Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: The Bogan Collection

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Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: The Bogan Collection
Date of Scene: 30 March 2024
Synopsis: Caius leads a group into the Bogan Collection, and Cayde has a re-run in with a witch.
Cast of Characters: 159, Pike Windu, 269, 334, Navi, Cayde Alexis

Athena (159) has posed:
It has been a couple of tenuous days since the three Jedi had met with Volk to examine Tomi's belongings and prepare them for submission to the Bogan Collection. In that time, the weight of situation regarding the Arkanian Sorcerer has taken its toll on the Kel Dor Master. When the three Jedi gather to meet him in the atrium of the Temple of the Kyber, signs of this burden will be apparent in the way a weary looking Volk carries himself.

They may or may not be surprised to find that he is not alone - he's accompanied by another Jedi Master, a healer sent from the Temple on Coruscant to take a closer look at Tomi.

Upon approaching the others, Volk bows politely in greeting. "I have an update for you all," he says, glancing over at Pike briefly. "The other day, Master Tomi woke for a brief moment." He then nods at the healer, hoping Windu would offer a more detailed explanation to the other Jedi.

Pike Windu has posed:
Master Windu nods and ewxplains. "My attempt to heal Master Tomi via the Force only resulted in disturbing visions. However! The Force did provide a hunch. And on that hunch, I used a conventional stimulant, with a little nudge from the Force. It is more art than science. But it worked. Tomi roused briefly and spoke words that lead me to believe he is a former Padawan."

Hal (269) has posed:
"This is good news," Hal remarks, with a rare not of approval in his tone. "This would explain a decent amount, but will he recover?" the one-eyed knight asks. "Because if he can be made whole and we learn a great deal from this, our labors will have been put to the best results."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
The weariness on the Kel Dor does not go unnoticed by Caius. Ineed, he's probably more attuned to the particular nuances of the expressions of the Kel Dor given his own former Master and so he studies Volk with a concerned intensity before coming to a stop to listen and then look to Windu with surprise but not a small amount of relief.

"That's amazing and good to hear. Greetings Master Windu."

He nods his head as Hal speaks up but then seems to look more troubled himself as he considers the visions, "That sounds similar to what happened when we attempted to delve into his mind to end the hibernation trance. You say he roused briefly.. Is he still trapped in the trance caused by the blade or is it something else? I agree with Hal in that that the more we are able to learn the better but...I also still intend to follow through on the examination of his artifacts. There's a great darkness here on Jedha, linked to this place. Another arrived as we were departingt the archives. A girl from Dathomir and we both sensed something great and forboding in this place. The sooner Tomi can be made to answer for his past efforts the sooner we can determine what future dangers may approach Jedha."

Navi has posed:
"I remember that girl... poor thing. She seems to have a powerful gift, an ability to touch objects and see visions of events that have happened to and around them. I don't know the technical term, but it's powerful enough to disorient her every time she leaves home," Navi adds from the back of the pack of Jedi. "At least, that's what we were told. I gave her my robe... touching it seemed to calm her instantly. I hope it helped her to avoid becoming so distracted and upset."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Hearing that Tomi had indeed awakened, if only briefly, lifts Cayde's spirits a little bit, at least. But is that all they'd learned from him? That he'd been a former padawan? What else did he say? So many questions...but everyone seems focused on their own approach to this. It's probably best he keep his thoughts to himself. As usual.

Athena (159) has posed:
"He is not a former padawan," the Kel Dor Master says, "but I have spoken to him about the Order, on various occasions. The rhyme he uttered is actually not exclusively known by the younglings at the Order, either," Volk adds. "At least, so I've heard."

Then he nods in response to Hal. "It is good news, but he's fallen back into a trance, and further administration of stimulants to him by the nurses have failed, unfortunately. But it is progress, at least."

Volk's brows furrow deeper when Caius mentions the girl from Dathomir, and that another darkness has arrived on Jedha. He nods at Navi. "Psychometry -- it is a rare gift indeed." He pauses. "I suspect," he says, "that what you sensed does not involve the future, but the past. And it is possible, that while the blade was the catalyst, the darkness of Jedha's past may have everything to do with why he will not wake."

