A Documented Demonstration

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A Documented Demonstration
Date of Scene: 12 May 2024
Synopsis: Anne discovers an independent filmmaker is making a documentary on the lives of the Jedi. Volken disrupts.
Cast of Characters: 159, Annelia Belask, Cayde Alexis, Volken Mons

Athena (159) has posed:
Today is a fine afternoon, and even finer still for those who would either view the Jedi Temple from the street as a tourist, or those who would call the towering structure home.

The artificial light simulating midday will illuminate a particular event occurring on the steps of the Jedi Temple - a live demonstration of saber training. Several Coruscant citizens and perhaps offworlders as well, have gathered at the bottom of the stairwell, watching with wide eyed wonder as the glowing weapons hum, twirl, and clash.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    For all that she'd be an interesting person to perform one of the demonstrations, Annelia is... amid the crowd. Helping make sure the onlookers understand that this is done with training sabers, no more damaging than bumping into the element of one's stove for an instant. Sometimes for the skeptical she even rolls up a sleeve to show the lingering shadow of the worst burn a training saber ever gave her across her tricep- and it's not all that scary a mark, all told.

    Still, she can't... -quite- keep herself from occasionally explaining good and bad moves on the part of the demonstrators to the particularly interested and analytical, here and there.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde is...here, with Ann. Even though he didn't really -want- to be. His hood is up and casting a shadow over his face as he keeps his gaze lowered, trying not to make eye contact with anyone or draw any attention to himself.

Athena (159) has posed:
The Knight and Padawan sparring in the circle for the crowd are watching one another carefully when all of a sudden, a Theelin man with a large camera on his shoulder steps into the ring.

"Okay, can we hold up a moment?" He says, looking around and holding up a hand. "So, um, that was ... cute. But I think you guys have to ask yourselves, is that really how the Jedi want to rep themselves? Honestly, I'm a little bored and I really think you guys are just... better." He glances down at a datapad he's holding, then scans the Jedi present. "Anyone else a little bit more experienced with whole... " He imitates waving a lightsaber.

Those who had been surrounding Anne suddenly step back, leaving Anne stranded in front of the film eager documentarian, whom Anne will not recognize as anyone who should have been in such close quarters with the Jedi without permission from the Council.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    A pause from Ann in her conversation with some on-looker, and she narrows her eyes at the Theelin as the shpiel unfolds. She sighs slightly, shaking her head.

    "Would -you- mind identifying yourself and your position here? I don't recall any scheduled recordings or partnerships for this. Nor... this," she notes, gesturing around to the conveniently-backed-off crowd with some skepticism on her face.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Oh hey," the Theelin man says with a wide grin, "looks like we have a winner here, eh? You must be Annelia Belask," he continues, and peering into the crowd, looks directly at Cayde. "That's your padawan over there, yeah? Cayde Alexis? Cute kid." He chuckles.

"My name is Genn Theos," he says, "and I think you must have missed the memo. I got permission from your Council a bit ago to do a documentary on the day in the life of a Jedi." He grins wider. "Think you were offworld on Jedha when it happened, so no worries, you're forgiven."

"So, what do you say?" he says, ushering her forward. "Think you can give us a decent light show?"

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Looking for a lightsaber demonstration and 'a day in the life' are rather different things," notes Ann, remaining skeptical. She does pause a moment to look over at Cayde questioningly- with some sort of hidden suggestion in there, surely.

    She's... hard to usher. Built solid and all.

    "Care to share with me this missive, Genn Theos? This is a curious familiarity with our doings for a supposed documentarian with no assigned jedi to follow a day of."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    When Mr. Theos looks at him, Cayde quickly looks away, pretending to have become distracted by something else somewhere in the crowd. Hopefully, his master can keep this guy occupied. Yes, keep talking...nothing to see here...

Athena (159) has posed:
"I mean, I've been here everyday for like, a week and a half already," Theos elaborates. "So you'll just have to pardon the fact that I know my way around here, more than you might expect." He chuckles. "And you're absolutely right. I don't have a specific Jedi to follow around, but you could be my one and only, eh?" He elbows her playfully, then peels off towards Cayde.

