A Saber Reassembling

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A Saber Reassembling
Date of Scene: 16 September 2024
Synopsis: Navi repairs her Master's old saber, and also discovers Peeka has gone missing.
Cast of Characters: 159, Navi

Athena (159) has posed:
It's a sunny afternoon in Jedha, and the streets around the New Market area, as per usual, are bustling.

Vendors loudly advertising their wares to passerby, while various religious leaders stand on street corners, handing out brochures and telling anyone curious about their belief systems where they might go to learn more.

At the main intersection, there's a modest looking repair shop, where a group of squat Chadra Fans are playing grease monkey with a rather antiquated looking vessel. The Chadra Fan standing on the canopy of the starship is welding a split panel back together when he suddenly slips and falls.

"Ahh! Whoa...!"

Navi has posed:
Navi had chanced to be passing by the repair shop, bearing a second satchel in addition to her usual medical satchel, when the unfortunate Chadra Fan had slipped and fallen. She bolts over to the ship, hurrying to help the diminutive alien however she can, whether it's catching him or tending to his injuries. "Oh, goodness! Are you all right?" she cries.

Athena (159) has posed:
The Chadra Fan, as luck would have it, would manage to fall in such a way that catching him ends up being quite easy.

When Navi asks him if he's alright, he nods, rubbing his head. "Thanks for that miss. I owe you one... anything I can help you?"

Navi has posed:
Navi eases the Chadra Fan gently to the ground. "Perhaps. I have some mechanical work I must do, but neither the tools nor the place to do it. Do you know of a shop I could use undisturbed for a few hours?" she asks.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Oh," The Chadra Fan says, "I mean, I'm not sure what you need, but I'd be happy to let ya use whatever I have here." He motions for her to follow him.

"There's a toolshed in the back, and if you can find it and figure out how to use it... well it's all yours to borrow for however long ya need it." He pauses. "You a local around here? I think I seen ya once or twice, hanging 'round my kiddos.."

Navi has posed:
"I do know four young Chadra Fans... they're your children, then? They have helped me a few times, and I have tried to help them in return. I am Navi, Novice of the Shining Brotherhood. Our chapterhouse is not terribly far from here," Navi explains, blushing slightly at the mention of the Fan Four.

"Thank you for your help. I am very grateful. I will do my best not to be a nuisance to you and yours," she adds, meaning it.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Nice to meet ya, Navi," the mechanic says, "And yeah, they're my children." Then suddenly he looks sad. "Our youngest, Peeka, has gone missing. Last I heard from my wife, they had an Antarian Ranger on the case looking into it. Hopefully they find her soon," he says.

He nods when she thanks him for his help. "Not a problem. Let me know if you need anything."

Navi has posed:
"Wait, one of your children is /missing/? My work can wait. What can you tell me about when she was last seen? And does she have anyone who might wish her harm?" Navi asks, surprised and then concerned for the missing Chadra-Fan.

Athena (159) has posed:
The Chadra Fan sighs. "Not much," he says, "Unfortunately, I'm here at the shop almost all day, everyday. The last time I saw her was a couple weeks ago. She was out with her brothers, I think. That's all I know."

"I don't know. I don't think so. But there are child traffickers around here... I really hope that's not what happened, though. Look miss, I really appreciate the concern. But they have someone on it, and it's best to let the Republic security do what they do best. I'm sure they'll sort it, and would rather have everyone who isn't involved to stay that way."

Navi has posed:
"I hope you're right. You said your wife told you an Antarian Ranger was looking into it. I can't remember knowing any Antarian Rangers, but perhaps someone I know does know of him," Navi replies worriedly. "I shall respect your wishes, at least for the moment, until I know more about this situation. Otherwise, I thank you again for the loan of the tools, and I shall do my best to stay out of your way. Please pardon me."

Navi moves to enter the garage, hopeful that she can focus with her young friend missing and potentially in danger. "Maybe I will be of more help to poor Peeka once I have a proper weapon with which to do so," she murmurs, beginning to unpack the remains of her Master's lightsaber and all of the parts she'd gathered before now.

Athena (159) has posed:
"I do too! But don't worry about it. I'm sure you've got enough to worry about without having to be concerned for my troubles," he says, a bit mournfully. "Eh, it's the least I could do for ya after making the catch you did -- probably would've ended up in the infirmary if it hadn't been for you!"

The toolshed is modest, but disorganized -- there's all sorts of knick knacks and strange equipment laying everywhere, that she'll not have seen before in her life. But at least there's a neat little table with a lamp near the back of the shed, and a small stool.

Navi has posed:
"What a sweet little shop," Navi muses, studying the crowded space and its oodles of tools and parts with a faint smile. "I should be quite cozy here." Taking a seat on the little stool, she carefully lays out her collection of lightsaber parts and the remains of her Master's lightsaber. "Now all I need are the proper tools."

Fortunately for her, there aren't many needed for a job like this. Most of them are likely near to hand, as they would be used practically every day. She goes to work gathering what she will need.

Athena (159) has posed:
She'll find that there's every tool imaginable and then some in this little workshop.

It might take some rummaging, but she'll eventually find everything she needs to repair her Master's saber.

Navi has posed:
Navi retakes her seat upon the stool and rolls up the sleeves of her robe. Sinking into a deep meditative trance, she contemplates the damaged lightsaber, the missing parts, and the new kyber crystal, letting the Force flow between herself and the components and back again, over and over, seeing the flow of current through circuits yet to be built and through the crystal...

Almost without conscious thought, her hands begin to move, replacing parts, installing new fittings, fusing circuit connections, and generally restoring the broken weapon to full functionality.

