Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: Epilogue

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Specters of a Sorcerer's Past: Epilogue
Date of Scene: 02 June 2024
Synopsis: Tomi finally awakes, after the Jedi return from the catacombs.
Cast of Characters: 159, Annelia Belask, Cayde Alexis

Athena (159) has posed:
In the Temple of the Kyber's infirmary, a group of healers and nurses have gathered. A low murmur ripples over the medical professionals hovering near the room where Master Tomi is being kept. Several of them whisper quietly, wondering if he'd truly woken up, while a few of the more senior healers enter the code to Tomi's quarters...

Annelia Belask has posed:
    After recent events, Ann has wasted little time making her way to the temple- Palawan very much in tow. She walks briskly at the best of times- she's outright on a mission today. Might be a day for Cayde to be thankful that as a teen lad he's as tall as the adult woman.

    Very much in a space of forgiveness rather than permission, she walks into the infirmary rather unbidden, eyes glancing back at Cayde as she encourages the Palawan to step ahead of her and see how the sorcerer is after the beast was slain.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde seems just as eager as Ann to check on Tomi's status after the ordeal in the catacombs, and doesn't have any trouble keeping up with her. When she just brushes past the healers and physicians, he quickly follows without hesitation and hurries over to the tank where the Sorcerer of Tund had been held.

Athena (159) has posed:
The healers are about to give the fiery headed Jedi Knight a mouthful but she's already swept past them and into the room before they can get a word in edgewise.

Once both Cayde and Anne are inside, they'll see that Tomi is indeed awake. He's sitting up, but his expression is hazy

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann nods to Cayde, simply gesturing him forward. State like this, mental touch may reach the sorcerer a little better.

    "Sorry, belatedly," she says to the healers in the room and outside the door. "Padawan here helped defeat the thing keeping Tomi here down, thought he deserved to see the results."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde arches a brow at Ann when she mentions that he helped put Tomi's demons out of commission and fails to mention that she was probably the one who did the most. Well, at least from his point of view.

    But he turns back to Tomi, glad to see that the man is now awake, at least. The padawan reaches out with the Force, carefully attempting to investigate his state of mind.

Athena (159) has posed:
The healers don't comment when Anne apologizes belatedly. Instead, they frown, but give her and Cayde some space.

Tomi seems fine for the most part - but Cayde will be able to tell he's rather discombobulated due to the fact that he's lost quite a few of his memories.

Abruptly, the Arkanian gets up and sweeps out of the room and the infirmary. He walks briskly to the entrance of the Temple and stands at the top of the stairs, staring out at city below.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Well that's... a -good- sign. Right?" Ann asks of nobody in particular, looking around the room. "Should we go after him and keep an eye?"

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Suddenly, Tomi suddenly gets up and exits the room. Cayde stares after him, surprised at how quickly he seemed to recover after being unconscious for so long. He nods at Ann. Well yes, it was... a good sign, at least? Maybe. But it seemed he had lost some memories. Perhaps that was a good thing.

    [He does not remember] he signs to his master.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Possibly," one of them grumbles. "But he might also be out of his damn mind." A couple of the nurses get up to follow Tomi out to the top of the steps. "Master Tomi, how are you feeling?"

The Arkanian doesn't respond. His expression remains blank. Perhaps Cayde could try projecting to him...

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Doesn't remember how much?" asks Ann straightforwardly, arms crossing as she draws to a stop a few meters from the sorcerer.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde shrugs to Ann's question, unsure himself. He watches as Tomi doesn't seem to respond to the nurses. He reaches out again with the Force, attempting to communicate with the man.

    <...Master Tomi?>

Athena (159) has posed:
The distant look in Tomi's eyes softens, and his brows furrow.

He turns to face Cayde. "...do I know you?" he asks.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Not directly," are the only words Ann adds for the moment, Eyes narrowing as the exchange continues.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde frowns, still trying to search the man's mind and assess the damage. How much of his memories had he lost?

    He shakes his head when Tomi asks that question. [You have been unconscious a long time] he signs.

Athena (159) has posed:
When Anne addresses Tomi, the Arkanian's attention is diverted. He smiles faintly. "And you must be the boy's master," he says softly.

"I know," he says to Cayde sharply. "I know we must be familiar somehow, though I have no memory of you. How long has it been?"

Just at that moment, Cayde and Annelia will notice Master Volk arriving on the scene. He seems relieved. "Thank the Force - I heard you all made it out safely, and that Tomi had awakened..."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "I am- Cayde here is the one that stopped your ritual. One of the artifacts involved put you into a sort of trance. Which would have been one thing, but a creature in the sealed catacombs took the opportunity to Prey on your connection to the Force. It's been... a while. Suffice to say I wasn't his master before you went under."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde looks away. He'd rather not...tell Tomi about what happened. But Ann does it instead, so he's glad for it.

    [We have not met] he tells the Arkanian. Well, it was kind of true, right?

Athena (159) has posed:
Tomi's brow furrows even deeper, and he looks away. "I should hope its presence did not come as a surprise to you," he says to Anne coolly.

"You lie," he says to Cayde, "And one does not need the Force to know it." He then turns to Volk. "I will be stepping down from the Convocation and returning to my homeworld after I've settled matters here on Jedha, presuming no one resists me resuming ownership of all my belongings." His eyes narrow. "Are you satisfied," he says to Volk, "after all, this is what you wanted, isn't it?"

