An Afternoon Scrimmage

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An Afternoon Scrimmage
Date of Scene: 29 August 2024
Synopsis: Thaelin invites Volken, Ellari, and Jorn to a scrimmage. All does not go to plan.
Cast of Characters: 159, Volken Mons, Ellari Zin, 418

Athena (159) has posed:
It's a sunny day but cool day in Sundari, and across the street from the civic center a medium sized crowd has gathered on the grass of a quaint little park with a meshgeroya field.

Standing centerfield is the Duke's son, Thaelin, along with his cousins and his fiancee's sister, Emmaen.

The groom is toying with a leather and beskar ball, his expression contemplative, while the others look on impatiently.

The onlookers appear mildly amused, or slightly restless with anticipation. It's obvious that the bridal party is getting ready to scrimmage, while passerbys and other guests who had been invited to the wedding watch.

Volken Mons has posed:
So Volken hasn't really been doing his job. From his perspective, he's barely caring about this and has, as of yet, been really had what remains of his sense of nobility and pride in Mandalore tweaked enough to really engage beyond the barest surface level here. The part about potentially becoming an owner of land all his own is....intriguing to him.

But at the same time, the foundling abandoned Mandalore for a reason and the pomp and circumstance fo it all being a veneer for so much foolishness underneath had a lot to do with it. Murder and revenge might have been the other part.

So the immense super-soldier had..forgotten about the request to recruit a player and instead went into the city and got drunk. Very drunk. A few fights, some exchanged words, and a few would be challengers ending up with their heads embedded into ceilings with their bodies dangling there as the colossus continued drinking in an emptied cantina---and he'd basically forgotten all about why he was even here in the first place. Until now.

Now, sluggish, and hung over, he returns towards the bridal party. Armor dirty and helmet off revealing his tired and mildly inebriated expression as he staggers towards the field with a hand over his head.

"Ugh..what a pain..."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari is among the crowd preparing the watch the scrimmage. Frankly it's a bit surprising that the groom would be so bold as to allow his competitors to watch and learn his strategies. But she isn't going to complain.

    She notices Volken stumbling over and smirks to herself. Oh, he was still doing this? She'd nearly forgotten.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn is there with a cloth resting inf ront of him. Spread across it is his blaster. He's being meticulous, methodical and there's a process to cleaning weapons. Plus, the motions are familiarity, calm and they help him think. Jorn thinks his team may be lacking. Like there are two out of only so many. So, the gears are turning while the weapon goes back together bit by bit. If Jorn has a form of meditation, this might be it.

Athena (159) has posed:
Thaelin smirks when he notices Jorn, Ellari and Volken arrive on the scene. He tossed the ball aside, abandoning his cousins and future in law to address the newcomers.

"Volken," he says, clapping him on the back. "Haven't seen you in a bit, you ought to play."

Then he turns to Ellari and Jorn. "Watching, recruiting, playing or all three?" he asks them, a brow arched.

Volken Mons has posed:
The green Mandalorian he's seen once before - and thus does not know well ..or recall details aside from the unique color of his armor.

Ellari, on the other hand, he does know and knows that he irritates her. That's good enough of a reason to bother her. It helps to have something to focus on.

"What's tthe point of all this again?" Volken rumbles as he looms nearer to her, passing into the crowd like a meandering bantha and so, essentially, expecting people to move out of his way or be moved by his passage.

"Remind me of why this is important....?"

He's then suddenly startled by the, seeming, good nature of the groom and he turns towards Thaelin, still briefly caught off guard by the pleasent greeting.

"Me?" he asks, pressing a hand to his chest in genuine surprise at being asked so. "Me play?"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari shrugs. "Ask the Duke." she tells Volken. "He's the one who decided to use sport to determine land distribution." As if she doesn't exactly think it's the greatest idea, and she doesn't.

Jorn (418) has posed:
"He's having us pick our teams for a game. One that the rules haven't been defined yet," Jorn speaks without looking up from the weapon. "So, we all go on instinct, heart or anything else to determine teams. You may be behind," Jorn remembers a few things from the Bar. Volken may have bee there, the night was a bit chaotic for Jorn. "I don't remember seeing you there."

Athena (159) has posed:
"Of course," Thaelin says, "Your name -is- Volken, isnt it?" he says cheerfully. Then, he lowers his voice and says, "Come on. You haven't recruited anyone, might as well show off your athleticism and perhaps they'll show up on your doorstep." He pats him again and starts heading for the field.

"You're all welcome to play with or against me," he says, "But if you are joining, do let me know. We'll have to divide ourselves to make even teams."

Jorn might notice the recently recruited Revara lurking behind some trees, watching crouched over, as she's still... not quite healed yet.

Volken Mons has posed:
"If you don't remember me being wherever 'there' was then I probably was not 'there'." remarks Volken, testily, at Jorn.

Ellari is spared a glance and then the giant sighs a bit as he hears Thaelin again. It's hard to argue with that logic.

