An Honest Conversation with the Doc

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An Honest Conversation with the Doc
Date of Scene: 29 June 2024
Synopsis: Navi and the Jedi attempt to interrogate Dr. Cassias about the falsified toxicology report he'd created.
Cast of Characters: 159, Annelia Belask, Cayde Alexis, Pike Windu, Navi

Athena (159) has posed:
It's a bright and sunny afternoon at the executive tower in the Federal district, with the midday crowd gathering at the intersection just in front of the grandiose building. Well dressed beings in flowing robes or tightly fitting colored shimmersilk suits walk to and fro, with purpose and confidence as luxury vessels and transports are redirected to the lofty hangar strictly across the street.

But when a luxury silver liner of clearly Nakadian design pulls up, a flurry of reporters and journalists with their CAM droids flock to it. Moments later, Senator Burkenn and his step daughter and aide, Gianka, step out of the liner. The elder human Senator then does his best to wave away the paparazzi as he goes inside the executive building, Gianka in tow...

Ordinarily, at a time like this, Cayde would have been cooped up in the Temple with Anne, conducting tours, but today, the Council had given both of them permission to leave the Temple in order to further investigate anyone and anything involving the newly promoted Vice Treasurer, Emissarius Vlaven.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Well, the presence of some of the suspicious persons might read as a problem to some... but to Ann it reads as an opportunity. One of those battlefield tactic things, she alludes to at some point.

    As the paparazzi and such are focused on the senator, and he in kind is focused on them, Ann takes the opportunity to cross the intersection and make for the building with minimal bother.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Ann had mentioned to Cayde earlier the importance of having some kind of specific goal or direction to point himself toward...and the idea that the Order does have spies had come up as something that his gifts might be useful toward.

    The young padawan follows his master across the street, not dressed in his robes this time but in outfits similar to those worn by office aides and other staff around his age who might be expected to be about the executive building. If they wanted to find anything useful, it was best done without Vlaven realizing anyone was onto him.

Pike Windu has posed:
    Pike Windu tries to be furtive as follows Annelia and Cayde on their mission. He is holding far enough back to be just another "brown robe" while attempting to hold contact with them via the Force.

Navi has posed:
Navi had been forced to look through half the secondhand stores in the district to find a disguise of her own. She'd finally managed to find a sky-blue uniform-like jacket trimmed in gold piping and epaulettes, and a matching pillbox hat. A perfectly matching uniform-like pair of trousers proved impossible to find, but a miniskirt in the same shade of blue seemed a good match, and a pair of white high-heeled ankle boots and noncorrective plasspecs completes her look, allowing her to pass as a clerical worker or other assistant-type.

She keeps relatively close to her three companions, though a bit closer to Cayde, as they make their entrance. She resists the urge to chatter as they move to enter the building, recognizing a nervous habit and clamping down on it. One hand absently pats at her blonde bun, to ensure it hasn't escaped its clasps, and that her pillbox hat is still securely clipped to her coiffure.

Athena (159) has posed:
Thankfully, with all the paparazzi buzzing and clamoring, no one notices Anne, Cayde, Navi or Pike as they approach the executive building.

Burkenn and Gianka head directly into the lobby, then make a beeline for the elevator, as a line quickly begins to form behind them. Moments later, the Vice Treasurer, Vlaven hurries to join Gianka and her father, reaching for the former's hand with a warm smile.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann nods to the others as the group enters the lobby, and pauses a moment before shrugging and entering the line behind the senator a fair few people back, enough to fade into the crowd most likely. No sense not seeing where they keep office and checking around the nearby portions of the building.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde follows Ann inside as she gets into the line a few people back from the senator. He tries looking for a directory. Maybe the office location would be publicly available...if it is, there was no need to go digging in their heads as he is usually accustomed to doing.

Pike Windu has posed:
    Windu manages to stay with the younger Jedi. Inside the crowded building, he pulls up his hood to hide his profile.

Navi has posed:
Navi finds a spot behind Annelia, close enough to see the Senator, Gianka, and Vlaven, grateful that she'd gotten her plasspecs tinted yellow to make her eyes appear green, instead of blue. Of course, that makes most things appear yellower than usual, but she's confident she can deal with that. Between them, her bunned hair, and her unfamiliar outfit, she hopes Vlaven won't recognize her, especially after she'd told him and the creepy holojournalist they were out of bounds mere days ago.

