Nar Shadaa

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Nar Shaddaa is the largest moon of the planet Nal Hutta, located in the Hutt Space region of the Outer Rim Territories. Its surface is covered entirely in urban sprawl, with the city lights visible from orbit. The capital of Nar Shaddaa is Hutta Town. Its architecture is composed of huge tower blocks between which live a patchwork of shanty town skyslums that fill every available space. Other notable settlements Wormstew Town and the Corellian Sector. The moon has a reputation for being a hive of scum and villainy where almost every kind of illegal activity runs wild and unchecked, with law enforcement being pretty much non-existent. As such, Nar Shaddaa is a highly dangerous place for any sort of civilized individual, while at the same time being a haven for even the galaxy's most wanted.