And when the trance ends and her eyes open, she holds the lightsaber before her in both hands, the meter-long bluish-white blade humming and just faintly pulsating. Drawing in a slow breath and letting it out just as slowly, she extinguishes the lightsaber and lowers it to the workbench, then begins to put away the tools and pack away her spare parts.

She expected it to be dark outside by the time she'd finished. But a glance at the ancient, dusty chrono on the back wall (complete with a slightly faded picture of an attractive human woman lounging atop a label for a brand of synthale: must've been a long-ago cast-off from a defunct bar) reveals that she's only been here an hour!

Athena (159) has posed:
Regardless, the Chadra Fan from earlier comes in to check on her right around the top of the hour.

He needs a tool from the shed anyway, so he figures he might as well see how Navi is progressing.

He enters, knocking the door quietly before approaching. "How goes it?" he asks her.

Navi has posed:
"I've finished. I just need a moment to pack up my things and I'll be out of your fur," Navi replies softly, smiling faintly. "And since I no longer have that distraction hanging over me, do you know where I can find your other three children? They may know something about what happened to Peeka. I doubt your lovely wife would appreciate me looking for her, or I'd speak to her as well."

Athena (159) has posed:
He sighs. "I'm sorry," he says, shaking his head. "I don't. I've been here all day, working. But they like to hang out near the fountain in the Old Market district, playing limmie ball. Maybe they're there now. Good luck, and thank you again, for helping me."

He leans over and peers at her saber. "... I thought onlythe Jedi carried those?"

Navi has posed:
"I was a Jedi learner, once. It's a long, sad story," Navi says gently. "I'd best hurry on my way while the sun shines. I only hope I can find dear Peeka. Thank you again for all you've done for me." Not stopping to explain, she hurries outside and makes for the Old Market.

Athena (159) has posed:
Navi will find Peeka's brothers not far from the Old Market fountain. They're not playing limmie ball, though -- instead, they're trying to convince a food vendor to give them more free samples...

Navi has posed:
"Three clollo buns with cream filling, please," Navi says, slipping the vendor a few credits. "For my friends here."

While the vendor goes to work, she smiles at the trio. "It's good to see you again. How are you all? I've heard your sister Peeka has come up missing. Do you know what happened to her?" she asks gently.

Athena (159) has posed:
They hang their heads and ears. "No," the eldest says. "One second we're playing in the street and she goes to get the ball, and then the next she's just gone. We have no idea where she went!"

"We've been looking for her every day," the littlest boy says. "But we can't find her. Hey, I have an idea, why don't you get your boyfriend to help us?"

Navi has posed:
"He's not my boyfriend, and most of the time I have no idea where he is," Navi replies, blushing faintly at the 'boyfriend' question. "But if I chance to run into him, I will ask him. Perhaps he knows someone that knows something."

"Could you show me where she was when she disappeared? Even a general idea may tell me something," she suggests.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Well he likes you obviously so what are you gonna do about it?" he continues to pester Navi.

They begin to scurry off, motioning for Navi to follow them. "This way!"

Navi has posed:
"I don't know yet!" Navi cries, collecting the buns from the vendor and hurrying off after the hurrying scurriers. For creatures with such short legs, they sure can move fast!

Athena (159) has posed:
"Haha!" The littlest rascal teases. "You know he came by the other day and asked if we'd seen you and if you were doing good. He'd be a good boyfriend, I think. That's what the kids at my school say, that Zeltrons are good at that."

They finally come to a stop at the end of a narrow alleyway. "This is the last place we saw her," the eldest boy says. "And there's nothing here...!"

Navi has posed:
"Really? Odd that he didn't look me up... I suspect he knows where to find me," Navi murmurs, blushing a little once more. Catching up with the trio, she passes out the clollo buns. "Make sure you lick your paws clean and check each other for cream in your fur. I doubt your mother would approve of me treating you to snacks."

She steps into the alleyway, making her way slowly and cautiously toward the end...

Athena (159) has posed:
"You were thinking I meant the other guy, didn't you," the littlest one says, pulling on her robe idly. "So if neither of them are your boyfriend, then how come you immediately thought of Mask Man when I said your boyfriend should help?"

The little Chadra Fans snatch the buns from her eagerly, and make no move to assist her as she looks up the alleyway up and down.

She'll make a good pass up and down the narrow passage, but there's nothing there. No, if she wanted to investigate this further, she'd probably best visit the constabulary and see what they have to say.

Navi has posed:
"Because everyone seems to think he's my boyfriend, and I honestly never expected to see the investigator again. There was something about the way he said goodbye last time that suggested it was for good," Navi replies, still blushing faintly. "It's rather frustrating. Anyway, thanks for all your help. It looks like you were right about there being nothing here. Take care. I'll check in with the constabulary and see if they have any leads."

She leaves the trio to enjoy the cream-filled buns and makes her way toward the headquarters of the constabulary. Not someplace she'd really wanted to visit again, given how much time she'd spent locked up there for a crime she'd never committed...

Athena (159) has posed:
"You like him!" the littlest rascal blurts. "You like both of them!"

They scurry off as she leaves for the constabulary. However, when she arrives, it looks like they've just closed for the day. Well, she'd probably have better luck later, when they were open.

Navi has posed:
"Someone's working hard to substitute for Peeka," Navi murmurs as she walks away. But she finds the constabulary offices closed, to her annoyance. "Well, bother. Funny how late they were open when they were locking me up all those times, and now they're closed!" She shakes her head in frustration and starts back toward the Brotherhood chapterhouse.