Volks seems to be at a loss for words.

Tomi turns to Anne. "Let this be a lesson to you and the rest of the Jedi, then - what you do not know or understand, will become your greatest weakness. It is only a matter of time."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    Ann's brow rises as Tomi begins snapping at her, and she tilts her head a little.

    "Yes, the situation is -entirely- our fault. Certainly none of yours for performing strange, arcane, unexplained rituals in the middle of a combat situation. Maybe, I don't know, say something about what you're trying to do before pulling stunts like that?" she suggests skeptically, -deeply- unimpressed.

    "But enjoy taking your ball and going home rather than working out the aftermath of this situation, I suppose." She shakes her head, turning her attention to Cayde for the moment.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde turns away sadly at Tomi's sharp accusation. He'd just thought... maybe they could just start fresh, given the missing memories and all. But clearly that wasn't happening.

    Anyway, it seemed the Arkanian was back on his feet and more or less himself, so all was well that ended well...right? However, the padawan just sighs, somehow finding himself not feeling as vindicated as he'd hoped. [I guess we should go] he signs, when Ann looks at him.

Athena (159) has posed:
"I -tried-," Tomi says flatly, "and Volk would know." His gaze falls on the Master Jedi for a moment. "But my attempts to study this threat and others like it were repeatedly met with threats to kick me off the Convocation. So my actions, though I don't remember them, I'm certain were no surprise and were -far- from unexplained."

He turns to leave. "Instead, he and the other members of the Convocation had to wait for lives to be endangered before they allowed anyone to investigate. I should hope, at least, that you would agree that waiting until lives are at risk is a bit too late to study an unknown danger." He then re-enters the Temple, leaving Volk with Annelia and Cayde.

Annelia Belask has posed:
    There's a pause from Ann, as she watches Tomi storm off, face still a little skeptical. There's a slight pause.

    And then her eyes sliiiiiiide silently, questioningly, and more than a little coolly over to Master Volk.

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde momentarily glances at Tomi's retreating back as the man storms off in a huff, then goes back to staring at the floor.

Athena (159) has posed:
Volk sighs, and that tired look returns. "I apologize for Master Tomi's brusqueness, but you did the right thing," he says to Anne.

"We made no such threats to kick him off the Convocation. However, his approach to the dark side was much less conservative than most and that was often a point of contention and controversy for many members of the Convocation."

"And I believe in the wisdom of the Council. Their reasons for banning any study of this creature must not have been without great consideration for not just the Jedi, but for all the Republic, and beyond. They wanted to avoid causing mass hysteria and the spread of misinformation about something we knew so little about."

"And though I understand their decision, that does not mean I am in complete agreement with it. Tomi may not be entirely misguided in wanting to study that which we do not understand..." He places a hand on Cayde's shoulder. "You did well, young padawan. You should be proud of yourself."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Interesting take on the situation," muses Ann, patting Cayde's back not... ungently but certainly not softly.

    "I'm starting to think we Jedi have a bad habit of putting inconvenient things in a box to forget about them. I'm sure the council has their reasons, but... I don't know. Starting to see something like a pattern, and I don't care for it. Not that I expect to make many waves if I bring it up, newly-knighted and in hot water as I already am."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde looks back up when patted on the back by both of his seniors. [Thank you] he signs. Still, he'd hoped that Tomi might have at least thanked them for saving his life...

Athena (159) has posed:
"And I would agree," Volk says, nodding. "I've informed the Council, and from what I've heard, they are in agreement that what you did was the right thing. Now, whether there is any follow up to be done -- I don't know. Shortly after you, Caius, Cayde returned from the catacombs, the city officials and the Temple staff deemed it unsafe, and unnecessary to keep the catacombs and bomb shelters in place, as renovations to the Temple of the Kyber would require their collapse anyway."

"But if you encounter anything like what you discovered down there, Ann... you -must- inform the Council. We are past pretending it does not exist, and I am certain the Council will not deny you being sanctioned to take action upon it if you do stumble across anything that reminds of your experiences below the Temple of the Kyber."

"Both of you should get some rest - you'll need it for your journey back to Coruscant," Volk says. He turns to Cayde. "Do not expect much from Tomi. He can often be a proud and bitter man. Take heart, Cayde. You've done a great thing for the citizens of Jedha. One day, you'll make a fine Knight."

Annelia Belask has posed:
    "Yeah, you did the right thing there Cayde," Ann agrees, nodding slightly and placing her hands on her hips absent-mindedly.

    "Perhaps you'll forgive me if I also try to -solve- the problem if it's feasible," she says to volk with a half-smirk, shrugging a little. "But... yeah. Trip back to Coruscant might be the right move. Long day."

Cayde Alexis has posed:
    Cayde nods, but glances over at Ann. [Not without master] he signs. Surely, it had been a joint effort. None of them could have done it alone.

    But speaking of the Council...he was still dreading that meeting.

Athena (159) has posed:
Volk shakes his head. "Be careful, Ann. You might not have felt it quite so palpably, but there must be a reason why Caius is likely resting and not with you and Cayde today. I sense that this danger, in reality, is not one that can be overcome by sword and might."

He bows in farewell to Cayde and Anne. "My hope is that you will never have to encounter something so dark ever again," he says, "But for now, yes. Rest, and may the Force be with you and Cayde as you journey back to Coruscant." Then he takes his leave.