A Saber Recovered

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A Saber Recovered
Date of Scene: 28 August 2024
Synopsis: Amarik helps Navi take her Master's saber back from Shalla Ro.
Cast of Characters: 195, Navi

Amarik (195) has posed:
Things on the Nihil vessel will quiet down after the event with the Shistavanen who had tried to attack Navi. And as long as the young Sephi girl remains in Amarik's quarters most of the time, she'll not be harassed.

While in hyperspace, Navi will have very little idea of how long it's been, or where they're going, exactly. Amarik is very quiet company - keeping to himself and reading while in their now shared quarters, and when he's not present ... well, only light knows what he's up to.

But one evening, the masked marauder will arrive in the quarters with an announcement. "We'll be dropping out of hyperspace in the next half hour," he says. "Are you ready?"

Navi has posed:
Navi make sure to stay in her shared quarters, venturing out only when absolutely necessary. Part of the time is spent trying to mend the slash in her robe, but she finds that only a partial fix is possible; partly because she doesn't have enough thread, and partly because some material had been shredded away, leaving some holes that simply can't be sewn shut. At least her modesty is only slightly harmed in the end, as long as the mending holds; she hopes it does.

The rest of the time she spends in meditation. She tries to converse with Amarik about what to expect when they get where they are going, but their conversations are usually awkward, short, or both.

"I am as ready as I can make myself," she replies to him softly. "Is there anything I need to remember when we arrive?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
"No," he says. "Just use common sense."

He extends a hand towards her, and if she takes it, he'll lead her away from his quarters and to the gangplank of the Nihil vessel.

The other Nihil will watch her, hawkeyed. What they think of her, is anyone's best guess. They make no comment, and are all wearing their masks.

Once they're off the ship, Navi will find herself in a densely wooded forest that looks terribly uncivilized. She is certainly far from home...

Navi has posed:
Navi does indeed take the offered hand, and stays with Amarik until they disembark. The forest does nothing to bolster her confidence, and she keeps close to Amarik, uncertain of what to expect.

Amarik (195) has posed:
They'll board a speeder and head deeper into the woods, eventually coming upon what looks like a small civilian settlement that's clearly been overtaken by the Nihil.

Once Amarik stops the speeder and gets off of it, they make their way towards a large adobe structure in the center of the settlement.

But just before they go in, Amarik stops her, gripping her arm gently. <You need different clothes>

Navi has posed:
"But where can I get such things?" Navi asks, keeping her voice very low. "Do you know of such a place? If I have no other choice, I can take off my robe, but I have a feeling I will not draw any less attention."

Amarik (195) has posed:
Amarik shakes his head vigorously. She'll be able to sense he's quite averse to the idea of her shedding her clothes.

He motions for her to follow him over to a small, slightly dilapidated building off to their left. Inside, is a rather tired and stressed looking tailor, hemming a torn cloak with the Nihil symbol on it. He startles when Amarik comes in, looking terrified. "...I'll... I'll be there in a moment..." he says timidly. "... sorry..."

Navi has posed:
"Understandable, with the way these people are watching me," Navi whispers back, following him to the indicated building. The very real terror on the poor tailor's face makes her heart ache. "Forgive me for frightening you, Sir," she says respectfully, in a low voice that won't carry outside the room. This is Amarik's territory, not hers, so she is keeping her mouth shut and letting him take the lead.

Amarik (195) has posed:
"..." The color drains from his face when he sees Navi. His gaze darts to and fro, and then he says. "Ah... it's alright miss..." He peers at the holes in her clothes. "I think," he says wearily, "that you ought to just get a new ensemble entirely," he says. "This way..." he says, leading her towards the back of the shop where some pre-made dresses and tunics have been hung.

Navi has posed:
"Actually, that is the very reason I've come," Navi replies, in a slightly lower voice than before. She follows the poor, frightened man to the back. "Do you have anything in black or blood red? Something that won't impede my movements?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
"Black or blood red...?" The tailor seems surprised at her request. "Well... there's this," he says, gesturing an all black, tight fitting jumpsuit. Then he pauses, lowering his voice, "Have they taken you hostage, too? We've all been searching for a way off of Koboh for weeks now...!"

But before Navi can reply, she'll hear footsteps approaching.

Amarik is approaching, and he's tailed by a slate skinned woman with obsidian glass for eyes. She's beautiful... but her demeanor is terrifying. And when she smiles, Navi will see its full of spiked canines.

"I've been told you can repair a certain... belonging of mine," she says to Navi. She looks her up and down, clearly disapproving of her ragged appearance, but saying nothing of it.

Navi has posed:
Navi looks up, drawing back the hood of her robe. "I can," she replies softly, with respect for this woman she's been expecting, albeit not this soon. "I apologize for my poor attire. I was in the process of securing a change of clothes."

Amarik (195) has posed:
She smirks but doesn't comment about Navi's appearance. "Meet us at the armorsmithing workshop across the street when you're finished here," she says. "I'll let you see what it is I'd like you to work on." Then she turns on her heel and exits the tailor's shop.

