Trouble at the Cantina

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Trouble at the Cantina
Date of Scene: 03 October 2024
Synopsis: Ellari and Volken try to recruit Er'gi. Revara insults Volken and starts a fight, Jorn tries to play mediator.
Cast of Characters: 159, Ellari Zin, 418, Volken Mons

Athena (159) has posed:
Today is a fine afternoon in Sundari - the kind that would eventually becoming an even better evening for having a drink at the bar just down the street from the Bastille of Thyssel. Soon, it would be happy hour, and the cantina owner had made it publicly known that one of his hunting strills had given birth to a litter of fifteen. And since his modest ranch could not accommodate all the pups, he was hoping to find good homes for most of them.

Now, Er'gi had not said it outright in so many words, but through word of mouth it would become known to any member of the bridal party that he was going to be there, with the hopes of taking a young strill and a fine lady home...

Ellari Zin has posed:
    So, Er'gi had agreed to at least a drink with Ellari. As such, she'd planned to meet him at the same cantina. And since it seemed he was planning on being there anyway to see if he could adopt one of the young strills, the time seemed convenient. Furthermore, she wouldn't be opposed to adopting one herself either, if it seemed pertinent.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn is here. He's hopeful to spot someone. If there is any time between the last gathering and now. He will ready. Non lethal bits. Anything to take down a situation if it gets ugly. Does he fully believe the story he was told? Not really. However, he knows it's damning and mostly true. The mandalorian can't shake the fact something key is missing. The non-lethal stuff is in case he's wrong. It's a strange web hje finds himself in. In short, he's not here to drink.

Athena (159) has posed:
Upon arriving, both Ellari snd Jorn will see Er'gi strolling into the cantina and heading straight to the bar for a drink.

As for that person Jorn is looking for -- he'll have a feeling in his bones that she's here, too, and knows he knows... somehow.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari immediately starts looking those strill pups, and for Er'gi. She spots him heading toward the bar. But she also notices Jorn looking like he's here for reasons other than happy hour.

    "So," she begins, smirking slightly. "How are you and Revara getting along? Have you figured out how to satisfy her rage?"

Jorn (418) has posed:
The eyes narrow beneath the helmet. That's when he starts to look in shadows and places up here. Just for something that "feels" or seems out of place. Even if it's just for a brief moment. He'll slip into the Cantina, if nothing catches his eye.

Athena (159) has posed:
Looks like the strills haven't been brought just yet, but the cantina owner has certainly gathered a crowd and is showing images of them on a datapad to eager onlookers. Er'gi is among them.

Jorn might hear some movement near the back of the cantina, close to the open patio designated for those who wanted to relax outdoors with a cigarra.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari arches a brow when Jorn seems to ignore her.

    "I know you're not here to enjoy yourself Jorn, but that's no excuse to treat others with such disdain." she remarks, her gaze momentarily going over to where the images are being shown.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn will move to the patio with purpose. A few nods may go out to people, but he probably looks like someone jonesing for a death stick fix with the way he moves. He looks to the outside just waiting to see what fresh chaos awaits him. Oh, this is going to be an interesting conversation.

Athena (159) has posed:
Er'gi notices Ellari has arrived. His demeanor is different this time, though. "Ellari!" he bellows. "Have you seen these pups? They're the finest I've ever laid eyes on!" She'll be able to tell he's already a little drunk.

Once Jorn arrives on the patio, he'll come upon a quiet scene - a couple of old ba'buirs smoking pipes, shooting the shit. Nothing chaotic ... yet.

He may notice that the west side of the area out behind the cantina is partitioned off - there's some live animals there, a happabore and her shed, along with a couple roosting nunas. But he'll notice the door to the happabore shed is wide open.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari narrows her eyes as Jorn ignores her yet -again-. Clearly, he has not yet gotten Revara under control. But with that little stunt during the scrimmage...she has a fair idea who did it. Why the Duke was even allowing this is beyond her, but it's becoming clear that Revara is going to become the one who takes control of -him-, not the other way around.

    When Er'gi calls out to her, she glances over at him, nodding but not quite heading over yet. Instead, she starts tailing Jorn up the stairs to the patio...

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn pauses for a moment. His mind reels to that question. Oh, he has a few things to say. thinking on it. Inwardly he groans and then he moves back to Ellari, "What do you know about that rage?" he asks honestly. That word "Rage" causes his mind to reel and he will go toward Ellari, for now. Even if she, too, has a rage to toss his way as well.