"But be warned. The girl from Dathomir must be a witch, of the sort I would caution associating with." He then turns, beckoning to an approaching figure. Some may recognize the man - it's Gethun, the Vault's Keeper. "Hello!" he greets cheerfully. "Navi," He then says, bowing politely at the Sephi girl. "It's good to see you again. Then he glances over at the group. "Master Volk here said that you would be requiring access to the Vault?"

Pike Windu has posed:
Master Windu nods at the Kel Dor Master's correction. Suddenly, memory is recalled and Windu says, "Tomi wasn't a Jedi. But someone he knew was."

"I am a healer. I can keep Tomi alive. But whatever is afflicting him is a trauma of the mind." Windu shrugs.

Hal (269) has posed:
"That is interesting," Hal says, his tone returning to his regular, grim tone. He taps on his leg as he stpeaks, "But at least we have more information, the fact the damage is restricted to the mind is progress on our end." He then nods as the vault is mentioned, "If you believe that it would be wise, then yes."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Yes....that would confirm what we witnessed. He's trapped by a memory of a terrible event. The death of his brother and that death by some horrific force of darkness. That much is clear. It was haunting him as evidence by the images he was creating and the effigy of his brother's body.... Master Volk..I sensed it as well. Directly."

Caius turns tot he tired Kel Dor, "..The gift you speak, I have it. It was her prompting but..i..saw and sensed what she saw. In this instance it's not about the Witches of Dathomir or The Jedi..but something else that may threaten all. She was terrified and wanted to leave as quickly as possible. I'm thankful that Navi was able to come to her assistance. I was briefly overwhelmed..."

Quieting, the Jedi Knight nods in greeting and affirmation to the Vault Keepers words and takes a few steps forward. He then looks back to Volk.

"Master...you need your rest."

Navi has posed:
"Master Volk, I'm not the sort of person to disregard such a warning from a Jedi Master, but I believe the girl, the young witch... I think her name was Mal... might be more dangerous, and in more danger, if she were left alone with her gift than if she were helped somehow. She has a family, too, and her powers may also put them in danger. There is also a chance that she may be able to help us in return."

She smiles at Gethun as he greets her, returning his bow. "And you, Master Gethun. Thank you for coming to admit us. We may be able to find answers there to save Master Tomi."

She looks back to Master Volk worriedly. "Master Astras is correct, Master Volk... you look like a strong wind would take you right off of your feet," she adds softly. "Please, let one of us conduct you to your lodgings."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde just stands there, listening to the conversation. Well, sort of. For the first few minutes, anyway. At some point he notices Master's Volk's exhaustion, and tries to push a little bit of vitality into his mind, so that his judgment might remain free of any distractions.

Athena (159) has posed:
The Kel Dor frowns. "The Nightsisters use the dark side," Volk warns Navi.

Then he inclines his head slightly at Hal and Pike. "Indeed. It appears that whatever is afflicting him, is of the mind. Matters of the mind are much more difficult to cure, unfortunately..." His gaze suddenly becomes distant, and then he turns to Caius gravely. "Ah-h-h, I see. I have a feeling," he says, "that whatever the solution ends up being, you may have to play a pivotal role in it, given your abilities. I hope you are prepared." He then bows politely. "Thank you...but I'll be alright. I have some... matters to attend to." His gaze flicks to Cayde for a moment, his expression compassionate and thankful.

Then, to Pike, he says, "... Master Windu. It would be good for you and I to discuss in detail what you saw when you attended to Tomi."

"Ah yes! I certainly hope so," Gethun says. He then starts towards the lift that will take them to the floor where the Vault is housed, gesturing for those would come to accompany him.

Pike Windu has posed:
"Yes, Master Volk. And perhaps we could meditate. You do look like you need it." Master Windu nods to the others.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
At Volk's words, Caius narrows his eyes ever so slightly. Apparently there was something said there that...didn't settle well with him.

But it passes and he simply nods, "Yes Master. I will do my best... We came here hoping to help Tomi and if there's something greater that must be uncovered....I think we're all willing to all play our parts.."

He bows respetfully to both Jedi Masters though he dows squint his eyes faintly as Volk addresses Windu. He had been hoping the Jedi Master would have come with him so the Knights and Padawan could have an opportuity to gain the insight of another Master but...that was not to be. He then simply turns and nods towards the others and Navi and waits for the vault keeper to move.