The tailor glances at Navi. "Well...? The jumpsuit is the only thing I have that's black. And I don't have anything red. Sorry," he says timidly.

Navi has posed:
"I should be there shortly," Navi replies, bowing from her waist respectfully as the fiendish woman makes her exit. Looking back to the poor tailor, she adds, "Other colors are fine, too. I thought that, given the company, black or red would blend in better or draw a little less attention. As long as it will fit me, the jumpsuit should be fine. But if you'd like to show me anything else, I am interested." She begins to cautiously remove her torn robe.

Amarik (195) has posed:
"No," the tailor says hastily, "you're right," he says, and hands her the jumpsuit. "There's changing rooms over there, if you like."

Amarik makes a quick exit from the tailor shop as soon as Navi starts to de-robe...

Navi has posed:
Navi accepts the jumpsuit gratefully, stepping into the changing room. Fortunately for her, the outfit is a decent fit, and she soon emerges, the belt from her robe double-wrapped around her waist and tied low in front.

"I have no money to pay you," she says, proffering her robe. "But this would probably make a pretty creditable jacket if it were cut off and hemmed above the site of the damage, and buttons and buttonholes were added. Do with it what you can. And hopefully the new owner will be nicer to you and to it." She bows to him and moves to exit, looking for Amarik.

Amarik (195) has posed:
Amarik is just outside the tailor shop, lounging on a bench. When she emerges, he stands up, and Navi might be surprised to find that he's... a little shocked.

The jumpsuit is definitely a different look for her - it's almost skin tight, and accentuates every curve of her form. Which, of course, is nearly the opposite of the loose fitting robes she'd been wearing prior.

He pauses, then says to her. "Let's go," he says, and then starts for the armorsmith workshop across the street.

Navi has posed:
Navi feels herself blushing faintly as Amarik looks at her. Swallowing a lump in her throat, she nods, just a bit timidly. "Lead and I will follow." Which she does.

Amarik (195) has posed:
He looks away quickly as soon as he notices her blushing.

Upon arriving at the armorsmithing workshop, she'll find the slate skinned woman standing over a rusty workbench. Lying on it is her master's saber... it's in pieces, but it's definitely not irreparable.

She steps aside, gesturing for Navi to come forward and look at it. Her lips curve into another smirk. "You were a Jedi once," she observes, "weren't you? What ... happened?"

Navi has posed:
"My Master was killed. The Jedi Order blamed me for what happened, and had me imprisoned in an asylum. By the time they realized I was blameless, I no longer trusted them, so I left," Navi replies. It's not the whole story, but it hits the high points, all of which are true.

She steps forward to study the lightsaber. "I'm supposed to repair this, then? It's in an awful state. The reconstruction will be difficult, but not impossible. I may have need of further parts and tools to do the job right."

Amarik (195) has posed:
The woman smiles softly. "One day, the Order will be obliterated," she says, "I hope I live to see that day."

"Yes," she says. "You may use anything here in this workshop, and if you need anything else, let Zealot know. We'll acquire it." She sits down, clearly interested in watching Navi repair it.

Navi has posed:
"I will need to focus my mind for a short while. It has been some years since I built a lightsaber," Navi says softly, placing her hands on the surface of the workbench. She begins to breathe slowly and deeply, trying to focus her thoughts. It's a few minutes before her eyes open.

When they do, she carefully sorts the parts of the lightsaber and begins to rebuild it. The process moves in fits and starts, with periods of heavy activity followed by long pauses, lather, rinse, repeat.

Amarik (195) has posed:
The woman's eyes glitter as she watches Navi start to repair the lightsaber.

But in the middle of it all, Amarik gets up and comes to stand behind her, resting his chin on her shoulder gently, pretending to watch her.

<I am going to provide a distraction for you. Once it's clear that no one's watching you, you'll be able to take whatever you need along with the saber and leave. Quickly. Go back to the ship, and take one of the corvettes> Then he steps back.

"My Eye," he says to the woman. "A word, without the girl?" he says. The slate skinned woman glances at Navi briefly, then back to Amarik, and after a moment, nods, and the two of them exit the workshop...

Navi has posed:
Navi works almost as if in a trance, but she is quite aware of everything happening around her, and is able to give Amarik a nod that is more felt than seen, a barely-perceptible movement of her head in agreement with his plan, saying nothing. She listens as the Eye and the Zealot leave, only daring to look up after she hears their footsteps fade away into the distance.

And then she acts. The lightsaber parts are hastily placed into her satchel inside a small cloth bag, while a number of small tools are snatched up and stuffed into a second satchel. A cloak and a scarf are snatched from pegs along the wall, and she starts when one of the pegs turns out to be a Twi'lek skull! Luckily she is able to swallow her scream before it ever reaches her tongue!

Wrapping the scarf around her head to mask her face, she throws the cloak about her shoulders, raises the deep hood, and slips swiftly out of the workshop...

