Epilogue: The Award Ceremony

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Epilogue: The Award Ceremony
Date of Scene: 14 September 2024
Synopsis: Cayde and Annelia are presented with an award from the Chancellor for helping arrest Vlaven.
Cast of Characters: 159, Annelia Belask, Cayde Alexis, Navi

Athena (159) has posed:
It's been a couple of weeks since Cayde, Annelia and Navi had visited the CSF and interrogated Vlaven. Since then, a multitude of things had happened, and happened very fast.

First, Vlaven's trial had been mysteriously short - and none of those who had been present while Vlaven had been interrogated had been mandated to attend. Then subsequently, he'd been tried, convicted and sent away to ... somewhere, presumably. The man had not even been present for the trial - only his lawyer. Rumor had it, he'd been unfit to stand trial, but no reliable sources had confirmed why, exactly.

Then, a new Treasurer had been appointed, and a long list of misdeeds that Vlaven had committed had been released to the public along with a statement from the Chancellor himself.

Presently, a celebration is being held - to herald the new Treasurer taking office, as well as congratulate those who had helped bring Vlaven to justice...

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Truth be told, it likely took some convincing to get Annelia Belask to a -party-. She's in nothing resembling a break from her typical pragmatism, looking for all the world like she ended up here by accident.

    Rather than joining much in festivities, Ann keeps some distance and keeps an eye on the main event, waiting to see what relevant statements might be made amid an acceptance speech or such.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde also really isn't one of those party people. He's just here because Ann is here for some reason, but at least this time, he's sticking close to her.

Athena (159) has posed:
Strangely enough, the Chancellor and his aide, Laa, come looking for Anne and Cayde as soon as the festivities begin.

"Ah, Master Jedi!" Rie begins. "So glad to see that you and Cayde could make it. I will be making a statement today welcoming our new Treasurer, and wanted to let you know you two have my sincerest thanks for your contribution to the case. To properly express my gratitude, I was hoping you would be open to publicly receiving a gift I've prepared...?"

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "It is... atypical at the least to accept gifts, among the Jedi," says Ann- visibly not thrilled with the idea- not that she can much afford to deny the chancellor in earnest at this moment.

    "Might I ask what brings you to this desire? We sought only to do as is right by our codes- surely there are barristers and investigators that may be so deserving?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde arches a brow at the chancellor. A gift? But Ann is right, the Jedi don't serve peace and justice so that they can receive gifts. And he isn't very keen on the idea of going up in front of all those people...

Athena (159) has posed:
Sanzo seems flustered. "Chancellor, I had no idea--!"

"Oh its alright it will only take a few minutes!" Rie insists. "Well if you'd rather think of it differently, I suppose it isnt quite a -gift-, it's more like a token of honor, for your service to the Republic," he continues. "Surely, the boy deserves recognition for his good deeds! After what happened at the Convention, I'm certain he could use some encouragement..." He peers over at Cayde.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "I think he's settled since then- but if you insist, Chancellor, as you wish. Where should we wait in the meantime?" asks Ann mildly, still not overly thrilled. Perhaps with a hand on a small portable datapad to send a text based message with in the meantime.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Of course Master Annelia agreed to it as soon as he thought about how he didn't want to go up in front of all those people...

    As he'd followed events that occurred after they'd visited the undercover CSF or whatever it was, there was something plaguing him about all of it. Why didn't anyone know where Vlaven was actually sent? Why hadn't he even appeared at his own trial? Sure, he was guilty and deserving of punishment, but--

    Suddenly, something occurs to him. What had happened to the apparition? The 'Velma' entity he'd created...

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Could it still be trapped inside of Vlaven's mind? He might be a sleemo, but surely he didn't deserve that...

    Cayde shifts uncomfortably, gulping a little, although not all of that response was directed toward the idea of going up in public.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Ah," Chancellor Rie says, "Excellent! Just be sure to linger near the front when our new Treasurer goes up to give his opening."

"In the meantime, feel free to help yourself to the refreshments, of which there are many!" he says cheerfully. "We should be starting in about half an hour." He then grins amicably at Cayde and pats him on the shoulder before being ushered away by Sanzo to tend to some other bureaucratic conversation.

