Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: Below the Temple (Part 1)

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Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: Below the Temple (Part 1)
Date of Scene: 05 May 2024
Location: Jedha
Synopsis: The Jedi descend below the Temple of the Kyber with the witches to investigate the darkness there.
Cast of Characters: 159, Annelia Belask, Cayde Alexis, Pike Windu, 334

Athena (159) has posed:
Once the group of Jedi return to the Temple of the Kyber, they'll find that the Kel Dor Jedi Master Volk is waiting for them on the steps of the temple. His brow is furrowed slightly, but he seems otherwise calm.

As they approach, he approaches, and bows in greeting to the other Jedi. "I presume your ... excursion proved fruitful," he says carefully. He's aware that they'd gone to visit the witches, and despite not wholly approving of it, hopes that at least they'd found a clear path forward regarding Tomi.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann strides up the steps at a brisk clip, shaking her head a little. Not to say 'no', but more just a pre-emptive commiseration over what she's about to say.

    "Well, we did find some possibilities, but you aren't going to like them," she says bluntly, shrugging and upturning her palms with the statement.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde follows along behind Ann. Honestly, he also doesn't like them. This must have been the reason why the Council didn't want anyone trying to dig too deep into this these matters. But if it's the only way to help Tomi..

Pike Windu has posed:
Master Windu emerges from the foot traffic. He lowers his hood and nods in greeting to Master Volk and the other Jedi.

Athena (159) has posed:
Volk looks tired upon hearing the news from Anne, but unsurprised.

"Well, then," he says glancing at Pike briefly. "Let's hear it. I'm assuming you went to visit the ... witches."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Naturally- the elder of the two wasn't the most pleasant of women but I doubt we were in any genuine danger, there in force as we were," Ann confirms, nodding as she comes to a stop before the Master. She exhales, shaking her head.

    "More or less what you'd expect of witches. Unfriendliness, prophetic poems, doom and gloom. But we may want to take the Doom part seriously. Suggested that there's some kind of... wound in the Force. Some horrible event. Sourced down in the catacombs, but with the potential to affect the whole of the planet."

    She takes another breath, before adding the twist of the knife of the whole situation; "And the place is sealed with several thousand tonnes of permacrete... we're likely going to need the witches' tricks to even get in."

Pike Windu has posed:
Pike listens to the girl-Jedi with interest, having declined to enter the witches' abode. He shakes his head at the new information.

Athena (159) has posed:
Volk stiffens, but Anne and the other Jedi may be surprised at his reaction.

"The catacombs--" the Master says, revulsion clear in his reaction. He then adds quickly, "The Convocation to forbids anyone to go down there," he says gravely, "and the Council was swayed to extend this rule to its members as well, as many of the religious sects who are part of the Convocation did."

"It was sealed off to protect Jedha from the terrors that lie beneath the Holy City. Are you certain this is the right path forward?"

Annelia Belask has posed:
    A frown from Annelia and she looks at Volk almost kind of... incredulously.

    "So, wait. Let me make sure I understand you correctly. We, the order, knew good and well that -directly under- one of the most sacred cities in the entire galaxy, shared across countless traditions of Force-Sensitives, there were threats, dangers, and horrors... and just sealed it off and hoped the problem would go away? Instead of solving it? That doesn't seem... insane, to anyone else?"

    With the last question she turns to the others with her, hands open as she looks at them questioningly. "I won't pretend to be the wisest of Jedi, far from it in fact... but that seems like a problem we should want to solve -anyways-. But even past that, the fact that there are in fact horrible entities in the catacombs just seems to support this theory, which itself comes from one of the Bogan journals, and seemed to trigger visions in the younger, stronger witch besides."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde frowns as well, wondering what could possibly be down there. Was the Council really that certain that whatever was down there couldn't get out? But could using the witches' magic potentially unleash the monstrosities on Jedha? However, he doesn't mention anything...if Ann believed it was the right thing to do, he'd go with her...

Pike Windu has posed:
Windu steps forward to have his say. "I am loath to question the Council. But each new relevation does seem to cast doubt on its judgement."

A breath. "That said, I think a concerted effort to rouse Tomi should be made first. All the Healers we can find and even non-Jedi physicians."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Perhaps now you will stop painting me as a reckless Jedi Knight with no regards for the rules of the council, Master Volk and Master Windu?"

Caius has arrived, finally. He lagged behind at the witches hut for some additional time but soon makes his presence known as he approaches and comes near Anne and Cayde.