"Hey, hey now, no need to be so shy," he reassures the padawan. "Why don't you and your master show us some moves, yeah?" he reaches for Cayde's arm.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann's hand swings down swiftly to catch his reach by the wrist, eyes narrowed.

    "Cayde has had enough problems in recent days, and you brushed off my -actual- request, I notice," she says coolly, looking to Cayde again with eyebrow raised... and then looking at the other knight and padawan duo to see how they're reacting to this.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    When Genn goes to reach for his arm, Cayde quickly recoils away from the man, as if from a monster or some other vermin. But this time he doesn't look away, but fixes him with an expressionless stare. If he won't cooperate with Ann's request, then perhaps he needs a bit of...convincing. He wanted a demonstration after all, didn't he?

Athena (159) has posed:
"Okay, okay, chill. Chill, both of you, alright? You wanna know why I'm here? I think not very many are intimate with who the Jedi really are, and what they do, other than act as the Senate's muscle whenever convenient. So that's why I'm making this documentary. So the public can feel like the Jedi are less of this..." He removes his hand from Anne's grasp, and then gestures dramatically. "Mystical group of magical monks."

"And if you don't believe me, you can ask your Council if I actually do have permission to be here."

The other Knight and Padawan shrug. "He's not wrong," one of them says. "The Council did authorize him to film some of our daily activities." Then they melt into the crowd, indicating that Anne should be the one to field this rather nosy documentarian.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann sighs slowly, shaking her head as the other two take their leave. Ah yes, perfect choice, the jedi who might as well be a soldier without a war.

    "I'm still not pleased with the organization of this, but what are you looking for exactly? This demonstration, and my... skillset, may not be the best of choices to show us as something other than muscle. Or if it's entertainment, there are flashier forms than those I favour," she says, looking at the camera ponderously.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    When the other Jedi confirm that Genn has permission, Cayde just shrugs and looks away again. Shouldn't there be some form of document with signatures or something? Why didn't he have that with him? Oh well, if Ann is satisfied, then he is too.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Perfect!" Geos says, before Anne can even finish her sentence. "That's all I need. Muscle, someone who doesn't usually get the spotlight, and great hair." He then winks at the red headed Jedi.

"Hey! Hey kid," he calls to Cayde. "You gonna help your Master out with this demonstration, or what?"

Meanwhile, the gathering crowd has... expanded. There's at least a hundred or so onlookers now.

"Ooh!!" An amphibious looking female alien with eyes like a snail and lanky arms cries. "Are the Jedi going to make a show of their lightsabers? I'd love that. In fact I came all the way from Takodana to see the Temple, and the acrobatics..."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann lifts a hand, head tilting a little as she considers.

    "A moment ago you said you wanted to show the Jedi as -more- than that. Why the change of intent?" she questions bluntly.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    When Genn asks him if he's going to help with the demonstration, Cayde just glances apprehensively at Ann. He certainly doesn't want to, but if Ann says he has to, then he will...

Athena (159) has posed:
Theos rolls his eyes. "Yeah but we've got to get a little bit of everything, otherwise, no one's gonna watch," he says, glancing at the female amphibious alien briefly with a nod, "Case in point."

Then he sighs and folds his arms. "But if you're just -really- not into the whole flexing your glowing sword dexterity, we could do something a bit more private and intimate," he says with a smirk.

"Could go for a dinner at the noodle shop down the street. You and the kid, my treat."

Volken Mons has posed:
It is rare for a Mandalorian to be seen on Coruscant. Rarer still for one to be seen near the Temple District itself. Impossibly rare when said Mando is a more then eight foot tall gargantuan with a physique to put a hefty Dowutin on high alert. Yes, needless to say, when Volken Mons is in town ..it's hard to miss him or disguise his presence.