But before Cayde and Anne can do as Rie has suggested, they'll find themselves suddenly being approached by Gianka and her father, Senator Burkenn. "Cayde! Master Belask...!!"

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Does everyone seem a little too turned around on us?" whispers Ann to Cayde as she sends a message via that datapad to similar effect back to the temple.

    "That aside, pardon needing to humour the chancellor. I promise I'll take the lead."

    At the approach of the senator and daughter, she offers a faint smile as best she can. "Annelia is fine. What can we do for you?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    [Turned around...] Cayde echoes in sign, a brow going up slightly. He isn't sure exactly what she means, and she can tell he is already trying to figure out that out by digging in her mind. But she can also tell there is something bothering him.

    But then they distracted by the Senator and his daughter. He bows politely to them. [Good day Senator]

Navi has posed:
Navi had dressed up for the occasion, not least because was a bit short on robes after the events of the last month. But this was supposed to be a party, after all, and she wouldn't look out of place if she put on the Ritz. It's Outer Rim Ritz, but who would care about that at a party? At least, that's what she'd thought...

Now she's less sure. All these shimmersilks and velvoids are making her feel rather self-conscious in her simple undyed synthfabric and beaded leather hair ties. Spying two familiar faces, she hurries over to join Annelia and Cayde.

"Sorry for being fashionably late... it /is/ fashionably late, isn't it?" she asks, with a warm smile for her friends. "It's good to see you both."

"Hello again, Senator, Miss Gianka," she adds hastily to those worthy sentients, blushing faintly as her eyes meet Gianka's.

Athena (159) has posed:
The first thing the three of them may notice about Gianka is that she looks like she's had least 3 sleepless nights, and her makeup hardly hides it.

She forces a weak smile at Navi and Cayde doesn't reach her eyes, which will serve as the only greeting for the time being.

"Ah, yes... Annelia, then. I was hoping we might be able to speak in private for a few moments?"

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "I think we are expected in a few minutes but we can speak- what is on your mind?" asks Ann, ushering the group off to the side a little for the moment.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods in Navi's direction when the Sephi girl approaches. He frowns at Gianka's tired appearance. Oh...Vlaven had been her boyfriend, or something. Right? But he'd just been using her.

    He follows Ann as they are pulled aside to speak about something more privately with Senator Burkenn.

Navi has posed:
"Of course," Navi replies softly, moving to follow Annelia, Gianka, Cayde, and possibly the Senator if he's chosen to join them. "Are you all right, Miss Gianka? You... I'm sorry in advance, in case this sounds mean, but you look like you haven't slept in two days. Has something happened?" she asks, in a lower voice.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Do you know where Vlaven was taken?" Gianka says, ignoring Navi's questions about her well being for the time being, her forced polite demeanor quickly crumbling and getting replaced with one of desperation and hopelessness. "I've tried asking the court officials, his lawyer, even Sanzo and Rie... no one will give me a straight answer...! It's like they're trying to hide something for me, or for some strange reason, don't know!"

Her lack of having tried to ask the police might stand out to the three of them. There were several officers from the CSF here as well, so perhaps that's a place to start.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    When Gianka starts going on about the very same thing Cayde was worried about, he again shifts uncomfortably. He glances about the rest of the party. The other guests, the buffet tables, the drinks...and then back to the present company. He can't stop thinking about the very distinct possibility that Vlaven had been buried deep, tormented by a faux version of his former lover. Perhaps for the rest of his life. Even if he deserved it...

Navi has posed:
"That /is/ strange... have you spoken to the CSF about it? It would seem like they would be responsible for his incarceration, whether he were imprisoned on-world or not. They'd have to know where he was sent," Navi asks gently. "Actually, who /have/ you asked about this? Maybe there's someone you've missed."

She's not sure she wants to mention Vlaven's interrogation at hers and Cayde's hands, for a variety of reasons...

Athena (159) has posed:
"..." When Cayde doesn't respond right away, Gianka grows even more uncomfortable, watching his gaze flick about.

Then she turns to Navi. "Just those that I mentioned prior," she says, "I haven't been able to reach the CSF regarding Vlaven yet, they seem rather busy..."