Navi has posed:
"An ever-present danger, and one I don't take lightly," Navi replies to Master Volk softly, nodding. "But I just can't turn my back on Mal and her family if they truly need help. Perhaps they can be saved from the Dark Side. If I make a mistake, I won't complain if you scold me afterward; I'll have earned it."

She moves to join Caius and the others. "Take care, Master Windu, Master Volk. Keep yourselves safe, and may the Force be with you," she says, falling in beside Hal and Cayde.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    When Master Volk addresses Master Windu, Cayde frowns...why did that conversation have to be in private? Weren't the details important to everyone who wanted to heal Tomi? He trusts Master Volk, but...

    The padawan lingers behind the others, glancing back at Pike and Trassa.

Athena (159) has posed:
Volk nods and gestures for Windu to follow him, away from the rest of the group and towards a private room. Once inside, he invites the other Master to sit. "So tell me," he says, "what did you see, exactly?"

Once the group that's accompanied Gethun down to the vault have arrived in front of the large door that guards the treasures and relics within, Gethun enters the code for it, then uses several keys strapped to his belt to unlock the other padlocks keeping the vault secure. Then the door slides open, and the Whill Disciple gestures for them to step inside. "Anything else I can do for you lot?" he asks.

Pike Windu has posed:
Master Windu takes the offered seat. Closing his eyes, he recalls...

"The first vision eas not as clear. I believe it is what you and the others saw when you tried to help Master Tomi. The second vision was much more vivid. I could not see faces, but I recognize the voices: Tomi's and yours. You are discussing someone who was...driven from the Order. Tomi's brother, I think. That'ss all."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
Before today, Caius had seemed more driven on these matters but Hal and Cayde especially, and even Navi, would be able to tell that he seems more introspective and withdrawn as if pondering something heavily as he looks over towards Gethun.

"The journals of a former Jedi named Azin Rell and the relics from Master Tomi that have been placed in the Bogan collective. We'd just like to take a quick look..."

He looks over the others for affirmation or not ...but then turns towards them and says simply, "I need to remind you all of what Master Volk said the other day. We seem to have stumbled across something that THe Council is leery of us investigating further but...I have to get the bottom of this and we have the right and judgement to make these calls. I feel as if Master Volk is juggling both encouraging us as well as acting in an official capacity so tread carefully. IF you're worried about this then I suggest you back off now but I'm going to press forward. I believe The Force is guiding us in this direction but that's for you all to decide for yourselves..."

Navi has posed:
Navi follows the others, trying not to shiver as Master Gethun unlocks the Vault. It hasn't been nearly long enough since the attempted burglary on the Vault for her peace of mind. "I'm with you, Master Astras. This may be the only way to save Master Tomi, and maybe others, too. Anyway, the Jedi Council has no authority over me, and the Brotherhood hasn't said anything about forbidding me to come here." Granted, she hasn't told them what she's up to, but why bring that up?

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    One group follows Gethun, while the other heads to another room somewhere else. Cayde lingers for a moment, before heading toward the direction the two masters went and hovering in the hallway outside the door, attempting to reach into Volk's mind and 'listen' in on the conversation without the Kel Dor man being the wiser...

Hal (269) has posed:
Hal listens quietly as the others speak, nodding along as points are made. He crosses his arms an ponders deeply.

Athena (159) has posed:
Volk frowns. "I recall that conversation," he says. "It wasn't Tomi's brother. It was..." He shakes his head. "We shouldn't speak of him, really. The Council decided to do what it did for ... good reason."

Gethun blinks at Caius' frankness. "Oh..." he arches a brow at the Jedi Knight. "Are you sure?" But he starts to make his way towards a dimly lit area at the back of the vault, which presumably is where entry to the Bogan Collection is. Navi may find this part of the vault familiar.

Pike Windu has posed:
Master Windu listens and crosses his arms. "I will respect your desire to keep silent. Just as I respect the Council's desire that what ails Tomi not be investigated too deeply. Which reminds me, when I was on Andui a few days ago, I encountered a fringer who may have been responsible for the vault heist."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
In speaking to Navi and Hal - Caius of course notes that Cayde is not with him. The Padawan's tendecies for just following his instincts is on full display once again but this time Caius simply lets a slight smirk occur on his face. He's Volk's problem then and will likely find things out on his own and hopefully not get caught or get in over his head. SOmetimes it's indeed simply sink or swim.

