Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: The Witches

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Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: The Witches
Date of Scene: 06 April 2024
Synopsis: Caius and the others conclude it would be best to seek Nightsister council, despite Windu and Volk's hesitation.
Cast of Characters: 159, Pike Windu, 269, Cayde Alexis, 334, Navi

Athena (159) has posed:
Dusk and then another dawn has come since Caius and Navi had visited the Bogan Collection, and Master Volk has gathered some of the Jedi in the archives at the Temple of the Kyber to quietly discuss... next steps.

"In the wake of Tomi having woken briefly, there is yet hope for the Arkanian," Volk says to them. "Yet I am aware that a couple things were taken from the Bogan Collection. I believe it was necessary, but we cannot alert the Council. There are very few circumstances under which any Jedi, let alone someone not part of the Order, is allowed to take anything from Collection."

Pike Windu has posed:
Master Pike Windu listens to his colleague. He stands with his arms crossed and and his face clearly show the gravity weighing on his mind. He says nothing, only grunting in acknowledgment.

Hal (269) has posed:
The notion of not alerting the Council causes Hal to frown deeply. "It must truly be dire then," he notes quietly, visibly concerned, "So I would assume we would need to move quickly?" he inquires.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde recalls that Navi had a journal with her after she and Caius had finished in the Bogan Collection. But perhaps, if the Council really didn't want them to investigate, there was good reason...

    However as usual, he keeps his thoughts to himself as the others converse.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Well, yes, taking items from the Bogan Collection is nearly forbidden," Volk says. "And I do not like having to keep these matters from the Council, but Caius was right, it is the right thing to do."

"Come," he beckons the group. "We will attempt to speak with the archivist, Dalin. She knows much, but is often unwilling to speak about it. However, it is after hours here at the Temple, and few are around, so she may be more amenable. And given recent events... she may realize that the investigation will continue, regardless of whether she assists or not." He starts to head for the counter near the front of the library.

Pike Windu has posed:
Windu glances at his fellow Jedi before stopping on Volk. "Do what you think is best. And I will remain silent for now. But these matters will not be kept from the Council. A full report must be made. The Collection is too dangerous to be so easily accessible."

Hal (269) has posed:
"Will they be informed after the fact?" Hal inquires. "At least someone should leave a note of this, somewhere." He sighs, "But I defer to your judgement, master. "Lead on," he says pensively, as clearly there is more to this than he is aware.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"With all due respect Master Windu, I believe Master Volk has the right of it. The council is neither infalliable nor perfect in all decisions made. We must respect their authority but if The Force is guiding us towards something that they may have erred on we must see it through and determine the risk and -then- decide if The Council must be alerted or even confronted. It's very possible we've stumbled upon something that's revealing a problem with their own judgement or something within their own ranks that must be put to the test but if we're in haste in tipping our hands it'll only make matters worse. " says Caius, tpne firm and resolute.

"YOu are newly arrived to this investigation but with what you've seen for yourself and what we've discovered in our own actions there is clearly a dangerous matter at hand here. Think about it. The journal. There is something dark and forboding here and I'm beginning to think that some conclusions can be reached based on what we already know that isn't merely speculative. The drawings of Master Tomi. The great terror and darkness he's feeling in his coma. Whatever or whoever it was that killed his brother. We might be on the cusp of a grave danger and worrying about 'protocol' may make it too late for us to stop or be ready for whatever is ahead."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The mention of Tomi's condition has Cayde averting his gaze downward a bit as he feels the weight of those consequences. However when Volk suggests they speak to Dalin about it, he'll just follow along with the others.

Athena (159) has posed:
Volk notices the tension rising within the group and frowns. "...If I am being honest," he says to Hal and Pike. "I think informing them in post is the -only- way forward. Caius is not wrong, even if the words he utters are ... dangerous talk." He shakes his head, looking unsettled.

He comes to a stop upon reaching the administrative desk where Dalin sits, humming while gathering up her belongings before she heads home for the today. "Dalin," he says urgently. "We would have a word with you," he says. Then he nods to Caius. "Show her the journals," he says. "What would you tell us about ... Azlin Rell..."

Pike Windu has posed:
"Mind your words, Knight Astras. You are a Jedi Knight. You have obligations, whether you agree with them or not."

