Of Meshgeroya and Mines

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Of Meshgeroya and Mines
Date of Scene: 05 September 2024
Synopsis: The scrimmage is cut short when Volken steps on a mine on the field. Jorn has a private conversation with Revara.
Cast of Characters: 159, 418, Volken Mons, Ellari Zin

Athena (159) has posed:
The sunny cool afternoon in Sundari will soon become a brisk evening, and the scrimmage will end up postponed due to Thaelin being whisked away by his fiancee to take care of matters regarding the upcoming wedding festivities.

But those who had indicated interest in playing or had been present at the park initially will receive through word of mouth that the Duke had spontaneously extended an open invitation to anyone who might come to dinner at the Bastille, preceded by the scrimmage that had been postponed prior...

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn will actually be there. He's unsure of what to do, but he will be there. Looking at everything through the helmet, he just takes it in. Honestly, he does feel like a fish out of water, but that's what one must do. One must adapt, especially to survive.

Volken Mons has posed:
Volken makes his way into the event, a moving Battle Tank with arms and legs as usual. His helmet is off, braced against his enormous flank, both of his immense arms exposed, hanging like Kashyyk Jungle trees against his sides. His features appear dour but he actually looks as if he's cleaned himself and his armor up since he was last seen out on the field, slightly hungover.

Seeing Jorn provides a familiar sight and so he turns and begins tromping heavily towards him, expression still muted and neutral for the moment.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari returns to the field as well, and this time she looks ready to potentially partake in the scrimmage. Her armor is on and she is carrying her helmet under one arm. Well it looks as if the party is all here...at least everyone who is planning on attending, anyway.

Athena (159) has posed:
The group arriving will be greeted cordially by a protocol droid with an anxious demeanor. It ushers them into the foyer, offering timidly to take their coats.

As the droid is attending to them, the Duke will make an appearance, accompanied by a stunning blonde woman who looks to be in her mid to late forties. She smiles upon seeing them.

"Welcome," she says, "I hope you all came hungry - the chefs have prepared some appetizers for you all to enjoy before the scrimmage starts. You're all participating, I should hope?"

Jorn (418) has posed:
Seeing Volken walk up, the neutral expression gives Jorn some degree of pause. Something about that lumbering tank of a man looking neutral is almost as unsettling as an angry face. At least with anger, people know to run. Neutral, that could be anything. That's all the more frightening. That unknown.

"How are you?" he asks, his own tone neutral. Although, he's hoping this is pleasantries and nothing else.

A nod will go to Ellari. Followed by the Duke. Jorn says nothing, but in his mind he'll try.

Volken Mons has posed:
If Volken senses the unsettlement, he gives no indication of it but he does level his gaze on Jorn, fully studying him almost as if doing so for the first real time. His brain was more addled then anything earlier and their prior meeting was brief with much going on.

"Fine." he answers ultimately before adding again, tone more cordial and less brusque, "...Fine...."

His attention is drawn towards The Duke now and then the blond woman who is with him.

"...I"ve been convinced to give 'em a show.." he answers in regards of the question of if he'll play or not.

"I'll try not to break anyone." His expression is flat and serious as he says that last bit...but then he allows a slow growing full toothed grin to spread across his face.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Hungry enough, I suppose." Ellari nods in greeting toward the others--yes, even Volken. "Thank you, Duke." she says politely.

Athena (159) has posed:
The blonde woman seems pleased and amused by Volken's response. "Perfect," she says, "I'm certain you'll have much to contribute to the beautiful game," she says with a smile. "Eidra Von'egel," she says, bowing politely, "A pleasure to finally meet you, Volken Mons, soon to be Lord Mons! And it's nice to see you again too, Ellari."

"If you have no acute interest in playing for the time being," the Duke says frankly to Jorn, "perhaps you ought to think about recruitment." This last bit is said with the mildest hint of sourness, but Jorn will know what the Duke really thinks about him having recruited Revara.

He then nods and gestures for the three of them to accompany him into the dining hall which stands open walled to a long, rectangular field. There are at least thirty to forty folk just lingering about - the commanding female named Ryze and Jon'as are among them.

Jorn (418) has posed:
"Good," and that's a big relief. It's not a veiled "fine" before unleashing rage gallore. Although when that showman side comes out, it does get a smidge intimidating again. The competition does feel weighted toward Volken, but everything has a weakness, figure out and exploit.

