
From Pax Republica
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The Jedi may use this power to influence or manipulate the mind and will of another being, placing telepathic suggestions or instructions using the power of the Force. While not a Dark Side power specifically, using this power for dishonest or harmful means is likely to earn a Dark Side Point. This power is directly opposed by the target's Willpower. This power will last as many rounds as the Jedi's Influence roll exceeds the target's Willpower roll.

Base Difficulty: 10


  • 1 - 9: Failed attempt; no effect.
  • 10 - 15: Influence a target to perform a simple action.
  • 16 - 20: Influence a target to perform a moderately complex action or series of simple actions of equivalent complexity.
  • 21 - 25: Influence a target to perform a complex action or series of lesser actions of equivalent complexity.
  • 26 - 30: Influence a target to perform a highly complex action or series of lesser actions of equivalent complexity.
  • 31+: Influence a target to perform an extremely complex action or series of lesser actions of equivalent complexity.

It should be noticed that mind control with far-reaching consequences or effects may be subject to the targeted player's or GM's consent regardless of the results of the roll.


  • +5 to character’s roll if the target has a friendly relationship with the user
  • +10 to character’s roll if the target has an intimate relationship with the user
  • +5 to the difficulty if the target has a poor relationship with the user
  • +10 to the difficulty if the target has a hated relationship with the user