Then she nods, attempting to swallow her anxiety. "There are officers here, right? That you'd know? Come, we can fetch my father and speak with them, perhaps?"

Indeed, Navi, Cayde, and Anne will be able to espy several officers at the refreshment table - Maren Mondrian, the forensic analyst who'd helped them interrogate the doctor and Gianka prior, and Kurrnak, the Mon Calamari head of the CSF.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann tilts her head a little, frowning. Apparently not all that capable of mustering up much sense of sympathy for the plight of the man that tried to shoot her padawan.

    She exhales slowly, head shaking. "No, I don't know the first inkling of his location. Given the nature of his crimes and such, I would be shocked if much information was available to go out to his resource networks- but certainly, can try."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde follows her gaze over to the officers. Well, they were here. If anyone knew, Kurrnak should, right? He was chief of police, technically Black's superior. So he immediately starts to approach them.

Athena (159) has posed:
Gianka nods, and hurries back to her father's side, who looks equally tired, but in a different sort of way. "Hello Cayde, Navi," He says, then gives Annelia a brief nod. He hangs back momentarily as Gianka goes to approach Kurrnak and Mondrian, muttering to no one in particular, "she won't let this rest... but he got what he deserved...!" Then he follows her.

When they approach, Kurrnak looks up. He grins at Cayde, Anne, and Navi. "Ah, congrats," he says to them gruffly but kindly, "I was surprised when the news about everything Vlaven had done came out. He really acted like he was for the people," he says, "But I'm so glad that you all were able to get a confession out of him."

Gianka doesn't miss a beat. "Chief Kurrnak," she says with strained politeness. "My name is Gianka Alexis, and this is my father, Senator Burkenn." She forces another smile. "As Emissarius Vlaven's ... fiancee," she twists the diamond she's wearing on her right ring finger nervously, "I was wonder if I could be privy to his whereabouts after the trial...?"

Kurrnak sighs. "He was sent away," he says, "to a correctional rehab facility offworld."

Navi has posed:
"Please forgive me if it is too personal to speak of, but I'm a little surprised that you worry for him so," Navi says softly to Gianka as they move to speak with Chief Kurrnak. "After the deaths he caused, the lives he ruined, the trusts he betrayed, the people he used and abused... yourself included. He never loved you at all, according to what we learned during his interrogation. As much as it hurts to say it, it's true."

She sighs, looking at the girl with sad eyes. "Part of me does understand. I know what it is to love someone. Even if they don't love you in return."

She smiles faintly up at Kurrnak. "We were glad to be of help, Sir. Agent Black was of particular help, though I worry that he may go too far one day. Do you know which facility he was sent to? I believe Miss Alexis wishes to correspond with him, and hopes to aid in his rehabilitation from afar. He was her fiance."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    If that was it, why had it been kept so quiet?

    Cayde was about to ask about the specific facility when Navi gives voice to what he'd already been thinking. Surely, since the two of them had such an important role in bringing Vlaven to justice, at least he was owed such information?

    As for Gianka...well perhaps she does not know about his affair with Velma. But she deserved to know. He reaches into her mind again, showing her that day the young Graf accountant had confessed to sleeping with Vlaven.

Athena (159) has posed:
Gianka's expression just becomes pained when Navi tells her she's surprised that she worries about him. "I don't.. I don't believe you," she says, tears starting in her eyes.

Kurrnak arches a brow at Navi. He seems mildly offended at her jab regarding Black. "And what do you know about him, eh? You've never even seen the man, so how can you question what he does for the CSF? He might not be the most pleasant person, but everyone at the CSF owes him their livelihood." He waves a hand dismissively at Navi and Gianka. "Look, it's not my business what you do, but I'm not the one you should be asking about visitation. I'm sorry, but you're all on your own regarding that matter." Cayde and Navi will be able to sense that he does not want to discuss the matter. He feels bad for Gianka, but what was done was done, and the less prying, the better...

Gianka seems utterly distraught, both by Kurrnak's lack of response and Cayde's attempt to communicate with her about Vlaven's unfaithfulness, but Kurrnak's attention has been diverted elsewhere, as the new Treasurer and the Chancellor are making their way up to the podium now.