Athena (159) has posed:
When Ellari nods to him but heads towards the back, Er'gi becomes slightly suspicious and starts after her. "Ellari...?"

From somewhere inside the happabore shed, a shadowy figure looms, watching Jorn and Ellari silently...

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Oh, -now- he pays attention. Clearly, Jorn doesn't want anyone else around for whatever he's planning up there. Noted.

    "I know that if you're not careful, she'll be the one controlling -you-, not the other way around."

    She glances around furtively, half-expecting that Revara is looming somewhere. So she steps closer to him, lowering her voice. "You will get that tantrum-prone adiik under control before the tournament...or else -I- will." she hisses.

Jorn (418) has posed:
"I'm not looking to be controlled. I want to know -why- she is voilent. -Why- she lashes out so it can get under control," and then his eyes narrow at the hiss toward the end. "What's her history," he holds up a finger. "We both know those directly effected by History will leave out details due to perspective. So, tell me what you know." Jorn will leave out any competitive language out of his words for now.

Athena (159) has posed:
Er'gi appears behind Ellari, brows arched. "Hey," he says, frowning. "What's going on here?" he asks, his gaze flicking to Jorn, then to the open happabore shed door. "Who let the happabore out??"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "She is a disgrace to her family, and to all of House Vizsla." Ellari tells him, shaking her head. "We'd be here for days if I told you everything, but most recently she fled to -Coruscant- of all places, and involved herself in some Lower City criminal gang where she caused unnecessary bloodshed. We Mandalorians pride ourselves in combat with honor and purpose, not for needless wanton destruction, or violence for violence's sake. She seems to lack understanding of that concept."

    She glances over at Er'gi, who seems to have followed her up here. "Er'gi. I thought you weren't interested in me?" she asks, arching a brow at him.

Jorn (418) has posed:
"I wanted to pet it. I haven't seen one up close before. Pardon my manners," he says about the door and even inclines his head. He hopes that's enough time for a distraction.

"Wasn't her father the one to immediately put us together only to them put us at each other's throats. And I quote, 'You will get that tantrum-prone adiik undcontrol before the tournament,'" and he'll pause for effect. "'Or else -I- will?'" he looks at Ellari. "Isn't that just perpetuating unnecessary bloodshed, too?" he poses out for a moment. Jorn is just making a point an eye for an eye, doesn't make you more righteous than the other. Simply makes you equally violent, even if the methods are calmer.

Athena (159) has posed:
"I agreed to meet you," he says gruffly, "You're the one who suddenly seems disinterested! What's your business got to do with this green armored vod? Not like its your responsibility to take care of every 'disgrace'!"

He frowns at Jorn. "How is a meshgeroya tournament putting one another against each other's throats? If I had it my way, I would have hosted a jousting match, no armor, only weapons!"

Speaking of the happabore, she has somehow managed to worm her way under the fence!

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Who said I had any unnecessary violence planned?" Ellari points out. "I certainly didn't. But consider it a warning...that if you fail, I will do whatever is necessary to ensure that the Duke does not allow this 'party' to undermine House Vizsla's influence by putting the worst possible candidate in the spotlight. So yes, he is also to blame for this."

    She smirks at Er'gi. "Now -there's- an idea."

Jorn (418) has posed:
"Hello to you, too," Jorn says honestly to the disgraceful one.

"If you have to ask a question like that, then perhaps people put too much faith in your intelligence," he looks back to Ellari. "My questions about her remain unanswered," he points out.

Er'gi gets another look and before anyone can ask. "I would have found a threat, or common enemy. Force us all to work together. Let the risk forge bonds, create strife. Afterward then put us in competition. See how long the bonds can be tested. This will create alliances and rivalaries. Future generations can further strife and conflict," because he knows nothing can be completely peaceful nor completely violent in this time.

"Maybe if we had, we wouldn't be so tempted to call each others names or make promises of violence, so quickly," and then shrugs a little bit.

Athena (159) has posed:
"You'd rather have all of us beast fight, side by side? Ha!" Er'gi laughs. "I'd happily let a rancor tear apart someone from House Kast, then slaughter it single handedly," he says with a chuckle. "And Im certain you'll find many others who think the same. I'm certain Ellari wouldn't stick her neck out for those di'kut Von'egel twins unless there was something big as a reward, too."

Volken Mons has posed:
"So..where's the party at!"