"What she said," Jorn will try to echo Ellari's words.

"I was going to attempt to play," he looks at the group just taking in their expressions. "I have one on my team. We are thinking of more," Jorn will simply leave the Revara situation at that.

Jorn gives a "heh," because he knows Revara's presence will be more of deterrent. That is his burden to carry.

Volken Mons has posed:
The immense Mandalorian smiles mildly at the title of 'Lord' but then lets his expression become neutral once again as the conversation continues. He falls silent, standing behind the others and simply observing and taking what is being said in without commenting. The subtle shifts in tone and the mild displeasure of The Duke is noted and he gives a glance towards Jorn as the other Mandalorian responds but still, he remains silent.

When the group begin to move forward into the dining hall, Volken takes note of the commanding woman from before and the rest who are gathered here.

He then finally leans over and rumbles his heavy voice, though low enough so it's mostly for Jorn to hear.

"It's a good idea to play... And play along..."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari also notices that subtle displeasure from the Duke. It doesn't surprise her. Was Revara really worth all of the liabilities she's created? Well, that was for Jorn worry about. She smirks and follows the others into the dining hall, nodding toward Eidra. "It's good to see you again as well, Eidra."

    She notes Ryze and Jo'nas, but doesn't approach either of them just yet.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Very well, then," The Duke says to Jorn. "My son and his allies are rallying now -- if you wish to play, find them on the field. I should like to watch you all." Then he turns on his heel to go help himself to some appetizers. While the Duke is preoccupied, Jorn will suddenly feel his commlink buzz. It's a text transmission from Revara. |I'm at the window on the west wall. We need to talk. Now|

When Volken enters the dining hall, the woman from earlier makes her way over. "You're playing?" she asks, but the way she says it makes it sound more like a statement than a question.

"Mind my sons," she says to Ellari, "they're feeling unruly today. Oh, I do apologize in advance..." But then she's whisked away by some servants who have questions about when the drinks and desserts should be brought out.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn will move with others. Right now this is out of his depth. So, he starts to move with him. He suddenly pauses, "I will be back. I need to tend to something, it should be quick," and that's when he starts to casually head toward Revara's location, trying to not stir any attention. Yes, there will be looks. However, there will be less with casual movements than fast ones.

Volken Mons has posed:
Volken watches as Jorn moves off. His eyes narrow slightly as he stands there, studying the departing man until he's distracted by the approach of the comanding woman from earlier.

He gives a side glance towards Ellari but then turns his full attention towards the arriving lady as her question reaches his ears.

"Yeaaaah..." he drawls, heavy voice rumlbling through the air as he turns and reaches down to curl his immense fingers about some hunks of meat on the appetizer table.

"I sure am.." he continues and then looks back to her, peering down at her before rumbling " ...I guess your pep talk did the trick.."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari scoffs slightly. "Has there ever been a time when they're not?" It's not quite clear if it's just a light-hearted jab or something more serious than that. She helps herself to a few light bites before heading out to the field.

Athena (159) has posed:
Jorn will indeed get some looks. Especially from Ryze. She watches as he starts to head towards the west wall. "Good," she says a bit absently, her attention clearly elsewhere. "I look forward to it." A pause. "What's with him?" she says, jerking a thumb in Jorn's direction.

But Volken might not get to answer, because just then, Thaelin runs by, and clapping him on the back says, "Waste no time on idle prattle," he says, "the game awaits!" And he motions for the hulking Mandalorian to follow him out onto the field.

Revara is indeed waiting for him at the window. She's still clearly shaking off the effects of her prior injuries. Nevertheless, she grabs Jorn by the collar of his beskar and yanks him nearer to her. "You need to find a way to get Volken disqualified from the tournament," she says harshly, "he'll skew /everything/!"

Jorn (418) has posed:
A look goes toward Revara, "He'll skew this game. As long as there's variety in the next few trials, games, whatever he wants to call them, then they will be varied." It's Jorn's hope that there are events tailored to each person.

"And Volken has too many eyes on him. Going to be hard to do anything even remotely underhanded. The star players always have the eyes," he says just pointing out the flaws. He will jerk back from the yanking.

