
From Pax Republica
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The Jedi may call upon the Force to accelerate his healing, allowing him to recover from injuries rapidly. He must remain conscious in order to use this power, which requires at least two rounds of meditative focus to initiate, and one round per level of injury to be healed. This power must be re-rolled on each round once healing begins.

This power may be used on another being, at an increased difficulty of 10, modified by relationship. The Jedi must be able to make physical contact with the target in order to heal them. Base Difficulty: 5


  • 1 - 4: Failed attempt; no effect
  • 5 - 10: Heal a target with Minor Damage to 100% HP
  • 11 - 15: Heal a target with Moderate Damage to 75% HP
  • 16 - 20: Heal a target with Heavy Damage to 50% HP
  • 26 - 30: Heal a target with Severe damage to 50% HP
  • 31+: Heal a non-KOed target with any level of damage to 75% HP if damage is Moderate, Heavy, or Severe, and 100% HP if damage is Minor; or revive a KOed target and heal to 25% HP.

Note: If the intended target has taken more damage than the character’s roll allows him to heal, the roll automatically fails.
Force Healing may only be used once per combat session.


  • +10 to difficulty if target is other than self
  • +5 to difficulty if target has a poor relationship with the user
  • +10 to difficulty if target has a hated relationship with the user
  • +5 to character’s roll if target has a friendly relationship with the user
  • +10 to character’s roll if target has an intimate relationship with the user
  • +Any skill dice in Knowledge: Medicine above racial base.