"This isn't about questioning 'anyone'. It's about uncovering a situation that may very well have -changed- since the edict was first given. Clearly this is so since Master Tomi was involved in his deeds and planning well before our group became involved. What if we did not choose to help Master Tomi? This situation on Jedha would have simply continued to worsen without our knowledge ...and then what? We react in shockand surprise that a past decision may have been made with error or had unforseen results that we did nothing to address?"

He folds his hands into his robes, tone more stern now, "I mean no disrupect Masters but I have had enough. I myself sensed a terrible darkness when in the temple. Something is -wrong-. So now what will we do? Wait a few more days to gather more healers? Or go take a look?"

Athena (159) has posed:
Volk sighs, his expression becoming more weary. "Anne, you're failing to understand just how grave this danger is. The Jedi... I do not think we can beat it. The Council unanimously thinks so."

"However, if you feel that this is where the Force is guiding you, then I will ensure that the Council does not know about your endeavors until... later."

He looks up when Caius arrives, and his expression grows sad as he addresses all of them. "But know that there is a very strong chance that where you are treading, you may not return from."

He turns to Pike, shaking his head. "I believe you and I may have to do this in conjunction to whatever Annelia, Caius, and Cayde are attempting -" his gaze flicks to the two strong willed Knights, and the respective padawan, then back to Pike. "You may attempt to persuade them to do otherwise, but... may the Force be with you in that."

Just then Caius will feel his communicator vibrate. There's a message for him there from Gael, the witch.

|Mal and I will be ready shortly after the sun sets tonight. We will meet you at the entrance to the Temple archives, if you wish to proceed|

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann pauses a moment, then shakes her head, turning away for a moment as she mutters; 'Not sure it even takes the force to put these pieces together, but...'

    She looks back to Cayde, brow furrowing a little as she considers the Padawan. "You're welcome to decline this one, Cayde. If it's as dangerous as Master Volk says I'm loathe to call it required of anyone."

    Looking back to Volk, she considers for a moment before adding: "Thank you for the assist. I just... am having trouble wrapping my mind around the entire convocation deciding to bury a problem rather than coordinate to resolve it. I'm keenly aware I might die trying to do something about a big problem, but... who does that happen to if I don't try, you know?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde shakes his head. [I am with you Master] he signs, ready to follow Ann wherever she might go.

Pike Windu has posed:
Windu frowns at Caius' brashness. "I am uncertain. And the Force has given me no insight. I will take no action beyond my remit to treat Master Tomi. And I leave it to Volk, the senior Master, to make any reports, as he sees fit."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"It is difficult to understand how grave a danger that none will share information with us, actually is." notes Caius simply though his tone has softened as he notes Volk's concern and sadness.

As his communicator goes off he lifts it up to respond but then pauses and says, "In truth, it's these two that I'm concerned about as well. Yet they're both willing to risk their safety to do something about this problem while we worry and twiddle our fingers over an old edict by The Council? Surely you can see the issues here?"

with that he responds to the communicator, "Understood. Wait for us."

He then says to the others, "I propose we only go take a look and assess the situation. If we see something or are made aware of the larger issue - we inform the Council and bring a more concentrated force to attend to it. Simply put ...we simply may lack the necessary power to deal with what's going on but we should at least confirm it and then pull back."

Master Windu merely gets a frown and a headshake. "I hope The Force grants you that insight, Master."

Pike Windu has posed:
"And I hope it grants it to you, Caius." Windu smiles weakly.

Athena (159) has posed:
Volk sighs, looking uneasy. "You are not wrong, Annelia. But the Council has its reasons for doing what it does," he says softly.

"However, you must know this: If you go with the witches to the catacombs, it is against what the Council advises, therefore, it is highly unlikely they will send anyone to reinforce your efforts. If you go, you are fully committing to investigating it in full." He bows his head slightly, looking somewhat grieved. "May the Force be with you all, then," he says to Caius and the others.

He turns to Pike. "Come then. We will gather as many healers as possible and prepare to see what we can do for Tomi while Caius and the others go where the Force guides them."

Later that night, Caius, Anne, and Cayde will find Gael and Mal waiting for them in the specified place. Mal seems excited, despite the circumstances they're meeting under. Gael is remains mostly unreadable, though she does spare Caius a brief smile. "Let's go," the elder witch says. "No use waiting about." And she turns to head towards the back of the archives.

Meanwhile, Volk will have gathered a small group of healers in the atrium, for Pike to meet with before they head to the infirmary to tend to Tomi.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann's rather quiet by now- having spent most of the time in-between trying to find some record of the decision-making that went into sealing this place off.