"We just have to play smart. Find a way to use weakness against him. The man may be like a tumbling boulder. Hard to change course once going," or at least he hopes. Jorn figures there's a good chance he's actually pretty agile.

Volken Mons has posed:

Distracted by Thaelin, Volken is disrupted from being able to answer Ryze directly.

"..Hn... I"ve got thoughts but...duty calls." he says towards her before turning and stuffing teh meat into his mouth, beginning to chew noisly.

He thens tarts a slow unhurried march after Thaelin while reaching up to finally return his helmet to his head, stuffing his long messy hair into it and then settling into a long limbed stride out for the field.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari too, finishes off a few snacks and then follows the rest of them out onto the field. She glances over at Jorn standing by the window talking to...someone. But it's none of her concern at the moment.

Athena (159) has posed:
Revara seems visibly distressed when Jorn refuses her request. "What kind of team captain pits his against one that he knows they can't win against!?" she says vehemently. "I don't know what the other games are, or care. You must know that meshgeroya is the only game that matters in Mandalorian eyes!" She grumbles, letting go of him. "If you're not going to slight him, at least find someone who could hold up against him in a match for three quarters of the time!" She glances over at the appetizer table, where Jon'as and his seven foot brother, Er'gi, stand helping themselves to food.

Once Ellari and Volken get out onto the field, they'll find themselves surrounding by the same Mandalorians who had been at the park, and then some. The twin barons, Sanza's sister Emmaen, and a newcomer who looks like he could be Volken's toothpick.

"You're with me," Thaelin says to Volken, "Ellari, you can play alongside my cousins."

Jorn (418) has posed:
"I'm a Captain that won't injure someone." He has a few choice comments, but they're kept to himself. It may take a bit to hold them back. "Do not injure him either. Nor ask someone else, yes he's a threat in the game. But at the end of the day, we're all stuck together," he says firmly andtries to turn around. It just depends on if Revara would try to reach for him again.

Volken Mons has posed:
Volken had seen the seven foot Er'gi as well during the reception. Hard to miss that.

He's still got more then a foot on him in height and anywhere from two to three hundred pounds in mass... But it pays to notice those who stand out and while he is titanic, he's not dismissive of others who approach him. Indeed he's surprised to not see them pushing him out onto this field against him.

For now, he just rests both of his hands against his waist and stands behind Thaelin, looming there silently like some sort of towering mountain range.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari arches a brow at Thaelin. "You and him against all of us?" she asks. "As large as Volken is, he is still only one man who cannot be everywhere at once." But she shrugs anyway, donning her helmet. "But you're the groom, I suppose."

Athena (159) has posed:
And reach for Jorn again, Revara does. She lunges forward, grabbing his arm, and almost faceplanting through the open window. She grunts in pain. "You're making a -mistake-! Volken participating in any kind of anything athletic cannot be classified as fair...! He's barely even human, let alone Mandalorian! I mean, just -look- at him!"

Er'gi seems very content to just watch, and enjoy the food. He seems relaxed, and just here to have a good time - unlike some here.

Thaelin laughs. "I didn't say he'll be the only one," he chuckles. "Emmaen can play with us as well." He takes the limmie ball, and drops it centerfield. "Since your team is at a disadvantage," he says to Ellari, "I'll let you three make the first move..."

Jorn (418) has posed:
Feeling the grip on him, Jorn expects the worse. He's turned around. which is almost a surprise. "I understand, but the point of all this was to bring us together. Right now, I'm looking at more evidence at the opposite despite intentions," he looks at her. "We are supposed to have honor, right?" he poses that to Revara letting her think on that one. Again, he will try to slip away.

Volken Mons has posed:
Despite how he is acting..Volken is not ignorant to these potential contraversies...nor completely without guile. He watches, impassively, as the game begins, still keeping his hands on his waist. He's long considered that there may be some machinations in play in terms of keeping him in the game and mutterings about keeping him out as well. It's all about appearences after all and the mere sight of him on field with Thaelin suggests quite a bit and has clearly unsettled more then just a few.

He sees all of this, but says nothing. He did offer to stay out after all but ...strong words convinced him otherwise.

Considering hwo he stuck his neck out for Revara though - it's probably a good thing he's not aware -she's- one of hte strongest opponents of his presence here.

