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Date of Scene: 24 August 2024
Synopsis: Pike, Navi, and Heydan finally get Vlaven arrested with the help of a mysterious agent named 'Black.'
Cast of Characters: 159, Pike Windu, Navi, Heydan Seegil

Athena (159) has posed:
It's a fine afternoon on Coruscant, certainly a lovely day for the small group of Jedi and friends to take all the evidence they'd gathered against Vlaven and present it to the CSF.

As per usual, the hangar for visitors at this hour is mostly empty - most of the officers are out to lunch at the moment, but the receptionist at least, is working. If they approach her, she'll greet them politely.

"Ah, good afternoon, Master Jedi, and ... " She's not quite sure how to address the other(s). "How may I be of assistance to you, today?"

Pike Windu has posed:
    "Master Pike Windu," the Jedi bows, "my associates and I wish to speak an investigator, a SENIOR investigator, on a matter of grave importance."

Navi has posed:
"Please and thank you?" Navi adds, aping Master Windu's bow from the Master's right side. "We've worked ever so hard to compile the necessary evidence."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil steps forward and hands a datastick over to the CSF agent explaining, "It is all there.", then back up one step and allows the Jedi compatriot to take the lead.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Ah, yes," the receptionist says with a nod, glancing over at Heydan briefly while taking the datastick. "Thank you," she says, "this is in regard to the ongoing investigation regarding Emissarius Vlaven, right?" she asks.

Then she turns to Navi and Pike. "Our senior officers are all out at lunch right now, unfortunately," she says, "but you can wait here in the lobby. There's caf, and some pastries brought over by Kurrnak's wife this morning. I'm sure they'll be back within -- "

But then she's interrupted by a rather mysterious cloaked stranger appearing in the hallway just behind the receptionist's desk. He wears a thick dark trench coat, white leather gloves, and a glossy helmet with a respirator attached to it. "Master Pike Windu, and Navi Valrennann, a novice from the Shining Brotherhood, and...." His gaze rests on Heydan intensely for a moment, but he does not address him. Instead, he looks away after a second, turning back to Navi and Pike. "Presuming I'm correct, I'm sorry the other senior investigators are out right now, but I can certainly help you. I've been following and overseeing Emissarius' case for some time now." He beckons for them to follow him as he turns around and starts to head back down the hallway from whence he'd come.

Pike Windu has posed:
    Pike shoots a glance at Navi, eyebrow raised. The Jedi Master sees no reason not to follow.

    "Come along," he says to Navi and Heydan."

Navi has posed:
"Let's go, I suppose," Navi says to Pike and Heydan, moving to follow Pike and the stranger. "What should we call you, good Sir?" she asks the cloaked figure.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil nods in reply to the receptionist and then follows everyone else down the hallway after their host.

Athena (159) has posed:
The receptionist seems utterly shocked upon seeing the darkly clad man seem to materialize out of nowhere. She gasps audibly and is left speechless as he leads them away.

He leads them down the hallway towards the lift. When Navi calls him good sir, he chuckles. "-Good- sir? Ah, you're the first to call me that in a long, long time..." he says mysteriously. "You can call me.... Black."

Once they're inside the lift, he looks pointedly at Heydan and says. "Now. What shall we call... you?" Even without his eyes showing, his penetrating gaze might be enough to make the hairs raise on the back of Heydan's neck. He knew, didn't he? But for Heydan's sake, he's choosing not to say anything...

Pike Windu has posed:
    Windu looks at Heydan. The Jedi can sense this investigator's raw presence and wonders if it is the Dark Side.

Navi has posed:
"Black, then. It's nice to meet you," Navi replies politely. The receptionist's reaction isn't lost on her, and she regards the investigator thoughtfully.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil smirks at being called out, "Oh, I suppose you can call me 'grey'.", teasing the person leading them about their own codename. "I really am not that important here. Just got hired to do a job so I am supplying the report from that job.", he shrugs out trying to downplay his involvement.

Athena (159) has posed:
Heydan will get the sense that this man, though he works for the CSF, is a different kind of breed. He'd clearly been watching him - and the others, closely. Why? Perhaps because of their involvement with Vlaven, perhaps not. Maybe he'd heard some rumors about Heydan circulating in the Outer Rim. Either way - it's clear that 'Black' has a penchant for watching when others aren't looking.

"A pleasure to meet you as well, Navi," he says. "I hope you'll get everything you'd hoped for out of your visit today." A peek inside his mind might shock Navi. His psyche is so... strange. And void. He seems to have little to no emotions, and the only thing she'll be able to glean is that he feels satisfied about their visit today, and that he has a distinct interest in Heydan.

"You have a keen sense of humor," he observes dryly when Heydan says to call him 'Grey'. "I like that."

When the lift chimes, the doors open into a narrow, dimly lit corridor with a single door at the end of it. He goes to open it, and gestures for them to go inside. "Please," he says. "Make yourselves comfortable." He motions to a black futon, before sitting down at the desk across from it. He steeples his fingers and tilts his head to one side. "You've something to tell me today, don't you?"

