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The Gen'Dai are a species of large, sentient beings with regenerative tentacles that make them somewhat difficult to kill. They were once peaceful but became violent nomads after their homeworld was destroyed. They rarely form alliances with other species, preferring to remain loyal to their own kind. Despite their imposing nature, they are noble and honorable in battle.

Available Factions

Racial Traits

Regenerative Factor

The Gen'dai have regenerative abilities that affect any wound giving them +1 to Toughness and +2 to Stamina rolls.


Due to the fact that the Gen'dai are a rarity even in the Outer Rim and require armor in order to maintain a humanoid form, they are considered frightening, strange, and in some cases, dare one say, ugly. They suffer -1 to Charm, but gain +1 to Intimidate.

Physical Prowess

Gen'dai size and strength make them prized as hired muscle, +2 bonus to all Strength rolls.


Due to their massive size and strength, Gen'dai often have difficulty with tasks that require a high level of agility or finesse. They take a -3 penalty to all Dodge rolls and -2 penalty to all Coordination rolls.