Volken's heavy voice booms loudly, intrusively and rumbly along with the heavy weight of his looming footfalls as the helmeted behemoth steps into view and starts treading heavily in the directin of the gathered group, a massive drink in one hand and his helmet off and carried against his flank with his other meaty and exposed tattooed arm.#-1 ARGUMENT OUT OF RANGE
It would seem that the pep talks he'd been given have finally sunken in as his sullen mood is lifting and he's slowly embracing the absurdity of tehse circumstances.

"Ah 'little brother'.." he says upon seeing ER'gi, "Did you come to a decision about my suggestion or are you going to give our little sister the desperate help she needs but is always too proud to ask for?"

He takes a heavy swig of his drink and then approaches, sloshing some of it around messily onto his scruffy face as he looms into view. He seems utterly oblivious of what's being discussed.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "I don't know the reason for her unfettered rage." Ellari admits. "That's a better question for her father. But you asked for history, so I gave what I know. At least, the recent parts. Again, her father is probably the one who knows the rest better than anyone else."

    When Volken comes booming in as he usually does, she regards him with a neutral expression, then smirks at Er'gi again. "Sounds as if you wouldn't stick your neck out for those di'kut either. But perhaps you should for Volken, hm?"

Jorn (418) has posed:
"That choice would still create action. Those that work together would see you as a target, or something for a future threat to mangle. Still creatres the rivalries craves, but can forge bonds, too.

Volk's given a nod from Jorn and then he looks back to the rest of the group for ther ongoing discussion.

"He avoids the issue unconvincingly. That's why I'm asking you.

"I made my choice and I must live by it," he says about the choice of partner.

Athena (159) has posed:
Er'gi shakes his head. He clearly doesn't like Jorn's ideas or suggestions, but he says, "Why don't you suggest it to the Duke, then?" he asks. "He's not a stubborn man when it comes to these things."

He then glances briefly over at Ellari, and is about to comment when Volken appears. "Oh," he says, "Well, I'm still thinking about it," he says, "I like you, but I don't like that House Kast girl, Ryze. She's full of it!" He pauses. "But I'll still buy you a drink --"

However, before either of them can make their way back over to the bar, the very woman they'd been discussing emerges from the happabore shed.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" she says to Er'gi. "Surely, someone as strong, honorable, and pure blooded wouldn't want to be caught sitting next to... a -foundling- like Mons who has barely visited Mandalore over the course of his entire lifetime."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "If I am targeted, that makes them the aggressors, not me." Ellari points out. "And I am sorry that I can't tell you any more, in that case. But perhaps you could try his wife?"

    When Revara comes out of the open happabore shed, she scoffs. "Hiding in the animal pen, were we? What were you hoping to find in there, your conscience?"

Volken Mons has posed:
"You think -Ryze- is arrogant??" Volken nearly bursts into a thundering laugh but only manages a snorting bullish grunt. He jabs a thick finger in Ellari's direction while grinning hugely at Er'gi. "-This- one called the CSF on me because I threw a holonet table at a gang of thugs that were harrassing me!"

Despite the absurd scenario he's describing...he actually seems amused.

"And then--" he pauses ...only to freeze and pause in a mixture of shock as he both sees and hears Revara. This is the first time he's actually seen her and then to hear what she says? Volken's face begins to turn beet red.

"What---you??" He looks confused between all of them and then slowly grows more furious as her worss sink in. "-I stuck my -neck- out for you!" he thunders, pointing now at her, "..It was cause of -me- that you weren't left t'rot in the CSF cells! -I- brokered the deal that got you out of there and -I- helped Khalo Fett try and fight fer your chance to make your own choices and you come out here insulting me like this??"

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn and Er'gi look at each other. "Probably for the same reason you haven't done your jousting flex," and then he looks to Ellari talking about Volken.

Revara gets a look, "Leave her alone. She's part of my House for the competitions," he says firmly not appreciating the chiding and everything else. The green armored man looks between them.

Then there's a pause as he looks to Volken for a moment just taking in everything said. AS he remembers some of the previous actions. And why he has a few non-lethal bits on him.

Athena (159) has posed:
"She thinks she's the best weaponsmith on all of Mandalore," Er'gi says sourly. He's about to comment further about Ellari, but then Reeve presents herself.

surprisingly she does not try to attack Volken. No, instead she takes out her pistol and opens fire on Ellari!

