The Mythosaur's Gett'se

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The Mythosaur's Gett'se
Date of Scene: 08 August 2024
Synopsis: Jorn and Ellari begin to recruit. A cantina brawl ensues.
Cast of Characters: 159, Ellari Zin, 418

Athena (159) has posed:
A day or two may pass after Jorn and Ellari meet with the Duke, and the two of them would likely take some time to think about the upcoming events. The Duke, at some point during those days, had given out a formal date for the meshgeroya tournament, finalizing the exact number of days the members of the bridal party had to recruit, practice, and then get ready for the first match.

Tonight, he'd sent out an informal text transmission to all members of the bridal party, letting them know about the grand opening of a certain casino and cantina in downtown Sundari. The establishment is owned by a well known member of House Kryze, and is a beloved chain known to many Mandalorians, with this particular location being the second to open on Mandalore.

The Duke would then inform them that this event would be a great opportunity to network with other guests who would likely attend the wedding, as well as recruit for their team. Additionally, the cantina there would be offering a happy hour for all those who attended the grand opening of the establishment.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari makes her way to the establishment for the grand opening, in search of potential candidates for the meshergoya team. She starts toward the bar for the happy hour first, scoping out the current patrons...

Jorn (418) has posed:
Another hunt. That's what this networking opportunity is. One has to scout, size things up, find your target and everything else involved. The only difference is the outcome. A hunt deals with a capture or a kill. This...ends with a deal.

Jorn has two targets this evening. One is simple, the security detail. These are the ones watching the tables. The ones trying to be inconspicuous yet vigilant. They have good awareness and are often athetic because some people need a forcefully escorted exit.

The other, is a little harder. He's looking for the table that's the happiest during the night and has the rug sweeped out from under them toward the end. It requires him to pay attention to the Sabacc tables. He wants to go with tables that may have a few happy faces leaving, but one soul just utterly cruashed. Why? That's the dealer that has a higher likelihood to master in misdirection. Someone that will make a person watch the left hand while the right robs them blind. A skill like that in any competition would go far.

Jorn is punctual at the meeting time. Could it be too early? Maybe. Sabacc demands a lot of time and Jorn has to be rushed when it comes to intelligence gathering when there's no immediate threat. He wants to make every second count.

And yes, he's completely armored upon his arrival.

Athena (159) has posed:
Upon arriving and taking a quick read on the room, they may notice several individuals of note.

First, there's the bartender - a tall, broad shouldered man who seems unusually even tempered and patient for a Mandalorian. He speaks quietly, but not so quiet as to not be heard. He is good natured with his patrons, but there's a steely glint in his eyes that tells Jorn he's not a man whose patience should be tested.

They'll probably also notice a red armored Mandalorian female standing off to the side, near the back and in the shadows, arms folded. She's not interacting with anyone, and her silent, brooding, watching demeanor gives off the vibe that at any moment, something might set her off into a blind, aggressive rage.

Then there are those sitting around the tables and the bar. A pretty, young blonde lass with fair skin, flirting shamelessly with the men who've decided to play against her in a game of sabacc. She's completely inebriated and loudmouthed, and her presence, despite her youthfulness, is intimidating. They'll recognize the groom, Thaelin, is sitting at same table as she is, along with the aggressive House Vizsla Baron, Kasseady.

At the bar, the bride to be, Sanza, is sitting next to another Kiffar girl who looks similar enough to Sanza to be her sister. She seems too young to be in an establishment like this, but no one is saying anything.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari takes note of the different guests, sitting down at the bar and ordering a light drink. She can't let herself get too inebriated, as these choices might be important. But for now, she doesn't approach anyone. Instead, she watches Jorn, waiting to see where his interests might lie first.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn takes in the details. His gaze drifts back to the one in red armor, but he also watches the intoxicated woman. He thinks this is a ploy. This idea is a gamble. He knows that himself. Still, what's one way to con people out of money? Act like someone attractive yet utterly clueless. And that's why he wonders if it's a ploy.

Athena (159) has posed:
The one in red armor, Ellari will recognize. The Duke's wayward daughter - returned to Mandalore for her brother's wedding. Well it's certainly one way to get a prodigal child to return.

When Jorn lets his gaze drift over to her, she immediately reaches for a pistol holstered to her thigh. She too, is in full armor. But when he looks away, she eases off, backing farther away into the shadows.