So he opts on not bothering to you. It's very much a don't bother him, he won't bother you' sort of situation as he makes his way through the area, headnig back for transport to take him back towards the spaceport nice, quick and easy, and carrying a massive heavy duty case, at least twice the size of a normal humanoid, stradled against him with one massive arm.

To his credit, his helmet is off so unless you're just -that- in the know his exact nature may not be easily identifies but...some people are 'in the know' and give the goliath quick nervous glances as he tromps along, scruffy bearde visage and messy dark hair hanging about his tree trunk of a neck. He pays them no mind though as he nears the gathering crowd he slows and turns to look that way.

"Uh..." says a bystander near him, looking up at the giant and indeed recognizing the armor.

Volken is silent but then finally looks down towards the human and then back away again towards the demonstration.

"....Cosplay for a Senator's kids party." he rumbles impassively.

"Oh. Oh! Makes sense. Looks authentic! Wow, you must really work out!"

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "I have no interest in a 'dinner' as anyone's treat," says Ann, shaking her head- and managing to avert her eyes before she rolls them, at least.

    She goes to say her next piece, but immediately trails off as she opens her mouth, eyes sliding over into the crowd... and above it, honestly.

    "Pin in that- what is -he- doing here?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde also stares over at Volken. He recognizes the giant of a man...but why was he back here on Coruscant again? Mandalorians weren't exactly...welcome here.

    The padawan ignores Genn's suggestion of a treat to dinner as well.

Volken Mons has posed:
"My beloved wife and my cherished firstborn!" bellows Volken after slinging that gargantuan case over his back and tightning the strap to hold tightly to his immense body. This frees his massive arms up and he spreads them wide and begins approaching the film crew and the Jedi Knight and Padawan with a big beaming smile on his broad face.

"Why I thought I'd meet you for dinner and surprise you! What--"

He lowers his arms as if just now processing the shock of her greeting, "What...is this a bad time? Who is this?"

His gaze slowly turns towards the camera man, "...Hmm..." he rumbles, reaching up to rub his bearded jaw. "Now -this- is awkward. My beloved wife, whom I love with more love then love can give---Are you trying to make me jealous and test my devotion again??"

He turns towards Genn in full now, beginning to take slow deliberate steps towards him.

"You know how often I fly into unstoppable rages, my love. What is the meaning of this?"

Athena (159) has posed:
"Aw, come on, don't be such a stick in bantha fodder," Theos replies, "don't you Jedi like to ever go out, at least once in a while?"

But as soon as she points Volken out, Theos swivels his camera over to the hulking Mandalorian, chuckling. It clicks, and all three of them will become acutely aware that it's on, and live. "A -Mandalorian-? Now what would a -Mandalorian- be doing here, on Coruscant of all places?"

He approaches Volken, getting in his personal space. "And he claims he's married to the Jedi? Wow, looks like mister geometrically endangered missed the memo on the space monk aspect of the Order. No attachments, but maybe he's just looking for a one time, one night type of deal. Unfortunately, that's a pick up line I wouldn't recommend anyone using!" He laughs, and knuckles Volken's forearm playfully. "Unstoppable rage, huh? Guess spherically gifted over here skipped out on his anger management classes."

A low ripple of a chuckling murmur washes over the crowd.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Are you... -quite- drunk?" asks Ann of Volken, face rather incredulous as she struggles for something to say.

    "Or just trying to cause chaos as you pass by? How did you even -get- here?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde had been...vaguely aware of the possibility that the camera was live and rolling. But now it's more obvious, and he starts trying to slip away through the crowd as inconspicuously as possible.

Volken Mons has posed:
"Maybe a -little- drunk!" answers Volken. "I'm -working-! I'm here to make the children laugh. Senator's pay for an -authentic- ethno-diverse experience, of course! Birthday parties are an amazing source of income!"

He could be lying. He's -probably- lying. Then again--

"Cause chaos? Me?"

He swivels his attention to Theos as he gets up close and personal. "Ah is this recording?" he rumbles, "Ah....geometrically endangered. Now tha'ts a good one. I'm going to have to remember that."

