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Gamorreans are a species of humanoid pig-like creatures in the Star Wars universe. They are known for their fierce warrior culture and physical strength, which make them popular as hired muscle and enforcers for various criminal organizations in the galaxy. Gamorreans are typically large and brutish, with green skin and beady black eyes. They are also known for their distinctive grunting language, which can be difficult for non-Gamorreans to understand.

Despite their reputation as ruthless warriors, Gamorreans have a strong sense of honor and loyalty to their clan and leaders. They value physical prowess and combat skills above all else, and believe that might makes right. Gamorrean culture revolves around a caste system, with the most powerful and respected warriors at the top.

Available Factions

Racial Traits

Enhanced Smell

Their keen sense of smell grants him a +2 bonus to all Awareness rolls where scent is relevant.


Gamorreans are not easily intimidated or frightened, and gain a +2 bonus to Willpower when resisting Intimidate or daunting combat situations.


Gamorreans are prone to let their emotions rule them, especially when they have perceived a slight or a threat against themselves. A Gamorrean who finds himself insulted must make a Willpower roll at the GM's discretion to avoid a physical confrontation.