When Ellari goes to kick the ball, he just nods and then readies himself.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari looks toward the end of the field farthest from the dining hall. "Very well then I call that goal." Then she turns and kicks the ball in the opposite direction. Not the best of kicks, but not terrible, either.

Athena (159) has posed:
At least this time she lets him walk away. His comment about honor, and bringing all the Mandalorians together seems to have hit a nerve. "My father is too idealistic," she mutters unhappily.

Thaelin begins sprinting down field, aiming to overtake it and pass it laterally towards Volken. "Be ready on my right!" he yells to the other Mandalorian.

Jorn (418) has posed:
"It's noble. I just question his tactics," Jorn says honestly and he looks over his shoulder at Revzara. "Why weren't you there with us? Why weren't you a captain?" He wants to strike another nerve. Get her to think about it. He can't exactly ask questions like, "What does being a Mandalorian mean to her?" But he can get her thinking in that direction.

Volken Mons has posed:
One would be forgiven for imatining the ground shaking as Volken lunges into a charge in the indicated direction, moving to overtake the ball and begin to bring it with him down the field with powerful kicks as he closes in on the opposing goal post.

"Right." he grunts out, huffing like a roided out Rancor as he begins to tear his way across the field.

Probably giving alot of credence to the arguments about why this physical contest might be a touch lopsided.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari rushes downfield after Volken...and surprisingly, she is able to catch up to him and just barely overtake him, sliding sideways with a foot right under his knees with a well-timed kick to knock it out from his control. Hopefully, someone else on her team is paying attention and will seize it, otherwise it's just going out-of-bounds.

Athena (159) has posed:
Jorn wont be able to see her eyes but from her body posture he'll be able to tell he's -really- struck a nerve. Perhaps a little too hard, even. She suddenly swings upward with her fist, aiming to uppercut Jorn!

Regardless of whether she's successful in punching him or not, she'll disappear from the window immediately after.

Kasseady follows Ellari down field, but doesn't quite make it in time and the ball goes out of bounds.

Caine ... isn't doing anything. He watches, arms folded. And when the ball goes out of bounds, he announces, "I'm not playing. These odds are rigged." And then promptly marches off the field.

Kasseady frowns. "Well I'm not going to play if he's not going to. It looks like dinner is ready early anyway, so we might as well take a break and re evaluate teams after we eat."

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn tries to avoid the shot, but takes it. Far from a grazing, but it doesn't take him off his feet. He'll stagger as pain shoots through him. Even with the helm on, Jorn feels pain. He'll nod to Revara only to see she's gone. Even he admits maybe that's a poke that's a little too hard. He hopes later they'll reflect on poor decisions over a drink instead of shell casings. He expects next time it won't be a fist to the jaw or helm.

After a moment, he will recompose. It takes a bit after that swing. Eventually Jorn makes his way back toward the others. Happy the helm covers any bruising he feels. His face will hurt for some time. The jaw, too.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari tsks as Kass doesn't quite make it. Of course he's terrible at this. It's a good thing he and his brother won't be her actual teammates. Speaking of whom, Caine apparently decided he wasn't playing but hadn't told anyone until just now. "Di'kut..." she mutters as everyone starts wandering away from the field toward the dining pavilion.

Volken Mons has posed:
"Hey what gives!"

Volken's had enough at this point and he lifts his arms up in exasperation.

"I spent my whole life dealing with you hodars only wanting to be involved with me when my strenght benefited you and now that you might have to work a little harder or use your brains for once everything is rigged? This is why I didn't want to be bothered with this."

He reaches up and pulls his helmet off, letting his messy dark hair fall about his tree trunk of a neck and letting his snarling displeased expression be on full display.

He turns and starts talking off the field though his steps take him towards the approaching Jorn.

Athena (159) has posed:
As Jorn heads away from the window and back towards where everyone else has gathered, Jo'nas and his bulky older brother look up from where they are enjoying a drink and some of the appetizers. "Not a fan socializing or the scrimmage, eh? Or did you have some other pressing matter to attend to?" Jo'nas asks, arching a brow a bit suspicious at Jorn.

Thaelin looks disappointed. He sighs in frustration, and goes to join Volken. "Sorry about that," he says, "My cousins are ... in a mood, tonight. Don't let them ruin everything for you. Otherwise, they'll have -really- won." Then he jogs after Ellari. "We can re-evaluate after dinner, yes? Emmaen will still play, and perhaps some of the others can be persuaded to join instead of the twins..."

