 08 January 2024
Synopsis: Volken encounters Cayde in the Lower City again.
Cast of Characters: Volken Mons, Cayde Alexis

Volken Mons has posed:
A few credits here and there can do much to grease palms and keep mouths shut. A few credits here and there punctuated by a charming man with the ability to persuade others with his charisma can also go along way. If youa dd to that his ability to flip that into monstrous intmidation and a pair of guns each the size of a human body carried in one hand each, not to mention a host of other weaponry ...and you can really get your way. Charisma opens doors and force and strength can kick it the rest of the way.

But he's also not a true unthinking disgusting brute. He just plays at one. And leaving a trail of mass destruction and carnage would, right now at least, work against him. Charisma and credits is the better option and it's yielded him a nice little safehouse near an abandoned transit station while he puts out the word out using techniques and training known to his peers, for them to find him. Assuming Khalo and Caine haven't killed each other...a distinct possiblity...they'll show up soon.

As for Revara.. He'd asked for the CSF to give him the means ot keep her sedatd and restrained for a short while and he's keeping her that way. Resting in the small office room adjacent to the transit tracks as he looks out. She's still wounded so likely needs it anyway but his supply isn't endless and eventualy she's going to need to be woken and freed. He just can't have her running off on him for now, now can he.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The bowels of Coruscant, dead of night. And once again, a young Jedi padawan who probably shouldn't be out past curfew is wandering around on the dirty streets. At least this time, he's wearing darker robes and has his hood up, so he doesn't stick out quite as much as last time.

    Volken will spot a figure walking on the empty tracks toward the abandoned station where he's holed up, skipping between the two rails that trains once traveled on. They are rather dangerously narrow though...

Volken Mons has posed:
"What the hell..."

Volken's eyes narrow as he looks out over the tracks from his vantage point near the dirty windows of the office. The fact that a figure might wander through isn't -cmpletely- out of the question though not likely.

One that's skipping between those narrow rails when a fall might mean the end of him..? Now that's curious.

At first he considers the possibilities of a trap but as the figure draws near there's something familiar about him size wise and of course there are the robes, dark though they be.

"Yer joking.." he rumbles, letting out a heavy rumbling breath of mild aggravation. He gives Revara a glance to make sure she's still resting and then slides open the metal doors of the room they're in and steps partially out of it.


Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The figure startles a bit when he shouts, wobbling but not quite falling. However, the hood does fall and it becomes quite obvious to Volken who it is. Even in the dim lighting down here, there is no mistaking the kid he met at the club earlier. It seemed odd, that someone like him kept turning up down here. Especially at this hour of the night.

Volken Mons has posed:
The club. The CSF headquarters. Now here. who knows where else he'll turn up. Especially wild is the fact that several of the others back at the madness in the police station also new the padawan.

"Get in here. Quick!" he rumbles out, managing a loud enough message without thundering their presence to the entire area they are in.

"Hurry up!" he commands. He knows well enough to know that the dangerous gaps are of no consequence to these 'sorcerers' so he's less alarmed about that but..even so.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde arches a brow at him, wondering at the urgency, but he shrugs and Force leaps the rest of the way over to the station where Volken is hiding and ducks inside. He glances over at Revara lying there unconscious, wondering if she should be at a hospital instead...

Volken Mons has posed:
The goliath pulls the door shut.

"She'll be fine." he rumbles as if noting Caydes obvious gaze. "You were there I cut the deal with the CSF weren't you?"

A memory flashes, the young jedi did wander off during part of that and so he explains. "I'm gonna let one of my fellows take her and get her off Coruscant. Let's just say....I'm arranging some favors to be called in. Worth more to me then credits from a bounty."

His helmet is on so his expression is unreadable through it but he does sound mildly surly.

"What are you doing down here? Shouldn't you be at your sorcerer temple? Are you just prone to wandering into places you aren't supposed to be?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde sits down on a dusty bench that had once been part of the waiting area. The woman seemed to be all right, at least for now. He watches Volken intently as he explains about the deal with the CSF, and the bounty, then asks him what he's doing down here, tilting his head slightly.

    But he doesn't respond right away, and a few awkward moments pass. [Why] he finally asks, although it's not completely clear what the 'why' was referring to.

Volken Mons has posed:
THe giant takes a seat on a metal desk which groans under his weight and due to its age and lack of use. His twin red and silver rotary repeator cannons can be seen nearby as well. Easily bigger then Cayde himself.