Pike Windu has posed:
    Windu enters the room and is a bit repelled by the decor. But he draws on the Force and takes a seat.

    "We do, sir. I will let Navi explain, as she knows all the particulars."

Navi has posed:
"Thank you, Mr. Black." Navi seats herself on the futon. "It has been a strange situation from the first, I'm afraid. Much of the wrongdoing seems to have been at the hands, hired or otherwise, of Vlaven. He has taken advantage of many friends and colleagues to gain political power for himself. As a result of his schemes, a musician was hired and drugged, shame and scorn have been heaped on his colleague in the Senate and a member of the Senator's family, a high official was nearly murdered in a staged air traffic accident, and at least two Clawdite agents, possibly assassins, were set in motion in the city. And I'm probably forgetting something else he has done. It is quite a long list."

She passes over a dataslug taken from a concealed pocket of her robe. "This contains all of the pertinent details of the matter. I hope you can make good use of them in bringing him to well-deserved justice."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil stomach fills with dread as soon as he realizes who he is probably speaking to. While part of him always wanted to be a super secret agent he never honestly believed he would be involved with 'agent 700 Haines Von' from the secret government. 'Yeah, now is about the best time to shut up.', he thinks to himself and unlike his usual self he lets the others drive the conversation as finds a place to stand between the futon and the door that appears natural. 'Best to speak only when it is meaningful and most importantly not going to get me killed.', he continues to think to himself as things are discussed.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Ah-h-h," Black says, "this doesn't surprise me at all, does it surprise you? You know how politicians can be." He takes the data slug Navi hands him, and loads it into the computer. "Well, well, well. No more surprises here, either. Looks like he embezzled -some-money, too, on top of all the other things you've mentioned."

He then turns to look over at Heydan. "The receptionist sent over what was on your dataslug too ... remote access to a device authorized to perform official financial actions on behalf of the Republic...hmmm... that's not legal, either." He pauses. "Say, is this your handiwork? This slicing? Did you happen to run into any... resistance while trying to acquire it?" he asks Heydan.

Navi has posed:
"For what it may be worth, one of the Clawdites attempted to murder the musician under the guise of paying him. It is now in CSF custody. The second was killed while attempting to infiltrate the Jedi Temple, for reasons we were not aware of," Navi adds, nodding. "I knew Vlaven was a bad man, but it seems I wasn't aware of just how bad he was."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil gives a noticeable pause before answering the question he was asked, "I'd prefer to keep the details of what I do on a need to know. So, if you need to know then I'll tell you but otherwise-", he again pauses to consider his next words, "It was not something above my level of competence.", and he allows himself a tight smirk as he says this last bit. Continuing onwards he adds, "You'll notice that the Senator also has some times on the Outer Rim. I had, intended to travel there but I was asked here."

Athena (159) has posed:
Black leans back in his chair, resting the back of his head against his hands. "I'm aware," He says. "Unfortunately, those events don't implicate him, as there's no incriminating evidence leading anyone to believe he was directly responsible. Yet, anyway."

He turns to Heydan. "I see. But Vlaven nor anyone else tried to ... stop you from trying to slice into the computer in his office?"

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil once again considers what he wants to divulge but decides to tell the truth. "There was a Droid century, but otherwise no. We made our way to their office after hours, but there-", and in that moment he realized it. "Fek.", he muttered under his breath. 'The ties on the Outer Rim and Glen, they were all a red herring. Everyone wanted him off the planet and what he was on to was too easy. This was not the doorway, it was a trap.

Navi has posed:
"I understand. I'm hopeful that his personal records will reveal some of his more dastardly deeds that are otherwise unconnected to him," Navi observes, with slight regret. "Is there anything else you need from us, Mr. Black?"

Athena (159) has posed:
"That droid tried to kill you, didn't it?" Black says casually. He doesn't seem surprised, or concerned. Which is perhaps concerning.

He stands up. "No need," Black says. "I have enough to legally arrest him, and from there, I'm sure we'll be able to extract a confession for -all- his sins."

He opens a drawer and takes out a small gun, tucking it into a pocket inside his trench coat. "Well, I'm going to pay him a little visit... now. I wouldn't mind added security."

He starts for the door. "Grey... you should come along. Don't you want to see Vlaven pay for his crimes... permanently?"

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil shrugs and nods, "Sure.", keeping it simple by deciding to go along with everyone.

Navi has posed:
"As you wish, Sir," Navi replies, standing and straightening her robe. "If you'll stay close to me, Mr. Grey, I shall do my best to protect you," she adds.

Athena (159) has posed:
Black escorts them to a sleek black vessel, which he then pilots towards the Federal District where the Republic Executive Building is.

Once it sets down in the hangar near the executive building, Black goes to fetch Heydan in the back.

"We're here," he says. A pause. "Say, you wouldn't happen to be looking for a job, would you? A ... stable one, that lets you set your own hours...?"

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil considers this deeply, "Let me see how you handle this.", and chooses to make this a test of Mr. Black since apparently he has already passed. It looks for a moment like he is about to say more but chooses not to.

