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Tatooine is a desert planet located in the Outer Rim, orbiting twin suns. The planet lies just beyond what has long been the very edge of Republic space, and has been under the control of the Hutts for as long as anyone can remember. Tatooine is known for sand, the native scavenging Jawas, and the primitive, isolationist Sand People known as Tusken Raiders. Tatooine is generally considered a backwater, unimportant planet by the galaxy at large; with the presence of the Hutts, and its remote location, Tatooine is an unofficial center for shadier dealings.


Tatooine was initially inhabited by the native Jawa and Tusken species, but after reports of valuable minerals in the planet's surface the planet was attractive to mining companies hoping to cash in on the find. After it was determined that the ore from Tatooine had unwanted metallurgic properties, the mining companies abandoned the desert world, leaving behind enormous amounts of equipment which would be scavenged by the Jawas and Tuskens.

At some point after the mining companies left, the Hutt Clans moved in on the territory, establishing a palace in the Jundland Wastes, making Tatooine an underworld hub in the Outer Rim.


Long ago, Tatooine was covered in oceans and rain forests, but through as-yet unknown means, it became a planet-wide desert. The landscape is covered with sand dunes, mountains, canyons, and rock formations which make traversing the terrain difficult. Due to the almost complete abscence of surface water, those who live on Tatooine draw moisture from the air.

Points of Interest

Mos Espa

Tatooine's largest city and de facto capital, Mos Espa is controlled by the Hutt Clans and their criminal syndicates. The majority of its citizens are poor individuals just trying to survive day to day. Most of the city is built from weathered natural stone, and most buildings have a domed roof with few or no windows. The streets are a winding maze with few markers or formal organization.

Mos Eisley Spaceport

Mos Eisley spaceport is a large, bustling place with ships constantly arriving and departing at over three hundred landing pads around the city. All manner of goods both legal and illicit can be found for sale somewhere in town. The city's cantinas and bazaars are popular meeting places for those seeking to move cargo or passengers. Mos Eisley's buildings are typical for the world--low to the ground with domed roofs or open-top landing bays.

Hutt Palace

The Hutt Palace is a large sandrock and durasteel complex located at the fringes of the Northern Dune Sea. Composed of a central rotunda and a taller spire adjacent to it, the ridge-side retreat also features an underground hangar and maintenance bay. Deep in the structure's subterranean chambers is the throne room, which is situated atop a pit that could house some manner of large ravenous creature that is often used to seal the fate of those who dare cross the Hutts.