Athena (159) has posed:
Thankfully for Navi, Vlaven hasn't noticed her and her friends, and is now entering the lift with the other two.

There's not an office directory anywhere in the lobby, but later, once they are inside, the small investigative crew will be able to see that there's one in the lift.

Listed on the directory is Burkenn's office, the lobby for the Treasury, and of course, the Chancellor's office.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann glances at the other three- with Vlaven and Gianka having just entered, she drags a finger across the treasury as if to cross it out, and taps at Burkenn's office as a silent suggestion.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Upon finding the directory in the elevator, Cayde scrolls through it looking for the room numbers. Ah, there they are. Maybe Burkenn's office first. But then also maybe they should split up, because maybe that would be less conspicuous.

    <Should we divide> he asks, projecting to Ann.

Pike Windu has posed:
    In an effort to further hide his face, Windu bows his head. The Jedi Master glances in Navi's direction.

Navi has posed:
Navi focuses most of her attention on the Senator, Vlaven, and Gianka. Though she does keep half an eye on her companions, too, and thus notices Ann dragging her finger across the treasury lobby on the chart and tapping Senator Burkenn's office. She gives the young Knight a firm little nod.

Looking back to Master Windu, she arcs a questioning eyebrow at his glance, edging closer to him if she can. Just in case he needs to say something to her.

Athena (159) has posed:
The elevator won't exactly be a fun place for any of them - it's crowded, there are way too many people in here and some of them are wearing perfume that's too strong.

Cayde might have taken care to disguise himself by not wearing his robes, but he'd not taken care to tuck away his braid, and what appears to be a Senator's child points at Cayde's braid and asks why his hair is like that.

Thankfully, Cayde will be saved by the bell - the lift chimes, and the doors open. Coincidentally, the first floor the lift is stopping at is the same one where Burkenn's office is.

The three of them can be seen in the lobby, chatting and politicking with two other senators.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann takes a hard right upon exiting the lift, looking to loop around the chatting trio so the quartet can avoid notice, find some quieter offices labelled as related to the Senator's purposes and do a little looking around or asking questions.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde didn't even notice the child asking about his hair. There were too many people crammed into this tight spot, and some of them are touching him. The resulting cacophony is just impossible to make any sense of. He rubs his forehead as a sharp headache begins to come on, that is until the elevator chimes and the doors finally open, reducing the number of people in the cramped space.

    Ann doesn't answer his question so he just exits the elevator and starts heading for Burkenn's office, trying his best to look like he works here or something.

Navi has posed:
"I don't know, sweetie. Maybe he wants to be a Jedi or a monk?" Navi replies, stooping a little to bring her closer to the little girl's eye level. "Or maybe it's something he saw on a holofilm somewhere. Have a good day!" she adds gently as the doors open and everyone exits. Following her friends, she takes a wide detour around the political trio, glancing at them briefly before trailing the others toward the Senator's office.

Athena (159) has posed:
Gianka briefly looks up when Navi skirts around the three of them, but doesn't recognize her, and goes back to talking to the two senators.

But As Anne is doing some looking around, she'll immediately notice a somewhat familiar face heading for Burkenn's office. It's Dr. Cassias, from Cassias Enterprises, uncle to Gianka and had been one of the major sponsors of the Serenity Gala, despite it ending up being a total flop.

He enters quietly and discreetly, leaving a thin datapad on Gianka's desk.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Well there's a potentially dangerous face...

    Ann grabs Cayde's shoulder, guiding him off to the side and out of sight while waiting for the doctor to leave.

    "Okay, we'll need to see what's going on there... but I don't want to risk another weird moment with that man. Surely would recognize us. Splitting... we can do it once we're more sure we're in the clear."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde notices Dr. Cassias heading inside, then Ann pulls him off to the side. Well, he was going to wait anyway....

    But then, what why else would he be wearing this? It was the middle of the day, there were other staff about. As long as he doesn't look too hard...