The Chancellor delivers some politically infused platitudes, before summoning Cayde and Annelia up on stage to receive his little 'token of honor.'

Navi has posed:
"But Sir, I've met Agent Black twice... once during Vlaven's capture, and once during his interrogation," Navi explains, confused by Kurrnak's comment. "And I wasn't referring to his personality, or his qualifications, the former being a bit unpleasant and the latter well beyond adequate. My concern is that he will push too far beyond what the law will allow."

"I'm sorry, Gianka. I've told you nothing but the truth, but I've spoken too freely, and the wound is still too raw. I never meant to hurt you," she adds gently to Gianka, seeing those tears coming. She quietly offers the young woman a hug, or at least a shoulder, halfheartedly watching Annelia and Cayde being summoned to the stage.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann manages one small moment of something resembling concern- as she turns to go, she places one hand on Gianka's back softly and simply says: "Take a breath and give it time."

    With that she takes the lead- subtly but rather carefully ensuring she keeps positioned to offer Cayde something resembling cover or blockage from at least part of the crowd at all times as the pair are called to the stage- to both their chagrin, honestly.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde follows Ann onto the stage, a sinking feeling in his stomach. He tries not to look at anyone in the crowd...

Athena (159) has posed:
Kurrnak seems shocked when Navi says she's met him twice. "...you're lying," he says, incredulous. When Navi says he'll push too far beyond what the law allows, the Mon Calamari shakes his head. "To my knowledge, he hasn't yet. And we'll keep it that way," he says with finality.

Gianka is barely able to respond as Navi hugs her, and doesn't even notice when Anne pats her on the shoulder. Her knees give out, and she almost collapses to the ground!

The crowd goes silent as they watch Anne and Cayde take the stage. The Chancellor seems elated. "It is my utmost pride and privilege to present Cayde, and his master Annelia Belask with the 'Light, Life, and Justice Award," he says, "They have demonstrated unmatched courage, honor, bravery, and intellect in the pursuit of preserving peace and unity within the Republic," he says. "The Republic has had the highest fortune of having you two serve as Jedi and as allies. And it is most encouraging to see such accomplishment among youth," he says, placing two shiny, heavy, and winged gold sculptures into each of their hands.

The crowd then erupts in thunderous applause, as Cayde and Annelia are then dismissed off the podium.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde quickly leaves the platform, eager to get away from the public eye. He holds the heavy trophy up a bit awkwardly. What was he supposed to do with this? Maybe sell it, perhaps it was worth a significant amount of credits. The padawan glances over at Ann, wondering if what she's planning on doing with hers.

    But his gaze goes back over toward Kurrnak. Why was he so defensive about this matter? If he wasn't the one to ask, then who was? As much as he didn't really want to see Agent Black again, maybe that was the only option they had.

Navi has posed:
Navi is surprised when Gianka all but goes limp in her arms. With due care, she eases herself down to her knees to cradle the young woman against her, letting her weep. "I'm sorry, darling," she whispers. "I'll try to help if I can. Maybe I can talk to Agent Black, or Mondrian... maybe they know something."

But anchored as she is by Gianka, she can't really ask anyone anything until the girl is at least somewhat recovered and can stand on her own.

Okay, maybe she /could/. But if she were in Gianka's dainty shoes, she wouldn't want someone leaving her in a tearstained heap in the middle of the floor during a gala. So she stays with her and keeps her close.

Athena (159) has posed:
The Mon Calamari isnt hard to find, at least. He's by the refreshment table still, chatting with some other civilians who have approached him.

Senator Burkenn sighs and helps his daughter to her feet. "Thank you," he says to Navi. "But my family has caused you enough trouble." He then leads Gianka away, sighing heavily.

Navi has posed:
"I don't mind, Senator. We all need help sometimes," Navi replies softly. "Please take care, and I hope you find peace very soon, Gianka." Sighing, she looks around for Cayde and Annelia. At least the awards are pretty, and she's sure they'll look equally pretty in the awards section of the Temple. Whether the Jedi consider worldly awards significant or not, excellence, especially in the service of others and the Republic, is a thing that should be both commemorated and remembered.