Amarik (195) has posed:
When Navi exits the workshop, she'll be able to see that Amarik has indeed, started some kind of distraction in the settlement's central plaza, and most of the Nihil who had been patrolling the area have gathered there. Seems like he's invoked the right to a duel of some kind with a tall and wide Houk, and the others are eager to watch a fight and sate their bloodthirst.

They aren't looking at her, but she'll still need to be quick and discreet if she doesn't want to be caught!

Navi has posed:
"Thank you, Amarik," Navi breathes, quieter even than a whisper, and makes her way along the edge of the settlement, at the edge of the woods, until she finds her way back to the path leading into the village.

Darkly cloaked and dressed, she's hopeful no one will notice her, or pay her any attention if they do. With only a hopefully quick and quiet walk back to the ship between her and a quick escape, she really doesn't want any wrinkles in the loose plan at this point.

Amarik (195) has posed:
She won't receive any trouble leaving the settlement. But once she gets to the ship, she'll see that there are several Nihil stationed right outside the vessel, patrolling the gangplank and the surrounding area.

A pale skinned alien female sniffs the air. "Someone approaches," she hisses. "Look sharp," she says to the other guards, and starts making her way towards where Navi is!

The young Sephi will have to hide, and find another way onto the ship!

Navi has posed:
Navi freezes, then hastily darts deeper into the trees! Hiding for a few minutes out of sight of the clearing, she watches the guards prowling around the area, unsure of her location, but clearly aware of her presence. Her job just got a lot harder...

She begins making her way slowly and carefully around the landing field, keeping to the cover of the trees, until she is on the opposite side of the ship. "Now if I can just get close enough... and the Force is with me..." she whispers under her breath, and begins to creep toward the ship...

Amarik (195) has posed:
The Nihil, though they haven't found her yet, are still on Navi's tail, and getting closer by the minute.

"I can smell you, you know," that same female hisses. "You can't hide forever..."

The young Sephi girl will be able to see that the vessel is directly in front of her now. She can try to force leap, or climb up, but whatever she decides to do, she'll have to do it fast, the Nihil guards are closing in...

Navi has posed:
That scaly, hissing voice is enough to convince Navi that she needs to go /now/! Crouching to coil her body like a spring and calling on the Force, she leaps almost straight upward, sailing in a graceful arc up above the level of the upper hull and coming down within a few yards of a topside airlock. She doesn't waste time on congratulating herself or taunting her foes, but instead races to the airlock hatch and starts working on opening it.

Amarik (195) has posed:
Just as Navi reaches the airlock and starts trying to open it, she'll hear soft footsteps behind her.

"Leaving so soon...?" A familiar female voice says.

If she turns around, she'll see that it's the slate skinned woman from before. And she does not look happy to see that Navi's trying to run.

Navi has posed:
Navi looks over her shoulder and up at that mouthful of pointy teeth... she can't keep back a shudder. But she's not paralyzed. Snatching her staff from its loops atop her medical satchel, she moves as if to lay it down on the hull plates...

And then she braces one of its weighted tips against the hull and thumbs the extension stud for the opposite end of the staff, causing three-quarters of a meter worth of metal with a semi-conical weighted tip to shoot out, aimed at the woman's midriff...

Only she'd miscalculated, and the tip goes past her enemy's shoulder instead. She braces herself for a counter-attack, determined to go down fighting! At least Amarik can't be blamed for her escape...

Amarik (195) has posed:
The woman moves with such agility and precision, like a hunter trained to pursue prey. Her staff goes wide of her.

"Foolish child," she says. "You could have been one of us," she snarls. "If only you weren't so short sighted!"

She raises a hand, her long nails glinting in the moonlight, and aims to slash Navi, but just as she does, a red bolt flies out from somewhere in the darkness and grazes her ankle. She cries out, and tripping, falls off the top of the vessel...

Navi has posed:
Navi throws herself flat against the hull to avoid the slash... and the slash never comes! She opens her eyes just in time to see the horrific woman fall over the side of the ship.

Not wasting time on seeing if she's alive or dead, the blonde Sephi hastens to open the airlock to slip aboard. It's clear she has worn out her welcome here!

Amarik (195) has posed:
She'll be able to sense that Amarik is nearby, lurking somewhere in the darkness where she can only feel him in the Force, but not see him.

The airlock hisses open, and Navi will find she's in luck - this entryway to the vessel leads straight to the hangar!

Navi has posed:
Dropping through the hatch and clambering down a dozen steps on the ladder, Navi kicks off of the ladder and drops the remaining six feet to the hangar floor. Straightening from her landing crouch, she runs toward the docking bay controls, seeking to open the doors before commandeering one of the corvettes and racing away to freedom.

Amarik (195) has posed:
Some of the Nihil wise up as Navi climbs into one of the corvettes, but they don't wise up fast enough.

She'll be out before they're able to catch up to her, and the night fog that's suddenly swept in will work in her favor.

Seems the Force is smiling on Navi tonight.