    The padawan wanders in after a few minutes, trying to look like he's in a hurry or busy doing some important work, or something...

Pike Windu has posed:
    Pike Windu exits the elevator. As his fellows scurry out of sight, the Jedi Master lowers his hood and stands tall, as though he belongs.

    "Is there a receptionist here? I would like to make an appointment."

Navi has posed:
Navi moves to follow Cayde into the office, trying to walk like someone with someplace to be that happens to be this office. As she enters, she glances down the corridor and notices someone looking in their direction.

"I'm not sure this is the right office," she says hastily to Cayde, blushing faintly. "I don't recall Senator Durkheinn having any appointments today." 'Play along,' she mouths at the Padawan, turning her head slightly so the doctor can't see it. Hopefully.

Athena (159) has posed:
Unfortunately, when Cayde wanders into the office, he'll find that the office is actually devoid of any other staff, and the doctor is the only other person in there at the moment. Dr. Cassias will immediately notice Navi and Cayde. His brows furrow deeply. "What are you doing here?" he asks, suspicious. He frowns at Navi. "This is Senator Burkenn's office... did you -follow- me in here?"

When Pike exits the elevator and immediately asks for a receptionist, Gianka quickly excuses herself from the conversation she'd been in and makes her way towards the Jedi healer. "Master ... Windu, correct? It's good to see you again. Thank you once again for attending the gala. I hope you don't mind if we have a private word? We can talk in my father's office."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann goes chasing after the younger ones fairly immediately, exhaling as though quite long-suffering as she steps into the doorway in the midst of Cassias' questions. She shakes her head a little.

    "Apologies, Doctor. There are... some items of our concern and we happened to cross paths. Call it fortune or will of the force, but we had no thought as to whether you would be in this office, let alone believing you would be. Just some... oddities around inter-organizational relations we were looking to check up on."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde had assumed there would be other staff in here doing whatever work they usually do. But it seems he jumped to conclusions too quickly, and now it was too late as the doctor immediately recognizes him. However, he doesn't really know what to do, so he just stands there, staring blankly at something on Gianka's desk. Thankfully, Ann comes to the rescue to hopefully distract Dr. Cassias.

Pike Windu has posed:
    Windu glances around to see the others. Failing, he bows to Gianka. "A pleasure to see you again. Of course, I am at your service. And your father's."

Navi has posed:
"No, sir," Navi replies, clasping her hands behind her back and standing primly. "I followed my companion in here," she begins, only to quiet herself as Ann hurries in and speaks to the doctor. "I'm truly sorry for any trouble or misunderstanding, Doctor," she adds, taking off her plasspecs to reveal her real eye color. "No harm or ill will was meant to anyone."

Athena (159) has posed:
The doctor's eyes narrow when Ann addresses him, and Navi starts making excuses. Neither of them will need the Force to realize that he doesn't believe them, at all. "And why would you think these items of concern would have anything to do with Senator Burkenn?" he asks, quickly picking up the datapad and putting it inside his vest. "If you were wanting to check up on inter-organizational affairs, you should be on the first floor, at the Ambassadorial Office for Businesses and Non Profits."

"Oh, perfect. I'm sorry if this a bad time, but ..." Gianka glances back at her father and the other senators, and quickly hurries down the hallway, waiting to be out of earshot before continuing with, "I'd like your opinion on something," Gianka says quietly.

She then enters the office, just as Anne has started talking to Dr. Cassias. "Oh!" Gianka says, looking around at everyone who seems to have spontaneously invaded her father's office. "...did you all need something? We can discuss later, but I'd like to have a private audience with Master Windu and the doctor, please."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde doesn't seem to be paying mind to any of the conversations occurring at the moment, not even when Gianka and Master Pike enter. Instead, he immediately goes to sit at Gianka's desk and starts rifling through everything as well as trying to access her workstation, just as if he's her assistant or something and he was supposed to be doing it.

    ....What? That's what he'd read in the books, about how to do undercover things and not look suspicious.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    'Great, this is exactly what I wanted...' Ann mutters under her breath, head shaking and finger and thumb going to her temples.