Volken Mons has posed:
"Every armorer and weaponsmith thinks they're the best ones on Mandalore. It's like some sort of inherited trait." says Volken, deadpan, as he looks briefly at the other giant but his attention is drawn immediately towards Ellari as Revara just opens fire right then and there on her.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari manages to sidestep the blaster, a brow going up at Jorn. "See what I mean?" she asks, glancing over at Volken as well. How was -that- for some more history?

    "No self-restraint, whatsoever." A glare is directed toward Revara. "You were the one who rigged that field with mines, weren't you? Who -else- would do such a dishonorable thing except the Duke's -disgraced- daughter? I don't know what you have against Volken, but I'm sure it's as irrational as involving yourself with lowlife Republic -criminals- was." She doesn't fire back yet, but her hand goes to her holster should the attack continue...

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn hates that the best action here is diplomacy. "Revara. What happened with the field?" he wants to hear it from her. She would have the honesty to say. Well, given previous convesations about Volken being the biggest threat in the competition. It's not him chiding her nor is it him going after anyone else. He's trying to figure out the facts. Everyone says it's her, they're very sure it's her. He just wants to hear it from REvara directly.

Athena (159) has posed:
"There are a few," Er'gi comments, "that don't. And I think their craft is actually better than hers!" He watches as Revara suddenly opens fire on Ellari. "Oya, she's a forward girl, don't you think? Might be dishonorable in name, but she has gett'se, at least..."

When Reeve opens fire, the happabore that had squirmed under the fence prior becomes alarmed and starts squealing and running around wildly, upsetting the table the older Mandalorian gentlemen who had been smoking earlier are sitting at. They yelp loudly as the table falls over with a crash. The cantina owner's running footsteps can be heard quickly approaching, along with a strained shout, "... my prize happabore!"

Reeve certainly looks like she is itching for a fight, but when she hears the cantina owner approaching, she reaches for Jorn's arm, "Let's get out of here," she says, "before you get the blame for all of this. Then we can talk." She does not answer his question.

Volken Mons has posed:
"You're not going -anywhere-! You think you get to come up in here, insult me, and then on top of that you planted the mine under my feet, after all I did for you? I'm taking it out of your hide!"

Volken lunges forward, sending one huge arm out to try and grasp for Reevara's neck.

His physique seems to swell, bulking and building up with the fury of his rising rage as his blood boils and his armor strains to contain his immensity.

"I'll put you into the floor just like that mine put me into the ground!"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari arches a brow at Revara when she actually...doesn't retaliate with more attacks. Instead, she starts to retreat. Well that was interesting. And now Volken is the one who appears to be out of control.

    Not that he's wrong, though. Her reasons for having it out for him were illegitimate. She just folds her arms, standing back out of the way of the crashing tables and watches.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn looks toward Reeve. All of the chaos around them, albeit justified. A swirl of various emotions. Anger eminates from Volken and the big guy lunges. All of it justified. So, Jorn has to make a decision. He wants some of peace.

"Calmer minds need to prevail!" and Jorn tries to put himself between Volken and Reeve. It's not that he doesn't think some scale needs to be levied. However, he wonders if something else is to blame. That's what he's trying to figure out. That's the hope, anyway.

Athena (159) has posed:
Revara is taken captive by the massive Mandalorian named Volken. His thick fingers wrap around her neck, and she attempts to wrest herself free. "Jorn..." she manages to croak out, trying to tear Volken's hands off of her.

The cantina owner suddenly appears, and looks none too happy about the situation. "Where's my prize happabore?!" he cries, adding to the chaos of the situation.

Volken Mons has posed:
"Calmer minds?!" Volken's deep voice booms with window rattling pressure behind it as he glares in disbelief at Jorn. He's absolutely -not- calm and his other tree trunk sized arm lifts, ready to try and push JOrn out of the way if need be.

"This chakaaryc tried to -kill me- during the scrimmage, after I put myself out there and was shot at and threatened while trying to come to -her- aid on Coruscant. She'd be rooting in the Republic prisons if it wasn't for me!"

He seems unperturbed and unmoved as Revara bats ineffectively at his arm but to his credit he doesn't start squeezing any tighteer. He doesn't let her go and his arm has effectively lifted her to his own head height and then ihgher, dangling her up at an angle to allow her legs to kick wildly.

"She hurtles insults at me and my house and you want me to be -calm-??" Er'gi and the owner of the cantina dont' even get a glance as the giant Mando stares down Jorn.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "He's got a point, you know." Ellari remarks at Volken's tirade. "I was there." She nods slightly in confirmation of the story he's telling.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Reeve calls out for Jorn and something in him hears that plea. It's not that she doesn't deserve to pay. Just...not like this. Something about this seems savage, barbaric.

