The Treasurer's Office

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The Treasurer's Office
Date of Scene: 30 July 2024
Synopsis: Heydan and Cayde sneak into the Treasurer's Office at the Republic Executive building.
Cast of Characters: Heydan Seegil, 159, Cayde Alexis

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil waits patiently by the terminal at his desk for his script to finish running which would encrypt his connection and route to through a bunch of small shops all over Coruscant before heading off world and back. If anyone was going to track his connection it would at least take work. The glow of the terminal flickered between colors as it loaded filling his tiny one room apartment in the lowest livable part of Coruscant. There wasn't much to it. Just a bed, a toilet, a shower, and a desk built into the wall which he could thankfully reach from bed as there wasn't even enough room in the cramped space for a chair. As the connection established he looked over his notes quickly and then got to work routing into Vice Treasurer Vlaven's public financial records. He knew it his embezzlement would be buried but might as well start there.

Athena (159) has posed:
What's public about his records is a several hologossip articles that speak to the rumors surrounding some of his family members that live in the Outer Rim and are involved in matters that no one seems to know much about. Others comment about how one of his uncles had gone bankrupt several months ago, yet, less than a month later, had bought a new home on the east side of Coruscant, rumored to be worth over fourteen million credits. And then, of course, there had been his promotion, which to many, had seemed strange and ill fitted given how young and supposedly inexperienced he was.

Nothing particularly incriminating, but perhaps a deeper dive into which bureaucrats and politicians Vlaven was connected to would shed more light on how he'd embezzled, exactly.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil emits a hum as he reviews the information and makes some notes on a notepad. 'Well, that is good. I'll look into the Outer Rim connection next.', he thinks to himself as he begins looking for any indication of shell accounts or erased records hidden on the network. Finding nothing he decides to shift from trying to find hidden files to the Senator's connections to various other bureaucrats. At the same time in another window he begins pulling up information on the Senator's Uncle. Lucky for Heydan that he is a citizen of the Outer Rim. He would know exactly where to begin looking to get him started on investigating that connection.

Athena (159) has posed:
He won't find any records of shell accounts or erased financials, but perhaps if he could sneak into Treasury office in the Republic building... he might find something interesting.

But what Heydan will find regarding the Vice Treasurer's connections to other bureaucrats is one that's sourced straight from his social media - his closeness with the Grafs, and in particular, the young and pretty human female who is their supervising accountant. Then, he'll find an old news article on the holonet about the Graf's generous donation to the Republic to help fund the Outer Rim economic convention, which had happened a mere few weeks before Vlaven's uncle had bought that luxurious abode.

Unfortunately, he won't find much on Vlaven's uncles and other relatives. They're shady and mysterious, but Seegil won't find any direct connections between Vlaven and what he's found on some of the folks who live in the Outer Rim and share a surname with him.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil leans back on the bed and considers what he has found. 'Well, I'm going to need some help after all.', he thinks. Then he sets his sights on the Graf family with special attention to their funding of the economic convention. As he does this he sets up a message to go to the Jedi Cayde. It is an old script which will make it appear like a spam caller to anyone else but once Cayde accepts the call it will transmit the actual message, "Cayde its a friend who needs a distraction. Treasury Office in the Republic Building. Two Hours." to his communicator before it dumps everything already found on the Senator to the Jedi. Hopefully Cayde would be smart enough to understand the attachment was a datafile and would transfer it to a datapad.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde had been lying bed, unable to sleep after the day's events. Normally he does not pay that much attention to his commlink unless he is expecting a message from someone important, but then a call comes at an absurd hour. But people who know him rarely ever call, as they know calls are not very...effective with him.

    Curious, he reads the message, frowning pensively. A friend, huh? Truthfully, he doesn't have very many friends, even at the Temple. And then, the data about Vlaven and his relatives. Now that caught his attention.

    Well...he wasn't allowed to go out during the day anyway, and he couldn't sleep anyway, so he climbs out the window and makes his way toward the Treasury Office when the time comes.

Athena (159) has posed:
The Republic executive building at this hour, of course, is closed, and all the doors and windows are locked.

But certainly, a Jedi and a slicer could be resourceful and figure out an alternate way inside...