"I' sure.." he says towards Gethun after giving Hal and Navi a final nod.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde frowns as he listens in on the conversation. Wait, if it wasn't Tomi's brother who was exiled from the Order, then who was it, and of what significance was it to Tomi's current condition? He tries searching further in Volk's mind, as the Kel Dor seems to know more than he's letting on.

Hal (269) has posed:
At the mention of the artifacts, Hal raises a brow and looks to Gethun. He listens and nods, curious about the artifacts.

Navi has posed:
"I've been here before, I think... when the thieves tried to raid this temple," Navi murmurs, a little disturbed by the familiarity of this part of the Vault. Mere meters from here is where Master Tomi was struck down, a fact that draws a shiver from the blonde Sephi. She stays close to Caius and Hal for her own peace of mind.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Is that so? We had suspected that he and his cohort had escaped. At the same time, it was concluded that we couldn't prove their guilt. Not without Tomi conscious. Ah-h-h! Master Windu, you see, we are in a bind. If we cannot wake Tomi..." he sighs. "I respect the Council, as you do, but..." a flicker of uncertainty crosses the Kel Dor's expression. "I do not know if I think they are always right."

Cayde will discover one of Volk's distant memories, one that involves him speaking to the Council about a Knight named Azlin Rell who had left the Order and embraced the dark side, driven insane by his constant visions, induced by an encounter he'd had with some mysterious monstrosity. The Council, in the memory, had chosen to be strangely closemouthed about it, and it had not sat well with Volk, but ultimately he had respected their decision.

Gethun takes Caius to a strange looking door inset to the wall. There's an antiquated looking lock on it, one that has a half circle with a dial on top but is attached to four other apparatuses that look like unmarked chronometers. "Not sure if you're aware, but you must use the Force to know the near future and open the Collection," Gethun adds. "The dials are all interconnected, and moving one moves all the others. In order to unlock the door, the top dial must align exactly in the middle, and the combination of movements needed to align it correctly depends on the time of day."

Pike Windu has posed:
Pike gets to his feet and once agaian places a hand on his fellow master's shoulder. "Trassa, I have not been a master for very long. I will respect your judgement on this matter. My mission on Jedha is to heal Master Tomi. Perhaps I should see to that and let you and the others follow your own paths. If I have seen nothing, I can say nothing if asked."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Perhaps it would have been better for Rell to be...relieved of his misery.

    But still, what did that have to do with Tomi?

    Then Master Windu is getting to his feet. And he'd rather not get caught eavesdropping. The young padawan steps away from the door, starting to head over to the lift where he'd seen the others go. However, he realizes he doesn't know which floor they'd gone to.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
Caius listens to the explanation and frowns mildly. "I was not aware. No." he confirms.

He gives a glance to Hal and Navi to see if they have any insights but then returns his gaze towards the lock. "NO doubt Tomi expected to be able to get past this door when they invaded the vault...." he notes upon hearing Navi and considering her words.

He stares at the lock for a few additional seconds and then...abruptly reaches forward. His hand begins to dance about the dials, turning this way and that, as if guided by another hand moving his of its own accord.

He moves with surety and confidence as well. YOu'd think he'd been here before and then...abruptly he pulls his hands away.

"...Let's see if I did it or if I'm due for another scolding from The Masters...."

Navi has posed:
"Wow, so intricate... I can't make anything out of it, Master. I hope your wits are keener than mine," Navi adds softly. She's a little startled at the speed at which Master Astras works on the lock puzzle, and at how he stops working as swiftly as he'd started. "Color me impressed... I would probably still be working with that lock tomorrow," she says, with a slightly dumbfounded smile for Caius.