That shove causes pain to go through him. And it reminds him of something. "Yeah. I want you to not act like her father and all of the other political people you claim to hate. You play into their game, and at the're no better than Duke. No better than Revara." He pauses for effect, "What would your house say?"

The only person that may not think Jorn is completely nuts is Revara. Jorn knows how to press buttons and with those words, he's clearly trying to press all of Volken's. Why? Because it gets him off of her. Allows cooler heads to deal with that problem. Jorn's just doubtful at how well he could take -this- punch. Honestly, it's probably one of the better plays he has, despite it being a little suicidal.

Athena (159) has posed:
Er'gi comes to stand next to Jorn, arms folded. "Look ner vod, I won't deny you a fight, but this isn't exactly the place for it," he says to Volken. "I just helped my ori'vod here renovate recently and we'd both hate for all of it to collapse so quickly after," he says.

Meanwhile, the prize happabore the cantina owner had just been asking about emerges from behind a table, running full speed towards Volken!

Volken Mons has posed:
"Yes you were there.. It's your fault to begin with!" snaps Volken at Ellari, angry enough for his fury to potentially flip onto her as the full sequence of events is recalled. "You were the one that called the CSF on me and got me landed in that prison to begin with!"

He's enjoyed teasing her and bugging her but he never did 'offiically' pay her back for all of that .. but one annoying Mandlorian woman at a time.

"Are you -trying- to get me to twist you intoa belt for this one to wear, di'kut?" he seethes at Jorn while indicating the other large Mandol present with a jerk of his head. "Because I'm about to! "

Pushing Volken's buttons? It's not the first tactic most resort to and Volken's other hand balls up, slowly forming an immense fist as he glares at Jorn. There's the entire possiblity that, yes, Jorn could get his 'aggro' - resulting in him simply using Revera as a blunt weapon.

Er'gi's boldness does draw his attention though, "I like you, vod." he says towards the other large Mando, "But if you aihnt two compressed Dowutin's -and- a Wookie in that armor of yers, then I'll fold you in half without even----!"


Volken's enraged threat is promptly cut off by the enraged piggy slamming right into his groin. He lets out a griding grunt of pain and fury and -that- indeed does let him let Revara go!

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari arches a brow at Volken. "They caught you?" she asks, looking surprised. "Then you must have let them. Please tell me it wasn't because of -her-." she remarks, glancing at Revara and scoffing.

    When the happabore rams Volken in the groin, she smirks. "Size doesn't always work to one's advantage, I suppose."

    "But I agree, if it's a fight you want, perhaps you and Jorn should take it outside." she suggests.

Athena (159) has posed:
Er'gi tries not to laugh when the happabore steamrolls right into Volken's groin. "This is why one shouldn't be trying to brawl while a wild happabore is loose!" He then walks over to Volken and extends a hand to him.

Revara scrambles to her feet with some difficulty and starts to limp off, hoping that no one will notice, even as Ellari tosses her a disdainful look.

The cantina owner is now trying to wrangle his happabore back into her pen. He frowns at Volken, Ellari, and Jorn. "Who let her out?" he growls.

Volken Mons has posed:

Volken remains doubled over, disorientated and pained enough so that the piggy is able to be get away, chased by the otnwer, before Volken can began the process of getting a pile of meat to store for future feasting efforts.

He hears Ellari but doesn't answer right away and he sees Revara slinking way but seems to have more on his mind at the moment. When Er'gi finally extends his hand, Volken reaches out and accepts it, seemingly well recovered enough though still quite pained from the unlucky force of that impact.

"Yes they caught me, Don't play innocent. I then ripped their cell doors apart. Maybe I -did- let them. That's besides the point!..."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari scoffs at the question of who let the pig out. "Who -else-?" she asks, her gaze following Revara as she tries to slip away unnoticed.

    "What makes you think I had any intention of doing that? You were stirring up unnecessary trouble. But I'm glad you made back home safely anyway."

Athena (159) has posed:
Unfortunately, the cantina owner isn't looking when Ellari glances at Revara slinking off. He's too busy trying to get the happabore back into the pen, and then back into her shed...

