A Man in a Predicament

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A Man in a Predicament
Date of Scene: 19 July 2024
Synopsis: Spectre strikes a deal with the Duke.
Cast of Characters: 159, 422

Athena (159) has posed:
Here on Batuu, especially at the Black Spire Outpost, both the strange and ordinary mix into a melting pot of cultures from all over the galaxy, making it an excellent place for almost anyone to drop in to, unnoticed. It's midday, and across the street from Merchant Row, a droid behind the counter at a bustling cantina rushes to and fro, trying to serve drinks to a very wide variety of patrons - some are merchants, some tourists, others bounty hunters looking to eavesdrop on local sector talk while buying a strong drink.

Consequently, none of them will take note of a Mandalorian in black and silver armor, sitting quietly in the back. He seems to waiting for someone... or something...

Spectre (422) has posed:
New people. They aren't difficult to spot. While most of the flow around seem to fit in, some don't quite. Such is the case of the quiet mercenary only recently arriving. He has the look of one that wants to be anywhere other than a crowded square, but is there none the less.

While he isn't overly mean to anyone, he makes no attempt to engage anyone that doesn't engage him first. The rifle on his back is adjusted a little as he passes through the crowd, no destination obvious at this time.

Athena (159) has posed:
A few people on the street glance at the meandering newcomer, but their gaze won't linger on him for long. To them, a newcomer is old hat - people were always coming and going at Black Spire Outpost.

However, when this stranger passes the cantina across from Merchant Row, the Mandalorian sitting in the back sits up, peering out the window directly to his left.

Now, -his- gaze follows the newcomer, and after a moment, he gets up, and starts to follow him.

Spectre (422) has posed:
Walking down the stret, the stranger seems oblivious to the new tail he has picked up. He pauses at the front of a building, looking it up and down. shakes his head, and starts to walk again.

He continues to walk along, turning on the next street and looking for a building by all appearances. As he turns the corner, his hand brushes the holster of his pistol and the hold down is unfastened at the light touch.

Athena (159) has posed:
The Mandalorian continues to follow him, though he makes no attempt to conceal the fact that he is.

The stranger turns a corner, and the Mandalorian glances backwards briefly before also turning the corner after him. But once he's rounded the corner, he stops. "Spectre," he finally calls out. "Is that how they call you," he says slowly, hands folded neatly behind his back. "Please, there's no cause for alarm. I mean no harm."

Spectre (422) has posed:
Turning back towards the sound of the voice, Spectre takes a measure of the Mandalorian. His hand doesn't remain on the blaster, but it does stay in the general vicinity.

He finally nods to the other and replies,"Among other things yes." He settles into a comfortable stance and tells the other,"Who might you be?" The tension in his form eases a little, but still wary.

Athena (159) has posed:
The Mandalorian, though clearly armed, makes a show of letting Spectre see his weapons and where they are, while keeping his hands off of them.

The Mandalorian's demeanor does not seem hostile, and he stands a good several meters away from him. He doesn't approach any closer, at least not for the moment.

"I am Duke Thyssel of Cuy'coya. Born on a colony world, but having relocated to the capital Sundari on Mandalore in recent years."

He removes his helmet. "I am not ashamed or afraid to say that I have been searching for you, and through varying means, have learned a fair amount about you and the things you have done."

Spectre (422) has posed:
Taking a long moment to quietly decide something, Spectre finally nods and places the strap back on the pistol. Not that it can't come open fast, it is still a show of peace.

Finally, he nods to the other and says,"All right Duke. I am Spectre yes. I have been busier since I left my former employ than ever before. If you took the time to learn about me that leaves me at a disadvantage I suppose, but that is life I suppose."

He shifts his weight a little and nods finally,"What is it you want from me?" It isn't a hostile question, just a to the point question to see what is wanted from him.

Athena (159) has posed:
The Duke, by appearance, seems like a no nonsense kind of fellow who could be trusted to honor his word. But then again, what Mandalorian wouldn't rather die than dishonor their word?

He looks to be in his fifties, at least, and his dark hair is greying at the temples. He surveys Spectre with steely blue eyes, wisely seeming to choose his words carefully.

"It will not be a disadvantage," he begins slowly, "if you choose to not let it be." He lifts his chin. "You need only ask to know anything you wish to know about me."

"I am a man in a predicament," he then says frankly. "And I would enlist your help. I understand you are a busy man, but we can negotiate a fair price for your services. I am not lacking financially."

Spectre (422) has posed:
Considering the weight of the words, Spectre finally eases into something more conversational,"I suspect there will be a good many questions Duke, but for now let's talk about your predicatment and the money you are willing to negotiate. As it happens I am between jobs and the contract I was supposed to meet I only recently learned had one too many adversaries and not enough allies."

Athena (159) has posed:
"Ah," The Duke says softly. "A difficulty I am too familiar with," he says. "Well, I suppose it works out favorably for me."

"Come. Let us drink over it. The predicament I am in is not one so easily explained, and I would have you understand every detail." He then turns on his heel back towards the cantina he'd been at prior, glancing back only once to see if Spectre will follow.

Spectre (422) has posed:
There is a nod and Spectre settles in his mind his decision,"There are those that would say I am just someone that benefits from the blood and the misfortune of others. Times like this it is hard to argue."

He finally commits to the drink and starts to walk with the potential client. Looking around them once more, he walks along,"The potential predicament has my attention and my curiosity Duke. Lead the way." While still wary of their surroundings, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the Duke, just mindful of others around them.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Many say this about the Mandalorians," the Duke says evenly. "And yet, while it is true to some extent, it is also false. Life is full of nuances, and I'm sure you understand."

"You are a prudent man, I see," the Duke observes, "cautious, but not paranoid."