    For lack of that, she's simply focused in on the task at hand, offering the witches simple nods in greeting as she arrives on-site.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde just follows Ann to the meeting place when the time comes. At least it's mostly quiet out here now...

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Master Volk can't possibly be serious. If we uncover the truth of a pressing danger to the people of Jedha the likelyhood they'd just ignore it seems...out of character.." Caius would have said to Ann when en route but considering things....perhaps he's no longer quite so sure about that.

'Something is very wrong here. I'd hoped Master Windu would be more reasonable but it's almost as if..well...nevermind.."

He cuts himself off upon seeing the two witches.

Cael gets a slight smile and nod but then Caius grows more serious, "We're learning more and more this is highly dangerous. I think Ann and I are in agreement that you need to be ready to pull back at a moments notice. No heroics or acting without us."

Athena (159) has posed:
Anne will have found some records and new articles regarding the sealing in the archives - it had happened around seventy five years ago, several years after the Battle of Jedha. There had been a number of reasons - though the one touted in the news headlines had been regarding some renovations needing to be done to the Temple and the surrounding area. However, the red headed knight will find a few sources that mention the mysterious disappearance or deaths of individuals who'd dared to go down there. And those who had died had died in a most curious fashion - no physical injury or ailment. They'd been found comatose in the catacombs, had never woken, and eventually, their loved ones had decided to take them off life support... much like Tomi.

Gael frowns slightly. "I shouldn't have to remind you," she says, "that this idea was entirely thought up by you and your friends. I know the danger, and tried to warn you." She averts her gaze, and Caius will be able tell she's afraid. Not for herself, but for her sister. "Let's just hurry, before that damned supervisor comes down here and tells us he's closing up." She quickens her pace, leading them deeper into the archives, towards a door that looks like it hasn't been used in years, in the back.

Mal approaches Cayde, and reaches for his hand. <I...I think we've met before, right?> she says timidly.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann seems ready and poised to respond to Gael for a moment, then frowns, nodding along with the request for expediency.

    As the group begin to move, she does however offer: "Well, you saw what was said. That this... whatever it is could affect the entire planet. And as it turns out, this Tomi fellow's state matches that of the people lost when this place was first sealed. Even if we don't run to this danger, it may come to us before long."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods when Mal asks that question, but he withdraws his hand when she tries to touch him, his face flushing. Perhaps it's better she didn't remember him...

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Let's hope we find out enough information to convince them, then..." says Caius to Anne. He moves his lightsaber within easier reach, subconsciously so, and then simply moves to follow the others.

Pike Windu has posed:
Master Windu greets the Healers with a formal bow. Straightening, the Jedi is clinical.

"Colleagues, thank you for answering our call. I don't have the time to brief you on the history. Perhaps you are already aware. I believe stimulants in combination with Force healing can rouse the patient. But it will take all of us to bring him back. And we must beware the Dark Side."

Athena (159) has posed:
"Look," she counters a bit hesitantly, "Like I said before, I don't care about the other people here. I.. I could just leave Jedha, you know." But she's lying, and none of the Jedi present will need the Force to know that she is.

Once they reach the door, Gael begins to chant quietly, extending a hand. A flicker of the dark side will suddenly be palpable as the lock on the door glows green, and then clicks open. Gael then pushes through, and the scent of stale underground air will wash over the Jedi, as they enter a subterranean tunnel...

When Cayde withdraws his hand, Mal seems disappointed, but she doesn't reach for his hand again. <The braid...> she says to Cayde <It looks nice on you. Did you choose that? Is it real?>

The small group gathered around Pike surveys the Jedi. Some of them seem skeptical, others hopeful. "So what procedure to you propose," a Lonto woman asks. "that has not already been tried?"

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "You could leave Jedha, but if perhaps the most densely force-sensitive populated planet in the Galaxy has some calamity unfold, it could have much farther-reaching consequences than just Jedha," reminds Ann, shaking her head a little as she strides forth into the tunnel.

    As they enter the darkened tunnel, she slows from her usually brisk pace, shifting towards the back of the group with a small comment not to be alarmed. The cause for potential alarm becomes swiftly apparent as she pulls her lightsaber from her belt, holding it up high and behind her head as she ignites it to illuminate the tunnel in a light-blue glow without any of the present explorers losing their adjustment to the dark from looking directly at the glowing blade.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde hesitates in front of the door, especially after Gael used the Dark Side to open it...but follows suit after Ann.