Er'gi arches a brow at Ellari and Volken. He seems intrigued. "What's this about now? Is it time for a little ... gehat'ik? Sounds like you two have quite the ruyot, and not all of it happened in Mandalorian space, or even in the Outer Rim! Were you two in Republic space?"

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn will do everything in his power to make sure that animal doesn't wind up to be someone's dinner. Seeing the big guy crumple down is quite a sight.

Although, he will try to slink off after Revara because there are unaswered questions. Yes, others see her walk off, but maybe no one would notice him by proxy. Most are paying attention to a female Mandalorian, a bigger Mandalorian, and the animal that downed the big one.

So, he tries to use the distracted gazes. Track down Revara since she may not be moving so quickly now.

Volken Mons has posed:
"Yes. When I left Mandalore I spent most of my time as a mercenary and went where the work was. Coruscant, Tattooine, Naboo, Jedha... I've even met and got to know two of those sorcerers who are based on Coruscant. a boy and his minder. Both annoying but we destroyd a pit fighting ring together. Good times. I was on Coruscant for business and when in transit toanother location when I got wrapped up in Revara's nonsense. There was a large bounty on her head. I was curious and found out that she was trying to escape her father. This one.." He indicates Ellari, "Wanted to work with Caine to drag her back. Another of ours, Khalo Fett, had sworn an oath to let Revera choose her own path. I agreed with him and got the CSF off of their backs. I see it didn't actually gain me anything."

Volken watches the attempts to get the critter under control with the look of somene figuring out how much bacon and ham he's about to stash but he doesn't make a move yet."

He notes Jorn's departure as well but doesn't pursue yet though it's not out of his mind to do so.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "It was for her own good." Ellari argues, almost interrupting Volken. Although something else he said seems to pique her interest. "Sorcerers? You mean, the Jedi? You met them, and worked with them?" This really seems to surprise her. It was the last thing she'd expect out of him.

    She notices Jorn hurrying after Revara as well. How much more time should he get...

Athena (159) has posed:
Jorn might wonder where on Mandalore Revara has gotten up to, as she does not seem to be anywhere visible or hiding in the vicinity. But then she suddenly materializes out of the bushes about a block away from the cantina and hastily approaches Jorn. If he's hoping for a 'thank you' and a warm welcome, well he'll be caught off guard, as she just attempts to uppercut him instead!

Er'gi's brows raise even higher. "That's... quite a tale," he says, "Venturing to Coruscant for business is risky, perhaps even foolish! And allying yourself with Jedi... don't go around telling people that. You know they don't have a good reputation around here." He glances at Ellari. "What say you, then? Do you think Volken and Khalo chose wisely in wanting to let Revara choose her own path? And if so, why?"

Volken Mons has posed:
Well that's the rub isn't it. Volken -isn't- a traditional Mandalorian by any stretch now is he? And as he recounts his tale and draws surrpise from both Er'gi and Ellari he just looks at them both, expression firm though his anger is fading slowly.

"I do what -I- think is right...not what this place...these rules that have failed so many of us imply or demand. -I- helped those sorcerers...the Jedi...because the woman's charge was being coerced into illegal fighting. I helped htem on Jedha because terrorists were attempting to bomb a feast and I heard about it and was nearby."

He did want to make out with some of the treasures in the temple himself wasn't a practical that goes unsaid.

"I go where I want, when I want to. Naboo, Canto Bight..i've een much while so many around here are just...stuck. Trying to please Houses and leaders that dont' really care about them. I learned that the hard way. That's why I left..."

To the question of Revera he quiets and looks to Ellari, waiting for her response. The irony of Revera assaulting the man that stuck up for him? Well it's good he's unaware of that happening!

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn doesn't see that coming. A few moments after she appears, there's another shut to the jaw. Jorn wasn't expecting a welcome. However, he was expecting to ask how she was holding up. Pose a question. Not a simple strike. So, this does take him back a bit, even before the pain of the strike starts to settle in. He'll need a moment to figure out a new plan.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Far from it!" Ellari exclaims. "That adika is completely unhinged. That's why I said dragging her back home to her father was for her own good. And for everyone -else's-, too."

    She considers Volken's words. "And they did not...scorn your assistance? Or even remark about your heritage?"

    "Leaders who don't care? What makes you say that?"

Athena (159) has posed:
"What's -wrong- with you!" she hisses. "You were -supposed- to recruit Er'gi! Not draw Mons' attention!" She raises a hand, and looks like she's about to clock him again.

"Heh," Er'gi says, then turns to Volken. "So you don't.. or didn't agree with Ellari. What made you think that?"