Once they arrive back at the cantina, the Duke leads the way to the upper balcony, which is mostly devoid of other patrons. Here, they'll have more privacy.

Upon sitting, the Duke orders them a pitcher of Corellian whiskey. Then, with a sigh, he says. "My son is to be married soon. To a beautiful and wonderful lass, but a powerful one. Too powerful." A pause. "Her father, a staunch ally to a dominating political faction on Mandalore and a prominent lord, passed recently. And upon passing, he deigned to will his daughter a massive dowry. All the land he owned and governed, he gave her, to bring as a gift to my son when she weds him. And my son does not politically support the faction her father supports." A lengthier pause. "Her father was a controversial figure. And you may or may not be aware, but any time there is shift in power on Mandalore, there is calamity of the civil kind."

Spectre (422) has posed:
"You're people are certainly spoken on in many ways." he agrees,"Like most people, I would suggest yours are as varied as any other. It's just a reputation, earned or not."

Once the two of them reach a seat, he pulls the rifle from his back and leans it against his seat. He nods as he listens to the other speak,"Politics. Poly meaning many. Ticks being blood sucking parasites." It almost sounded like a joke. Almost.

He frowns thoughtfully as he considers the potential issue. Shaking his head he finally admits,"I have never had the pleasure of stepping onto Mandalore, but I am aware of the stories, rumors, and potentially outright lies. Still, I had heard of civil conflicts."

Athena (159) has posed:
The Duke smiles. He seems amused by Spectre's almost-sense of humor. "Ah-h-h, well said! Perhaps you would have made a fine Mandalorian."

"Indeed. You have surmised Mandalore well, despite never having been there. This bodes well."

"In any case, there is the matter of ruling the fiefs given to my future daughter in law. To reduce the chances of an outright conflict among the most the powerful political factions erupting by tipping the balance of power too heavily in one direction, I have decided to invite a number of Mandalorians from varying political stances to become part of the bridal party, and have deigned that each member of the bridal party will receive a sum of land to own and govern."

"Now, the matter at hand is this: the division of the fiefs among the bridal party members. It is difficult, I must say, as a Mandalorian, to judge. I may claim non-partisan, but no Mandalorian is truly non-partisan and I am acutely aware of my own flaws. My dearest sons support the most powerful faction on Mandalore, House Vizsla."

Spectre (422) has posed:
"I get lucky sometimes." he muses with a smirk in regards to his Mandalorian comments.

"So you are looking for someone with an outside perspective?" he asks curiously,"It sounds like you have a good start though, mixing up the politcal stances. Potential for disaster maybe, but certainly a good way to disturb the balance."

He rests his hand on the surface of the table,"It's complicated to not a have a stance or opinion when you clearly have to have one."

Athena (159) has posed:
"Yes," The Duke says. "But your role will be more than just an outside perspective. You shall judge each man or woman who is part of the bridal party according to his deeds, character, and honor, and then delegate how much land you believe he or she has earned. I will act as a resource and consultant to you, but you will have the final say. This is the only way for things to be fair, and completely unbiased. Because you are no Mandalorian, nor are you a close friend or bitter adversary."

"It is complicated, and now you understand my predicament. It is also why I decided that this was the best path forward, and to mostly remove myself from the decision making."

"The wedding is the event of the year and the festivities will last a week, or more. During this time, your task will be to do whatever you deem necessary to judge each of these men and women. Observe them, speak to them, fight with them, or even against them, if you think it needed. There will definitely be opportunity to do so. The only thing you must not do is reveal your true purpose or identity."

"And then, when all is said and down, and the marriage contracts signed, the lines for the new fiefs will be drawn, and the new nobles assigned to each piece of land to govern it as he or she sees fit."

Spectre (422) has posed:
"Not exactly my usual line..." he admits pinches the bridge of his nose,"...that said, I suspect it could potentially get just as deadly if any Mandalorian decides they are slighted."

He raises his glass to take a drink and nods,"You reasoning is sound though. Not Mandalorian and not particularly allied or adversarial."

He considers for a time and nods,"You'll pay to get me there, make sure I have a place to stay, food, drink, and we'll set a sum for my time. Is that argeeable to you?"

Athena (159) has posed:
"I will pay for your transport, and all accommodations and medical expenses, if any are incurred. These will not be included in the sum I shall pay you for the task I am recruiting you for," he says, "so you should be amply compensated, as long as the amount agreed upon to pay is satisfactory to you," he says with a nod.

Then he slips Spectre a small datastick. "This has my commlink frequency, as well as an address on Sundari that I will meet you at, at the appointed time, to escort you to your accommodations."

"As far as transportation goes, you may find your own way there, and then send me an invoice."

Spectre (422) has posed:
Taking the datastick, Spectre nods and takes a drink,"Three thousand to start. Five hundred each day. No hazard pay as this is a gentleman's bargain I would say. If trouble comes, well I guess I will find out how I stack up to the legendary Mandalorians. That might be worth more in the future."

While that almost sound cocky, there is no hint of such in his expression or actual tone. One learns as one learns.

Checking the stick, he nods and finally says,"I will secure passage tonight and start the flight. Even the best hyperlanes take time."

Athena (159) has posed:
The Duke nods. "This is agreeable to me," he says.

"You are a honest and honorable man, Spectre, and I need not know your real name to conclude this," he says, with a nod. "You'll be taken care of if anything unfortunate occurs - I was once a field medic, and have not allowed my years to dull my skill."

He then stands, and shakes Spectre's hand (if Spectre is agreeable to it). "Very well then. Safe travels, and I shall soon see you on Mandalore." Then, he pays the bills and after a polite bow, is gone.