Night in the New City

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Night in the New City
Date of Scene: 16 February 2024
Location: New Market, New City - Jedha
Synopsis: Navi and Cayde spend some time in the New City on Jedha.
Cast of Characters: Cayde Alexis, Navi

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    It's just after dusk in markets of the New City, and most of the day's crowds have headed home or to whatever accommodations they may be using here to turn in for the night. The street vendors have for the most part packed up and left, but there are a few shops and restaurants open for a bit longer into the night.

    Cayde had made the trip to Jedha in search of Master Volk, hoping for news on Tomi's status...and if he could maybe possibly at least attempt to wake the man from his deep slumber. The whole fiasco had been at least in part his fault, after all.

Navi has posed:
Navi emerges from one of the shops that is in the process of closing, a second satchel slung on her left side. The satchel rattles a little as she moves, the sound suggestive of metal and plastoid clattering together gently.

Spying Cayde, she jogs to catch up with him. "Fancy meeting you here, Padawan," she says gently, smiling. "I hope everything's okay with you, and back at the Temple."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde looks over at Navi as she approaches, nodding. However, upon closer examination, he really looks like he hasn't slept soundly in a while.

    [Navi...I am sorry] he signs, the last time they saw each other and the chaos he'd inadvertently caused on his mind.

Navi has posed:
"For the mess at the Temple of the Kyber? Cayde, you had no way of knowing those bags were full of sharp objects. Everyone loses their grip on their emotions now and again. As long as you learn from it and don't lose control in the middle of a crisis, you'll be okay," Navi replies, hugging the Padawan gently. "There are /lots/ worse fates than additional lessons, trust me."

She looks in the direction he'd been going. "Were you going to the Temple now? I'd be glad to walk with you if you are," she offers, sincerely.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods again when she asks if he's referring to the fiasco at the Temple of Kyber. He sighs...yes, it could have been worse. It always could have been worse. But that was just it, wasn't it? Losing control in the middle of a crisis.

    [Looking for the Convocation] he tells her, just as he realizes he actually doesn't really know exactly where they live or exactly where to find them. [Master Volk]

Navi has posed:
"I see. Makes me wish I knew if they had quarters at the Temple, or if they have their own lodgings in the Old City or something," Navi muses. "I guess someone at the Temple would know. Want to go there first?" she suggests.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    [Okay] Cayde signs, nodding and starting toward the Temple, although not so quickly that she couldn't keep pace with him.

Navi has posed:
Navi keeps pace with him with a little effort, since she's used to walking around the Old City. "I wonder if we'll have time to find Master Volk before it gets too late," she observes softly. "Wouldn't do to find his residence if he's already asleep, right?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde suddenly stops walking when she mentions that. Well, she certainly had a point. He looks at the time, and realizes maybe it'd be best to try being a little more patient. [Tomorrow maybe then] he signs.

Navi has posed:
"Well, the sun's not been down long. We should have time to get to the Temple without rushing. But if we have to go somewhere else to find Master Volk, we might need to worry about the time," Navi adds.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    [Tomorrow] Cayde nods. Even if Master Volk did live at the Temple of Kyber, maybe it wouldn't be polite to just show up on his doorstep when he might be getting ready to retire.

    A sign for a restaurant with some later hours catches his attention and he starts heading toward the entrance.

Navi has posed:
Navi follows Cayde, adjusting the position of her two satchels as she moves. "Tomorrow should be fine, then. Where are you staying? I can meet you there and we can look for Master Volk together, if you like," she asks.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The restaurant is mostly empty at this hour, although there are a few groups scattered about the dining room. It's a fairly modest establishment, and fits the Jedha aesthetic.

    Cayde sits down at one of the many empty tables and nods to her again. [Thank you] he signs. He takes out a datapad and opens a map, pointing to a hotel near the New City Market.

Navi has posed:
"That's not too long a walk from the Brotherhood chapterhouse. I can be there without any trouble," Navi says, nodding and seating herself across from Cayde. "What time should I be there?"

She looks curiously around the interior of the restaurant. "It's been a while since I've been in here. Their Corellian menu is their best stuff. At least, that's what I think.'

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    [Just after dawn] Cayde suggests at the question of what time to meet. He absently wonders if she needs to find Master Volk as well, for some reason. Not many prefer to just...spend time with him.

    A holoprojector in the center of the table lights up with the menu, and Cayde starts scrolling through it. A server droid rolls up to the table. "Well hello there darlings can I get you anything to start with? Maybe a drink or an appetizer?"

Navi has posed:
"That should work. If Master Volk is like the other Jedi I know, he'll be up before dawn," Navi observes, nodding. As the droid approaches the table, she glances at the menu, scrolling for a moment. "Hmm... just a glass of water for me, please?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    "Of course, and for you?" The droid asks, turning its gaze toward Cayde. He doesn't respond however, apparently still absorbed in the menu.
    "...ahem, and for you young man?" The server repeats.
    " about the same as her?" it finally asks after an awkward pause, glancing tentatively at Navi for confirmation.

Navi has posed:
"Can you give us a few more minutes, please?" Navi asks the droid, glancing at the apparently-oblivious Cayde. "Sorry for the inconvenience. Two waters is fine to start with, please, and thanks so much for your patience."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    "Right then, coming right up!" The droid says cheerfully, then hurries away to fetch them.

    Cayde finally looks back over at Navi after a few minutes. [What will you have] he asks.

Navi has posed:
"Thank youuuu~!" Navi calls softly after the droid before looking back to the menu projection. "You know... I'm not sure. I don't recommend the soup, unless it's Corellian. Actually, the Corellian menu is the one that's safest to most humanoids. Just make sure you don't order anything if you're not sure what it is. Some items aren't meant for humanoid consumption. But I guess that's the price of being able to feed two-thirds of the species in the known galaxy."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods and scrolls over to the Corellian menu, browsing through it slowly.

    A few minutes later, the droid comes back with two glasses of water that it sets down in front of the two of them. "There you go darlings, now would you be ready to order?"

    The young Jedi nods and points at the menu, at a dish that is...well, probably the most basic and common thing you could get around here.

Navi has posed:
"I'll have what he's having, thank you," Navi replies cheerily. "I remember having it before, and it was /sooooooooooo/ good." She takes a sip of water. "Unless you can recommend something better." She doubts the droid can, but she's willing to find out what it might suggest.