"Why what?" asks Volken, understanding the signing easy enough. "What's your name, by the way?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    [Why is it more than the bounty] Cayde tries clarifying, glancing over at Revara again. [What is it]

    He arches a brow at the sheer size of those repeater cannons. How was he so large, anyway?

    [Cayde] he answers, spelling out each letter sign.

Volken Mons has posed:
"Volken of House Mons..." responds the behemoth as he leans forward and rests an arm against a knee and the other on his waist as he sits there comfortably.

"Because a Mandalorian owing you a favor is worth more then alot of credits. Especially one as decorated and skilled as Khalo Fett and the other. A debt created must be repaid though I anticipate that if I aid one it means I will make an enemy of the other. The one I choose will depend on some factors, I suppose. Probably Revara's own feelings and my own at the time."

He nods his head and simply says, "It is The Way.."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods when Volken gives his name, although at this point he'd probably been in the man's head enough that he'd had an idea already.

    [Better not to make enemy] he signs. Especially not out of Mandalorians. At least, not on a personal level.

Volken Mons has posed:
"Sometimes you have to." responds Volken, "Besides, I'm a Mandalorian. It's not good to make -me- an enemy."

Cayde may well remmber him snapping those cuffs like twine, ripping the door of the cell off just as an outlet for his frustration. Now these two person sized repeator cannons. Then the club being destroyed by just the veyr start of the giants rampage.

Mandalorians, man. Mandalorians.

"Course working out disagreements by bashing each others heads just part of our religion. Don't worry about it. It'll be fine. Cayde."

KVolken waves a hand to it, dismissing the concern outwardly. Inwardly - yeah - he knows it's not ideal but.. "My only other option is to just leave her be but...what do I get out of it other then 'peace of mind'. Who wants that?"

The sharkish, wolfish grin is obvious even through his helmet.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde frowns, and walks over to the unconscious woman. He closes his eyes and puts his hand on her head, staying like that for several minutes.

    When he finally pulls away, he shakes his head. [She is...distraught...] And she'd caused a lot of suffering. No, she needed to be taken care of.

Volken Mons has posed:
Nobody has ever actually successfuly told him what Revara had actually -done-. Ellari couldn't be bothered to voice more then disgust without actually saying why beyond her stuck in her ways orthodox beliefs. Khalo was seemingly on her side. Caine seemed to have his own ideas and the CSF had -no- idea. So Volkeni s in the dark.

He is, however, perceptive enough to guess at what Cayde is doing and as he steps back and signs towards him he rumbles, "Maybe she is. BUt stya out of her head. I heard what that other sorcerer said. I know you got problems with your abilties but you shouldn' be resorting to immediatly wanting to jump into folks heads in my opinion. Maybe you mean well but ..."

He considers matters and the sniffs. He has to consider it's his own personal distaste and memory of seeing his father and recalling his time as a boy on that experimental ship.

Memories he'd worked hard to surpress. In fact...just remembering that begins to annoy him again, especially wht the culprit of drawing those memories out right there.

"Yeah, I think it's time for you to go." he decides, his fingers twitchingn slightly.

THe metal of the desk groans, his fingers grinding into it.

"Maybe I need to find me a Wookie to armwrestle after this." he grunts and then looms up from the desk to grab the door to the office and roughly slide it open for Cayde to take his leave.

"...It'll be alright.." he grunts out, clearly struggling.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde sighs and nods, visibly deflating. There is a...heaviness about him, then, and Volken is suddenly aware that he knows this was about that unintentional resurfacing of bad childhood memories. But he just can't help it, at times. That was part of the reason why he was down here, not sleeping peacefully like most of the other teens, or staying up late with friends for those who weren't asleep. Because he just didn't have that many.

    He heads toward the door, but he stops in the doorway momentarily, and takes something out of his robe, offering it to Volken. It's some kind of dried meat snack, one of the enriched ones for anyone who needs a quick bit of energy on the go.

Volken Mons has posed:
Anne's words to Volken were not lost on him either.

But Volken remains firm, becoming more stoic for a few long moments. Many things 'can't be helped' but that doesn't change the consequences. As Volken sees it - that's more incentive to get better at it and seek that control in order to help it, much as he had to. Still has to. The brute is still getting bigger and stronger, albiet at a much slower rate then his adolescent years but even now he's right on the cusp... Then it's re-learning all over again.

"....Thanks.." he rumbles, accepting the peace offering.

"Now go before you're here when one or both of 'em show up.."

Once the Jedi has left, he roughly closes the door, practically bending the frame before taking a few deep hulking breaths and returning to his watchful perch.