    He nods at Mal's question, although it's not fully clear to which one exactly.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Precisely my concern as well..." muses Caius, looking towards Ann and Cael. As her saber ignites to provide illuination he nods his head and looks around carefully to see what the light reveals.

"We have to tqake into consideration that the council may have had good reason to do what they did ...and are not aware of the current events that have progressed. The Force connects us all. SOmething happenig to Jedha alone and not impacting all of us seems highly unlikely.."

Pike Windu has posed:
Windu looks at the Lonto woman. "I had some success with a single stim dosage with some guidance from the Force. I want to try again, with a larger dose and greater control from the Force. It is my hope that the patient will awaken and remain awake."

Athena (159) has posed:
Gael gives Anne a sharp look but doesn't reply to her comment. Instead, she holds her hand up, palm facing upward. A glowing green orb materializes and darts ahead of them, leaving a wispy trail of magick behind it that strangely, does not fade. "Follow the light," she says to the others. "It will guide us. And the trail is so we do not get lost on our way back, should we make it back. The tunnels down here are impossible to navigate otherwise."

Gael isn't wrong - the small light she's produced winds this way and that, as the subterranean tunnel slowly descends deeper.

At some point, Mal will reach over and grip Cayde's robe, and he'll be able to tell that she's starting to feel afraid. <Do.. do you feel that> she asks him.

At the same time, Gael falls into stride alongside Caius, watching Mal. Her expression softens. "Whatever happened to your brother?" she asks quietly.

"I suppose," the Lonto woman says, "but you realize that any kind of attempt to rouse his mind using the Force is very dangerous." She pauses. "Well, so be it, then. How may we assist?"

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "I'll be glad to get fresh air again, after this," mumbles Ann as the group descends further- sure, Gael has conjured a light... but she still would rather have her saberglow to help light the way as well. Good for footing and all that- or just a comfort in times of potential danger.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde frowns and pulls away from Mal, worried that her fear might cause him to lose it. And this was about the worst time and place that could happen. He shakes his head. What was she talking about?

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"A story best left for locations not quite as dire as this.' answers Caius, evenly, to Cael.

He watches Cayde and Mal for a bit and gives Ann a quick glance before turning his attention forward.

"It's complicated."

After aa pause he asks, "Do you know how deep we need to go? Mal?"

Athena (159) has posed:
Up ahead, Anne and the others will be able to see that the tunnel has dead ended - looks like they've reached the part of the catacombs sealed by thousands of tonnes of permacrete. It looks... impenetrable.

Mal doesn't seem to notice that Cayde has pulled away, and doesn't reply when Caius addresses her. Instead, she suddenly collapses onto the young padawan...

The others might feel it too. It may start as a tightness in their chest...

Caius Astras (334) has posed:

Caius staggers, reaching out to place a hand onto one of the side walls to keep from losing his balance all together.

"Something.." he tries to get out but really...it's obvious. Something's wrong.

"Wait.." he grunts out, trying to pull himself together. "Don't."

The plan was to go through the wall with their powers as he recalled but that feeling.

"What -is- that...?"

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Huh. Never thought I'd see the day you two got it worse from the Force than I did..." grumbles Ann, a hand going to her head as she winces slightly.

    She strides forth, keeping the saber raised high to not blind or headache anyone further as she goes to take the lead. "Try to get yourselves together, I'll keep an eye out for a second."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Just as Cayde had been wondering what Mal had been talking about, he feels it as well. A pain and tightness in his chest, like he can't breathe. He stumbles, but manages to stand his ground and not throw up for once in his life.

    But there seems to be a dead end. But where from here? He watches the light, to see where it will go...or could they just cut through the barrier?

Athena (159) has posed:
Just as Caius asks what the feeling is, he'll suddenly be overwhelmed with a vision of utter blackness. For a few moments, he might think he'd suddenly been struck blind. Every inch of his body will suddenly feel numb, and breathing will be extremely difficult. But even in this pitch blackness, Caius will be able to discern something else, a blurry gray something, moving far too quickly for him to really see what it is or make out any details.

And then he'll feel ... something he's never felt before. A sudden great distancing of that which he'd always felt was near - the Force. If he tries to reach out, he'll find that the Force feels so terribly far away, and unreachable. It's as if the Force itself is a point on the horizon that is moving away from Caius faster than he can pursue. It's a horrible feeling...And then abruptly, it's gone. As if it had never been.

