Drinna Talstri

From Pax Republica
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"'Better to ask forgiveness than to live with regret."

Name Drinna Talstri
Age 23
Faction Republic
Rank Citizen
Species Human
Occupation Coruscant Security Force
Hair Red
Eyes Brown
Height 1.75
Weight 65
Status Active
Char_id 287

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Drinna possesses an alluring attractiveness that naturally draws attention. Guided by a steadfast code of honour, she navigates situations with a sense of integrity and moral clarity. Her commanding presence establishes her as a natural leader, yet her impulsive nature adds an unpredictable edge to her decision-making. Despite this impulsivity, Drinna maintains an iron will, showcasing resilience in the face of challenges. Her keen eyesight enhances her observational skills, improving her proficiency in various tasks. Drinna's family boasts a long line of officers deeply rooted in the Coruscant Security Force (CSF), with three of her siblings continuing the tradition. While excelling in many areas, she harbours a minor phobia of heights, introducing a vulnerability that contrasts with her otherwise strong demeanour.


As the youngest of four in a family deeply rooted in the Coruscant Security Force (CSF), Drinna embraced the fact that her family looked at the world differently than others. Family dinner conversations revolved around the CSF, so she was raised from a young age with a working knowledge of politics and crime. This led her to investigate incidents within her friend's lives and on the school grounds.

Despite discussions about alternative paths, the expectation lingered that she would follow in the footsteps of her older siblings, who had all undergone CSF training. For Drinna, this expectation was not a burden; it was a source of pride. A curious girl grew into a young woman fascinated by the profound concepts of duty, justice, and honour. The familial duty ran deep within her, shaping her impulsive nature and manifesting in a determination to train physically and mentally.

However, her explorations into the grittier corners of Coruscant, seeking a more hands-on understanding of the world, didn't sit well with the rest of her family. Drinna spent half her time in the lower levels of Coruscant just listening and learning from anyone who’d give her their time. As Drinna knew that her life on the surface couldn’t open doors underneath, she went by Rin and slowly gained a reputation as a curious girl and secret keeper.

By the time she was ready to apply to the CSF Academy, Drinna had grown into someone who was driven by a staunch black-and-white perspective on right and wrong. She often found frustration in the perceived loopholes that allowed some to evade punishment. Before her CSF training, she delved into the study of law, hoping to master the intricacies that seemed to elude swift justice.

When she eventually graduated, it wasn't with the distinction her father had hoped for, but it was far from the bottom, and that was satisfactory for her. Drinna's journey, marked by familial expectations, personal exploration, and a commitment to justice, now unfolded as she took her place in the ranks of the CSF.

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Title Date Scene Summary
Family is Family January 9th, 2024 Drinna and Cayde discuss family, among other things.
Built Like A Bantha January 5th, 2024 Volken makes a deal with Drinna and takes custody of Revara.
The Key January 3rd, 2024 Drinna, Navi, and Zeraph steal the key to a booby trapped credits stash in the Works from Kalregar.
He Didn't Even Shoot First January 2nd, 2024 A bunch of Mandalorians end up at a police station in Coruscant. Chaos ensues.
Seeking Navi December 19th, 2023 Zeraph and Drinna find Navi and discuss a plan. Together they visit Melina in the Clinic and inquire about what she knows.
Hobby Hunting December 15th, 2023 Drinna finds Cayde seeking access to her father and steps in. The two have a discussion and Drinna discovers Cayde has no hobbies. Drinna decides she wants to help him explore hobbies and find a past time.
All Paths Lead... December 14th, 2023 Zeraph and Drinna meet at the starport on Coruscant.
On Fatherhood December 13th, 2023 Cayde and Drinna both seem to have Daddy Issues (tm)
A Red Moon Will Rise Part 2 December 12th, 2023 Plans to arrest or kill a notorious spice dealer go awry, while the Jedi manage to rescue a young girl.
Tit For Tat December 12th, 2023 Drinna follows Kalregar, and ends up striking a deal with him.