As Cayde slips away, Volken realizes he's lost sight of him and he raises an arm up and shades his eyes, exagerratedly searching for the padawan, "I think our boy has just run for the worst parts of the Coruscant again, my beloved!""

His free arm, the massive tree girthed limb that it is, suddenly reaches up and his massive hand goes for the camera lense and the entire front of it in Theos grasp.

Should he seize it...he begins squeeze, beginning to apply his full strength to outright attempt to crush and crumple the recording device as the other man is holds it aloft.

Athena (159) has posed:
"H-Hey!!" Theos cries. "That's expensive equipment! Just because you're the only one with a visible equator line doesn't mean you're entitled to doing whatever you want, you horizontal harasser!"

The camera crumples like flimsiplast, and the pieces clatter to the ground as the crowd gasps.

Theos smirks at Annelia rather inconspicuously, then marches straight up to Volken and attempts to pull a hefty clump of hair out of his beard. "I swear, all Mandalorians are is muscle, with a soggy space waffle for a brain."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "... Stop -calling- me that you drink-addled brute, is that helmet restriction your brain somehow?" Ann questions, fully incredulous at this point as she watches the scene unfold. Truly this is too much bullshit for one jedi to handle in the span of some thirty minutes.

    "I would not... do that..." she says to Theos as he starts approaching the mandalorian aggressively.

Volken Mons has posed:
"Alright, alright! I'm sorry! I was just having a little fun at your expense." admits Volken.

"You have to admit, we make a cute couple though. Just imagine it."

She probably doesn't want to.

Indeed, her protests are only egging the giant on like some schoolyard brute tugging at the girls pigtails unaware of the building pressure of her just clocking him a solid one.

Mercifully for Ann, his attention is pulled away by Theos who is walking up on him despite the fact that he one handed crushed a piece of equipment as if it were little more then a piece of tissue.

"Sorry chum. I don't know my own strength!"

He then inclines his head as he takes in the rest of the insults and Anne would see the -faintest- hint of a geniune frown there. It's easy to -pretend- to someone pretending to be a Mandalorian when you are one but when you actually -are- a Mandalorian, certain trigger points make that a harder facade to maintain. Questioning the integrity or actual threat of the warrior race would be one of them.

Actual physical assault? Well Volken only crushed the camera. Now--

"Hun. Okay." he rumbles before lunging a hand out as the man reaches up to tug at his beard. He attempts to swamp his meaty digits, dirty fingers and all, over the entire face and head of the man like palming a childs ball and then begins to lift while starting to squeeze. Not enough to fully crack skull but to immediately send danger senses flying and probably need a Jedi's intervention.

"Say that again, chum? I can't -hear- you?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde was about to get out of earshot when Volken -picks up- the guy like some kind of toy. He sighs...did he really have to start doing that now? The padawan stops and turns, attempting to enter the large man's mind and command him to -gently- release Mr. Theos and set him down.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Hgggk..." Theos struggles violently against Volkens grasp, but to no avail.

"Oh no!!" the amphibious female from earlier cries. "Master Jedi," she pleads to Anne, "You've got to do something..."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Alright, this has escalated quite enough," says Ann, striding forward herself now as the pair start grappling in earnest.

    "I'm going to have to ask -you- to put the cameraman down, and ask the cameraman to go into the temple to discuss these hurdles in the apparent task set before him with an official..."

Shehe refocuses entirely on Volken then. "Why is it that each time we've met it has been a borderline disaster? And why do you keep returning to Coruscant?"

Volken Mons has posed:
"Hmm.. looks like -you're busy playing us or fools eh? Anything for good footage. You think I don't see that cam droid?" rumbles Volken's deep voice, menacing now into the ear of the struggling Theos. "You know, us Mando's got a pretty bad reputation but...I"ve been told I'm the worst of the lot. What say I crush your skull like an egg right here on camera. Anything for the arts right......"