Windu follows Volk and quietly says, "as I said before, I will follow you on this, for Master Tomi's sake at least."

Hal (269) has posed:
Hal nods as Master Windu speaks. However, he keeps silent for the time being. All that he had wished to say, had already been said.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Master Windu, my obligations are to the republic - not protocol or ceremony. A Jedi Knight is a keeper of the peace, not a soldier. If we're at the stage where the mere act of questioning The Council despite being in the face of a clear and present danger that's been discovered after attempting to help someone on the verge of death...I'm forced to wonder at what it is that's truly dangerous."

Caius has seemed to no longer be in the mood for niceties and isn't having it anymore. His more brash elements from his younger days may have been tempered but he's hardly going to not speak his mind.

He steps forward, moiving to hand the journals over with a frown etched on his face. He'd had Navi take them for savekeeping but retrieved them from her at some point so the proceedings could continue.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Azlin Rell... Cayde remembers that from the conversation he'd "overheard" earlier. That padawan who had been banished from the Order. But he can't help wondering what happened to him, in the end...

Athena (159) has posed:
"Caius... please," Volk says quietly when the two Jedi begin to argue. His expression becomes weary.

Dalin gasps when Caius produces the journals. "You dug them out, didn't you?!" she cries.

Then she tuts a bit sourly. "You're as handsome as you are rebellious, Astras. But you ought to be careful, that attitude might get you into a lot of trouble one day."

Her expression becomes distant. "I remember now," she says, "I knew both Rell and Tomi. Rell... he came in here to write one day, in a frenzy. But it didn't surprise me. After the Battle of Jedha... he wasn't well. Hr was very unwell, in fact..."

Pike Windu has posed:
Windu looks at Astras with growing disdain. He says nothing more on the matter. He turns and listens attentively to what Dalin has to say.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"One day...?" says Caius, sounding amused now despite his ire. He seems well used to the 'getting in trouble due to being accused of being rebellious. However, Volk's weariness and the lack of any rebuttal from Windu seems to be enough to refocus him and he takes a calming breath and set his mind and attention onto the words of Dalin.

A sudden frown and look of concern comes onto his face as she reveals that and he says nothing but instead looks intently at the journal. "Was he alone during the battle? Is it possible he knew Master Tomi?"

Hal (269) has posed:
Dalin's remarks are met with a frown from Hal. The one-eyed knight is visibly concerned, but listens carefully as he picks up on the information being discussed.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Maybe that was why Rell had been in one of Tomi's visions that Volk had been discussion with Master Pike earlier...

    Cayde noticed Master Pike's disdain toward Caius, his gaze going over toward the other Master briefly. But Masters rarely ever allowed themselves to become lost in their emotions. Therefore, it shouldn't get much worse.

    He looks away, and starts wandering slowly through the aisles of the currently mostly empty library. Dalin had said Rell had the intention of writing something. Perhaps it had been published somewhere? Or just kept here in the library.

Navi has posed:
Navi hurries into the archives, a bit flushed and breathing hard, as if she'd run halfway across the temple complex. "Dalin? have you seen Master Astras? I was..." she calls, trailing off as she notices the others present.

"Well... this simplifies things. Hello again, Master Jedi, in plural. Was the journal of any use, Master Astras?" she asks, relieved at finding Caius, but a bit embarrassed at having burst in on the conversation. "I can come back later if this is a bad time..."

Athena (159) has posed:
"Ah, forgive me," Dalin says, "I suppose it a bit inaccurate to say the Battle of Jedha, as I believe he was on Dalna at the time, not Jedha. That same day was the Night of Sorrow," she says gravely.

Volk bows his head. "Many Jedi died on Dalna," he murmurs quietly.

"He was never the same after that, many say. Plagued constantly by visions of past, of the future, of nightmares dreamed up in his own mind. About the things he had experienced on Dalna..."