    "Would be nice to have something go normally..." Anyways, sure, chat with the doctor and let me get these two out of everyone's hair for a few minutes. Doctor, I understand your disbelief but I'd be happy to explain in more depth another time. Perhaps from a more comfortable, comms-based distance?"

    With that she unceremoniously puts one hand on Cayde's shoulder, the other on Navi's, and starts steering the two out of the room.

Pike Windu has posed:
    "Er..." Pike is at a loss for words. When Ann corrals Cayde and Navi, he shakes his head before quickly changing the subject.

    "Miss, how can I be of service?"

Navi has posed:
Navi winces as Ann grabs her shoulder and commences steering. "You could just tell me to leave, you know," she protests softly, but doesn't resist the steering. "And please don't tear my outfit? It was hard to get."

Athena (159) has posed:
But when Cayde starts rifling through Gianka's belongings, the girl's eyes widen and she rushes over to him, trying to push him away from her desk. "H-hey!" she cries. "That's private, you--!" And then Anne herds Cayde and Navi away, and she breathes a sigh of relief.

But in the minute or two that he'd had looking through her things, Cayde will have seen a text transmission from her to Dr. Cassias regarding the toxicology report for Mr. Seegil. But why would she care about seeing that, and did she even have Seegil's permission to see it...?

Gianka waits until Navi, Cayde, and Anne are out of the office to address Pike frankly. "Master Windu, I'd like for you to have to a look at the toxicology report Dr. Cassias has on Mr. Seegil. I just want to make sure--"

The doctor frowns. "You can't involve him," he suddenly says sharply, "that's a double breach of privacy, and I did not agree to--" But before the doctor can further protest, Gianka suddenly reaches forward and snatches the datapad out of the doctor's vest.


"You're terrible at keeping promises, you know," she says, her expression twisted into an irritated moue. She then hands the datapad to Windu to look at.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Why... in the name... of -every force user in the galaxy-... did you walk in there when someone you knew was inside? Who has reason to be wary of you? Disguises only go so far, Cayde. And then poking at things in full view of the office's occupant?" Ann questions frankly, eyes flickering over to Navi.

    "And I'm sorry for grabbing you too, but if she wants something from Master Windu, then that's probably the best 'in' we get out of that situation.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde actually doesn't think much of that message. After all, Gianka had been the one to hire Mr. Seegil presumably, since she had been in charge of the event. But there was something else....a frame on her desk with an image of a woman who looks just like his mother. Just as he remembered her from Kuv's memories and even from some of his own very early ones.

    Ann will have to do more than just steer him out, she will have to literally drag him like a dead weight. And even as she starts scolding him, he doesn't respond, as he is trying to 'listen in' on the conversation in the office by entering Gianka's mind. Plus...did she really know his mother?

Navi has posed:
"It's fine, Ann. I understand. It was probably a good idea to get The Master Spy there outside before he dug us into an even deeper pit," Navi murmurs, rubbing her partly sore shoulder and wondering if Ann's claw left permanent indentations in her skin. "If we ever try sparring, remind me never to try to disarm you... it's a wonder you don't crush your own lightsaber."

Pike Windu has posed:
    Windu scans the report and frowns. "Where did this come from? I was there when the musician was drugged. Heavily. If it was recreational, it would take a lot to effect him in so short a time. He wasn't using during the Gala. So he must have been drugged with something strong enough to take effect immediately."

Athena (159) has posed:
He'll be able to tell that yes, indeed, she had known his mother, but not for very long and it had been a long time ago...

But the most notable thing he'll glean is that what she and Dr Cassias are doing is very much illegal, and a breach of Mr. Seegil's privacy. Seegil had not consented to having his toxicology report revealed to her, or anyone, but she'd twisted Dr. Cassias arm and he'd finally relented and agreed to let her see it. She's curious because Seegil had told her that the drug used on him had not been recreational, and she'd wanted to be certain that the incident at the gala had been a freak incident, no more.

For whatever reason, Pike's analysis of the report seems to upset the doctor greatly. He reaches over to pluck the report out of Windu's hands, brows furrowing deeply. "You Jedi have such a penchant for making everything your business, don't you," he says gruffly, "even personal matters that very strictly -shouldn't- be," he says, an angry storm brewing behind his hazel eyes.