Jorn (418) has posed:
"I was talking to the voice in my head. They only like to speak in certain spots. They're picky," Jorn says without missing a beat. He just leaves it there. "I'm here to join the scrimage, " he says looking over everything. He's trying to piece together what is missed. Focus on that rather than the pain surging through his face.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Your cousins are always in a 'mood'." Ellari grumbles to Thaelin as he tries to give them excuses. "Stop defending them." A part of her hopes Volken gives them a pounding. They certainly deserve more than one.

    She goes to join Jo'nas and his brother, although she looks to see if Ryze is about as well.

Volken Mons has posed:
Going by the way look on Volken's face and the way his armor bindings creak and strain against his sinew, he seems to be considering it.

But Thaelin's words do touch a chord and perhaps work to keep the giant from acting out his aggression in a less productive way. For now.

"Right.." he rumbles, tone promising that if not now, it may not be much longer before his fuse finally reaches the end of what little patience he manages.

"SCrimmage is over." he says with some finality towards Jorn as he nears his position and those of the two with him. He reaches for any drink that happens to be near enough for him to grab and just begins quaffing it as he continues his movements and efforts to cool down.

Athena (159) has posed:
Jo'nas' brow arches even higher. "...right," he says, his skepticism increasing. "Well, you should tell the voices in your head they should pick better times to plague you, because you just missed it," he says. "Though it sounds like they might revisit it after dinner." He gestures to his left. "This is my brother, Er'gi," he says. Er'gi doesn't pay much attention to Jorn, though, he's too busy enjoying the food.

"Why don't you try being polite to all the people you hate all day," he says to Ellari, scowling. Then he pushes past the female Mandalorian to go get himself a drink.

Ryze is already at the open bar, looking mildly amused. She's searching the crowd for Volken. When she finds him, she goes to approach him. "Game over, already?"

Jorn (418) has posed:
Volken points out the obvious, the scrimage is over. Jorn barely avoids cursing under his breath. And then more add in to the obvious. "I wish they would," he says to Jo'mas. After dinner? That's good. "Er'gi," he nods to the man who seems to be too busy with the food. "How was the scrimage?" he asks both Volken and Jo'nas. he's trying to fill in details.

Volken Mons has posed:
"They ended it because they were too busy complaining about being outmatched instead of actually trying to win. I'd respect them for trying and losing if they felt the odds were against them. Yould' think that 'The Way' would encourage victory over uneven odds but I guess maybe I missed the part where 'we only fight if we think the odds are stacked for us."

Volken's answer is for both Jorn and Ryze and really anyone who is listening. He downs the drink and then reaches for another..pausing only to add.

"Waste of time now. There's no point in continuing this cycle."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Ha," Ellari scoffs at that. "You don't think that's something I already do day in and day out? And far better than they ever have."

    She sits down with Jo'nas and the others, nodding as he introduces his brother who doesn't seem to be as polite. "It's good to meet you, Er'gi. I'm Ellari."

    She arches a brow at Volken, though. Thaelin did have a point about giving up. "Don't be a fool. That's what they want you to do, so that once you've also quit, they can then go back to play. If that happens, they will have successfully manipulated and pushed you out without appearing to be unjustly prejudiced."

Athena (159) has posed:
Jo'nas chuckles quietly to himself, but he refrains from commenting further, since his brother has finally turned around and noticed Jorn, "Oh, hello there," he says cheerfully. "Nice to meet you, er...?" He gives Jorn an inquisitive look, expecting him to introduce himself.

Then Ellari introduces herself. "Right," he says with a grunt. "I've heard about you..."

Ryze shakes her head at Volken. "You would quit now? Before you've even began? Vod, please. You're letting those who disdain you win. Ellari is right. If you want to prove them wrong, then you should get back out there after dinner and show them how a fair game is played." she says with a nod.

They'll then be called over to the dinner table, as house servants and droids begin to bring out the food. The Duke seats himself at the head of the table and proposes a toast. "To honor, glory, and unity," he says, raising his cup.

Jorn (418) has posed:
"Jorn," introduces himself. His gaze centers his attention toward Er'gi. "How's the food?" he asks more to keep conversation going than curiousity, but it is a little of both. "How are you two?" he asks of the siblings looking between the pair.