She shakes her head. "But the day he came into the library to write, he told me what troubled him, and I knew, from what I had heard, that those... things. They had been here on Jedha too. And somehow, he knew. He knew ... what I knew. And then he had this wild look in his eyes, as if he were on a hunt after that which was impossible to find. He did not end up staying to write, after all. Instead, he said the Jedi were foolish to ignore such a threat, and immediately left to go out into the city--"

Then Navi appears. "Oh! Navi!" she smile faintly. "It's not a bad time... eheh. But what were you thinking, helping dig out Rell's old journals?! You can't possibly be thinking of looking at them, in depth..."

Pike Windu has posed:
Windu shakes his head. "I have heard of that battle. But I know nothing about it."

Hal (269) has posed:
A moment, as Hal composes himself, the topic clearly making him uncomfortable, "It was the night many of our order fell without explanation. But their sacrifice resulted in the destruction of the Path of the Open Hand." His tone is grim, but loud enough to be heard.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Hello Navi." Caius offers her a smile but turns the bulk of his attention back to the others as Dalin begins to speak. He frowns, eyes narrowing as he rubs his jaw and grows more thoughtful and silent once again.

Finally he just shakes his head, "..Forgive me if I seem to be speculating overly much but it seems to me that if these matters are as connected as they are then there is some dangerous powre or threat both Master Tomi and and Rell became aware of..perhaps directly interacted with. Whatever it was it was clearly traumatic for them both so much so a deep darkness grips Master Tomi and haunted him as evidence by the drawings we discovered."

As Pike and Hal speaks he nods his head and folds his arms into his robes. "Also, there's matter of the girl from Dathomir. While yes, relying upon her Force powers may be unwise but I myself saw sensed something greatly forboding and dark just as she did. Is it possible that Tomi was attempting to access some sort of sealed power that The Council wishes to not be known of? Access or even..destory? Certainly if it was responsible for killing his brother, vengeance might have been driving him all of these years."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde must have walked up and down several different aisles a few times by the time Caius finished talking this time around. The padawan begins to think of Tomi again, and the fact that he had indeed awakened briefly in recent days. Maybe he should just take a look, see if anything really was different now from the last time he'd tried to reach into the Arkanian's mind...

    He starts moving toward the exit, wondering if the man was still being kept in the same room as before.

Navi has posed:
"Until today, I'd only heard of that battle. But what was the Path of the Open Hand? It sounds like a cult. Maybe even a Force cult," Navi suggests, shivering at Hal and Caius's words. "And yes, Dalin, I did help him. Not because I want anything to do with what's in it, but because it was too dangerous for him to go in there alone. I trust him, and I didn't want him hurt."

She smiles faintly at the mention of the Dathomiri girl. "Mal. I know Dathomiri favor the Dark Side, but I could feel nothing dark about her. She seemed very sensitive, probably due to her particular gift, and I couldn't help but like her."

She looks around curiously, blinking. "Has anyone seen Cayde? I thought he was right over there..." she says, pointing toward the edge of the stacks.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Indeed," Dalin says, nodding grimly at Hal and Windu. "Perhaps it is a matter worth forgetting," she says nervously, glancing briefly at Navi. "Too many things we cannot explain, and perhaps never will..." she adds meekly.

"Well we cannot know for sure, unless... well, unless you dare look at Azlin's journals. And I do -not- recommend that!" she says. "Sometimes I wondered if he had been possessed, somehow.."

"Ah, I believe she wanted me to tell you to search her out. She might have an idea about these things," she says to Caius, nodding, although upon noticing Volk frowning at mention of the girl, Mal, she adds, "the girl might be a witch but she's an innocent as a nuna chick. I don't think she'd mean harm to anyone. Her sister, though..."

Indeed, Tomi is still where he'd last seen him. He looks mostly the same - but if Cayde looks closer, he might notice his cheeks look a bit more sunken...

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
It should be notable that Caius, who has been thus far unafraid to push forward into these matters, has not suggested reading the journals yet. He seems aware of something he hasn't voiced just yet and instead just stares at the ook with a frown.

Then, after thinking, "At some point we're going to need to know what he knew. It's completely unreasonable to be prepared for danger we can't even identify. Is there another way to circumvent whatever...danger may lay in these pages in order to glean some insight? Or do we already know enough to surmise a way to help Tomi?"

As to Cayde - the padawan isn't out of Caius' mind. His tendency to wander aorund in defiance of staying with his elders and leaders is well known to him and the Jedi Knight saw him wandering off and simply said nothing.