Gianka stares at the doctor, incredulous. "You... you lied to me..." she says, suddenly distraught. "How could you--" She then flings a hand backwards, and attempts to slap the doctor across the face, but he grabs her wrist, and forces her sit down on the nearby duvet. "You don't know what's good for you," he thunders, loud enough for even Cayde, Anne, and Navi to hear. Then he turns to Pike. "Get out," he growls to the elder Jedi.

He then storms out of the office, fists clenched.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann sighs slowly, shaking her head. "Lightsabers are made of metal, it's fine, I reinforce mine at that. Apparently what I -should- be doing though is putting in for a posting in the outer rim."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde frowns, now steeped in Gianka's consciousness since no one has slapped him or anything. He's never seen anyone treat a Master Jedi with such disrespect. The padawan blinks when Dr. Cassias storms out of the office, the man's emotions a roiling storm. So much so, in fact, that he stumbles forward and into the doctor as he's making his way out. When the two of them touch, images of a familiar face from a time long past flash through both of their minds...a simpler, and happier time for Soren....

Pike Windu has posed:
    Pike is taken aback by the doctor's hostility. Expecting the confrontation to escalate, he reaches towards his belt when the doctor suddenly exits. Instead of his weapon, he grabs his comlink.

    "Annelia, if you can hear me, intercept the man who was in the office with us. I want him for questioning."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Then a moment after Ann is distracted by her comm for a second, and she sighs. She takes advantage of Cayde falling into the doctor to step in and steady the padawan while simultaneously taking hold of the doctor's arm.

    "Well this is a bit counter to what I said before, but sorry sir, orders from one of the Masters."

    She's... not letting go of the man, that's for sure. Not hurting him mind, but... the intention is fairly clear.

Navi has posed:
Navi hurries to catch Cayde, worried that he'll fall after bouncing off of the doctor. Ann beats her to it, but she is quick to grab the doctor's other arm. "I'm sorry about this, Doctor. Please cooperate. I'm sure this will all be worked out in a few moments... whatever 'this' is."

Athena (159) has posed:
But when Annelia grabs his arm, he twists, somehow just barely managing to shake her off and shove both her and Cayde back. He immediately then steps back, putting a significant amount of space between the two of them.

"Stop!" he cries. "Stop playing -god-!" he says with such emotion, that Annelia might anticipate the man shedding a tear or two. "Stop trying to dictate how and when to fix me, and everyone and everything in this galaxy when you don't know a damned thing about how that problem even came about! Your Order is -not- the pinnacle of righteousness, or the law by which all people and things in the universe must abide by. You can pretend all you want, but the truth of the matter is that you don't even know whether you've hurt more people, or helped more people, in the process of trying achieve the 'greater good.'" He pauses, staring at Anne. "You... you're just a girl. You're too young to know how to help someone like him," He says, glancing briefly at Cayde. He then attempt to flick Navi away as well. "I.. I have to go."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Okay, patience officially run out. My padawan has been accused of horrid things, kidnapped, and more, and I've been thrown into more situations than I care to enumerate to try to avoid a political scandal or the death or expulsion of this teenager here. So please, -believe- me doctor when I say I don't give a bantha's rear end how much you might hate the Jedi. Not a one of us worth their salt believe we're as perfect as you claim we think we are. Just trying to do what's right, same as you. Now to be clear. I don't care one whit about 'fixing you' or whatever you're nattering on about. Not my business, not my problem, just like you said. We have questions. That's all. If you want to make more of it? That's on you. I'm not blind to the fact that there's talk of a poisoning and Gianka there just asked two medical professionals to speak with her. I -wonder just how that might relate to us-, given recent events."

    Apparently there is -not- peace, today, for this particular Jedi.

    "Though there are now a few -more- questions about what you apparently know about Cayde here."

Navi has posed:
"What about /me/, Doctor? I'm all of thirty-two standard years old," Navi replies, not letting go. She doesn't bother to mention that that's about eighteen in Sephi years...

"No one's playing at being a god here. We have questions about some things that have been happening lately, and just maybe you can answer some of them. If you're not guilty of anything illegal or wrong, you have nothing to worry about. We're not going to hurt you, and we're certainly not going to do anything worse to you. Please cooperate, and this will all be over sooner than you think."