"Fine..." he rumbles darkly and then starts shuffling off to follow behind the groom.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari doesn't follow Volken, at least not yet. It seems she's content to watch for now. She notices Revara lurking, and scoffs slightly. She's surprised the girl is even back on her feet yet at all.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn just notices his gun bits and keeps his focus on those. There's nothing else around him. And that's why the focus stays on the gun. "Like I said, 'it was hard for me to tell.'" He had bigger worries.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Don't look so sore," Thaelin says with a mischievous smile, "haven't you played meshgeroya before? It's a sport well loved by all Mandalorians, and if you haven't played, I think you'd be brilliant at it. You can join my team for today, if you don't mind." He picks up leather and beskar limmie ball, and starts heading for the center of the field.

He passes Jorn on his way over. "I heard you recruited my sister," he says to the green armored Mandalorian. "How's that going for you?"

Volken Mons has posed:
"I'm bigger then any living Mandalorian and have arms thicker then your waist. IF you find it hard to tell if I'm around or not then you may want to clean the visor on your helmet and not your blaster." retorts Volken, some mild merriment returning to his voice with amusement at his own quip. It seems in his own way Jorn is helping him get over being hungover.

He compeltely misses the presence of Revara and given the last time he had anyting to do with her...that's probably a good thing.

His attention returns to Thaelin. "Fine, fine, fine. I'll play. I'm following you, aren't I?"

He was intending on joining his team anyway so when it is stated, he simply nods and then lifts the massive hand he'd been using to carry his helmet up to place it over his head.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "In all fairness, he was rather...preoccupied." Ellari points out regarding Jorn's comment that he wasn't sure. "Since you weren't there, there's no way you could possibly understand." A slight smirk at that.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn looks toward the sibling, "I have faith," is all Jorn says as he focuses. Jorn tries to think about what the next point of action is. And that's the problem rattling around in his mind.

"Every morning," Jorn says knowing that's a private thing. Volken flexs a bit. "I'm just trying to adapt," although later on Jorn might owe Volken a drink for the attempt. Right now, he's just working on his mind.

Athena (159) has posed:
Thaelin smirks. "Now that's the spirit," he says to Volken.

"You're /defending/ him?" Thaelin says, sounding slightly incredulous. "What unusually good sportsmanship," he teases.

"You should join us," he tells Jorn, "my father will be coming to watch, later. He said he'd like to see you play."

Then heads to centerfield and joins the others, his cousins, and future sister in law. They don't seem very pleased that Volken is joining, but they don't comment. "Volken and I will play against you three," he says to the others. Then he turns to the hulking Mandalorian. "Say, I think you could score from here," he says with a smirk, pointing at the goal at the far end of the field. He drops the ball in front of Volken. "Why don't you give it a shot?"

Volken Mons has posed:
"Me not understanding something is your usual go-to when you simply can't explain something in a straight forward manner or when something doesn't make sense and you just don't want to admit it. You're going to need to stop trying to use that excuse one of these days." Volken calls back to Ellari.

But that seems to be enogh of that as he now has to catch up to Thaelin. He'd probably rather dip into the sport of trying to rile Ellari up and spend more time trying to decipher Jorn ..but apparently duty calls.

When he finds himself under the scrutiny and displeasure of the other gathered Mandalorians, Volken simply folds his arms and falls silent. Fortunantely his expression can't be seen due to his helmet but his body posture likely says enough.

When Thaelin sets the ball down he admits, "I was never allowed to play this..." once the others are out of earshot. "...They said I was to big and my strength was to uncontrollable. My buir did not permit it...."

In other words, what should he do? Kick it? Throw it?

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari pays Volken's comments no heed. She just shrugs at Thaelin. "I am not defending him. It is simply the fact of the matter." she replies evenly.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn is quiet, he holds back some initial words. They're not the most strategic play. "I was going to observe," he's nearly finished with the gun. "When do we begin?" he feels like this is a gambit that cannot be won.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Ah, a damn shame," Thaelin says. "Well, you're getting your chance now. A chance to show just how Mandalorian you are, by playing this beloved sport."

Caine scoffs. "If his strength was too uncontrollable then, what makes you think it's any -more- controllable now?"

Thaelin seems amused. "Are you -afraid- of losing to him?" he asks, smirking. Then he turns to Volken. "Touching the ball with your hands in this sport is prohibited," He says. "You may only move it by kicking it up, laterally, or down the field." He pays no heed to Ellari, as he's now absorbed in watching Volken make a show of his strength.

Thaelin looks up when Jorn says he was just going to observe. "Don't be such a benchwarmer," he says mischievously. "Join whenever you like. But perhaps it's advisable to start playing before my father arrives."

Volken Mons has posed:
Volken lifts his gaze to watch Ellari and Jorn from a distance but then turns his attention back to Thaelin as he explains the rules of the game.

As Caine scoffs....the immense Mandalorian frowns slightly. His face may not be seen but a certain lean of his body shows his displeasure at being so called out ..but he says nothingl.

Ultimately..he simply nods towards Thaelin and then turns towards the ball and eyes it. "Fine..."