"And I respect your autonomy, but you have to be careful, especially now that you're back. Plus, Ellari has a point. Why do you say our leaders don't care?"

Volken Mons has posed:
"Maybe I'm holding onto old grudges. My father..." grumbles Volken, before finally stopping mid sentance and just shaking his head.

"I didn't like being a political pawn. I came back because I'm I thought maybe....I could manage a difference in the way foundlings are seen and how smaller houses are caught up in the affairs of the larger ones... But I won't be bound or have my hands tied."

He then shakes his head to Ellari and finally answers, "They did not resent me or threaten me. In some ways they were glad for my presence."

He is silent for a moment longer and then finally admits, "Revara should ahve the right to choose her own fate but she also hsa to pay for the choices she makes. If those choices led to her havint to be brought back here or to fall elsewhere be it. She begged to not be brought back here and Fett had swore an oath to let her have the freedom to make that choice. That's what I agreed with. But here she is, so..." he just shrugs.

Jorn (418) has posed:
"I haven't had a chance to recruit. Especially since my teammate has brought a lot of attention down to me," he tries to shake off the blow even if his head explodes with pain. "You cause chaos and have earned the ire of many," he'll try to give her a headbut with his helmet. "You owe me an answer for what happened. Your Dad even says it's you," he says honestly. "So, what happened?" he asks wanting ot hear it, connecting with the headbut or not.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Huh." Ellari seems both surprised and interested by Volken's answer. "That comes as a...pleasant surprise." she remarks. "What were they like?"

    A brow goes up at his vague answer regarding leadership. "Your father what?" she asks, looking for a more complete answer.

Athena (159) has posed:
Er'gi folds his arms, frowning. "You will only be as involved as you want to be, vod," he says, "no one here is going to stop you from running, unless they're out for your blood over something you did to them or their kin. But you have to ask yourself, is that the honorable thing to do? You are not a man who has to fear much. But you must ask yourself, why -did- you stay away for so many years? It can't have been only because of what you thought you'd be forced into."

He seems satisfied with Volken's answer. "A runaway strill will always return to his owner, eventually," he says. "Speaking of which, the pups were just brought in. Perhaps the two of you would like to accompany me inside to see the litter.."

Revara tries to strike Jorn again, but she misses and strikes a tree instead. She grunts in pain, rubbing her wrist. "There's no such thing as 'haven't had a chance', Jorn," she hisses, "there are opportunities taken, and opportunities ignored. And right now, you're unwisely letting the best chance at winning this tournament pass you up."

Volken Mons has posed:
The immense Mando is silent, not answering either Ellari or Er'gi right away. However - he seems to be listening. So there is that.

Finally, he simply looks to Ellari, "You are awful curious. They were...."

He pauses, as if searching for the word and then finally admits, "...Different, just like we're different. The boy had gifts he could not easily control but...he was not unkind. Nosey and quick to jump in where he should not but...there was no malice or ill intent. He wanted peace and safety. She was...stoic and strong. Ready to wield her weapon. To free others in need and see to her charge. Not afraid of a fight. They were...good."

That said he looks to Er'gi, "I will keep your words in mind and follow you to see this litter. But...uh...where did the others go? To plant more mines, perhaps?"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Well," Ellari begins when Volken remarks that she's quite curious about it. Which, she is. "I have never met one myself, only heard and read about them. Supposedly, they are among our most ancient and hated enemies. But if what you say is true, perhaps they are not so different from us. Strong, honorable, ready for a fight but not eager for one...intent upon caring for the Foundlings..."

    She nods and starts to follow Er'gi. "Do you intend to adopt one?" she asks him, regarding the strill pups. "Are you a hunter?"

Jorn (418) has posed:
"Because everyone is pulling me in directions about your actions. I'm trying to get to the bottom of them. What happened? What did you do? Why? I want to hear your words," Jorn says firmly as he doesn't care about opportunities. It's hard for him to recruit the next person if he's worried about the first member of the team. His gaze on her. "I'm waiting."

Athena (159) has posed:
"Hn," Er'gi says, "I have also never met a Jedi. But they sound like... they could be respectable. However I should not like to be caught uttering such words. You know the groom's family hates them so, especially Kass."

"Even if I am not, why not adopt a loyal companion for life...!" He then heads indoors to where the pups are being displayed.

Reeve grumbles. "This is the worst time possible to bring up my past," she says. "You should be in there, convincing Er'gi at the very least -not- to join Volken's team!"

