Another Cantina Conversation

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Another Cantina Conversation
Date of Scene: 25 September 2024
Synopsis: Volken discovers he's been made limmie team captain, while Ellari continues to recruit. Jorn speaks with the Duke.
Cast of Characters: 159, Ellari Zin, 418, Volken Mons

Athena (159) has posed:
It's a quiet evening in Sundari, and surprisingly, the joint a couple blocks down from the Bastille of Thyssel is even quieter. Dusk is quickly approaching, and there's a few patrons lingering at the counter, speaking in hushed, but casual tones.

In the back, Ryze, the armorer, along with Jo'nas ahd his brother are sharing a pint of mead and making small talk about the meshgeroya scrimmage...

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari had made plans to meet with Jo'nas, his brother Er'gi, and Ryze tonight at that very cantina near the Bastille. She would have been there already, but had gotten caught up with some...other House matters. So she is making her way up to the door at the moment, trying to peer into the windows to see where they're sitting.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn still feels the pain from before. That shot. Even if the physical healed, there is still the mental aspect. Just knowing one pushed too hard.

Seeing how others are brought about. How they sit, converse, and all didn't matter. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a small metal disc. To here, it's utterly meaningless and useless. Other places, it is currency. He flips the coin between his forefinger and middle finger. Using the thumb to stabalize motions. He'll stop sometiems and look at his own reflection. Yes, it's just a helmet that stares back at him. To him, it's his reflection looking back at him.

"Why did she stay out of it?" He'll ask no one in particular, the words quiet where someone has to be close to him to hear. "I might understand." He'll flip the coin again, "I might not." The coin will run between his fingers as thoughts wash over him.

Athena (159) has posed:
Jon'as raises a hand once Ellari makes an appearance in the doorway of the joint, waving her over.

Ryze frowns upon seeing Ellari but makes no comment. However, she does excuse herself and go over to the bar where Jorn is sitting, staring at his reflection in a credit chit. Then he starts talking to ... himself? The bartender, who isn't paying attention?

She arches a brow at the green armored Mandalorian. "Strange place to seek one's own company," she comments. "This cantina is rather public, if you haven't noticed."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari notes the hand and heads over to their table, arching a brow slightly as Ryze gets up to leave right as she sits down, and that little frown as well. Had she done something to offend?

    "Jon'as, Er'gi." She greets, nodding to the two brothers.

Jorn (418) has posed:
"Alcoholism develops when one is alone. It's not as strange as it seems." he points out and then he looks back to Ryze. "How are you?"

He'll pocket the coin and his attention does slip toward them. He simply waits for the answer waiting for where the conversation will go.

Athena (159) has posed:
Jo'nas nods at Ellari, but Er'gi folds his arms and his lips curve downward in a slight scowl. "Welcome," he says, gesturing for her to take Ryze's spot at their table. "Sit, please. And I've ordered a pint of mead, so help yourself."

"...fine, thank you," Ryze says, leaning closer to study Jorn. "You're not like the others, are you?" she observes. "What do you hope to prove to those you hate?"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari doesn't take Ryze's spot but takes the seat she presumes would have been saved for her given her joining them had previously been planned. She nods and does help herself to the mead. "Thank you, Jo'nas. And hello to you as well, Er'gi."

Jorn (418) has posed:
"I'm not. I question many things about...everything," and he leaves it at that. "Why do you ask?" he looks out toward the others for a moment. His helmet just scanning everyone about. "Did my adoring crowd give it away?" Jorn knows he's an acquired taste. And he's alright with that.

Volken Mons has posed:
Volken arrives with all the grace of a minor earthquake with arms and legs. The massive Mandalorian is fully armored though his helmet is off, tucked under one of his colossal arms. He moves with surprising ease considering he just recently took a full mine blast from under him. One that sent him sailing through the air and to the ground to create a Volken sized imprint in the ground.

A few bruises are hidden by his armor or visible on his tattooed arms, but he otherwise lumbers without must sign of obvious injury.

Upon arrival, he makes no attempt to approach anyoen directly and instead makes his way to obtain drink all his own, expression a dour frowning look. Which should be expected given what happened.