After a second of getting towards the indicated position...he braces his body and then lunges forward and brings his armored leg sweeping around. in a thunderous kick for the ball. His very armor seems to creak, the straps binding it together straining to hold tight as his physique lurches into action.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari watches with mild interest as Volken definitely doesn't have any trouble kicking the ball that far. However, the accuracy of the kick remains to be seen...she squints slightly downfield to see if the goal would have been good.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn readies himself unsure what to expect on the other side of the fiedl. Then one kick and the ball just short of goes. "I'm starting to think the game may be stacked against some of us," he just watches the ball seemingly disappear.

Athena (159) has posed:
Thaelin places a palm perpendicular above his eyebrows to watch the ball as it soars across the field and strikes the top of the goal. Whether it actually went in or not, is questionable, as the ball knocks the entire goal over and it tumbles down the hill behind it.

Caine scoffs. "I hate to admit it," he says, "but he's right. Perhaps Volken doesn't need to recruit anyone to his team."

"Oh come on now," Thaelin says, gesturing emphatically, "meshgeroya is not a sport that's all about brute force," he says, "we must show camaraderie, teamwork, and good sportsmanship. The odds aren't stacked against you. Recruit right, and you'll all do swimmingly."

Before anyone else can reply, a female Mandalorian with gold armor and a jetpack descends from the sky, carrying the limmie ball. "I believe this may belong to one of you," she says evenly.

Volken Mons has posed:
"Did we win?"

To his credit, Volken actually doesn't sound smug and in fact sounds mildly embaressed. But's a good question worth asking as far as he can see. Knocking the goal clean down the hill should count for something.

Caine's words do cause him to fall silent however and he jsut shakes his head and rests both of his hands onto his hips and watches as the golden armored woman descends with the recovered ball.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Heh," Ellari scoffs as the entire goal just falls over. "If Volken is going to be in the mix, perhaps the Duke ought to look into investing in more sturdy equipment." she remarks.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn looks at Ellari and the others are looking about. Jorn has qustions. However, he just eyes the new Mando. That has his curiousity.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Ah," Thaelin says, "Not... yet. I would say that counted as a point, though ... right?" he looks at the others, who just scowl, and suddenly seem rather disinclined to play.

"Jorn is right, the odds are stacked against us," Emmaen comments, "I say we should perhaps speak to the Duke about allowing Volken to play in the tournament at all."

"It's just a scrimmage," Thaelin says, "For the actual tournament, we'll have different equipment." He then turns to the female approaching. "Ah, Ryze," he says, "Thank you. The ball is mine."

Ryze turns and looks around at the small group, eying Jorn first, and then Volken. "Who kicked the ball?" she asks, but the question is somewhat rhetorical, as her gaze is resting on Volken.

Volken Mons has posed:
"Who do you think?"

His ill temper rising now, Volken shakes his head, "...But since you asked. I did."

He turns his attention towards Thaelin, "If it's going to cause a problem then I'd just as soon not play. I've got no intention of being mocked or seen as a freak that needs special dispensation just to be here..."

He waves his massive hand a few times. "I'll find a replacement... You don't need to accomodate me."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Different equipment, you say?" Ellari asks from the sidelines, her brows going up. "What sort of different equipment?"

Athena (159) has posed:
"Ner vod," The female Mandalorian says, her tone suddenly softening. "I only asked because I wanted to see if you would confidently own your strength, not deny it for the sake of pleasing everyone else."

"You need not mince your strength, or your words. These people will play you for a fool if you back down," she says, "And I will not have it." She turns to Thaelin. "Tell your Duke that this man shall play, or he is a hypocrite, as biased despite his claims that he is not."

Her presence is commanding, and the others, despite looking like they want to say something, don't. Reeve has made a show of revealing herself, about to protest against Volken competing, but when Ryze speaks, even she is speechless. She glances furtively at Jorn, seeming on edge.

"Tomorrow there will be a happy hour at the joint just a block from here," she says to Volken. "I know the bartender - perhaps I could find a discount for you, if you happen to stop by."

Volken Mons has posed:
The towering Mandalorian freezes at her words, both it scontent and the commanding tone.

Volken casts a quick glance towards Ellari and Jorn and then back towards Thaelin and the golden armored Mandalorian.

Finally he nods his head and rumbles, "....Alright... Very well. I'll play... I'll stop by..."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari is somewhat annoyed that Thaelin didn't answer her question, but it seems Ryze has commanded everyone's attention. Hm. Now that was interesting. "Thank you for fetching that for us." she remarks.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn looks at the comamnding mandalorian. Then he looks toward the others for a few moments. He starts to "Thank you for the assistance," and he just watches the others still. Unsure if the game is done or if this is merely the first play.

Athena (159) has posed:
"I'll see you then," Ryze says, "We'll speak soon." She then turns to leave, her heavy boots leaving marks in the grass as she leaves. "I've heard of you," she says to Jorn. "You're going to have to fight hard, vod, to be seen. But I'm sure you're aware. Anyone with half a credit's worth of sense on turf they haven't visited in ages would know."

"Good," Thaelin says, "I'm sure my father would be glad to see you've decided to play despite what everyone -else- thinks," he continues. "But for now, we'll wait until the Duke arrives to continue the game. In the meantime, I've got to take a holocall from Sanza." He then excuses himself, and the others disperse, making themselves scarce for the time being.

Seems like the scrimmage is on hold for now.