Hobby Hunting

From Pax Republica
Revision as of 05:41, 15 December 2023 by Drinna (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023-12-15 |Cast of Characters=287, 143 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:287|Drinna (287)}} has posed:'''<br>The crowd in the Federal District felt thinner than usual, probably due to the time of day. Drinna stopped near a fountain near the Courts of Justice and tossed a credit in before heading on down the well manicured path. This errand she didn't mind running as she'd practically been raised in the Federal District, which meant the...")
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Hobby Hunting
Date of Scene: 15 December 2023
Cast of Characters: Drinna Talstri, Cayde Alexis

Drinna Talstri has posed:
The crowd in the Federal District felt thinner than usual, probably due to the time of day. Drinna stopped near a fountain near the Courts of Justice and tossed a credit in before heading on down the well manicured path. This errand she didn't mind running as she'd practically been raised in the Federal District, which meant there was always someone fun to catch up with.

As she continued, a figure caught her attention. The hair was unmistakable and Drinna hustled to catch up. Knowing he couldn't hear her, she was curious how long it would take for him to sense her. If he didn't she'd probably just run up and tap his shoulder.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde was actually in front of the CSF station dedicated to the Federal District precinct, signing something to one of the office administrators as she was making her way out.

    However, she seems to be struggling to understand him for one reason or another. "I'm sorry, Lt. Talstri isn't here...um, look, I'm not sure but either way I'm pretty sure you're in the wrong place." She looks kind of annoyed, impatient...

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna caught her last name and came up alongside, "He's not in the wrong place." She lifted her brow, "If the Lieutenant is busy, there's a nicer way to put it. That's not really upholding the CSF communications standards we strive to keep  open."

[I can help you.] Drinna signed to Cayde before looking the administrator up and down, "You can go."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The office lady looks embarrassed when Drinna approaches and basically tells her off in the nice way. "Uh...right. Thanks, Officer Talstri." she manages to blurt out. "S-sorry about that." She then hurries off, her gaze fixed on the ground and her cheeks slightly flushed.

    Cayde's expression brightens when he sees Drinna. [Drinna] he signs, spelling out each letter of her name.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna would be lying if she said that watching the administrator skulk away didn't make her feel a scene of mild glee. Shaking her head she turned her attention to Cayde. When he signed her name she nodded. [Hi Cayde. It's good to see you.] She motioned to the woman who'd left[Sorry about that. She shouldn't have treated you that dismissively.] She motions for a bench nearby, [Want to sit?]

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    [It is okay] Cayde shrugs, when she apologizes about the other woman's treatment of him. He was used to it, really. People often became impatient or annoyed when they couldn't understand him. Usually they tried to hide it...usually he'd know about it anyway. And usually, he'd hide the fact that he knows.

    He nods and sits down on the bench as suggested, looking over toward the station. [You work here] he signs, motioning toward it, although whether that was a question or a statement isn't quite clear.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna nodded, [Yep. You can see why I use a nickname when below. Most people don't have the best impression of the CSF] She shrugged, and laughed. [What do you want with the Lieutenant] She asked curiously.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    [To help you] Cayde immediately answers, when she asks what she wants with the lieutenant.

    [You hate your father...why] he signs, repeating the question from last time.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
The question catches her off guard, [That's a long complicated story.] She shakes her head,[I don't think you can help with that.] Her brow furrows, [How did you find out my last name] She askes.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    [Someone here knows it] Cayde answers, glancing over at the station again. Although he suddenly looks apologetic...he didn't mean to offend her, if she hadn't wanted him to know. [Looking for you...many know your family]

    But when she tells him she thinks he can't help with that, a brow goes up at her. [Why not]

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Once again the kid surprised her with a response.[Just like I can't fix things with your father. Family dynamics are hard] Drinna pointed to the CSF building, [My family is well known but the image of my family isn't the same as the internal reality.]

Drinna placed a hand on his shoulder, [Thank you though. Your intent was kind.] She attempts to divert the conversation, [I'd be much more interested in getting to know a new friend than discussing my messy family.]

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Well of course she can't fix that, he'd never expect that of her. [No....but the Force guided me here] Cayde tells her vaguely.

    He shrugs when she asks about him. There wasn't really much to know, he'd lived here for most of his life. [What do you wish to know] he signs.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
[I doubt the force cares much about my family issues] Drinna chuckled and thought of a question for him, [What do you do when you're not following the force around?] She thought of an example, [I like to paint.]

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    [The Force is in all things] Cayde answers when she tells him she thinks the Force doesn't care about her family issues.

    He looks pensive when she asks him the question...what did she mean, exactly, by whenever he wasn't following the Force? He was always following the will of the Force...at least, hopefully. [I must always follow...hopefully]

Drinna Talstri has posed:
No wonder she didn't have many conversations with Jedi's. [Hobbies. Activities.] Drinna thought of a better way to put it, [What makes you laugh] She asked curiously, [Jedi do laugh, right] It seemed like an obscure question to ask but it was something she hadn't thought of.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Hobbies...that actually wasn't something he'd really given much thought to before. Most Jedi followed a pretty strict routine at the Temple. Training, meditating, and studying. For the younger ones, studying schoolwork. And when they weren't doing any of those things, there was always some unfortunate soul who needed help or some situation that needed handling somewhere in the galaxy. So he simply shakes his head. [No time for hobbies]

    He nods at her next question. [Yes but not me] he tells her. [I cannot]

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Not being able to laugh sounded like an awful thing but surely the joy that came with laughter could be experienced. There was no way a Jedi's life was meant to be joyless servitude. Drinna scrunched her nose and wiggled it as she pondered his words. [I'm going to make it my personal goal to find you a hobby.]

[As long as you're alright with that] She wouldn't want to cause offense or issue. But he was a kid. Almost the same age as her favorite cousin.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde's brows go up at this...commitment, although it's not in a derisive fashion. More of a surprise, in spite of being a telepath. [I...thank you]

    A pause. [...you are too kind]

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna grinned, [Says the Jedi who wanted to go talk to my father] She shook her head, [It's my way of saying thank you.]

Standing up Drinna straightened her uniform, [I have to get back to work but I have a feeling we'll see each other again soon] A pause and then she motioned to her name tag [This name only belongs up here. Not in the lower levels. Like my real name. Please.]

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde stands up as well, nodding when she tells him not to give away her real name in the Lower City. [Do not thank me yet] he signs. After all, he hadn't done anything to help yet.

    [Tell me when ready] he continues. [I can help] The young padawan really does seem to be confident in the idea.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
[I will] Drinna nodded [I'm glad I bumped into you. It was a nice break in the day]

Glancing toward her building she realized that finding the admin and having a conversation would have to occur. [I'll see you later] Drinna said with a wave [Be safe]

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods, and waves to her as she leaves. No promises on the 'be safe' part, though that isn't mentioned to her.