Gael has gotten to her feet, and is tending to Mal, pulling her up gently. The Dathomirian girl seems recovered, at least. Then she goes over to Caius, offering him a hand to stabilize him while reaching into her satchel to produce a cool towel. "Is everyone alright?" she asks. A quiet pause. "After this, there's no turning back. So if you want to change your mind about any of this... now would be the time."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "I'm about as fine as can be expected, given how badly you all were affected," comments Ann, shrugging a little as she peers down after the guiding light. "Best we keep moving before it comes back or intensifies."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Ann...wait..I feel.."

Caius eyes widen adn then he shakes his head, "How is it...you didn't feel that?"

He considers things, what he knows about her..what he just felt. Then..

"No we can't go further in. We're not prepared. The Force ...it was like I couldn't reach it. If we go in like this we won't be able to gaurentee we can call upon it. I can't explain it. It was almost like some sort of singularity is behind these walls..."

He turns to look at Cael and Nal, "Have you -been- through there before or do you just know, like we do now.. Something is sealed -in- there, isn't it? Have you seen it, Nal?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde frowns. What did Gael mean by no turning back? But...she'd said the light trail was to help them find their way back if possible. How are they going to get past this dead end, anyway?

    However, he keeps these questions to himself. At least as much as he can. If Ann wanted to proceed, then he certainly wouldn't let her go in alone.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Y-Yes," Mal replies. Tears are flooding her eyes, but she seems determined. "There isn't anything physically there. It's what this place remembers about the Battle of Jedha. A terrible thing happened in the catacombs, and the walls cry out, and because of our gifting ... we can feel it more acutely than the others. But it might not matter, one day. The memory is tainting Jedha, and I don't that think any seal, physical or magickal, will contain it."

She straightens. "You can hesitate if you like, but there's not really anything you can do to prepare. Because you cannot fully know what is behind these walls, until you venture inside."

Seeing as Caius had refused the towel, Gael sighs and puts it away. "Only our magick can get all of us past these thick walls. Mal will go first, and cast a spell which will plunge the entirety of the space into a mindscape born of the past. Then, I will transport each of you, one by one, through the walls." She pauses. "If that is indeed what you want to do."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"There's more then just memory here. The council would not just forbid memory." counters Caius. "I heard a voice urge me to turn to the same page you wanted to see Nal. Memory doesn't just taint. There's something here that lingers.

To Cael he turns, frowning, "If we need to make a quick retreat to the other side of these walls it has to be one at a time again?"

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "... Because we're 'gifted'?" Ann muses aloud, frowning a moment as she slows to a stop for the moment.

    "Well, that might be why I'm relatively unharmed. And makes me wonder if this is a case for bringing some of the Republic elite, rather than people of the various Convocation components."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde shifts uncomfortably as the others continue to discuss. This place didn't feel right. What good did standing around talking about it do? Either they go, or not go....

Athena (159) has posed:
"I suppose you could say it's more than memory," Gael says coolly. "Most are not familiar with the idea that when something particularly grievous and tragic happens, the Force is affected. It's wounded, in a way, and that's what lingers. It's also possible that the reason why this lingering memory is so strong is because whatever thing that caused this cursed echo in the Force is still alive and somewhere in the galaxy. But that's all just conjecture. I have no real answers for you."

"Those who cannot sense the Force are not affected and cannot detect the evil that lingers. And if your Council forbids that you even be here, do you think the Republic will spare their forces?" She scoffs. Then the elder witch's brows furrow, but she nods. "I cannot take more than one person at a time."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"RIght. Conjencture. That's all this is until we actually take a look. And if we go in, it's not just a matter of being on our own, if something happens we not only won't be able to get out swiftly but Master Volk, Windu and Hal won't be able to get in swiftly to get to us if they needed to. We -would- be on our own..."

After some consideration Caius then adds, "But it seems like Ann will be able to weather things in case Cayde and myself get overwhelmed.... We've come to far and you two have been willing to risk it yourselves. That counts for something. Do you agree Ann or do you think we should withdraw? IT's hardly up to me. I just started this all to help Cayde and Master Tomi."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    A slow exhale from Ann as she considers the comments, and after a pause, she nods a little. "I'd rather not waste more time and see this situation with the sorcerer spread. I'll withdraw if we agree to, but if this is something I might be unexpectedly suited for, well. First time for everything, I suppose. If we do withdraw, I'll be coming back with whatever delegation returns."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Finally, it seemed a decision had been made. Cayde glances somewhat impatiently at Gael. It occurs to him that if Mal went in first, she'd be alone...and she was the most vulnerable, wasn't she? But if the older witch felt that was the best way to handle it, especially since it was concerning her own sister, then perhaps she knows something he doesn't.