Athena (159) has posed:
Er'gi just grunts, and doesn't reply. Jon'as frowns disapprovingly at his brother, then turns to Ellari. "Well, I was going to try to delicately convince Ryze to join up, but..." he shrugs, and takes a sip of his drink. "Must have wisened up. She hates sales pitches, you know. I didn't tell her you were coming."

"And why do you want to know?" Ryze immediately counters. "Why do you question many things about everything? Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps you think too much?" she says, idly waving for the bartender to serve her whatever's on the house. "For one who claims to question everything, you've sure got gett'se for recruiting the Duke's daughter. You know what he thinks about that."

When Volken arrives, her attention is diverted. "What are you doing here?" she asks. "You should have at least asked the Duke to give you a once over."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    It's hard not to notice the mountain of a man that Volken is when he enters. Ellari's gaze goes over to him momentarily. It doesn't surprise her that he seems to have simply taken that blast.

    "Hn. Well if you were trying to convince her to join, not telling her about who was invited to the party may not be the best place to start."

    Then she looks over at Er'gi. "Er'gi, why don't you join your brother? Or are you too prejudiced to even play a friendly game of meshergoya with Vizsla?"

Jorn (418) has posed:
"Then maybe his speech about uniting us should not have been so good? That's what I think about. That rousing speech he gave us. We were to be united," he looks toward Ryze. "Then his first action? Puts us in a competition, something meant to divide instead of unite. Gets upset when the unexpected Mandaloreans get chosen by rules of his own design," he looks at Ryze for a moment. A moment to show proper engagement. Then he looks forward, "In a game where some people want to injure the other to ensure their own personal chances stand out over anothers. This all seems to be the opposite of unifying us," he looks back to Ryze. "Maybe people aren't thinking enough," he shrugs a bit. "That's what I think about." He chuckles, "I question everything. The gett'se is merely a bonus."

Volken Mons has posed:
"I'm fine."

Volken grasps the drink into a meaty hand and then turns towards the others.

"Not that most seem to care. I only stepped on a mine after all..."

His drink is quickly downed. Nisly but at least not wholly messy. That completed he shakes his head as he takes in Jorn's words and then frowns slightly more.

"This sort of politicking is part of why I didn't want to be bothered with Mandalore. Overly complex, needless jockeying for power, ego, and the vapid honor of a house name instead of the value of the people in ti as people... What's all this about now? Is this suddenly no longer seeming like a worthwhile effort?"

Athena (159) has posed:
"It's political!" Er'gi grumbles. "And I don't like politics." He gets up, venturing over to the bar.

"He's a simple man," Jon'as says. "If something isn't black and white, he avoids it like a plague."

Ryze arches a brow at Jorn. "You realize the Duke cannot operate completely outside of the Mandalorian tradition, right?" She sighs. "Mandalorians love rivalry. Competition. War. Blood. A chance to prove one is better than the other. He must walk the line. Too far in either direction, and he becomes a hypocrite, or a weakling no one will listen to." She scoffs when he mentions some want to injure others to ensure their own chances stand out. "That has nothing to do with the game," she says, "and everything to do with the kind of people who are playing. A Mandalorian will find reason to cause a bar fight over a spilled drink. That is just the way it is. And Mandalorian is what you are. Forsake if you will, or embrace it. Those are the only two choices." She levels her gaze at Volken. "You two are here, so that must mean something."

The bell on the door of the cantina chimes, perhaps drawing their attention. It's the Duke.

"Jorn," he says softly. "A word in private, please."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Ah, but nothing is ever just black and white, is it?" Ellari points out, glancing over at Er'gi as he walks away. "And whether we like politics or not, we have to care about them...unless we completely forsake living in any sort of community at all."

Jorn (418) has posed:
"That is why I respect your kinship with another one of us here," Jorn will speak to Volken. "Respect, albeit some playful rivalry, but something forged," he nods. That seems to be the end result leaders, soldiers and so many others would hope for.

"Yes, but not far enough in the right direction brings chaos. It weakens," he says. "We remain at each other's throats, try to cut each other down." Jorn almost lets it slip that he did stop someone from getting injured. However, most would know, he's willing to bring a blaster to a fight.

"Yes. We are," he says to Ryze honestly.

A look goes toward Duke and he will nod. "Is it the crowd that makes me stand out?" he says to Ryze. That not everyone will like him. However, Volken just proved why it was right not to take him out.