With some regret she reaches out to touch Gianka's mind. The girl seems more despondent than she expected over the betrayal by her fiance, and his subsequent imprisonment, no matter how just it was. For several long moments she is still, her eyes growing bigger and rounder by the second...

And then she hurries to meet Cayde as Padawan and Master descend from the stage. "We need to talk," she says, her voice low and urgent.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Once Cayde reaches the bottom of the stairs leading down from the stage, he hesitates a bit awkwardly for a moment before shrugging and going back to where he'd been sitting previously and simply setting it on the chair.

    When Navi approaches with that urgent tone, he looks over toward her expectantly, searching her expression as he waits for whatever she has to say.

Navi has posed:
"Gianka was looking for clues about her family, and our favorite convicted and locked-up sleaze was helping her, mostly with money," Navi continues, keeping her voice low, just slightly above loud enough for Cayde to hear over the party. "She was looking for information regarding her missing aunt... and she believes her aunt is your mother, and that she is still alive! That's why she was so despondent over losing Vlaven... well, besides all the first love aspects and the trauma of being used by a jerk like Vlaven. She thinks that she won't be able to find her now. Her father doesn't seem a bit interested in helping her, for whatever reason."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde listens to what Navi has to say, his expression giving nothing away as per usual. Was she insinuating that he should help her find his mother? But...pursuing family or even visiting with family was forbidden by the Order.

    [Yes...I know she is alive] he signs, but then shakes his head. [I cannot help]

Navi has posed:
"I know, the Order isn't about personal attachments. I won't ask you to go against the rules. But you wouldn't be helping her for /your/ sake, but /hers/. Whether she's your family or not, she's still a missing person who deserves to be found and may be in danger. Assuming I'm approaching this from the right standpoint, which I may not be. I mean, for all I know she's happy where she is and would prefer not to be found. But what if she /does/ need help?" Navi asks softly. "Anyway, we can always put Gianka in touch with someone who /can/ help her, like maybe Agent Black. Not like /he/ cares about rules."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    [...no matter...family is family] Cayde answers after a pause, shaking his head again. It's the best he can do to explain that it didn't matter for whose sake it was. Family was family, and it was forbidden.

    He glances over at the officers when she mentions Agent Black. [Maybe] But he has a feeling the man wouldn't concern himself with it unless there was some way it could advance his career or something.

Athena (159) has posed:
Kurrnak is fully engaged chatting with people, shaking hands, and kissing babies to really notice Cayde and Navi having a private conversation off to the side. But when Cayde looks over, Mondrian will catch his gaze briefly before looking away, brows furrowing. She's standing off the side, looking lost in thought.

Navi has posed:
"I do understand, Cayde. You have to do what you feel is right," Navi replies softly. "I won't ask you to go against the Order. For now, I'm going to look into finding Agent Black. I won't say no if you want to come with me."

She somewhat reluctantly approaches Chief Kurrnak, letting Cayde come if he likes, and waiting until the crowd of civilians has finished their business before speaking. "Sorry to bother you again, Chief, but I'm looking for Agent Black. Do you know if he's here?" she asks respectfully.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde does follow her, just sort of hovering nearby as she asks Kurrnak about Agent Black. He notices Mondrian looking at him, and his gaze locks with hers for a moment.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Black?" Kurrnak cries, almost spitting his drink out of his mouth. He looks to the left and right, and then leaning closer to Navi, says in a quieter voice, "Look, I know you mean well. But no one knows who Black is, and both he and I would like to keep it that way. It's also why you're not going to spontaneously just find him if you're looking for him. Now if you'll excuse me..." he turns on his heel and starts walking away.

When Cayde locks eyes with Mondrian, she just sighs and shakes her head. "You can't just bring that guy up out of nowhere," she says. "It's taboo."

Navi has posed:
Navi rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "Geez... it's hard to have a conversation with some people," she murmurs. Overhearing Mondrian, she adds, "Technically, the Chief brought him up to /me/ first a little while ago, and refuses to believe that I've met Black twice, even though I have, and I see no reason to lie about that fact. Frankly, I don't much care who Black /is/, but I really could use his help, at the very least out of gratitude for the help we gave him."