Volken Mons has posed:
At first, anger flashes in Volken's eyes but then he seems to calm down as he truly hears what Ellari is saying. That he's on edge should be obvious to her. He'd normally respond to her attempts to chastise him with a playful quip, unflappable, but he's quite irate.

But her words along with the words from Ryze do hit home.

"I don't mean 'give up'." he clarifies, "What I mean is that I -am- willing to play but they continue to make mockery of it by walking away constantly or claiming everything is lopsided. It makes no sense for me to keep going out to the field only for them to walk off like petulant children with no consequences. That's beneath my time. Time I could be spent doing something else. They should be made to play or called out for their childishness..."

His point made, he moves for the dinner as it's called for but doesn't overly respond or react much to the Duke's toast request aside from a grunt and a lifting of his cup to toast if given one.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari gives Er'gi a mock offended look at his rather rude response. It doesn't surprise her, though. "Oh, you have heard...not good things then, I take it."

    "Tell Thaelin that." she replies to Volken, shrugging. "He's the groom, and they're his cousins, so it's his responsibility. Tell him that you won't waste your time unless he forces some kind of accountability on them for their distasteful behavior."

    When the Duke calls for a toast, she raises her glass slightly and then takes a small sip.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Nice to meet you," Er'gi says, "You know, I've barely been offworld. But you must've been around the block, or so I heard. You ever been to... Republic space?" he asks.

Jo'nas shrugs when Jorn asks how the two of them are doing. "As well as we can be, I suppose," he says. "And how about yourself? You honestly look like you could use a drink - I saw you rubbing your jaw earlier."

Ryze shrugs. "Who cares if they walk away? That's their choice. Your actions speak louder than your words, Mons. If they don't play it will be their loss. Thaelin, or the Duke will have others play. If they're too proud to realize that they can just be replaced, then that's a disadvantage you can wield over them."

Er'gi frowns. "You're House Vizsla," he says. "And they're bad at house keeping." His gaze flicks to the twins, who are farther down the table.

Dinner proceeds after the toast rather uneventfully, but once most have finished either, the group will espy Thaelin going around trying to recruit for the scrimmage.

Jorn (418) has posed:
"I have been to a few places. Is this what this planet is laways like? If it is, I can see why people don't leave," he speaks honestly on that. There's a lot here to keep someone in place, for better or worse.

"I'm fine. Just questioning things, but I'm fine," he admits. Although later, there would be some kind of bacta gel or psray would be needed. However, he holds back for now.

Volken Mons has posed:
Volken Mons emits a rumbling grunt of displeasure but it seems he cannot argue against either Ellari or Ryze's words. Once again he's been mollified by them.

He finishes his drink off and then watches as Thaelin begins moving to recruit people for the scrimmage. He gives others a long look, Jorn included...and then finally rises and steps forward to join the groom.

"IF they're too afraid to face us..." he finally says, beginning to commit to the task by slipping back into his more brutish nature, egging on those listening. "They can just say so. There's no shame in admitting you're weak and incapable. Right?"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari's gaze flicks over to the twin, a look of annoyance crossing it momentarily. "Why, just because of -them-?"

    A smirk is sent Jorn's way. "Don't tell me, Revara has roughed you up during one of her...emotional episodes?"

    She scoffs at Volken's obviously sarcastic remark. "Of course not."

Athena (159) has posed:
"Yes," Jo'nas says, "and you're right. It's been like this ever since... well, ever since the term Mandalorian existed," he says, shrugging. "Questioning things, eh? Like your House alignment?" he smirks. "Well we'll have to see about that, won't we?" he nods in Thaelin's direction. "You were going to play, right?"

"There's other things!" Er'gi insists, but doesnt elaborate.

Thaelin jogs over the Volken's side and claps him on the shoulder firmly. "Now, that's the spirit! Come. I've convinced at least Kasseady to continue playing, and recruited one more."

"Good luck," Ryze says, raising her drink to Volken. "I better not see you walking off that field until the game is finished," she says with a grin. But when Revara is mentioned, She glances over at Jorn. "She's here? You recruited her?" Her raised brows perfectly express what she thinks about that...