Volken Mons has posed:
"More or less.." answers Volken, somewhat begrudingly. "I had made it a point to stay away from all of this. I killed and killed some more and left and didn't want to return. She..."

He jabs a thumb towards Ellari, "Got me wrapped up in more nonsense. Her and Revara and Caine adn Khalo. More of the same. I saw no signs that any purpose or direction had come out of the bickering and backseat and backyard manuevering that goes on. But yes...I'm here. Maybe I wanted to see if there was progress.."

He falls silent and then shrugs, "...Maybe there can be. I don't know. I'm wondering if I should care or not.."

Athena (159) has posed:
"I know," Jo'nas says, sounding slightly frustrated. "He can be dense. I'm sorry. And I'm much less charismatic, so if anyone's going to be successful at the convincing it's going to be you."

Ryze frowns. "Not far enough in either direction will result in chaos. Mandalorians crave conflict. Deprive them of it, and they'll find some other way to create it that's completely outside of your control."

She smirks slightly. "Perhaps you're not familiar. The last big Mandalorian wedding I attended had tournament duels as part of the festivities. Weapons were permitted. The Duke's suggestion of playing limmie ball, no weapons allowed, is very tame, by Mandalorian standards."

She turns to Volken. "And what is your estimation so far? You want to forsake your Mandalorian heritage? In other places, you'll have just as much difficulty finding acceptance. But here on Mandalore, there is a real chance you'll find family, the kind that exhibits undying loyalty, even under the worst circumstances."

"No," The Duke says, his tone pained. "Come. I must talk to you about what happened... at the scrimmage today." He gestures for him to follow him into a private meeting room in the back.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari sighs. "I'm not sure he's worth the effort, to be honest." she tells him honestly. Although part of her is putting him to the test--to see if he actually thinks his brother is a good enough candidate to make him worth pursuing.

Jorn (418) has posed:
There's a frown under the mask and he moves with the Duke. Going to sit near him, "What happened?" he asks with genuine concern. He's expecting things to basically go awry somehow. That things are going to be set off kilter for him. Still, he will listen and just adapt. What choice does he have?

Volken Mons has posed:

Volken narrows his eyes, teetering now and clearly thinking though it's not positive looking.

"My father was killed by hut'uunla utreekov who sought to bring our small house down as part of a feud between the house we were allied with and another. Larger factions that only cared for their own advances and used methods of subterfuge and lies to set us up and then murder us for gain.I took matters into my own hands and then decided I didn't want to be associated with that anymore - so yes - belonging has never been something I was after. I was a foundling and treated as such by pure bloods who couldn't see past my size or only saw me as a tool."

Volken replaces his helmet now, settling it onto his face, creating an emotionless looking titan now as his expression becomes hidden.

"..So you will excuse me if I remain skeptical. However..I won't simply leave. I'll see where this goes, for now..."

Athena (159) has posed:
Jo'nas frowns. "You don't think so?" His expression sours. "Well, you're just wrong. Besides, you haven't really even tried yet, have you? Make an honest attempt, and if he still refuses, then I suppose it is what it is. But don't call it before you've even tried."

The Duke closes the door to the private room behind him. "Don't ask me that!" he says sharply, clenching his fists. Then he relaxes his demeanor, and takes off his helmet. "Ah, forgive me." He goes to stand near the window and stares out of it, his expression wistful. "Perhaps it wasn't obvious to you. But I know who placed the mine in the limmie field."

Ryze sighs. "Vod, you realize that most Mandalorians have a story not so different from yours. Political factions breeding civil discontent, ending in violence, bloodshed, loss, and grief. I am no stranger to this, many aren't. I was born and raised in House Kast, yet I did not escape the tragedies disunity brings. My own mother was slain by my stepbrother when she attempted to leave House Kast and join House Viszla."

"I understand your skepticism. But I also think you've been away for too long."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari arches a brow at Jo'nas. "Now you are the one jumping to conclusions. I never said he wasn't, or that I have made any sort of decision regarding him just yet. Only that I wasn't sure, since I don't know him. So tell me, Jo'nas...what makes him worthy of pursuit?" she asks. "And if I am going to make an attempt, what should I tell him he has to gain from this?"