"Or perhaps you could help us... Miss Alexis is wondering where Vlaven is being held. Do you have any idea where that might be?" she asks gently. "Or where I might find out? His well-deserved imprisonment seems to have had some unexpected and extremely sad consequences for Miss Alexis."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde watches as Kurrnak excuses himself out of a conversation he doesn't want to be in. That was about as much as he'd expected out of the chief of police. The padawan shrugs at Mondrian's comment. He hadn't been the one to bring up Agent Black. And even if he had, it wasn't very likely that anyone would have picked up on it unless they were spying or something.

    But he shakes his head when Navi asks her about Vlaven's whereabouts.

    <She doesn't know.>

Athena (159) has posed:
"Really," Mondrian says, sounding skeptical. "I mean bragging rights is a pretty good reason that anyone might have," she says, "Kurrnak sees him about once a year. Everyone else? They've never seen him. He's practically urban legend at the precinct," she scoffs.

She pauses. "I have no idea." Another pause. Then she lowers her voice and says, "Look, I'm not really supposed to tell you this, and I'm not supposed to know either, but I think you deserve to know. I'm pretty sure that correctional rehab facility that Kurrnak keeps referencing is a psych ward. I don't know where it is, or who runs it. And if I had to guess about who knows, I would say Kurrnak or Black, or both of them."

"But you're not going to get answers out of Kurrnak. His role is way too public facing for him to pull stunts like that."

Navi has posed:
"So actually meeting Black in person is worth bragging rights? News to me," Navi observes, her hands coming to rest on her hips. "I'm not a Jedi, but I still have zero interest in bragging rights. I'm looking for answers, and if Black is the only way to find them, then I need to find /him/."

She nods at the description of Vlavek's most likely location. "Just as well. Vlavek /needed/ a check-up from the neck-up, the way he acted. Thank you for that much, and I very much appreciate it."

She glances to Cayde. "Thanks for letting me know. Guess now we've got to find Black. If you find out where he is, please clue me in." The last being a subtle admonishment about telling her things ahead of time.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    When Mondrian mentions a psych ward, Cayde seems to become uncomfortable again. This almost confirmed it...the apparition...it was still there wasn't it? Why else would he be in an asylum? But...what could he do about it? He hasn't the slightest clue were the facility is, and it's probably true that it's not even here on Coruscant.

    As for finding Black...well, let's just say Cayde knows how to find Black. But he isn't sure if Navi could come along. Well, maybe she could. [I find him] he signs, nodding. Though it's apparent something is bothering him. However, he quickly hurries away, eager to be done with this party that was never his favorite thing to begin with.

Navi has posed:
"Take care, Cayde. Don't take any unnecessary risks," Navi calls softly after Cayde as the Padawan departs. She can't really blame him. Parties might be more her thing if she had someone to share them with.

"Would you care to dance?" she asks Maren Mondrian, after a moment. "Or just sip champagne and chat? Either works for me."

Athena (159) has posed:
"Fine by me," Mondrian says with a shrug. "But you're not going to find him. His specialty is making sure no one does."

She pauses. "Don't ask me how I know this, but the reason why they sent him there wasn't because he was some form of standard crazy that can be cured with a few counseling sessions. He was submitted under the code for individuals who pose significant threat to themselves or other people."

Mondrian watches Cayde run off, frowning. "What's his hurry..."

But when Navi asks her to dance, her cheeks flush slightly and she scowls at the young Sephi girl. "Are you kidding me? I'm basically on duty. The security around here is shit..." And she makes a hasty, uncomfortable exit, leaving Navi alone at the refreshment table.

Navi has posed:
Navi blinks hard a few times as Mondrian beats a hasty withdrawal. Claiming a pair of glasses of champagne from a waitress's tray, she sighs and tosses one back in one long draught. "Sorry, pretty dress. Guess you're as unlucky in relationships as I am," she murmurs. "And I'm not a bit interested in holding up a wall today." Finishing the second glass, she sets the glasses on a vacant table and makes her quiet exit from the party.