The bartender then approaches both Jorn and Ellari. "Welcome to The Mythosaur's Gett'se," he says, offering them a smile. "Can I get either of you anything?"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    A sharp look is cast Revara's way. To say the last, Ellari does not have a good opinion of her. Nor of Kasseady. But she is content to ignore them for now, nodding politely toward the bartender.

    "Not quite certain just yet, but what would you recommend if I said I'd prefer something light for the evening?"

Jorn (418) has posed:
"I'm fine," Jorn says because drinks will muck up the senses. He has people to observe in this situation. So, he wants to keep the senses sharp. Once his job is done, then maybe he'll imbibe.

Athena (159) has posed:
"That can easily be arranged," the bartender says with an easy going smirk. "I can make a flavored tonic for you?"

The bartender arches a brow at Jorn. "No drinks for you tonight, eh? Even though everything's half off? Might I ask the reason for your abstinence?"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari nods. "That should suffice."

    She glances at Jorn, noting the abstinence in spite of the happy hour going. "A shrewd choice." she remarks, nodding.

Jorn (418) has posed:
The eyes flick toward the tender, which goes unseen because the mask. "Because every good wedding has an open bar. Your services should have fetched a higher price," it's not exactly a lie.

And his gaze slips back toward the others in the room. Just drinking in details. "But maybe later tonight because a cheap drink is a cheap drink."

Athena (159) has posed:
The bartender chuckles. "Is that so? You know, flattery usually paves the way for manipulation," he says in jest.

He glances to Ellari and then back to Jorn. "You're part of the bridal party, aren't you?" he asks, his gaze flicking to Thaelin at the sabacc table, and then to Sanza, who is sitting farther down at the counter.

The other Kiffar girl sitting next to her has caught sight of Jorn and Ellari, though, and is making her way over. She can't have been older than sixteen or seventeen, yet her gaze pieces like a beskar blade. "Indeed," she says to the bartender. "He's one of Thaelin's 'chosen' groomsmen. And he's here to recruit. Just as all the other bridal party members are." She smirks at Jorn.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari arches a brow at the bartender. "That is...sometimes true." she remarks. "Well, is it working this time?"

    When the younger Kiffar approaches, Ellari's attention is turned toward her. "And I take it you are the bride's sister?"

Jorn (418) has posed:
"A compliment can be a compliment though," Jorn says honestly as he looks toward the tender.

"I am," he speaks honestly about him beloning to the party. He refrains from being a smart ass.

"And are you part of that? Or are you trying to stick out to the others?" Jorn asks curiously as he looks at the younger Kiffar.

Athena (159) has posed:
The bartender shrugs at Ellari. "It remains to be seen..."

"You haven't heard of me yet?" she scoffs at Jorn. "I'm Sanza's sister, Emmaen. You don't study much, do you? I would think that after agreeing to be a groomsmen for a certain family, you'd have learned all about them by now."

"I'm here for the same reason you are," she says. "Jo'nas," she says to the bartender. "I would have you by my side for the tournament."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari nods, even though Jo'nas has not really answered her question.

    She makes a note of Emmaen's bluntness, and her aggressive approach to recruitment, given she might find herself up against the girl in the real tournament. There is also a subtle glance over toward Jorn, to gauge his reaction to this.

Jorn (418) has posed:
"I would rather judge based on skill, what I can see, and not hearsay," Jorn has his reasons. He probably knows of her, but only read as skills. Files can be forged, details can be lied and everything like that.

And then there's a pause as she begins recruiting. Then he starts to head off in one particular direction. He's going to find the prodigal child.

Athena (159) has posed:
Emmaen laughs. "Too bad you've stayed away from Mandalore too long," she says. "If you hadn't, you would have been able to come here and know who, based on what you've already seen, to approach, and who -not- to approach." She seems particularly amused that he's making a beeline for the red armored female.

"I'll have to think about that," Jo'nas says in response to Emmaen's recruitment offer. He glances at Ellari, arching a brow. "Might want to be a bit more proactive - the others are going to comb the finest from crop if you just keep watching."

The red armored female Jorn is approaching reaches for her gun when he approaches. She seems awfully nervous and ill at ease. "What do you want?" she demands.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari smirks at Jo'nas' comment. "Rushing into matters bull-headed is also a surefire way to create regret in the future." she replies, then arches a brow at him. "Why, are you nervous for me? Worried I'll lose? Do you have a reason to -care-?"