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil saunters up to the building at the dead hour keeping an eye out for anyone who might notice him. To his luck Bith typically dressed in black and he is disguised as a Bith so he had the hope that it might help keep his presence hidden as he approached. Coming closer to the looming building he sees Cayde also approaching and dips behind a planter before sneaking up behind the young Jedi and saying his name, "Cayde." in common softly. To anyone listening it would probably seem very strange that a Bith just spoke common since they lack the vocal chords to but Heydan hoped it might tip the Jedi off that he was the "friend"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Yes, the offices would be locked right now, of course. Cayde's first thought was the lobby. It was on a balcony outside, open and exposed. The first step would be to get up there. This time, it's rather dark, but he starts jumping and climbing his way toward where he's fairly certain the balcony is.

    Heydan won't really get a verbal response from him, but there is a feeling...a notion of sorts, and an image of the lobby on the open balcony during the day will flash into his mind.

Athena (159) has posed:
Indeed, Cayde won't have much difficulty getting up onto the open balcony that's the Treasury Office lobby. It's dark and there's no one there (of course, it's long past working hours), and all the doors to everything will be locked. Most of them will require a pin punched in on a keypad, or a keycard to be opened, so Cayde unfortunately will be a bit stuck until Heydan can get up here...

Naturally, Heydan won't be able to scale the building the way Cayde had, but he may discover a back door to the building used by maintenance that looks pretty sliceable...

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde had entered the general office area before by unlocking the door from the other side. But he wasn't here to try breaking in again by himself this time. So he just sits down in the dark lobby, in one of the chairs in the waiting area to wait for Heydan to arrive.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil keeps his head low as he searches around looking for a way up. He might be disguised as a Bith but it was still best not to get caught. Seeing a maintenance door around the back. Pulling out his toolkit he removed the panel to the keypad on the door and slices it. The door opened with a 'click' and then he was gone. After a long hike up several flights of stairs he eventually makes it up to Cayde who had been waiting in the Lobby. "Take me with you next time?", he says in Basic and the voice? Possibly Cayde knows it? "Come on.", the Bith adds as he approaches the door to the office and once again pulls out his tools to slice his way in.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde stands up and follows Heydan to the door as he moves to start slicing. The young Jedi doesn't appear to be surprised or startled by his disguise at all, so it would appear that the voice or the mind had been recognized. Or both.

Athena (159) has posed:
The door that Heydan has sliced into is an antechamber for Vlaven's office. There's not much in it, aside from a couple of framed pieces of artwork on the walls. The hallway is short, and ends in another entry way - this one is actually shielded, and behind the shield is another locked door, that requires a keycard to access the office behind it...

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil frowns as he sees the shielding and access card. "Don't worry we can still do this.", he whispers to Cayde and then pulls out the tools needed to bypass card keys. It takes him longer than the other doors due to the added security but it is no match for his skills. After a few moments there is a beep as the door opens. He then pulls his tools out of the card slot and opens a tiny console which houses the shield mechanisms slicing that in almost no time at all. The shield flickers and then falters leaving the path forward unhindered. Extending his arm towards Cayde he motions for him to go first, "I asked you to come for a reason. If there are traps, well, you'll survive them.", he jests.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods, perfectly willing to take point. He enters as quietly as carefully as possible, searching for any potential hidden presences. Likely if anyone was here, he'd already know, but can't be too careful...

Athena (159) has posed:
There's no one. The office is quiet, and empty. So far, this little clandestine endeavor looks like it just might succeed.

In the center of the room, there's a laminated starwood desk and a velvet chair. The man certainly liked his luxuries...

Sitting on the desk is two large console, which are currently dark.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil seeing that it is safe enters as well but not before he drops a small durasteel door jam down to block the door from closing all the way should there be some security feature that would lock them in. Walking with haste he makes his way around behind the desk and gets to work slicing into the Vice Treasurer's system.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    For a few moments, Cayde just stands by the desk as Heydan is slicing away, keeping watch to make sure no one happens to come up here and no one has followed them. But after a bit he starts rummaging through drawers and cabinets to see if he can find anything useful...

Athena (159) has posed:
Naturally, it would appear that Vlaven had prudently logged out of all the accounts on the console, so Heydan will have to slice in to see all the financial records and the metadata on the device sessions...

Cayde won't find anything terribly useful in the drawers - pictures of him and Gianka, as well as ones of him, Burkenn, Gianka, and the doctor. The doctor never looks happy in any of the photos. And then randomly, there's a jeweled hairpin there with several strands of long dark hair stuck in them. Now that's definitely not something that would belong to Gianka...

But then he may be alerted to the sound of quiet footsteps on carpet outside in the lobby. However, he won't be able to feel anything the Force...