Athena (159) has posed:
"But perhaps that may work in your favor," Volk says to the other Master. "Caius is... he is not reckless, but I sense there are things he would not discuss with me. And I -- I fear for him. However, he may be more comfortable with your guidance." He bows his head. "I appreciate your willingness to keep this confidential. If the Council gets wind of this--"

As Cayde starts to wander towards the elevator, he may be interrupted by that same girl he'd seen prior in the archives. The Dathomirian. She looks lost, again. She also seems to have appeared out of nowhere. Her gaze lands on Cayde, and she immediately begins to approach. <You> she projects to him. <You seem familiar>

The doors to the Bogan Collection rumble open, and Caius will immediately sense the stench of the dark side emanating out of it in the Force. And yet-- there's something so alluring about it all. Navi will be able to feel it too.

It's beckoning them...

Pike Windu has posed:
Windu shivers and glances over his shoulder. Lookin back at Volk, the healer grunts. "What have they done?"

He turns to leave the private room, knowing exactly where to find the vault.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
Now this is interesting.

In a very bad way. Does he say it? Does he say it??

"I've got a bad feeling about this..."

He said it.

"His hand strays to his lightsaber now, revealing it for the first time as he pushes his robes back and subtly moves the weapon of the Jedi into a better position for an instant grab...even if realistically speaking nothing should be in there but the artifacts in question. "I think simply finding this journal and having a lok should be sufficient. It's clear none of us need to linger. Perhaps...stay behind me, Navi."

She may have been here before but it's clear that someting dark is lurking in this atmosphere. He strides in.

Navi has posed:
"Right behind you, Master," Navi replies softly, unable to suppress a shiver that comes out of nowhere. But she feels nothing different, really. "I can't feel much of anything. Please let me know if you sense anything?" she asks softly. Bad feelings are never a good thing when it's a Jedi who's getting them.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde hovers in front of the elevator doors, as he was about to go in but then realized he doesn't know which floor they went to. So he just shrugs and starts wandering off in a random direction. Maybe he could find Tomi again. If they'd made progress recently, perhaps he could make some more of it now.

    But then that girl from Dathomir suddenly shows up seemingly out of the blue. Now as a telepath, Cayde is rarely ever really startled by anyone, but this really does him in. He stumbles backward, his hand immediately unlatching his lightsaber from his belt and igniting it in front of himself defensively. Fortunately, he doesn't actually attack her. Instead, he just starts backing away from her quickly...

Athena (159) has posed:
Volk stands immediately. "Master Windu, please... remember you must -not- speak of this to anyone!"

Windu may pass Cayde and the Dathomirian girl on his way to the elevator, and discover the young padawan holding his ignited saber in front of himself in a defensive manner.

The girl looks at Cayde mournfully and does not halt her approach, but does slow her pace. <You despise me> she says, her eyes becoming glassy. <What did I do... please forgive me... I've forgotten>

Caius, upon entering the Bogan Collection, will hear faint whispers of vague temptations resonating all around him. Thankfully, they are just that-- faint, and therefore easily ignored.

The other thing to be observed about the Bogan Collection is that everything in here is organized by date. Now, if Navi and Caius know when the Battle of Jedha had occurred ... they would be able to easily locate the journals.

Pike Windu has posed:
In his haste, Windu takes a path that not pass by Cayde and the girl. He calls an elevator and waits.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"No need to call me Master, Navi. I'm far from that..." remarks Caius, though his voice is distant as he looks around with a momentary look of wonder before becoming more focused.

"Nngh.." he grunts, putting a hand up to his forhead. It took some extra focusing but...he's able to mostly tune out the attempts to call to him and push them back into being faint whispers.

"Let's not linger around here any longer than we need to..."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde stares at the girl as she begins to cry. Just as he begins to feel sorry for her, he shakes it off. No...no this was some kind of trick, he was sure of it.

    He backs away, and backs away, and finally he shuts off his saber and turns around to hurry away from her even faster in the opposite direction down the hallway.

Navi has posed:
"As you wish, Master. I will try to remember," Navi replies, putting her arm around Caius as he falters, in a show of support. "The war was just a bit over eighty years ago. And some of this stuff looks like it's been sorted by age. That might speed up our search," she adds. "Please help me make sense of the ages here."

Athena (159) has posed:
Caius and Navi will notice that as dark and strange as this place is, the relics are, at least, organized in a orderly fashion. The most recent items are nearest to the front, while those that had been collected a long, long time ago are in the far back. Yet, there are a select few older items that are mounted to the wall - Caius may marvel that some of the sabers and masks of long bygone infamous Sith lords sit on nailed to the pumice to his left.