    She glances briefly at Jorn, as he approaches Revara. Honestly, she hopes that mess of a girl will would be a satisfying opportunity to teach her a few things...

Jorn (418) has posed:
Approaching Revara, Jorn has this to say, "I can provide you an opportunity. Show the world what you want to be, how you want to be remember and not people presume," Jorn begins the opening gambit. There's more to say, but he's going to hold off for a few. Let the woman process his words, retort with her own. And he hopes no one shoots him.

Athena (159) has posed:
"But procrastination was no one's friend either," Jo'nas says. Then he continues with, "No, but if I said yes, what's so embarrassing or dishonorable about that? I care about the outcome of House Viszla," he says frankly, "even if my family swears allegiance to House Kryze."

"..." Her fingers still remain tightly wrapped around her blaster, but she makes no move to attack Jorn. "I've been given plenty of opportunities," she whispers heatedly. There's a guilty pause. "What makes yours better than all the rest?"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Which is why one must strive to strike the right balance." Ellari replies, nodding. "I didn't say there was anything embarrassing or dishonorable about it," she reminds him. "Tell me, why do you care about House Vizsla?"

Jorn (418) has posed:
"Because in the few moments I've spent in the place, I've had people tell me you're the one person not to ask. I want you to show everyone watching why you're the one that -should- be asked. I want people to see you. Not your reputation. Not hearsay. Just you," Jorn says honestly and looks back out toward the bar. "Some say the world is a stage and we all play our roles. Too many people with that worldview, try to assign the roles. I'm taking mine back, you should take yours, too," and he looks back to her. That's his offer, simple opportunity. An opportunity to show the world why they shouldn't make presumptions," and as he starts to walk away. "And I make my offer knowing nothing of your skills. I've been underestimated by several at this gathering. I can tell when they're doing it to others," and he starts to slowly move away giving the offer a chance to sit. Yes, it's a gamble and risky. Like so many others in this place, Jorn's rolling the dice.

Athena (159) has posed:
"They have been in power since having taken possession of the Dark Saber," he says, "and so far, they've maintained the peace. Relatively. We have not fallen into one of those disastrous civil wars for many years - now, whether that will change after the marriage of these youth, we do not know. But for this long, Mandalore has been well enough. Thriving, one might even say."

She listens. And he might not be able to see her face, but Jorn will be able to tell she's soaking it in. When he starts to walk away, she starts to follow him. "You didn't actually answer my question," she calls out after him. "About what exactly it is you want."

But before Jorn can reply, the brash baron Kasseady gets up from his chair and waves for Jo'nas to serve them another round while scoffing loudly, "Well, well, well, look at what the tooka cat dragged in." He laughs. "Looks like the runaway wench finally decided to come -crawling- home. Tell me, how much did your father beg? To get you to attend your own brother's wedding." The blonde drunk female comes to stand next to Kasseady, leaning on his shoulder and smirking.

"You've got some -gett'se-," she sneers at Jorn. "Asking dear little Revara to do... well, just about anything."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Hn. I see." Ellari replies, seeming satisfied with Jo'nas' answer. "Well then, I don't suppose you would fancy an opportunity to contribute to the continued maintenance of that peace, in a more...tangible and visible way?" she asks. "And to put your own skills on display, of course. Victory will not go unrewarded, either."

    Her attention is momentarily drawn toward Kasseady as he starts to scoff at Revara. She glares at him. "Di'kut," she hisses. "Do you want to start a brawl in here?"

Jorn (418) has posed:
"Simple. To show everyone why they shouldn't underestimate me. It's already happened twice, maybe more. If I get more along the way, it's a bonus," to him that's the end game. Make a hell of a statement and silence some doubters. Everything is an unexpected bonus, that's all there is to it.

When the comments fly toward him, Jorn will look back at Revera, "That. That's the talk I was speaking of." It's those people he has in a metaphorical crosshair.

"What do -you- want?" Jorn will turn it back toward the woman. His gaze looks bakc to those at the bar, he's clearly unphased. Plus, now he has some insight. Revara can tell him who else might make a good asset.

"I don't start fights, but I have zero qualms finishing them," he warns. Then he looks back to Revara, "I do not speak for my associate." Because he doesn't know if she'll fly off the handle or be composed. He hopes for the latter and prepares for the former.