"He went down the aisles, probably in search of his own brand of investigating..." That he's now moved on to Tomi's location is something he's unaware of though.

He just hmms as he hears mention of Mal wanting to speak to them. He looks to Volk as he sees his frown but then glances back to the archivist, "Her sister? Here?"

Pike Windu has posed:
As Dalin speaks of the Journals, Windu glances at Caius, but says nothing. The Master realizes he is not helping the investigation very much and decides his presence would be useful elsewhere.

"Master Volk, I think I will check in on Master Tomi. Please excuse me."

Hal (269) has posed:
Hal nods as Master Windu departs. He looks to the others, "If we have a lead here, we had best follow it. With due caution, of course." The stern knight notes.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde frowns...but, Master Volk and Master Windu had helped him awake at least for a bit. Why didn't he look any better?

    He puts a hand on the man's forehead and closes his eyes, attempting to at least ascertain his current condition first. But surely, there had to be a way...they just hadn't found it yet. And he isn't sure how much good perusing more books, journals, and/or Bogan Collection relics was going to do. The man must have some happy, peaceful memories in his life?

Navi has posed:
"I don't like the thought of reading that journal. But what choice do we have, really? Master Astras is right. It's beyond foolish to walk into this without knowing what's in there. I just hope it's helpful. It didn't sound like that poor guy was quite all there when he wrote that," Navi observes softly, shivering.

"Do you know her sister, Master Astras?" she asks curiously, a little confused by Caius's reaction. "I knew she had family and a home here, but I have never seen either. Is her sister her only family?" Watching Master Windu leave, she waves to him. "Could you send Cayde back here if you see him, please and thank you? It's risky to leave him unattended."

Athena (159) has posed:
Dalin scoffs. "You really are still trying to bend the rules, aren't you?! The best thing would be to just avoid this matter altogether...!"

"He definitely was not all there when he did!" Dalin replies to Navi. "But perhaps Mal could help you. She has a peculiar gifting, in understanding objects. I think you Jedi have a name for it..."

Dalin shakes her head, "Oh no," she says, "not here. They live nearer to central Jedha, near to the Square of the Supplicants." She takes out a small scrap of flimsi and scribbles an address down onto it, then hands it to Caius.

When Pike excuses himself, Volk nods, but his brows furrow.

Cayde will be able to sense a few happy memories - but they're buried, so buried, beneath all the darkness that has filled his mind...

Hal (269) has posed:
"I see," Hal says and looks as the talk of bending the rules further turns Hal's frown to a half-scowl. But he lets it dissipate, "There are things I must tend to, should my services be needed, you know where to find me." With that, the knight departs, his footsteps heavy.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"It's impossible to bend rules we don't know exist." says Caius, testily, "I wasn't aware that simply asking questions or reading words was a bending of the rules."

He accepts the address, nevertheless but seems bothered now. He then frowns and glances over as Pike begins to move off...and then his eyes widen a touch and then narrow as he gives a soft sigh. "What is that padawan doing now?" Shaking his head he turns, "I'll go collect him. I think he's wandered back to Tomi again..."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    There! Of course...everyone had some times of peace in life, even if they were brief. Cayde had been sure of it. Perhaps, if he could just reach past all the darkness, and access those tranquil moments of comfort and solace, he could bring them to the forefront of Tomi's psyche. Maybe it wouldn't fix everything, but maybe it would help at least...

    Now what these happy times? Maybe when he was much younger, before the Battle of Jedha...

Navi has posed:
"May the Force be with you, Master Jedi," Navi ways to Hal's back as the Jedi withdraws to deal with other business. "I'm sorry, Dalin... I meant here as in within the Holy City, not the Temple. Sorry I wasn't clear there. I think all the traveling I've been doing has affected my perspective."

She looks to Caius. "Perhaps we should seek her out. I'd wanted to check on her anyway," she says, then frowns faintly at the grumble regarding Cayde. "I'd better come along. I know he doesn't mean to cause trouble, but it seems to just happen anyway."

Pike Windu has posed:
Windu enters the room where Tomi is being kept. Seeing Cayde standing over the open chamber, the healer stops in his tracks!