Jorn (418) has posed:
"Something I did not know much about," Jorn is quick to add as he sees where this is going. Then he looks at The Duke, "I told her I did not want her acting like that. I said as much when thwarting something else," and he will not elaborate on this one.

Then there's a pause, "But are we absolutely sure?" he asks genuinely. It's not that he can't see it. Oh, Jorn can totally see this. But everyone deserves to be treated equally. And he told his partner, she would get a good faith effort from him. This is Jorn's attempt at good faith.

Volken Mons has posed:
The big Mandalorian doesn't respond right away but his silence is perhaps answer enough. He looks at Ryze and then finally looks away and surveys the cantina to look in the direction of Ellari and those she converses with. The departure of Jorn and the Duke was not lost on him either but he still falls silent, seemingly thinking. Finally he nods to Ryze.

"Maybe I have been." he admits.

Athena (159) has posed:
"He's comparable in strength and size to Volken," Jonas says. "You'll need that on your team, in order to win. As far as how to convince him." He frowns. "...I'm not sure you'll like the answer."

"I know," The Duke says patiently. "And I figured you told her as much." There is a pause. "But she is your responsibility now, and I will advise you this much: It is no good to simply tell her."

"As sure as one can be," the Duke says. "Droid sentries were patrolling the field while we were at dinner. They would have alerted me if there was an intruder, someone they did not know. And there is only one person they do not treat as an intruder who was not at dinner that night." He shakes his head, pinching his nose bridge. "Listen, I want to have as much good faith as you do. I would rather overlook this. But I cannot." He then turns to Jorn, his gaze becoming steely. "You must find a way to pacify her. Control her aggression. She cannot act like this at her own brother's wedding festivities--!" He suddenly seems overcome with emotion.

"How many years?" Ryze says. "And you still plan to be a team captain for the tournament, don't you? I hope so. You can't quit so early on."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari scoffs slightly. "That's the obvious part. But size and strength aren't everything. Does he -know- the game? Does he know what strategy means?" she shrugs when Jo'nas hesitates to tell her. "Well, since he isn't exactly chomping at the bit, I'll need -something- to get him chomping. I don't know him, so I have no idea what he wants. He clearly has no respect for House Vizsla, so we need to give him something else to gain from this."

Jorn (418) has posed:
"What happened?" Jorn asks, but holds up a finger. "I don't mean the incident. With her. There is a clear desire to impress you. To live up to you, but her tactics are extreme. What happened? Where did it change?" he asks the Duke honestly. Because he has seen a conflict within her. It's like someone wanting to do the right thing, but only has a lifetime of brutal teachings. Both hands steeple as he waits for Duke to explain. "She wanted to be amongst the competitors."

Volken Mons has posed:
Volken's attention is pulled from looking to Ellari and her conversation.

"-Me- be a team captain?"

Volken may have his helmet on now but it's clear by his body langauge that he's both surprised and incredulous at this very notion.

"I said I"d help Thaelin at the scrimmage. I've heard nothing about someone wanting me to captain a team. They're lucky I dont' walk through a wall and storm out through the manor in a straight line, leaving holes in everything, after that mine stunt. Who wants me to be a team -captain-? For what?"

As to how long, he's too busy being shocked at this revelation to answer how many years he's been wandering the galaxy as a freelancer.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Er'gi was a star limmie ball player back when he was in primary school," he says, "he knows the game like the back of his hand. He might not be a strategist, but he can execute, and can recognize when a teammate is either over or underutilized," he points out. He pauses. "...he likes female company and attention," he says, "you just need to convince him you're interested."

"Too much," the Duke says, becoming emotional. "And to be honest, I don't know. I've tried so hard over the years to reconcile with her. To correct her chaotic ways, and convince her that cheating and betrayal is only for aruetti, even if it serves one's own purposes." He pauses. "I was once married to her mother. We had eight children together," he says. "but Revara was not the ninth. You may be surprised, but she is only my daughter through a vow I swore, not by blood. I knew, but I never said a word. I think she discovered it too, at some point. I don't know when. Perhaps she hates me for leaving her to discover it on her own. Perhaps I deserve it."

Ryze chuckles. "Yes, you didn't hear the news the Duke gave, I see. All members of the bridal party have been promoted to team captain for the meshgeroya tournament."