Jorn (418) has posed:
"I planned on it," and Jorn keeps it there. Then he looks at Jo'nas, "Also, don't ask questions you might not like the answers for." And he leaves it there for now. Jorn is not questioning his House alignment. Even if his jaw is making some good counterpoints right now thanks to different jolts of pain.

He looks over others int eh room, just drinking them in. His gaze slips back to the spread. Just focusing on that for the moment.

Volken Mons has posed:

This is the first time the name has been mentioned in Volken's presence and it seems that he as well knows who she is.

He stuck his neck out for her sake a long time ago, working with Khalo Fett briefly in a seemingly, useless, attempt at letting her choose to say off the planet. In fact..she had seemed terrified to return home to her father...

Alot of old memories flash up to him now.. One that even leads to an accusatory glance towards Ellari's direction and he doesn't quickly follow after Thaelin just yet, clearly confused now.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Heh. Who else would have done that?" Ellari remarks toward Ryze's question about Revara.

    She then follows Thaelin onto the field as he starts to get ready to begin the game again. If she noticed Volken's accusatory glance, she doesn't acknowledge it.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Good," Jo'nas says with a slight smirk. "I was hoping I'd get to see just how you play today." Jorn may get the feeling he's just trying to size him up so he can figure out what he's up against...

Thaelin frowns when Volken hesitates. "What's wrong, vod? You're playing, right?"

Then, cupping his hands to his mouth, he shouts, "All participating in the scrimmage should meet on the field now!" Then he starts making his way over.

Volken Mons has posed:
At Thaelin's prompting, Volken reaches up and dons his helmet again.

"Yeah..." he rumbles, though still distracted sounding at first.

"Yeah...I'm playing. Let's go.."

He follows behind the other Mando and soon is once again standing besides him, hands on his hips.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari follows them onto the field, although she scowls when she sees that Kass has returned. Ugh...does he have to be on her team again? But she doesn't complain.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn can sense how he's being sized up. Then he looks at the pair, not quite sizing them up. However, it's an "I see you" type motion. Just something to say he knows what at least one of them is doing. And without a word he goes to the field.

Athena (159) has posed:
Thaelin grins, looking excited and races off to the center of the field, gathering everyone who'd agreed to play.

He immediately begins dividing them in what he believes is fair. "Ellari, you and Kasseady have one more joining you," he says. "This is Rean," he says, "from House Kast." He gestures a skinny youngster standing next to him, hands folded neatly behind his back. He's a scrawny lad, and doesn't look older than sixteen years of age.

"Volken and Emmaen will once again be on my team," he says. Then he notices Jorn joining them on the field. "Ah, Jorn," he says, "Good to have you. You could join my team."

"Does everyone find this suitable?" He bounces the limmie ball on the ground once idly.

Volken Mons has posed:
"Sounds good to me.."

Volken brings his hands together and stretches his arms, producing a sound like branches cracking as he cracks his knuckles and then steps back a bit for a proper beginning to the game to take place.

"Seems like good folk now that the complainrs and whiners have moved on..."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari arches a brow at Thaelin. "So, you have the giant -and- the extra player." she remarks. "You must lack confidence either in yourself or in one of your teammates..."

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn walks out to the field and he nods. "I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm here," he says honestly and gets to the field . He begins to stretch and try to make things limb, ready. His gaze looks over his own team before it goes to the others.

"What is the point of the game?" he will ask making sure there's a grasp of the rules.

Athena (159) has posed:
"I surround myself with people I favor," Thaelin says, with a smirk. "Is there a problem, Ellari? Are -you- afraid you can't beat these odds?"

But he doesn't wait for her to reply, instead, he turns to Jorn and begins explaining the rules. The game is relatively simple to follow - to work together as a team to kick the ball into the opposing team's goal, physical contact is allowed, but certain kinds were prohibited.

Then once he's finished explaining the rules to Jorn, he throws the limmie ball straight up into the air...

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Oh, quite the contrary Thaelin...I think -you- are the one afraid that -you- can't beat me with fair and even odds." Ellari points out. "Or you somehow feel that I've already beaten you at something, therefore you must then make certain that you beat -me- at -something-, even something as trivial as a scrimmage, because you are that petty and your ego that easily bruised."

    She smirks then and turns to join her team. She rushes the ball as it goes up and then goes down, but isn't fast enough. Of course!