He pauses as he hears Ann and then looks at her and then flicker his gaze, quite deliberately so, towards the temple, to alert her to the presence of the droid.

IF he was always planning on putting the guy down may have been a mystery but something then urges him to relax and it's not just Ann's calm warning and request. Volken frowns mildly, looking distracted and then lowers the camera man and frees him.

He then reaches up and pinches his nose and frowns slightly. "Hey what the... Boy, is that you? I told you, stay out of my head!"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde quickly withdraws once Volken puts Genn down, then turns away again and starts hurrying away.

Athena (159) has posed:
But Theos just won't stop running his mouth. "You mean .. the dumbest?" he says, arching a brow at Volken. "You know the Mandalorians are basically a bunch of glorified and territorial animals whose primary means of communication is senseless violence."

He seems totally unbothered by the fact that he'd almost gotten his skull crushed. He gets up and dusts himself off, then starts heading for the inside of the Temple. "Anyway, thanks. You were an exciting addition to my documentary. See you around, yeah? Could be cute and fun, seeing you get ground pounded by some Jedi." He calls back to Volken with a smirk and wink.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    A quiet moment from Ann as she watches the documentarian leave and Volken settle down... a little, and just for a second.

    She has but one thing to say once Theos is out of earshot- this time to the other Knight who disappeared into the crowd.

    "Arkmer? Could you do me a favour and speak to one of the Masters about having that reporter's contract cancelled. Seems they'll be more trouble than help."

Volken Mons has posed:
-Now- Volken is mad and part of his fury is reserved for Cayde.

"Your little sorcerers apprentice just made me look bad." he says, glowering at Ann now, "That fool deserved to learn the hard way about keeping his mouth under warps but that boys interference has now caused me to have to escalate matters. I hold him responsible for anything that happens next."

He reachs down to collect pieces of the shattered camera, "Looks like it's time for me to visit home and ask about ways of keeping you sorcerers out of my head."

Ann's comment about having the reporters vontract cancelled seems to mollify him just a little.

"That's a start. I'll take it from here..."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Great...one problem solved and another created. Cayde hesitates a moment, considering attempting to calm him down. But that'd probably just make things worse...

Athena (159) has posed:
Arkmer's brow furrows. "I'll see if we can bring it before the Council but..." He steps closer to Ann, and says in a hushed tone. "He's a close friend of the Chancellor's. And with how things have been going with the Chancellor's Office lately..."

He shakes his head. "The Council isn't exactly that far away from a rock and a hard place, Ann. They're in talks with the Republic right now, to renew their funding to Valkeri Enterprises for the maintenance and creation of ... well, all our ships and vehicles." He sighs, then shrugs. "We'll just see what they have to say." Then he bows politely to Ann in farewell, and turns to go back into the Temple.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann looks Volken up and down, brow raised as she considers his grumbling.

    "Well, Volken, I will ask you not to cause further trouble on Coruscant, at the very least," she notes, eyes narrowed a little.

    And then, as she turns to find and retrieve her padawan and make her way inside, she can't help but add; "But if you want to keep your wits about you, you're not a toydarian, so it's really just a matter of... willpower."

    A faint, affected smile with that over her shoulder as she goes to make her way inside.

    "Speaking of the chancellor, we should talk about -that- too," she adds to Arkmer on the way inside.

Volken Mons has posed:
"In case you've forgotten, we Mandalorians made an entire way of fighting and defense based around dealing with your sorcerer tricks, "'my love'...!" yells Volken as Ann walks away tough at the end that smarmy grim is back on his face, "I'll -find- something, don't you worry!"

What he overhears about the politics involved with this reporter and the order and The Chancellor just makes him roll his eyes. He sets his case down and then unlocks it...revealing his twin person sized repeator cannons briefly as he opens it up and then tosses the broken camera pieces into it.

"Good thing I'm a violent, barbaric Mandalorian. Means I don't gotta worry about that sort of stuff and can just go right to the problem.." he says cheerfully to himself before sealing the case back up and then reshouldering it to prepare to depart.