But as for the task at hand, all the relics that had been gathered around the time of the Battle of Jedha are about a quarter of the way into the vast room. There's a dedicated shelf for the year it happened, and Navi will recognize it immediately.

As Cayde is hurrying away, the girl will run after him. "No wait...! Please! I don't want to hurt you..."

Then he'll nearly run into the old Ithorian archivist they'd met last time. "... Ah!" she yelps. "Tsk! There's supposed to be no running this hallway...hmph!"

Pike Windu has posed:
The elevator ride is shorter than the wait. Arriving at the vault, Windu is on his guard. Though he has seen death and suffering and evil, the Jedi Master has never been so close to the Dark Side.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
IT would be foolish to not have some respect or marvel at the contents within The Vault. Dark though it may be, this is history contained within here and legend. An attempt at false impassiveness would be the mark of a foolhardy soul and Caius has some self awareness here.

But Dark Side it is and so his wonder at it begins and ends before any sort of interest beyond being amazed by their presence. As noted by Navi they have a job to do.

"That amkes sense... yes.. Let's be swift. I think it's good Cayde isn't here. I'm not sure that he wouldn't be more vulnerable to the dark side pressure that's in here given his gifts. We still need to help him arrest his more impulsive habits with his mind..."

He looks around, studying the indicated area, "We're looking for a journal and anything that was marked as belonging to Tomi..."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde somehow manages not to trip when he almost runs into the archivist. Wait, since when was running in the hallways against the rules? He hadn't heard that one.

    Finally, he turns around to face the Dathomiran when she begs him and stresses that she isn't trying to hurt him. The padawan fixes her with a judgmental stare, his expression guarded. What did the witch want with him?

Navi has posed:
"I'll be as swift as I can. None of this is familiar to me," Navi replies worriedly, studying the collection artifacts with a mix of restrained awe and trepidation. "I just know most of it is of the Dark Side, and all of it is part of history."

It's a few minutes before she pauses at a shelf marked with a specific year. "Master, this must be it! This is the year of the battle marked on this shelf. I'll look for a journal if you can find the other thing." She doesn't wait for an answer before she goes to work searching through the shelf and its contents.

Athena (159) has posed:
Indeed. The allure and weight of the dark side is heavy -- as soon as Pike approaches the entrance to the Bogan Collection, he'll feel the tug and heaviness of it all. And yet, Caius and Navi were down here, weren't they?

The specified shelf is long, but at least the items aren't crowded together so it's easy to scan. Navi will eventually find several weathered journals at end of the shelf. It's covered in dust, but if she opens the front flap, she'll see Azlin Rell's name inscribed into the leather. Meanwhile, Caius will find the journals and the rest of the relics that had belonged to Tomi on the other end of the shelf.

The old Ithorian archivist sighs, shaking her head. Then she notices the Dathomiran girl behind Cayde. "Mal! Back without your sister, -again-!" She tuts in a dissatisfied manner. "This is the third time I'll have to have called her this week..."

The Dathomiran girl looks anxiously over at Cayde, then to the archivist. "Do ... do you know if I've accidentally hurt him, somehow...." she asks uncertainly. "I promise," she says to Cayde. "I just want to know if I've accidentally wronged you."

Pike Windu has posed:
Pike remembers that he is a Jedi Master and the Force is his ally. He enters the Vault. "Caius? Navi?"

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"We're here, Master Pike." answers Caius as he looks over Tomi's items. THe journals he recalls, or at least some of them, given the images that were upon them. He looks over the relics as well, seeing if anything reinforces his thoughts or gives a clue as to what has Tomi so trapped within his own mind.

"I think we've found what we're looking for. We won't linger long in here. I"m sure you can sense it, Master. The Dark Side..."

He frowns and turns towards Navi, "The relics obviously have to stay but do you think they'll let us take the journals? We can't possibly stay in here and just study tehse for clues. It's too dangerous."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Accidentally? No...it wasn't anything specific she'd done, of course. But she was a Nightsister of Dathomir, known practitioners of dark side magic. Like necromancy...the thought made him shiver.