Athena (159) has posed:
"He's quite -spicy-, that one," Dalin mutters, watching Caius head off to go look for Cayde after he's taken the address from her. Her and Volk nod their farewell to the Jedi as they take their leave. "I have matters that I must attend to as a member of the Convocation," Volk says. "Be well and may the Force be with you all.."

Indeed, the memories are when he was younger, before the Battle of Jedha, but to access them, he must push past the very dark memory of his brother's death. It looms like an impenetrable barrier ahead of the young padawan - does he dare penetrate it? He could get eternally lost in its abysmal depths...

Indeed, Pike, Navi, and Caius will find Cayde inside the room where Tomi is being kept. He's opened the suspended animation chamber and is dipping his hands in the liquid so that he can touch the Sorcerer's forehead...

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"I think you're right, Navi...." Caius hastens his movements for the infirmary, trying to put some distance between them and Volk as he lowers his voice and says softly, "But I'm concerned about letting her use those abilities on the journal. I myself have such talents and I'm....for as much as I want to get to the bottom of this I don't think I want to test my abilities on the journal without many fail safes in place. I haven't mentioned this to the others yet but when in the vault I was asure I was hearing whispers from the dark side. Something -wants- us to dig further into this matter and we may be approaching a point where we will indeed -have- to tread more carefully. The WItches of Dathomir the Path of the Open Hand... This can't simply be chance. Our good Masters are being overly cautious perhaps but they aren't without wisdom in wanting to be careful...."

And then there's Cayde, going at it alone to try and enter the mind of Tomi when it took both of them -and- Master Volk to get in and out before and barely at that.

"Cayde!" he says, staring wide eyed at the padawan and then also seeing Windu. "We have to pull him out!"

Pike Windu has posed:
Windu comes up next to Cayde. Glancing at Caius, the heal grabs the Padawan 's arm and shakes it. "Cayde!"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    No....there had to be a way to get to them, without going through the darkness. There just had to be. There was always a way around, always a choice. Almost every problem had some exploit, some unconventional way to circumvent it. It was just a matter of finding the right path. The path no one was expecting you to take. Kuv was always so good at that, and he wished his older brother were here now. But he tries to dig into that way of thinking anyhow, hoping it'll bring about some bright idea...

    Even as Master Pike tries to grab him and shake him, the padawan doesn't respond, or even seem aware that someone is shaking him...

Navi has posed:
"Please take care Master Volk, Dalin. May the Force be with you, too," Navi calls over her shoulder as she hurries to follow Caius down to the medical ward, where they are just in time to find both Master Windu and Cayde, the latter with his hands dipped into the fluid inside the opened suspension tank!

"I wonder how often he got told he'd be dust when he was a youngling?" she murmurs, moving to assist the two Masters however she can. "Maybe we should be careful about shaking him out of this? It might do as much harm as good if he's deep into Master Tomi's mind, wouldn't it?" she asks, in a louder, more urgent tone.

Athena (159) has posed:
Unfortunately, Navi's warning to Pike comes too late. Not that it really does anything to Cayde, anyway...

Whatever Cayde decides to do, he'll have to do it quickly. The dark barrier is now not only looming, but it is -advancing-, threatening to engulf Cayde and swallow him whole, trapping him as Tomi is trapped...

Pike Windu has posed:
Windu releases Cayde's arm and leans forward to inspect the chamber's readouts. "Hmm..."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
When Windu's efforts don't seem to bear fruit, Caius dares to intervene in another manner and reaches out with the Force to reach into Cayde's mind but not Tomi's. To Cayde, he attempts a powerful pull with the Force, attempting to grasp hold of the Padawan's attention and forcefully disrupt his link to the sorcerer and bring him back to the here and now. He holds his ground, not reaching forward to shake the Padawan though he certainly would very much like to!

Navi has posed:
Navi moves up on Cayde's other side near Pike, leaning against the edge of the tank and beginning to focus her mind on Cayde's. She's not an experienced telepath, but she's learned a little from hanging around Cayde, and now she tries to put it to good use. Instead of trying to reach him through Master Tomi's mind, an approach whose risks she is well aware of, she tries to contact Cayde's mind directly.