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil is engrossed in slicing into the Vice Treasurer's accounts but coming footsteps alert him. Ignoring the log-outs he captures the metadata from the console to locate where they were logging into to make the transactions. He can slice that information later. He wouldn't need to be at the Vice Treasurer's desk for accessing his external accounts and if there was a secure connection required on that level then they could make a second stop tonight at one of those spots. As for now he needed to go, "Cayde, I am going to need your help getting out of here.", he asks as he collects everything, including the door jam, and looks out the window. 'It is a long way down but maybe the Jedi could do the jump thing again and carry him down with him?', Heydan though to himself as the doom of being caught got closer.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde frowns, why couldn't he feel whomever that was? Perhaps it was a droid. He motions for Heydan to stay back for the moment, and starts carefully going back out into the lobby, his hand on his lightsaber hilt...

    At the same time, he tries to focus harder, concentrating on identifying the individual.

Athena (159) has posed:
His initial guess about the intruders being droids is right.

They are droids alright, and not the kind anyone might expect to see in a Republic executive building - they're Enforcer droids. Now, these kinds of security droids had been ruled illegal in Republic space a long time ago... yet, here they are, in the Treasurer's Office lobby. Now what would they be doing here?! But as soon as they lay eyes on Cayde, they take out their weapons and open fire!

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil jumps behind the desk as quickly as the droids appeared and hides behind it as they open fire on Cayde completely ignoring him. As bolts of hot energy pierce the air he decides to make use of this time. Reaching up behind him he plugs his datapad back into the Vice Treasurers terminal without looking and then brings up the terminal using his data pad as a remote monitor. "Hold them.", Heydan says this time in Bith to complement his disguise - the droids could be recording after all. Furiously he begins to slice into the banking network to grab the financial data he was missing.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Illegal droids--perfect. Caught red-handed. All he needed to do is cut them down and take their serial codes.

    The droids react quickly--but not quickly enough. They fire their blasters but the bolts stop in mid air, as if held there by something invisible. Then they simply fly off in errant directions, and hopefully some of them go back toward whence they came. This is immediately followed by that signature sound--the sound of a lightsaber blade crackling into existence.

Athena (159) has posed:
The droids renew their attack on Cayde, advancing. One them glances towards Vlaven's office, and starts heading for console responsible currently powering the shield protecting Heydan from the lobby area where the droids are!

Heydan might be encouraged to work faster when he hears the sound of Cayde's saber crackling to life and shots being fired, but he sees that there's definitely some interesting data to collect on this computer. First off, he'll notice that Vlaven had given another device not on the Republic executive building remote access to the Republic's accounts. Second, he'll notice that the Grafs are a large and regular donor to the Republic's varying projects. There's a pattern - they give monthly, but the month the Outer Rim Economic Convention had happened, there's no transaction activity documented from the Grafs. Strange. Could it have been... deleted?

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil pauses from working and tugs at his beard totally tuned into the data. Only after the lightsaber crackles to life does he snap out of it. Risking a look over the desk he sees Cayde going to work on the droids and then slumps back down into his hiding space behind the desk to finish grabbing what he can. 'Finding that second device is going to be a pain, but the Grafs....', he thinks to himself. He then peaks over the desk again to unjack his datapad and grabs a stapler off the desk hurling it at one of the droids before returning to cover with the hope of giving Cayde an opening. They needed to get out of here and off Coruscant now!

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    It just seems that no matter how much the droids shoot, the bolts either freeze in the air and fly off or meet his lightsaber and do the same. Cayde then throws his saber in an arc in front of himself, directing it with the Force in an attempt to take it through each of their necks until they have all been decapitated.

Athena (159) has posed:
When Cayde throws his saber in an arc, the first droid is decapitated and crumples to the floor. The second one sprays sparks and stumbles away into the darkness down the hallway, presumably collapsing somewhere outside the treasurer's office...

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil jumps over the desk as soon as the droids hit the floor and starts running for the exit. "Come on!", he spits at Cayde as he passes him, "We gotta get to the Outer Rim. We'll get a disguise for you from my place. I'll need a new one anyway." he continues as he approaches the door and peers into the lobby to confirm the coast is clear then heads out. Looking back at Cayde he asks, "Do you have a ship? Preferably one off the record? Jedi have those resources right?", then without even waiting for an answer he adds, "You know what it doesn't matter we'll find one if we need to. I'll meet you in the Temple Courtyard with the disguises. Look for a Falleen wearing purple."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    But Cayde doesn't follow him. Instead, he starts gathering up the decapitated heads of the droids. If they couldn't believe his word, then perhaps -these- would do well for 'tangible' enough evidence...