Volken Mons has posed:
"She's got a point but so do you." notes Volken to Thaelin, "All depends on what your opponents think and how your allies want to spin it. Politics."

He's clearly not intersted in it. But it is what it is.

Once the ball entres play however, the teams go on the move. Ellari comes in for it and It's a close shave!

Despite having the strength and size advantage it's a near miss but Volken pulls ahead in a reversal from the last time this was in play. He attempts to push on with the ball but then moves to attempt to pass it to Jorn, presuming him to be faster in getting it down field. Will he be more accurate then Volken's last effort?

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn moves down the field thinking Volken has the toss. IT takes him a bit to just move down to be in the position. When it's tossed to him, he leaps trying to snag it. If he goes unopposed, he'll take the ball as far as possible. Right now, Jorn will deal with a lot of contension.

Athena (159) has posed:
"This game is a scrimmage," Thaelin grumbles, "it's purely for sport and enjoyment, why must you bring petty House squabbling, politics, and competition into it? Can't you just be a good sport, for once? Dammit!"

"Please," he says to Volken. "You're the last person I thought would mention politics. There's a reason why I'm leaving all of that to Sanza..."

Kass follows Ellari's lead, but when she fails to get the ball and Volken successfully passes it to Jorn, he frowns. "She's not even trying," Kass grumbles.

Jorn will successfully be able to take the ball down the field, but will he be able to score? Rean is front of the goal...

Meanwhile, as Volken presumable follows his teammate downfield, he'll suddenly feel the grass give way slightly under one of his feet. Then, out of nowhere, the ground beneath him explodes with a loud BANG!

A mine??? But who would have placed it there, seemingly specifically for him...?

Volken Mons has posed:
"I don't like it either!" Volken calls back to Thaelin as he preps for another move down field, "Just statin' the facts!"

Somethings are unavoidable ...it's just a matter of what you do with it. This mine for example. Volken finds his world turned upside down as the blast succeeds in doing what many hydraulics have failed to do - and send him careening upwards against his will. He goes into a wild spin and then crashes back down onto the groun with a violent impact that seems to shake the entire field impossibly.

His beskar clangs and his breath is knocked from him. He feels blood on his forhead from where his head violently bangs against the beskar of his helmet and the helmet against the ground ...but considering he just literally stepped on a mine and seems to only be stunned...that's saying a lot.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "How ironic," Ellari chuckles. "You are the one being petty by attempting to stack the odds against me so that I couldn't possibly beat you. Don't worry, I'll make sure you win, since I'm not sure your ego could handle it otherwise!"

    Although she seems more focused on banter than on actually playing. Sure, she runs up and down the field after the ball, but doesn't really go too hard.

    And then Volken gets thrown into the air. "Stars, was that a mine? Is he all right?" she asks, actually looking concerned. "Perhaps we should check the field for more dangers, before proceeding with the scrimmage."

Athena (159) has posed:
"Volken!" Thaelin cries when the hulking Mandalorian gets tossed up into the air like a rag doll when the mine explodes. He rushes to his side, while the others stand around, looking confused.

"Are you alright??" He ignores Ellari for the time being.

Seconds later, the Duke quickly approaches. "Enough of this," he says, "no more sport for tonight, Thaelin. I will have the droids check the field and the perimeter for anymore explosives." He seems aggravated. "Everyone, I am sorry to end tonight prematurely, but it would seem someone had alternative plans."

"...Buir..." Thaelin says quietly.

"Not now," the Duke says sharply. "I'll... I'll speak with Jorn later." Then he turns to the rest of guests. "Please, exit safely to the right. The guards will see you all out. My apologies, again."

Volken Mons has posed:
For a few seconds, Volken lays there...and then slowly gets up, peeling his immense body from a Volken shaped indention on the ground.

A string of muttered curses emerge from him but they're said under his breath and then he just bursts into a low rumbled bit of a laugh.

"Well...that was fun.." he grunts out before starting to slowly and finally pull to his feet. He straightens up to his full height, looks down to Thaelin and Ellari both..and then begins to slowly drag himself off field though he does so while avoiding limping or otherwise indicating being injured so as to not give anyone watching the satisfaction.

Granted, he did just tank a mine explosion so maybe a small limp won't matter that much..