    Unfortunately, he doesn't really know how to explain this to her, and he dares not intentionally enter a tainted mind like hers. Especially with how unstable she appeared to be. He'd lost control before, even just entering a fellow padawan's mind at the wrong time...

    So he just hakes his head at her, and starts walking away.

Navi has posed:
"I could not agree more, Master," Navi replies, picking up the journal she's found. "This name isn't familiar to me. There's several journals here, but only one name looks familiar," she adds softly. Looking back at the distant sound of Pike's voice, she calls back, "Master Windu? We're close by! We'll be out in a moment!"

Athena (159) has posed:
Caius will suddenly get a strange sensation -- a prickling at the back of his neck. Suddenly, those faded whispers become much more difficult to ignore and push aside. The urge to just take the journals without asking suddenly becomes overt.

And then one of the faint voices he'd been tamping down rears up, and becomes a booming whisper that echoes and reverberates inside his skull. <Take it. Take the journal...> the voice commands Caius, directing his attention towards the journals Navi is carrying. <Open it. Open it to page 66...>

"Er.. not that I'm aware of..." the old Ithorian woman says, shrugging. When Cayde starts to walk away, a single tear spills down Mal's cheek. She extends a hand shakily towards him, and closes her eyes. <You're very misunderstood, aren't you> she says to him, and the young padawan may feel a mild wave of tranquil wash over him. <I'm sorry>

Pike Windu has posed:

No, Windu isn't wa
ing. Following Navi's voice, he comes upon her and Caius.

"The Dark Side is overwhelming here. Do what you must. And then let's leave this place. Do you hear me, Caius!?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde suddenly stops and turns around again, staring at her. Strangely, he doesn't feel so afraid of her any more, although he is still somewhat guarded.

    He tilts his head slightly as he begins to move his hands. [Why do you say that] he signs to her.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Something's wrong.." muses Caius, eyes narrowing. He pauses, considering matters further and then says, quickly, "We should leave. Bring the journal you have but we'll leave Tomi's relics and artifacts alone.."

He doesn't take it from her, perhaps deciding it best to let her handle it considering that wave and impulse that just came over him.

"Come on...." He starts to try and usher her from the room when Windu arrives and rather forcefully address him. Caius draws back. Respect for the master's rank and the fact that this place is so unsettling gives him a moment of clarity to not react with insult at Windu's forwardness and instead he just takes a calming breath.

"We are leaving Master. Now." He nods and steps forward, moving to make for the exit.

Athena (159) has posed:
"..." Mal pauses. "I don't quite know how to describe it," she finally says, "but you seem familiar to me, and I can feel ... I can feel that there's so many things you would say, if only you knew how to say them."

Once Pike, Caius, and Navi leave the Bogan Collection, that strange urge to open the journal will dwindle.

When they return to the main floor of the atrium and exit the lift, they'll find Cayde, the old Ithorian archivist and Mal standing in the hallway. The young padawan and the pretty witch are standing opposite each other, regarding each other silently. But once the three of them approach, Mal shifts her gaze. She frowns, glancing at Navi and Caius. "Have... have we met before..." she asks hesitantly.

Pike Windu has posed:
Master Windu breathes easier once they are out of the Vault. In the Atrium, he says notthing, wanting to get away to meditate.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde's expression softens a bit as she speaks to him, although he doesn't really respond since the others arrive soon after. He notices they have a journal with them, so he assumes they'd had their time in the Bogan Collection.

    Nodding toward them, he'll join them as they take their leave. Hopefully, someone has learned something useful regarding Tomi's condition...

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Navi...you should hold onto the journal but don't read it until after we're together again. I think we need a moment to catch our breaths. That was...intense. Don't be tempted by it."

Suggests Caius to Navi after he gives Windu a long look, both assessing the masters mental state and also mildly frowning with a mix of concern and annoyance.

He takes note of Cayde and watches him as well but then ultimately turns to seek his own solitude in order to think on these matters. "I'm sure we'll all be in touch soon."

Athena (159) has posed:
The Jedi seem too preoccupied with their own matters to notice her, so the Dathomiran girl simply watches them silently as they leave. Her eyes widen briefly when she sees the journals Navi and Caius are carrying.

"I dreamed about those," she whispers to the Ithorian archivist. "And I know I won't remember to... so you have to tell them to come looking for me. I can help them..."