<<Cayde? It's Navi... please tell me you're okay, and not about to get trapped in Master Tomi's mind, like another Jedi almost was? You knew that was a potential risk, right? 'Cause if you didn't, now you do. Unless you've got a foolproof way out, you might want to get out while you still can. Let us know? Preferably now? Anyway, we need to go and see Mal... you know, the sweet Dathomiri girl we met before who tends to get lost in the vibes put off by objects and places. Dalin thinks she can help us with that journal we dug out of the Bogan Collection, and I wanted to check in on her anyway. Will you be much longer? Time might be important...>>

Clearly, being clear and succinct in her mindspeech is still an area she needs to improve on...

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    The darkness is coming...threatening to overwhelm him...he'd better do something.

    But what is darkness, if not simply the absence of light? Having no substance itself, it cannot help but yield when the light shines through. And if this is a mindscape, he ought to have power over it through the Force. Cayde reaches down and ignites his saber, pointing it defiantly at the oncoming darkness and willing it to shine more brilliantly than ever before...

    For light, and life!

    However, just before the darkness can reach him, something suddenly pulls him swiftly away. Something familiar. Yes, two familiar presences. One belonging to Navi, and the other, Caius. In fact, he can hear Navi's voice, asking him a bunch of distracting questions. But before he can try to push her out, he abruptly finds himself back in the infirmary, with Navi, Pike, and Caius. He stares at them, finally taking his hand out of the suspension tank and wiping the fluid off on his robe. Seriously? He'd been on the cusp of...something. Possibly something that might have actually worked. And now, it might not ever work again, because he might not even be able to go back to that exact place. The padawan sighs heavily, annoyed.

Athena (159) has posed:
Upon examining the readouts, Pike will find that while Tomi's brain activity had momentarily spiked when Cayde had been tugged free from the mindscape. Now, however, all the graphs have returned to how they'd looked before.

He'll also find he's received a text transmission from Volk:

|Master Windu, if they go to visit the witches... please accompany them. You know how Caius can be|

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
So Volk thinks he's spicey? He hasn't seen spicey...

As Caius looks at Cayde he is not pleased. He sees the expression on the Padawan's face and is unmoved. On the cusp? On the cusp of being swallowed by the darkness perhaps.

"Cayde...when we arrived and I brought you into this I expressed to you explicitly, not to act without either myself, Anne's, Hal's or Master Volk's involvement. It's one thing for you to wander off to try and research it's naother for you to attempt to enter Tomi's mind on your own when you know well what we found together as a group and had to retreat as a group. You're strong in the force. but not that strong. A padawan you willr emain until you learn to balance acting on instinct with working as a team. I think Anne would agree."

He takes a deep breath and sighs and then says, "As eager as I am to help Tomi I have to walk with some care as well. Master Volk is allowing us some flexiblity here. Let's not ruin that, yes?"

Pike Windu has posed:
When Cayde's hand is clear, Windu closes the chamber and confirms its integrity. Turning to the Padawan, he says, "risky. Tomi seems to be okay. But he could easliy not be. To say nothing about yourself. I agree with Knight Astras," grudgingly. "Listen to him."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde notices Pike looking at the readouts on the monitoring panel, also noticing the activity spike around the time he had been pulled out. Of course, he'll interpret that as proof that his approach had almost worked, and all they'd done was prevent him from executing it.

    Still--the reprimands sting, and he fixes them both with a sad, defeated expression that makes him look even more childish than usual. Staring at the floor, the starts to leave the room.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
Caius could sure use Annelia's help between Windu, Hal and now Cayde. He just shakes his head and frowns, looking outwardly unmoved by Cayde's expression though he just shakes his head and looks away. "YOu don't have -leave-, padawan. Having..a desire to help Tomi is good. That's why we came, correct? You should stay and at least share with us if you discovered anything while you were there?" he prompts, hoping to reinforce -some- good out of this.

He then looks to Windu to explain.

"Cayde has particularly strong gifts of the mind within The Force...but lacks, some discipline and also can be very sensitive to things. I don't know how much Master Volk has told you but it was during a raid on the temple that Cayde was involved in an accident that put Tomi in this state to begin with. Tomi was attempting to break into the vault to steal dark side artifacts. That is why we're so determined to help him. To save his life and also tind out what he was after and who else may be targetting the temple. This is why discovering these dark powers haunting him, the girl from Dathomir, The Journal..The Path of the Open Hand.. it's all seemingly connected to something building."