Navi has posed:
Navi is quiet on the flight to the RE Building. Perhaps she is contemplating the investigation and the trials and tribulations that have accompanied it may finally be at an end in less than an hour.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Fair enough," Black says, and casually strolls out of the vessel.

He notices Navi's quiet demeanor, and pats her on the head, chuckling. "Don't worry," he says. "I don't have anything to hide." Navi will find his mind strangely clouded. Like he'd known she was going to probe. Nevertheless, their brief contact sheds some insight - he thinks it's very possible that Vlaven will try to kill him on sight. He's not afraid, though. But whether that bodes well or ill, Navi will have to decide for herself.

He enters the executive building, flashing his badge briefly at the receptionist before heading for the lift. "They're with me," he says, gesturing casually at Navi and Heydan.

When they arrive in front of the lift, it chimes, and when the doors open, none other than Vlaven himself comes out of it.

Navi has posed:
Navi blinks in surprise, blushing faintly and looking up at Black in mild confusion as her head is patted. She isn't sure how he sensed her telepathy, but it's clear he has. "You are one of the few people I have met during this trouble for which that is so," she observes softly.

She looks at Grey thoughtfully. "You should take the job," she opines softly. "Were I not committed to my Order, I would consider such a job."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil says nothing as they head to the lift and up it, but does his best to catch a glimpse of Mr. Black's badge to confirm what he already has assumed. He glances at Navi as they tell him that he should accept the job. "I may.", he says to her and then he looks at Mr Black and asks, "Does it come with a ship?"

Athena (159) has posed:
"Is that so? What a pity. The galaxy's a rather rotten place, isn't it," he observes flatly.

Black waves dismissively. "You'll have whatever you like - granted it's something you need for the job," he says. "And you'll pension, of course. Government jobs tend to come with that."

When Vlaven emerges from the lift, his eyes widen, and Heydan and Navi will notice he gets a mad look in his eyes like neither of them will have ever seen before.

"Hello, Em," Black addresses casually.

"-You-!" He screams, "How... how are you -here-! How -dare- you!!"

"You're under arrest," Black says softly, "for the abuse of your privileges as Vice Treasurer--"

And then simultaneously, they both pull out guns and open fire.

Navi has posed:
If Navi had been carrying a lightsaber, this would've been relatively simple; produce lightsaber, deflect weapons fire. But Navi doesn't have a lightsaber. She doesn't even have a blaster.

So she does the only thing she can. She cries, "Look out!" and tackles "Grey" to the ground, out of the line of fire. "Sorry about the bruises, Mr. Grey, if you get any. I tried to be gentle!"

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil taken off his feet by Navi hits the ground thankful for their Jedi reflexes despite having plans of his own. As the gun fire rings out he looks over towards the sound to see the result.

Athena (159) has posed:
Vlaven is lying on the ground, a blackened hole in his upper torso. Close to being fatal, but not quite.

He can barely lift his head off the ground. "..."

Black seems entirely nonplussed. He dusts off the shoulder of his trench coat casually, and walks over to where Vlaven lies on the ground, nearly unconscious. He points his gun at the Vice Treasurer's head.

Was he going to kill him...?

But a second later, he lifts Vlaven up by the collar of his white shimmersilk shirt, and starts to drag him away. "Thanks for the help," he tells Navi. "Now, I do need one last thing. The blond Jedi boy, Cayde. Will you tell him to come to CSF as soon as he's able? We have a ... task for him, regarding upholding 'life and light.' He's patriotic enough, don't you think?"

Then he glances over at Heydan. "I'll be in touch," He says, slipping him a small card that has nothing but a black X on it. Then he turns to leave, dragging Vlaven with him.

Navi has posed:
Navi slowly stands, offering "Grey" a hand up. "Are you hurt? I wasn't hit, but I wasn't sure I was in time to get you out of the line of fire," she asks softly.

"I shall tell him. Thank you for all your help, Mr. Black," she calls after the departing agent. "You will probably want to put him in a kolto tank to ensure he lives to stand trial for his crimes."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil standing from under Navi says, "On that note!", and starts to remove his disguise, "Pardon the pun but I could not resist.", and as the mask pulls away Heydan Seegil the musician Vlaven attempted to use in their plot reveals himself. Winking at Vlaven he says, "Careful of what you drink in prison. As you can see I have more powerful friends than yours.", and then leaning in close he whispers, "And they are everywhere."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil nodding to Mr. Black he adds, "We'll be in touch. I take the gig."

Athena (159) has posed:
"Oh he will," Black says. "I'll take -excellent- care of him." Although the way he's dragging him seems to indicate otherwise. But what can Navi say, really? Black had helped her nail the one person who'd caused so much trouble, and at this moment, there doesn't seem to be an indication that he means ill.

Vlaven is too weak to react in any other fashion other than grinding his teeth at Heydan just before passing out. "Perfect," Black says. "We'll talk soon then, yes? I think you'll like Coruscant."

He tosses Vlaven's limp body into the black vessel, then turns back to Navi and Heydan. "I'm sure we'll be speaking again soon," he says, just before the gangplank retracts.