Athena (159) has posed:
Jo'nas laughs. "It seems I had you pegged wrong," he says. "Your offer is tempting. But this isn't something I can decide immediately, as Emmaen has also extended me the same offer--"

But then Kasseady and the blonde woman seem to keen on stirring up trouble, and he won't get the finish his sentence. "Kasseady," he thunders. "Sit your shebs down."

When Jorn asks her what she wants, she'll let her gaze rest on him for several moments while she reaches for both her blasters. What she wants, especially in this moment, will be made abundantly clear, and Jorn might realize that she's actually testing him. Would he stand by her, or would he join the others in wrestling her to the ground?

Then she opens fire - one blast for the blonde, and one for Kasseady.

And just like that, the bar suddenly turns into a frenzy, as Kasseady pulls out a blade and throws it at Revara in retaliation.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari rolls her eyes when the fight starts. Of -course-. And she has absolutely no doubt that this is exactly what that idiot Kass had intended. She doesn't side with either of them, instead she stays in her seat at the bar to see how this whole thing will end up.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn doesn't stop Revara. What he does is the second she shoots, he draws his own guns. Right now, he feels like this is the lot he associated with. For better or worse, he's in for a credit and in for a pound.

Both weapons drawn, when the shooting starts, he tries to look for cover. "Revara, cover," he says knowing that things might evolve into something chaotic. What he wants, is to escape when everyone else is shooting. It's the gun fighter's version of rope-a-dope. Let the rest exhaust energy and resources.

Yes, Jorn is not stopping her and is even trying to exit -with- Revara.

Athena (159) has posed:
If Revara had heard Jorn, she isn't listening to him. Perhaps he really had gotten in over his head by offering to recruit her. She's abandoned shooting, and is now trying to beat the hell out of the blonde girl with her beskar laid gloves.

But while Jorn is looking for cover, Kasseady spots him. "You're kriffing unbelievable," he growls. "You've discredited what little honor you had by associating with -her-," he growls, and pulling out a small handgun, attempts to shoot Jorn.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn has his guns out and he turns to see Kasseady turn. The man fires at Jorn. While Jorn sees it coming, he decides to let the hit come because he can fire off his own. What he doesn't count on is the blast itself. The shot's good. Not only does it hit him, which might need to be looked at later, Jorn's follow up shot goes wide. Some would dwell on this, and Jorn will in time. For now, he's just happy to have trained with both hands. So, the undamaged arm will go in for the shot. Besides, it keeps people guessing what to watch for if Jorn ever goes single blaster.

Athena (159) has posed:
With Jorn's shot going wide, Kasseady aims to shoot at the other again, but then realizes that he'd come ill prepared and the small hand gun has run out of charge.

So instead, he opts to pick up a broken chair leg and swing it heftily at the other Mandalorian!

When Kasseady nears, Jorn will be able smell the liquor on his breath. Was this man never sober?!

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari just continues to watch the fight for now, keeping an eye on Jorn's maneuvers in particular. After all, she may find herself up against him in the tournament later...

Jorn (418) has posed:
"CRACK!" the wood goes over the armor. The sound of wood meeting metal echoes through the helm. Pain screams at him, but he ignores it all. The heavy smell of liquor helps. A disgusting smell to focus on while ignoring other sensations.

Jorn might be bleeding, he doesn't know. Damage will be dealt with once this is all done. Proximity is what Jorn revels in. Taking the moment, Jorn points down with the blaster and fires a shot. He's aiming for the leg, hoping ot hit a knee. Waht he wants is to take Kasseady off his feet, literally.

Athena (159) has posed:
The shot Jorn fires hits home, and Kasseady grunts in pain as the blast sears his knee, stumbling backwards into a table and knocking it over before he lands on his ass.

But it would appear Jo'nas has grown tired of the brawl. "Enough," he growls at Kasseady. He stands, towering a good couple of inches over most of the patrons in the bar. Then he makes his way over to the inebriated and dazed Kasseady and grabbing him by his curly locks and his belt loop, tosses him out of the cantina. Revara, who is lying almost unconscious on the floor, is next.

Jo'nas then turns to Jorn, eyes narrowed. "Need I say anymore?" he says severely.

He then makes his way back to where Ellari is sitting. "I accept your offer," he says. "I hope you can redeem House Viszla from the misdeeds of these... dogs."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari nods. "I hope so as well, and I am grateful for your acceptance." she replies, smiling politely. Her gaze momentarily goes over to Jorn, and then Emmaen, a slight smirk on her face before she turns back toward Jo'nas. "I look forward to discussing the third member with you."