Pike Windu has posed:
    Back in the office, Pike takes a packet from a pouch on his belt and breaks an internal seal. "Here, press this against your wrist. The chemical reaction produces a cooling effect that will dull any pain. And explain to me what in blazes is going on."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde barely manages not to hit the floor. Thankfully, Ann catches up and steadies on his feet. He stares at Soren as the doctor starts raving on about a bunch of things he has no idea about. Wait, why were Navi an Ann grabbing his arms? [....I am sorry doctor] he signs, suddenly looking sad.

    Then he remembers something and he abruptly starts heading back into the office, looking for Gianka.

Athena (159) has posed:
"See, that's the problem," he continues. "Whose fault is that? How did these messes end up getting created in the first place? Your Council might pretend to be benevolent, but they're not really helping you help your padawan. Let me guess, he was handed to you and then you were expected to mentor him with little to no guidance on how. Then, sooner rather than later, he's involved in a scandal regarding the Chancellor, and everyone's pointing fingers at you."

He gives Navi a pointed look. "Listen. I -can't-. And the more you press into this, the sooner someone is going to end up dead." He attempts to leave again. "If you want to grill someone, find Sanzo Laa. He has the power to cover up his tracks. I don't."

Gianka, by now, is tearfully wiping her eyes. She takes the packet and presses it to her wrist, even though she doesn't really need it. "Thank you," she says. "I just...Dr. Cassias told me that the drug was recreational. Either he'd been using, or one of the catering company's employees was and there was cross contamination. But then Mr. Seegil said that wasn't the case..."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann rolls her eyes. "Sanzo Laa. Okay. Be on your merry way then. But you might want to stop thinking we're infallible-but-cruel and look at the Order as an organization of -people- with their own limits of resources and bevy of problems to deal with. Or keep villifying us to feel better, for all I care. Doubt it's going to do you any good solving your own problems though."

    And then Cayde's running off again, and Ann is pinching the bridge of her nose.

Navi has posed:
"If that's what you want, Doctor. But we could have helped you," Navi adds. "By the way, where can we find this Sanzo Laa? Since you don't want to talk to us, I'd prefer to know where to find someone who will."

She looks back at the office door as Cayde rushes back that way, rolling her eyes before glancing at Ann, not missing that pinching of her nose. "I quite agree," she says softly.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde finds Gianka once again recovering from a bout of crying. He approaches her and pats her on the shoulder consolingly, attempting to project some soothing feelings into her to ease her distress.

Pike Windu has posed:
    Pike isn 't getting the answers he wants. He sighs and then pats Gianka. "NNevermind. I'll get answers from the man himself."

     "Cayde? What 's going on out there? I may need you to poke around this man's mind."

Athena (159) has posed:
The doctor's eyes narrow at Anne. "How is it that you don't know?" he says. "Surely, you must be aware of the fact that your padawan has tried on multiple occasions to track me down of his own volition, claiming 'I'm troubled,' and citing no other context for his attempts to ... cure me of only Light knows what."

"I don't want your help," he says sharply, "I can manage on my own, and thus far, you've only made things worse. Now, if you don't mind, I have to go. Sanzo Laa is not a difficult man to find. The Chancellor's Office is on the directory, naturally."

Gianka looks up when Cayde pats her on the shoulder and attempts to soothe her. "Oh..." she says softly, "but what were you doing rifling through my things earlier?" she says, suddenly growing emotional again. "I'm sorry I can't be of more help," she says to Pike, "but I can't think of why Dr. Cassias would create a hoax toxicology report on Mr. Seegil. He's never lied to me before, not like this..."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "-Cayde- is troubled, that's what I'm trying to fix. Of course I know what he gets up to, I was -there for one of those incidents-. I do apologize for problems that may have been caused and all, but understand that I mean it with all sincerity that I would be all too content that we never see the front nor back of one another again."

    With that Ann turns on her heel and makes for the office. Will deal with Cayde's further attempts later, perhaps.