"The Duke does, obviously. And I would, as well. I would be happy to be a member of your team, if you'll have me."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Female company and attention, hm?" Ellari echoes, her brows going up again. "But apparently not mine, or anyone from House Vizsla." She glances over at Er'gi sitting at the bar again.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn's quiet for a moment, "I just got a lecture about too much kindess creates a bad situation, but too much strife also creates a bad situation. That is Revara. Someone, something put it in her mind that the extreme tactics are the best way, and now we're seeing the result," he looks at The Duke. "I don't know how it happened, or why, just that it has. I think at the end of the day she wants to be among those house heads. But it's like she was taught the most extreme methods. So, she cannot do anthing subtle. She does not know that sometimes kindness, diplomacy goes farther," he looks at Duke. "But there will always be a time to be violent. She just can't see those limits," he stands and lets Duke think on it. "I'll need some things from her childhood. I have a plan, but you're one of the few people with accesss to holos, anything like that," orn says as he had a few ideas.

Volken Mons has posed:
"You're -joking-..." growls Volken, lifting a hand up to his helmet as if he's quite the headache.

"I -barely- played this game as a child, let alone an adult. I was content to simply let Thaelin strategize and handle everything while I assisted him but now you're telling me the Duke expects me to -captain-?"

The offer to be on his team doesn't go unnoticed though and Volken pauses and is forced to consider matters.

"...You're being too kind." he notes, sullenly.

"...Alright. I'm going to do it of course. I'll need your help to make this work. As you are willing, I will have you on the team..."

Athena (159) has posed:
Jo'nas shrugs. "Not necessarily," he says, "He has some self esteem issues," he adds. "If you show no clear interest in him, he will assume rejection before he's even asked," he says.

"She always has had a fiery temperament," he says, "perhaps neglect and abuse from her mother, and my failure to be the father she needed simply fanned the flames more." He pauses. "Anything you need, I will provide. But please. Be careful. Her past is not something she likes to often revisit." He sighs. "I must return to the Bastille. But do not hesitate to contact me regarding any memorabilia from her childhood. I'll do my best to give you what you need." He then turns to leave, heading out of the private room and sweeping out of the cantina.

"I'm not," Ryze says. "And sometimes a fresh perspective is needed." She frowns. "You speak about never being able to belong, but when was the last time you truly took your own fate into your hands and wrangled it into what you wanted it to be? You are being given the opportunity to do that now. Do not resent this chance to finally earn the respect you deserve from your own people." She smiles when he says he's willing to have her on his team. "Ah, then it's settled. I'm honored to be a member."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Self-esteem, hm. Well it seemed he needed to be flattered. Ellari nods. "Very well then, I know what I need to focus on."

    She approaches Er'gi at the bar, sitting down next to him and ordering him another drink. "Your brother says you were quite the star limmie ball player when you were younger," she remarks, looking up him up and down. "Not surprising, really. For someone like you. Let's talk tomorrow night, just me and you, hm?" she offers.

Jorn (418) has posed:
"I know she's given me some bruises for that," Jonr's voice holds the weight of seriousness. He watches Duke for a moment. "I'm not going to make her live the worst day of childhood. You cannot get ride of a plant by simply trimming it sometimes. Other times you have to pull it out by the roots," he says pointing out the plan. Try to find the root and eliminate it. Then he looks out. "I think she wishes she was one of the house heads."

Volken Mons has posed:
"You've been attempting to instill some momentum in me for some time now...." acknowledges Volken, his deep voice lacking its usual brusqueness or devil may care attitude as he becomes more reflective. "...I'm not so crass that I can't appreciate that or have a desire to win. I suppose this means I need to build a team then.."

He lifts a massive arm up and points at Er'gi at the bar.

"What about him?"

He looks, amused, as Ellari also approaches the other large Mandalorian and quips, "I think she's got a type.. Lemme see if I can snipe - or - help 'er out..."

He turns to start for the bar.

Athena (159) has posed:
Er'gi seems shocked at her forwardness, but isn't completely persuaded. "You're still trying to recruit me, aren't you?" he says, frowning. "Forget it! I'll have a drink with you, but you can't mention meshgeroya, not once!" He then gets up to leave.

"A wish made in vain..." The Duke says softly to Jorn on his way out, his tone pained.

"Good luck," Ryze says, "he'll be a fine addition ... if Zin doesn't wrap him around her finger first!"