Volken Mons has posed:
"I tell it like it is. I'm not going to shirk back from the truth because it's an inconvience." remarks Volken, "...But I'm also not stupid. Just direct. I'm sure tehre is a reason he has to hodl his grudge just like I have reasons for mine. That being said, The Jedi -I- met ...were good people...and in my travels I know what others think og -us-. If they don't think us stupid, mindless and barbaric they see us and our culture as entertainment for birthday parties. It souhnds like making assumptions about others is a galaxy wide affair."

Volken does follow after to see the pups however but he continues glancing over his shoulder in search of Jorn and Revara.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari scoffs. She couldn't care less what -Kass- thinks. "I don't care what that osi'yaim thinks. Those Jedi you met are likely more honorable than he'll ever be or ever was. If he wants to drive himself mad over mere comments about them, then he is free to humiliate himself."

    She follows after Er'gi to start checking out the young strills. "I'll take that as a 'yes' then."

Jorn (418) has posed:
"Everyone's saying you attempted to harm people. Recently. Not in the past, but recently. Your Dad said the droids were bipassed and they only bipass those that they're close to. You being one of the few. I wanted to confirm if that was your work , or not. That's what I find pressing," Jorn says firmly as he remembers a conversation with Duke very recently about Reeve. That's not the past for Jorn.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Indeed," Er'gi says, "it is a galaxy wide affair. What a nice thing to say about the Baron, ha! But I'm glad at least I did not make assumptions about -you- ner vod," he says. To Ellari he remarks, "Maybe you're right, but we shouldn't stir up even more disunity. That will displease the Duke. He is trying his best, after all. The meshgeroya tournament was his attempt to do something less violent but still competitive, as was requested by all the guests and the groom himself. Thaelin does love limmie ball..."

Upon arriving inside the cantina, Ellari and Volken will find the strill pups near the back, on a small dais for musicians whenever they were playing live. There's seven of them, and they are as slobbery as they are endearing...

"I did what was necessary!" she snaps. "And I will continue to do what's necessary until the odds are even!" She clenches her fists. "Why can't you see reason?? I'm not the problem, Volken is!!" Then she turns to leave, disappearing the way she came.

Volken Mons has posed:

Er'gi's words seem to calm the larger Mando further and Volken just gives him a nod of acknowledgement.

He's said his peace on the matter and instead he turns his attention towards the Strill pups while resting both of his large hands up against his waist as he looks them over and hangs in the back for now. He still has some of his attention on the exit, keeping an eye out for Jorn and Reveara but their conversation is well out of sight and hearing ....but there's no harm in keeping his eyes wide open considering what happened earlier.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Unity is not the end of all things. If it is under the wrong banner, it can do more harm than good." Ellari points out.

    Upon seeing the strill pups though, she immediately finds herself repulsed by their...excessive drooling, as cute as they are. She makes a face. "Eh, I hope you find a most loyal companion. I...would prefer mine a bit cleaner." At this, she turns and starts to make her way back out.

Jorn (418) has posed:
"You don't do what's necessary. You do what you -think- is necessary. This is where your father failed you. Either he skipped a lesson, or pressed too hard on one. Your extremes are not necessary," Looking to Reeve for a moment. "You're not a problem. It's your thinking. Mandos may need conflict, but you go to extremes to do it. Why?" he looks at her. "We could have brokered peace with Volken. Even if he took the competition, having Volken's house as an ally beats having it as an enemy. Big picture," he says knowing Volken's house is one he'd rather be freindly with than the opposite.

Athena (159) has posed:
Er'gi seems to forget Volken, Ellari and all that had happened upon seeing the pups. He immediately hoists two of them up into his massive arms and starts cradling and sweet talking them. When Ellari makes a derogatory comment about them and makes to exit the cantina, he frowns.

"And what about you?" he says to Volken. "Will you find an undying and loyal companion today?"

Unfortunately, whether Jorn's words have made an impact on Revara or not will remain a mystery for the time being. She spares him a brief backwards glance before she takes off completely, leaving Jorn alone in the alleyway...

Volken Mons has posed:
"I have to work on being able to take care of myself before I can take care of a child, vod." remarks Volken, looking amused at how well Er'gi takes to the pups.

"I'll have t'think about it. I may be back, now that I know they're here..mmm?" So the door is left open for now. He gives a slight wave to the other massive Mando and then turns and begins to step for the exit.