
From Pax Republica
Revision as of 22:30, 16 July 2021 by Andromeda (talk | contribs)
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The Jedi may use the Force to mentally communicate with others, read or project thoughts, as well as manipulate memories and emotions. This power is modified by proximity and relationship, and is opposed by Willpower should a targeted character wish to resist the intrusion. However, only those trained to wield the Force effectively have the ability to do so.

While not specifically a Dark Side power, telepathy can be used in some nasty ways; using this power for selfish means, or to cause harm to another being may result in a Dark Side Point at the discretion of the GM.

Base Difficulty: 10


  • 1 - 9: Failed attempt, no effect
  • 10 - 15: Project simple concepts or emotions and/or read surface thoughts of a target.
  • 15 - 20 : Project moderately complex concepts and emotions and/or read momentary intentions of a target.
  • 21 - 25: Project full thoughts and emotions and/or read deep-seated intentions or feelings of a target.
  • 26 - 30: Project full thoughts and emotions, read deep-seated intentions, desires, feelings, and/or memories.
  • 31+: Project full thoughts and emotions, read deep-seated intentions, feelings, desires, or memories; manipulate any of the aforementioned mental faculties of the target.


  • +10 or more (at GM’s discretion) to the difficulty if target is at long range or farther
  • +10 to the difficulty if target is not in line of sight
  • +5 to the character’s roll if the target has a friendly relationship with the user
  • +10 to the character’s roll if the target has an intimate relationship with the user
  • +5 to the difficulty if the target has a poor relationship with the user
  • +10 to the difficulty if the target has a hated relationship with the user