Navi has posed:
Navi sighs, shaking her head as Cayde starts to leave. "Geez..." she murmurs, hurrying after Cayde. Catching his shoulder, she darts in close and hugs the Padawan tightly. "You can't know how much you scared me," she whispers. "I know you're strong in the Force, but... you're just so /impulsive/. It's not reprimands you need to be afraid of. It's jumping face-first into something way too awful for you to handle. You could've been trapped in Master Tomi's mind forever. You know we don't want to lose you..!"

Are those tears running down her cheeks? It seems Cayde's safety means a lot to her, more than she has admitted.

Pike Windu has posed:
Windu smiles and nods as he watches Navi hug Cayde. Wistfully to Caius: "aye. I was young once too. Well, what now?"

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Hmm.." Caius listens to Windu and watches Cayde and Navi and then answers the Jedi Master, "Well -- I suppose we should go check this address out and see what our new friend has to say."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde had barely made it out into the hallway when he finds himself in Navi's arms suddenly. He doesn't seem surprised by it, although it takes a second before he brings an arm up and pats her gently on the back in return, before quickly withdrawing away from her. [Thank you...but do not worry] he signs to her.

    He glances back toward Caius when asked about what he saw. His gaze goes back over to the readouts on the monitor for a moment, then to Tomi himself, then back to Caius. However, it seems the conversation has already moved on. Besides, he wouldn't know how to explain what he saw anyway...

Navi has posed:
Navi pouts for a moment when Cayde withdraws from her hug, but doesn't try to stop him from doing so. "Easy for you to say... you can find out what I had for dinner a week ago with your mind, and without breaking a sweat. I'm lucky to be able to wave hello with mine."

She nods to Caius as he suggests visiting the Dathomiri sisters Master Volk had referred to as 'the witches'. "Please, let's. I really want to know how Mal is getting along. Though I'm a little worried about her sister... Dalin seemed to think she was kind of scary."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
THe conversation really hasn't. It was an explanation to bring Windu more up to speed but Caius returns his attention to the padawan.

"Cayde, you took a big risk entering Tomi's mind on your own. His readouts spiked when I pulled you out. That could mean literally anything. If you saw something you should try and describe it. Saw or felt. What was it?"

Caius doesn't seem content to allow the padawan to just walk away to potentially sulk or fall into any sort of withdrawn mood. He put himself out there so he needs to explain himself and what he gleaned from it.

He does nod to Navi though. Nothing stops them from walking and talking. "Yes, of course.."

Pike Windu has posed:
Windu says, "Master Volk wants me to tag along with you. But I would prefer to remain here with Master Tomi. Please don't make me regret that decision."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde arches a brow at Navi's argument. It's as if he has some kind of counter or comeback to it, but doesn't quite know how to say it.

    He nods at Caius' request, frowning pensively, but still doesn't know how to describe what he saw.

    When visiting the witch sisters is brought up, he seems hesitant. But...why would they seek out the dark side practitioners? Maybe that was why the Council didn't want anyone to dig too deeply into these matters. However, he trails the group over there anyway.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
Caius had just been starting to warm back up to Master Windu too. Now he just shakes his head and looks squarely at the stern Jedi Master

"Master Windu...I explained the situation with Cayde to bring you up to speed because you're newly arrived to this entire situation. I don't know what Master Volk shared with you but you have to trust us. Between the battle that took place here that started this entire mess to the threat of something we've discovered lurking in the shadows... something is wrong here on Jedha. We'll do nothing that would embaress the order or put anyone in danger. OF that you can be sure."

Navi has posed:
"I... if that's what you want, Master Windu. Master Tomi may need looking after. But what we find out from Mal may be no less important," Navi observes softly, wilting slightly when Master Windu states that he would prefer not to leave Master Tomi. "Whatever you do, please stay in touch with us. The more I see of this situation, the less I like it."

She looks back to Caius and Cayde, arching a brow at the Padawan in return.