    "Alright, somebody tell me there's better news in here, the doctor's not going to be useful on -any- level beyond telling us one name to go talk to."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde sighs when Pike tells him he might need to dig through the doctor's mind. <I tried...he is very resistant> he projects directly to the older master.

    When Gianka asks him about just now, he doesn't really answer her question but he picks up the frame with the familiar picture and points at it, showing it to her.

Navi has posed:
Navi releases the doctor's arm. "Somehow I doubt Cayde was trying to find you and 'fix' you, whatever that may mean. But if you /do/ need help, I hope you find it somewhere. Be safe, and please be nice to the Senator and his stepdaughter. They're good people," she says, before following Ann back to the office.

"I have the feeling the doctor needed more hugs at some time in his life, and now it's too late," she observes softly, closing the office door behind her. "But he doesn't want to help... swears he'll be in danger for it. He suggested we seek out the Chancellor instead. Also, he accused Cayde of trying to track him down and 'fix' him, whatever that may mean. I've got no idea whatsoever what he's talking about, and I doubt Cayde does, either."

Pike Windu has posed:
    Now Pike is getting irritated. "Resistant? To you? Well, he doesn't know that. He's a doctor. He should know that a deep scan can be uncomfortable. And want to avoid it. Why is your master taking so long?"

Athena (159) has posed:
Gianka glances at the photo, smiling briefly. "That's the doctor's wife," she says softly, "and my aunt." Her gaze becomes distant for a moment, but looks up when Anne walks in and announces that the doctor isn't going to be useful.

She frowns when Navi reports that doctor had said that he'd be in danger if he told them anything. "... what? I -- that's so unusual," she says. "No, that doesn't make sense," she says, "He's not the kind to be concerned for his own safety. He would be much more likely to be concerned about someone he cares about." She frowns when Pike starts saying something about a deep scan being uncomfortable. "Someone must have drugged Mr. Seegil on purpose. We have some political enemies, perhaps we should start with those. The Senator from Corellia. He doesn't like my father, and openly stated that he'd be voting against our anti-spice ban. Perhaps he's one to start with."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Oh...Cayde glances back at the photo. Perhaps that was why...

    He puts the frame back, glancing at Navi when she mentions the doctor's claim that the young Jedi kept trying to track him own and 'fix' him. Actually, he does have an idea, but he doesn't bring it up.

    The teen nods at Gianka. [He said someone will be killed] Maybe it was someone he cared about...

Pike Windu has posed:
    Pike nods to Annelia and Cayde. "We'll get nothing more from him? So be it. I would appreciate if you both pulled together what we know about the Senator's enemies so that we can investigate further. And now I must be alone with my thoughts. May the Force be with you all."

Navi has posed:
"I'm sorry Miss Gianka... I misremembered his words. He said /someone/ may get killed if we keep investigating. I begin to think he's worried it will be you," Navi says, blushing faintly. "He also accused the Jedi Order of 'playing god'. For what it's worth, the musician was never paid, and someone tried to murder him for some reason. A Clawdite. The police have her now."

Athena (159) has posed:
"... me?" Gianka says softly and disbelievingly, "But that's ridiculous, I'm not in any kind of danger, I would know if I was..." She shakes her head.

"I... don't mean to be rude, but I think I need to be alone with my thoughts, I'm sure you all have plenty of leads to follow up on now." she says. Getting up, she glances over at Cayde. "I'll see you again at some point, I'm sure," she says, before getting up and retiring to a small library adjoining Burkenn's office.

Navi has posed:
"Miss Gianka? I don't want to add to your troubles, but another Clawdite was able to sneak into the Jedi Temple after the first day's tours before he was caught and killed himself with a suicide drug. Given how rare Clawdites are off of their homeworld, I don't believe it's a coincidence that the musician was almost murdered by another Clawdite," Navi adds gently. "You and your stepfather should take extra care for your safety, just in case."

She looks back to her friends with a weary sigh. "I guess we can go now. We've done enough damage for one morning."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde arches a brow at Navi, then glances around the room. Damage? He didn't see any damage. Wait...he hadn't inadvertantly broken anything had he? He didn't remember...

    Suddenly, he gets up and heads back out of the office again, to see if there actually was any outside in the hallway, since there didn't seem to be any inside.