When Volken gets up and heads towards the bar, Er'gi will pass him on his way towards the door. "I guess tonight was a recruitment fair! Heh, none of you look too successful. Pity. Anyway, I've got some business to attend to." And with that, he elbows past the hulking Mandalorian.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "That's part of it, certainly...but it also just happens to be on my mind at the moment. But...I am also interested in -you-, and not just for the tournament."

    Ellari shrugs. "Fine." She rolls her eyes. Didn't even bother to thank her for that drink just now, did he? Perhaps he really wasn't worth it. But at least he'd agreed to to meet with her. She goes back to the table with Jo'nas. "Well, I tried."

Volken Mons has posed:
Elbowign past Volken is easier said then done. The hulking Mandalorian is impacted by the shoulder but seems to hold his ground like some sort of oak tree casually looming there. He makes no more to actually stop Er'gi from passing by but it may be more of a rebound off of him then an actual shove of the giant who is braced but also making it look enormously casual that he's braced.

HIs head tracks Er'gi's movements and then he looks away while answer,

"I don't know, I've been pretty successful." he counters, raising his other arm up to indicate Ryze.

"I guess he just doesn't have what it takes! Here I was about to offer him a way to impress women and get them hanging from each arm..."

Athena (159) has posed:
Jo'nas frowns. "You didn't try very hard," He says. "He agreed to meet with you. That's something. And if you don't step up your game..." he glances over at Volken.

Er'gi slows down when Volken says he was about to offer him a way to impress women. "Eh?! Who said I don't have what it takes??" He squints at Volken. "What are you on about, hm?"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Well you'll forgive me if I don't exactly feel very inclined toward him. He is already prejudiced against me for no good reason, and I certainly don't feel like kissing the boots of someone who has been nothing but rude and disrespectful toward me."

Volken Mons has posed:
Volken makes a gesture towards Ellari,

"You didn't seem to do a very good job there. Maybe you're lacking in....a certain charm! But that's alright! I happen to know exactly what that's like. Look at me. You think I don't get it?"

He slaps his enormous arm, bicep flexing and a loud meaty *THWACK* resounding from the impact against the tree trunk thick muscle.

"It's a bit intimidating. What you need is....a certain amount of swagger. Maybe swagger obtained by being a champion in a game with many eyes on it? Think about it. Together, we'd be an unstoppable. Ladies will be linign up to straddle those shoulders of yours..."

He takes a few steps forward as he speaks, lowering his arms and drawing closer towards Er'gi though at the end there he turns his attention to look, quite deliberately, in Ellari's direction.

"...MIght be a chance to embaress some people as well..."

Athena (159) has posed:
"He'd be an asset," Jo'nas says, sounding annoyed. "Is he brutish and lacking in manners at times? Yes, but he knows the game better than anyone I know. Come on, be reasonable. No one likes being solicited to. Give him a second chance!"

Er'gi is clearly listening when Volken gives his pitch. His brows are furrowed, but he isn't saying no outright, and he certainly isn't walking away, either. His gaze flicks to Ellari briefly. Then he turns back to Volken. "Give me a couple days to think about it," he says. "Making a decision like this after several glasses of mead isn't exactly wise."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Quite the contrary, many like feeling wanted." Ellari answers frankly. "I said I would meet with him, didn't I? That hasn't changed."

Volken Mons has posed:
"Fair enough!" says Volken, clapping a massive hand against the other giants back and sparing no strength but also not -trying- to be forceful or intimidating.

"I've got your back." he says matter of factly, "Whatever you pick, eh?"

It's a little of the less sullen Volken it would seem. PErhaps Ryze's pep talk has finally settled in.

The matter done, he turns and returns for the bar himself although ont he way there, he makes a finger-gun like gesture in Ellari's direction.

Athena (159) has posed:
Jo'nas grunts, but he doesn't look too happy. "Fine... just don't botch the meeting, eh? I know you've got more charisma than what you showed just now."

Er'gi slides out from under Volken's arm. "Right," he says, his lips pressing into a thin line. "We'll see about that." And with that, he exits the cantina.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari notices Volken's fingerguns, and wonders if she shouldn't just tell Er'gi to join Volken. However, she doesn't mention this to Jo'nas. "I suppose I should get going. It was good seeing you, Jo'nas."